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Chapter 1602 The whereabouts of each team

 Everyone has even started studying how to get the child back more efficiently! After dinner, Jiang Yi called Li Siyu and Aya and asked them if anything happened after they left today!

The two looked at each other and Li Siyu nodded, "After you left, Tang Bing and the others came to find you, but because you left, they didn't say anything. They just said that they must wait for them to come tomorrow!"

Jiang Yi nodded, agreeing, and Aya continued, "One more thing, the team members have been assigned!"

Jiang Yi was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Aya explained, "Today, the base sent people to inquire about the convoy members' options to stay or leave. The guild, alliance, and military have all sent people over. Our group of people has been roughly allocated!"

Jiang Yi also became interested when he heard this: "Oh? How did they choose?"...

In fact, at first, Jiang Yi thought that the Tang family of the White Tiger Army would gather everyone under their command.

However, in the past few days since Tang Bing came back, these people have not been resettled. Jiang Yi understood that obviously, the various forces in the base would not allow the Tang family to do this!

Moreover, Tang Bing may not be willing to recruit all the teams! Aya said excitedly, "Boss, you must not have imagined that this time, the Tang Bing family really gained a huge harvest..."

Jiang Yi listened quietly as they told him one by one what they had assigned today. When he learned the final result, even Jiang Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised!

It turns out that according to Jiang Yi's prediction, these teams may eventually be divided by various forces! Although the result is similar to what Jiang Yi thought, Jiang Yi was a little surprised by the final choices of each team!

First of all, Shi Yong's No. 1 ability user team was formerly composed of soldiers. It is also the team closest to military management among all the teams. Coupled with Shi Yong's identity, there is no doubt that he will join the White Tiger Army!

The second ability user team originally led by Yuan Fei'er was later replaced by Tang Bing due to Yuan Lin's incident and was managed by the former soldier king Hei Wu!

It has to be said that Hei Wu was born for the military. He took over the team of ability users and quickly integrated the entire team with his powerful skills and strength. He eliminated some restless elements from the originally unorganized team.

Leveraging on the relationship with Jinpeng, the team's strength was quickly improved!

At this time, he is also one of the teams that all forces are vying to win over, but Hei Wu is a sentimental man. When Jin Peng was able to help him when he was in trouble, he protected Jin Peng for so many years. Even in the terrible apocalypse, he has never been able to save Jin Peng.
Didn't abandon him.

In the same way, he knew that they owed Tang Bing and Jiang Yi a favor! Needless to say, once the White Tiger Army came forward, even if the treatment was not as good as that of the alliance forces, Black Five did not consider it at all and decisively joined the White Tiger Army...

Because of the special nature of the team, Jin Peng secretly divided the supplies in the logistics team into two parts before entering the base. The most important part was taken away by Tang Bing early! The remaining food and general supplies were brought up.

Handed over to the base!

Due to the special team relationship, most of the logistics team are composed of auxiliary ability users. They are directly divided by various forces. Those with special abilities, such as the flame forger Nan Rongping and the brain enhancer Xu Mo, have special abilities.

All the people were forcefully lured away by the Awakened Guild!

Some wood and water type ability users were also assigned separately according to the characteristics of their abilities. When Jiang Yi heard that Nan Rongping was actually taken away by the guild, he subconsciously became anxious, "What's going on? Didn't Tang Bing talk to Nan Rong in advance?"

Did you say hello to Ping? How could you let him go?"

Jiang Yi knew the importance of Nan Rongping's abilities and could build weapons that were as good as his own black iron-level equipment. With such a talent, how could Tang Bing let go!

Aya and Li Siyu shook their heads. They didn't understand this point. Jiang Yi frowned and didn't understand it for a moment! He could only continue to listen to Li Siyu. When he heard that Ding Xuebo actually joined the alliance, he couldn't help but be stunned. This kid

His strength is not weak. Apart from his arrogant personality, he is definitely a pretty capable person!

Moreover, his subordinates are all a group of energetic young people, and the average age of capable people is not more than 20 years old!

They are the youngest team of capable users in the entire team! Although age has nothing to do with apocalyptic awakening, it is undeniable that the younger you are, the brighter your future will be!

The awakening of ability users is related to their physical constitution. The stronger the body of a person who has been exposed to the rain of evolution, the greater the chance of awakening his ability. The first batch of zombies are basically people who are in poor physical condition or are too old.

And even if they have all awakened, the younger the person, the more powerful their abilities will be!

Moreover, someone in the base has already discovered that the older a person with abilities is, the more difficult it is for them to advance!

For example, a zero-level ability user who is less than twenty years old only needs ten corpse cores.

It is enough to advance, and if you are an ability user in his fifties, even if he is physically strong, the corpse cores consumed in order to advance must be at least fifteen or sixteen years old, and when breaking through, the older you are, the higher the success rate.


This also shows how valuable a young team like Ding Xuebo is. Jiang Yi thought he would definitely join the military, but he didn't expect that this kid would actually join the alliance!

"I know the reason. I heard people say that Ding Xuebo's father was a gangster before the end of the world, and now he seems to be a leader of the alliance." Wan Yi interrupted. He also went to watch the fun today, so he heard this from others.


Now I heard that the master was confused, so he said it! Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that Ding Xuebo actually had such a background...

If this is the case, it is normal. But if Tang Bing knew about it, he would not be in a good mood! "Captain Chen Xinxiang has also joined the alliance, but she seems to have no background and is simply attracted by the treatment of the alliance!"

Li Siyu thought of something and continued. Jiang Yi nodded, "It's not surprising. The core figures in Chen Xinxiang's team were a group of mixed society people before the end of the world. You also know that they are used to being loose and can't adapt to the life of military management. So.

I’m not surprised at all that they would choose the alliance!”

When everyone heard what Jiang Yi said, they all nodded in agreement! Along the way, they already knew what kind of people each team was like.

Chen Xinxiang is not a bad person, but before the end of the world, her subordinates were a group of people who collected protection money and opened nightclubs! They were the most disobedient and often caused trouble in the motorcade.

It's just that Jiang Yi's powerful strength deterred them from disobeying the convoy's orders, fearing that they would really be driven out by Jiang Yi. So as soon as they arrived at the base, they had already planned the way to go next, rather than being driven out by the army again. Control, they would rather continue to occupy a small territory and develop independently, so they can be free and at ease.

"The only ones left are Hui Yu, Senior Wenjun and Dongfangtian's team." Aya continued. Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, especially when he heard the name Dongfangtian, he subconsciously clenched his fists...

No one noticed Jiang Yi's emotional change. Wan Yi said excitedly, "Boss, did you know that Brother Li and Brother Xiao have both joined the White Tiger Army?"

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "It's okay. There are so many people around them. They can develop faster by joining the White Tiger Army. With their strength, I believe they will be in the army soon."
A rising star!"

Everyone nodded, but their expressions were a little uncomfortable! After all, they wanted the two of them to be with them! Now that they have joined the army, they will not be able to see them casually in the future.

As soon as they arrived at the base, there were fewer and fewer friends around them! Tang Bing was busy contacting the senior management for follow-up, and Guo Hanxue was taken home! Now even Li Huiyu and Xiao Wenjun have their own things to do, which makes everyone I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart!

Jiang Yi didn't think much about it. After all, the White Tiger Army was Tang Bing's backer. With Tang Bing's relationship, they believed they would not suffer any loss! What's more, with them here, Tang Bing would have four more powerful forces. Jiang Yi can also feel more at ease...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi looked at Li Siyu, "Dongfangtian, where has he gone?" Jiang Yi's tone was a little cold!

I am extremely looking forward to Dongfang Tian making the choice he wants. In that case, I can attack him openly!

But Jiang Yi was destined to be unable to realize it. When he heard that Dongfang Tian had actually joined the military, but it was not the White Tiger Army, but the Phoenix Army, he couldn't help but snorted! This guy is not stupid, obviously he also understands, I have no intention of letting him go yet!

Therefore, once he chooses to join the alliance and build his own team, Jiang Yi will have countless opportunities to kill him with his own hands!

Therefore, no matter how high the salary offered by the alliance was, he would choose to join the military without any hesitation! Only with this identity can he guarantee that Jiang Yi will not take action against him!

Moreover, he did not join the White Tiger Army because he also knew that the White Tiger Army was managed by the Tang family, and Tang Bing, Xiao Wenjun and Li Huiyu were all particularly close to Jiang Yi.

If he also joined the White Tiger Army, he was afraid of being suppressed by them! So he simply chose the Fenglin Army! The Fenglin Army is also one of the three armies in the base, and its strength is even higher than that of the White Tiger Army. This is all because there are only three in the base. One of the purple-gold level ability users is in the Phoenix Scale Army.

Therefore, joining the Phoenix Scale Army is the best choice for him...

Zhao Ting is a member of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family has tentacles in both the military and the alliance. Logically speaking, Zhao Ting will have no problem no matter what choice he makes, but Zhao Ting made a bad move in the end.

Because he abandoned the ordinary team members and left alone with the ability users, even if his father tried hard to restore his image later, he could not get a good reputation back. No one who was left behind was willing to accept the Zhao family's kindness and win over.

They joined other teams on their own!

This chapter has been completed!
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