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Chapter 2228 Community Cleanup

 Jiang Yi patted the tiger’s head and said, “Go!”

"Ouch!" The tiger threw away Jiang Yi's hand in dissatisfaction. He narrowed his eyes at Jiang Yi and walked slowly towards the community... Jiang Junyi looked at Jiang Yi's order!

At the same time, as the two battalions turned on the recorders, marks representing their locations also appeared on the map!

After a moment of silence, he looked at Jiang Yi, "Captain, can you tell me about your deployment?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "Our mission this time is to recover Huaying Garden and ensure that the roads in the four directions are smooth. The entire mission will not end until tomorrow!"

So what I mean is to clean up the camping area first, and use the first battalion to cut off the flow of zombies, so that no more zombies will enter the community!

Let the remaining battalion clean up the inside of the community with peace of mind! After the cleanup in the community is completed, we can spread out around the community with the community as the center! Don’t worry about the rear, just pay more attention to the north so that no more zombies rush over, our mission is over

It’s done!”

Jiang Junyi thought for a while and had to say that Jiang Yi's plan was very risky! First of all, their troops were not many and they were scattered. Once one side was in danger, the two battalions would not be able to form support, which would probably cause a large number of soldier casualties!

He opened his mouth to remind Jiang Yi of this, but when he saw Jiang Yi's bright eyes, he swallowed back the doubts that came to his lips!

Gritting his teeth, "Captain, I will go to the front to provide support now, and I will have to trouble you to look after me in the community!"

Jiang Junyi knew that this was Jiang Yi's first time leading a group in a battle. If he directly denied his plan, he might be a blow to Jiang Yi. Then they would have to be more careful!

Fortunately, this time, there are four platinum level and above plus the white deer. If you are careful, there shouldn't be any big problems!

Jiang Yi nodded, agreeing to Jiang Junyi's request! In fact, the reason why Jiang Yi dared to make such a decision was not just hot-headed nonsense!

But as soon as he arrived here, he fully launched the "God's Domain"! He knew the distribution of zombies around the community clearly!

Although the number exceeded Jiang Yi's expectation, fortunately Jiang Yi did not find high-level zombies, and the strong ones were only a few fourth-level zombies!

Because of this, Jiang Yi planned to separate the two teams and complete two tasks at the same time! Although it is a bit rash, but with King Bai and his own care, it is not a big problem!

In order to reduce losses, we can't swarm them every time. That will not have any effect on improving the combat effectiveness of these soldiers!

Jiang Junyi drove away. Jiang Yi smiled. Jiang Junyi's fighting style
Too conservative, safety is the first factor in everything!

It wouldn't be surprising if this style was applied to an officer in his forties or fifties, but Jiang Junyi seems out of place at such a young age!

But Jiang Yi also understood that Jiang Junyi was scared! Within a few months of the end of the world, the personnel of the Eleventh Regiment changed, and almost no veteran could survive from the time the regiment was formed until now!

Every time Jiang Junyi faces so many familiar faces dying in front of his eyes, he can still hold on to this day, which is considered strong. If it were him, Jiang Yi might not be able to bear it and would have a mental breakdown...

However, although Jiang Yi understood him, he did not intend to lead the troops according to Jiang Junyi's ideas. The current Eleventh Regiment is different. Now that he is here, the Eleventh Regiment will also undergo different changes!

The first is to improve the combat effectiveness of each soldier! Even if this process will be very cruel and a certain number of sacrifices will be eliminated, it is also an inevitable process!

Soldiers who survive will become stronger and have a greater chance of survival when facing future crises!

No matter how painful the momentary sacrifice is, it must be experienced. Only after the baptism of life and death can soldiers truly be reborn!

Blindly protecting them ended up harming them. They lost the ability to save themselves when faced with danger, thus turning the 11th Regiment into a nest of bear soldiers...

Jiang Yi was about to enter the community when he suddenly turned around and looked at the three trucks driving quickly behind him. He couldn't help but smile, "You came just in time!"

"Captain!" Wang Shanzhi was sitting in the front of the truck. When he saw Jiang Yi standing there alone, he couldn't help but wave and shout! After Jiang Yi waited for the three trucks to stop, he looked at the people Wang Shanzhi had brought over.

Compared with the previous soldiers, although these fifty people are also wearing combat uniforms, their momentum has obviously dropped a lot!

Fifty people, all with uneasy faces and frightened eyes, showed no military spirit at all! Jiang Yi even discovered that there were actually seven or eight ability users among them!

But even they are no different from ordinary soldiers. If they take off their skin, they are just ordinary people!

Wang Shanzhi quickly ran to Jiang Yi and said, "Commander, Wang Shanzhi of the Siwu Camp will lead the team to report!" Jiang Yi nodded, "They came very quickly!"

Wang Shanzhi smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Because the road has been cleared along the way, we didn't encounter any dangers on the way!"

Jiang Yi nodded, "Okay, now let me tell you the tasks that the Siwu Battalion needs to be responsible for. These people you lead must complete them!"

Wang Shanzhi immediately stood upright excitedly and said, "Please give the order, commander!"

Jiang Yi nodded, "First, the Siwu Battalion is responsible for cleaning up the battlefield, including corpse cores and living supplies, all collected by the Siwu Battalion!"

Wang Shanzhi's eyes were filled with light, and so were the soldiers behind him!

When they thought that they didn't need to fight at the front, they only had to pick up the spoils at the back, even if they had completed their mission, everyone suddenly became happy! Jiang Yi glanced at their expressions and couldn't help but sigh!

In the apocalypse, even among soldiers, there are many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. But this is normal. Jiang Yi can't require every soldier to be brave and good at fighting. As long as these people can complete the mission, it is enough...

"Secondly, Battalion Commander Wang, you are responsible for the food and water needs of the two battalions of soldiers in this community! At the same time, replenish the ammunition of each team at any time! The task is a bit heavy, but this is the task that the Divisional Service Battalion is responsible for, and it must be

Done, understand?"

Wang Shanzhi's face was serious, "Don't worry, captain, I promise to complete the mission!" But the more than fifty people behind him had bitter and frightened expressions!

They thought they were only responsible for harvesting the spoils of war, but now why are they even responsible for sending ammunition supplies to the front line?

However, they also know that they no longer have the right to refuse. Since joining the Siwu Camp, Wang Shanzhi has clearly told everyone that this is their last resort. If they fail to complete the task, they will have no choice but to be persuaded to quit the regiment!

Not only them, but also their families, relatives and friends can no longer stay in the protected area of ​​the 11th Regiment!

Hearing this news, the soldiers who chose to join the Siwu Camp were really shocked! The reason why they joined the army was to have a stable place to settle their families!

At that time, many people only took a fancy to the security of the military's Western District!

But they ignore that after becoming soldiers, they will face the most dangerous mission. But by now it is too late for them to regret it!

And these people also give the troops a lot of headaches. They are timid and fearful of promises. Even if they hold a gun, they dare not shoot at the zombies!

Such soldiers not only cannot be a help, but will also become a burden to the army.

This is why Jiang Yi received enthusiastic support from the soldiers of the four battalions after he established the Siwu Battalion!

Get rid of these cowards in the team, there will be no more hindrances
, these warriors will be more powerful on the battlefield...

Of course, these people don't really think that they can rest easy after quitting the combat camp, right? Although they don't have to fight, the battlefield still has to go on!

Jiang Yi has already thought about what the Siwu Battalion has to do! Basically, apart from fighting, the Siwu Battalion is responsible for everything else!

This time is also the first time to test the results after the establishment of the new camp. According to the results, rectification will be carried out in the future!

Of course, the service soldiers don't need to worry about this kind of thing, it's enough for them to know how to execute the order...

After Wang Shanzhi received the mission, he also understood that this was a test given to them by Jiang Yi!

There are less than sixty people, who are responsible for both logistics and front-line supplies. Whether they can complete it depends on whether these people are willing to work hard! Immediately issue an order to the team

At the same time, three trucks transporting supplies also drove into the community!

Wang Shanzhi didn't even bother to say hello to Jiang Yi. He personally led a team of ten people, each carrying a box of ammunition weighing a hundred kilograms, and went straight to the 22nd Battalion, which was already engaged in battle outside the community...

Although Jiang Yiren was standing in the open space, everything around the community was reflected in his mind. While observing, he walked into the community. Xu Cunlei and Bai Wang, with a team of more than a hundred people, were cleaning up the area around the community.

Zombies on the road!

At the same time, every certain distance, set up defenses in places with suitable bunkers, leaving a team of soldiers behind to prevent any more zombies from coming in!

Although this method is good, Xu Cunlei only has more than 170 people under his command. This method directly leads to a shortage of follow-up manpower! But obviously, Xu Cunlei also knows this, so he doesn't care about the streets on the south side where there are fewer enemies!

Block off the north side of the second ring of fence...

Block the zombies from the north road as much as possible!

The sound of gunfire continues!

Although the number of zombies was astonishing, they fell in pieces under the fire of hundreds of guns, unable to break through the defensive line!

Even if there were occasional high-level zombies that rushed over, they would be quickly killed by Xu Cunlei and his several ability masters!

Soon, there was a large backlog of corpses in front of the battle line, and the stench quickly filled the air...

Although the zombies gathered in the community are much less than outside, they are extremely scattered! Huaying Mingyuan is not small, with more than 40 residential buildings alone. It is impossible to clean them out in a short time with Xiao Wenjun's battalion.

It’s just a fool’s dream…

This chapter has been completed!
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