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Chapter 2337 Another accident

 Jiang Yi's understatement also made the officers behind him feel a little nervous. They all know supernatural powers, but none of them can do it as freely as Jiang Yi!

The most important thing is that Jiang Yi has shown three different powers, which made them horrified to find that they knew nothing about many things about the man in front of them...

Jiang Yi didn't realize that the eyes of these people looking at him had become nervous and serious. He showed his power and mystery in front of everyone!

The conversation that followed seemed to become relaxed all of a sudden, but this relaxation was only for Jiang Yi. On the other hand, the people behind Tang Zhenghu and the others looked at each other without anyone noticing, with seriousness in each other's eyes.

and surprise...

It was confirmed that Jiang Yi indeed had the ability to kill such powerful zombies independently, and everyone believed a lot of what he said. Many things that Jiang Yi described that were impossible for them became less illusory.

After hearing Jiang Yi describe everything that happened in the early morning, everyone was silent! .??.??

There is a dark cloud in my heart...

It's so scary. Who would have thought that there is an anti-human laboratory organization hidden so close to the base? What is the purpose of their research? Who is behind this kind of experiment?

Jiang Yi did answer some of their questions, but more questions followed!

For a moment, everyone was numb with worry. Such a terrifying force was hiding in the dark. To everyone, it was a nuclear bomb that could explode at any time!

Once it explodes, humanity will most likely face an extinction disaster...

Just when everyone was filled with sorrow, suddenly the door behind Jiang Yi was pushed open, and Cheng Qianyi rushed in anxiously, holding a copy of the latest information in his hand, walked to the table, and handed it to Tang Zhenghu!

Tang Zhenghu looked immediately, his face suddenly turned livid, "Damn it!" Everyone looked at him, and he handed the document to the Military Commission Ye Qi!

Ye Qi looked very ugly after reading it. He immediately looked at Tang Zhenghu and handed the document to Li Kaifeng, "Commander Li, you must send troops immediately to minimize losses!"

Li Kaituo took the document and after reading it, he immediately stood up. Several people behind him also stood up in response. Li Kaituo responded to Tang Zhenghu neatly, "Yes!"

After saying that, he turned around and led the people out. Jiang Yi was confused. When Li Kaifeng left him, he looked at him with a meaningful look. Jiang Yi felt that he seemed to have a complicated mood when he looked at her?


In the end what happened?

Fortunately, Jiang Yi was not confused for too long. After Li Kaifeng and his party left, Tang Zhenghu looked at Jiang Yi and said, "I just got the news that the troops sent to Anhua Hospital for excavation were suddenly attacked by several powerful monsters. These...

The monster crawled out from the underground ruins of Anhua Hospital! As soon as it appeared, it attacked our soldiers crazily, and the team responsible for the finish suffered heavy losses!"

Jiang Yi's breath froze. How could such a thing happen? Jiang Yi was sure that before he left, there were no powerful zombies underground. How could there be any zombies alive or even crawling out of the ground in such a terrifying explosion?

Ye Qi's face no longer had much gentleness, and his expression was heavy. "Jiang Yi, the monster that attacked us is very similar to the monster you described soaking in the experimental dish before. It is completely like a combination of humans and animals!"

"What? This is impossible!" Jiang Yi was shocked. Could it be that the unformed monsters left in the laboratory had escaped?

But he clearly sensed that although those monsters were alive, their aura was obviously weak and not enough to pose a threat to people!

When the basement exploded, a lot of glassware would have been damaged. Without the support of that nutrient solution, those monsters wouldn't have been able to survive at all, right?

But how could he still crawl out alive and already have the strength to threaten humans? Jiang Yi's face looked a little unsightly. If he had known this, he should have put more effort into destroying all those monsters!

"Zhongting ordered our White Tiger Army to send troops to kill those monsters and not let them break out of the siege! These monsters grow rapidly. Once they are given time to grow, they will definitely become a serious danger to people's safety in the future!" Tang Zhenghu said in a deep voice!

For a moment, the atmosphere of the people in the room became thicker. This task was really difficult. Fortunately, Commander Li Kaifeng personally led the troops. I hope there will be a good result!

"Damn it, these people were so clever. When they found out that Jiang Yi had broken in, they retreated without hesitation and triggered the self-destruction device in the basement. Those who didn't escape in time died directly underground without giving us any trace.


Chu Tianba blushed and roared in a muffled voice. After saying that, he glared at Jiang Yi so hard that Monk Jiang Yi couldn't figure it out!

Please, sir, you can be angry when you are angry, how can you glare at me?

What do you mean? Jiang Yi is in a depressed mood. But after all, he is the chief, so Jiang Yi still doesn’t dare to fall out on the spot!

"Okay, Lao Chu, what's the point of talking about this now! If the laboratory is blown up, there is a high probability that the contents inside will not be dug out. This is the purpose of those people. Even if they are discovered, they will not leave anything behind for the base.

Any chance of tracing!" Ye Qi saw Jiang Yi's face and smiled to smooth things over!

When Jiang Yi heard what they said, he couldn't help but rub his nose. "That's not necessarily true!" Everyone was stunned, and Tang Zhenghu's eyes lit up. "Jiang Yi, what else is your kid hiding? Don't show off, tell me!"

Jiang Yi hurriedly explained, "When I arrived, I found that not only had the timed detonation device been activated, but all the instruments and computers in the laboratory had been destroyed by them! I thought that they would not forget to destroy the machines when they retreated. I am afraid that some of these instruments

There are some things that cannot be discovered! So I simply brought out most of the instruments!"

After listening to Jiang Yi's words, everyone was stunned. Liao Long, the commander of the third division next to Chu Tianba, also raised his head and said meaningfully, "In other words, although the laboratory is buried, the contents inside are still there."

The thing is actually already in your hands?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "I can't tell you everything, but most of the things in the houses I passed by were put away. I was just wondering if I could find some evidence from these things!"

"Haha, good boy, you always give me a big surprise! After this incident is over, I will personally ask for credit from you!"

Tang Zhenghu wiped away the grievances he had felt before. He had been led by the nose by an unknown enemy. This made Tang Zhenghu, who had been fighting all his life, extremely frustrated. Now he suddenly got such good news from Jiang Yi, which immediately made him feel guilty.

A feeling of elation!

Of course, this does not mean that the things Jiang Yi brought back will definitely come in handy, but in any case, they have finally come back. The base has many talents in this area. Tang Zhenghu does not believe that these people can still bring all the people together.

The intelligence was destroyed without revealing any clues!

"In this way, I will ask someone to designate an area later. You hand over all the things, and I will apply for repair and verification!" Tang Zhenghu reminded Jiang Yi happily!

Jiang Yi nodded. These instruments were worthless to him. They were brought back to the White Tiger Army as evidence!

Jiang Yi understood that the reason why this matter happened to the White Tiger Army was all because of himself!

But although it is a big trouble, if the real truth can be found out, for Bai
For the Tiger Army, this is definitely a great achievement!

After all, the earlier the conspiracy of this anti-human organization is discovered, the earlier it can be prevented...

The atmosphere in the room was finally not as depressing as before! After Jiang Yi filled in the gaps and told some details, Liao Long looked at Jiang Yi curiously, "Jiang Yi, do you know who is behind this laboratory?"


Everyone paused, how could Jiang Yi know? But based on their understanding of Liao Long, they also knew that he often had some wild ideas!

"I..." Jiang Yi opened his mouth, looked at Liao Long and said, "I don't know. Everything I know has been reported to the leaders. I haven't found anything else."

Liao Long touched Hu Di and nodded, "Really? I thought you could find something."

Chu Tianba snorted coldly, "What can he find? He acted without permission and in the end he didn't even catch anyone alive. The other party's plan was so meticulous. I'm afraid they had discovered him before he even entered, so he was able to do it immediately."

Retreat." As he said that, he gave Jiang Yi a fierce look!

Jiang Yi almost fainted from anger. Is Chu Tianba blaming himself for not reporting it immediately and acting without permission to save people?

"Okay, Lao Chu, what are you talking about? Jiang Yi did this to save people as soon as possible, and he has already notified the army. But if he hadn't taken the first step in time, I'm afraid the laboratory would have been destroyed by the time the rescue team arrived.

Everyone inside has been emptied out a long time ago, and even those innocent victims may not survive!" Ye Qi glared at Chu Tianba and said a few words for Jiang Yi!

Chu Tianba just shut up and stopped talking!

Jiang Yi glanced at this man. Jiang Yi was sure that this was the first time he saw Chu Tianba, but this guy was targeting him from the beginning.

Always finding fault with himself, how did he offend this teacher...

"Isn't it possible?" Jiang Yi suddenly thought that he had made a big fuss at the Military Supplies Department before, but later got a vague information from Jin Peng, that is, the unauthorized misappropriation of the basic survival supplies of the 11th Regiment was approved by a division commander.

.If you reveal this matter yourself, you will definitely offend that teacher. Could it be the teacher Chu Tianba in front of you?

If so, then the reason why this guy has been targeting himself has been found!

However, even if Jiang Yi had some guesses, he would not be able to raise the question here. Commander Tang obviously trusted Commander Chu very much, and he could not embarrass Tang Zhenghu...

This chapter has been completed!
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