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Chapter 1440 Remains

 "For those who have been here before, where have they been?"

Song Yiming gestured at the four different shapes.

Si Xiang lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly turned his head and looked towards the side of the temple.

Song Yiming looked around and saw that there seemed to be a passage on one side of the temple.

So, he walked over.

You can see that the passage is connected to a stone room where items are placed.

It looks similar to the one on the second floor, but everything here is well preserved.

Moreover, they all look high-end.

It is estimated that these things are the relics that the Bai family really wants. ??

There are also some medicine bottles inside, with very strange words written on them, which should be secret texts from the Holy Religion before.

Song Yiming couldn't understand it, so he naturally had no interest in these relics.

He looked around the stone chamber and suddenly noticed that the height of this stone chamber was only the height of an ordinary first floor.

But the temple outside is three stories high.

For such a huge project, it stands to reason that it would be impossible to carve out another space just for a single stone chamber.

That is to say, this stone chamber was originally part of the temple.

Therefore, its height is definitely not more than one level.

Thinking of this, Song Yiming immediately observed that the gaps above his head seemed to fit perfectly.

Sure enough, in the corner of the stone chamber, two obviously worn stone bricks were found.

He directly drew out the blood-devouring blade and swung it out, instantly pushing aside one of the stone bricks, revealing a dark, narrow hole.

"This passage must have been left by the craftsmen who built it for escape."

"They knew that once the main tomb was completed, they would not be able to leave alive."

"In order to save your life, you will definitely leave an escape route."

Song Yiming speculated.

After pushing away another stone brick, he climbed up to the entrance of the cave.

"Just wait for me outside, I'll go in and take a look..."
Song Yiming did not forget to say something to Si unlike.

Si Bubu screamed and then lay down on the ground.

After Song Yiming turned on the powerful flashlight he had brought with him before, he saw a smooth upward ramp in front of him, just enough for one person to enter and exit.

The passage should also be connected to the top of the main tomb chamber.

This is also the only way to escape without being discovered.

Song Yiming followed the slope all the way up. After climbing about seven or eight meters, he entered a crossing passage.

He continued to climb for almost five meters, when suddenly he stepped on something and made a hollow sound.

He immediately turned around and looked at it. It was obviously a stone brick inlaid in a hidden groove.

After using the blood-devouring blade to dig open the stone brick, a chilling chill rose from below.

I saw a huge tomb below, with many white marble coffins placed there, but I couldn't see the number clearly.

Song Yiming removed all the stone bricks with hidden grooves, revealing a hole the size of a person.

After confirming that there was no danger in the main tomb, he jumped directly into it.

The whole view of the main tomb chamber also comes into view.

The main tomb is about two stories high.

Although there are no natural luminous pearls for illumination, the lampstands on the surrounding stone walls are burning with faint blue flames, as strange as hellfire.

This kind of flame can actually burn to this day. It should be refined from some special material.

The main reason is that the temperature in the tomb has been low for a long time, and there are some signs of ice condensation around it.

There are a total of thirteen coffins in the main tomb chamber, twelve of which are symmetrically arranged horizontally.

The only one placed vertically is located at the front of the main tomb, indicating that the person buried in this coffin has the highest status.

He should be the first generation Holy Lord.

There are many stone tablets erected around these coffins.

Song Yiming walked to one of the stone tablets. The fonts engraved on this stone tablet obviously had a long history, and some were even replaced by pictographic runes.

However, he can probably guess the content above.

The cipher text on some stone tablets is abbreviated.

For example, there is a summary of the life of the eighth Holy Lord, as well as some historical events related to the Holy Religion of that era.

Therefore, these stone tablets are also the epitaphs of the holy emperors of the past dynasties.

Song Yiming probably compared the epitaphs on every stone tablet. Regardless of whether he understood it or not, he quickly discovered a very confusing point...??.

That is, none of these epitaphs mentioned anything about the Tianwu bloodline.

Because according to the logo painted on the front, this Tianwu bloodline is painted with a graphic of blood power.

It stands to reason that the Holy Lords of the past generations are also the inheritors of the Tianwu bloodline, so they will definitely show their performance.

What they are most proud of should be this bloodline issue, after all, it represents the orthodoxy and inheritance of the Holy Religion.

Of course, Song Yiming still didn't know at this time that not all Holy Lords would awaken the Tianwu bloodline.

This is another reason why the Tianwu bloodline is gradually withering away.

For example, the Bai family, as the family that protects the Holy Religion, their role is to find outstanding women to pass on the bloodline.

As an institution in the later period of the Holy Religion, the Secret Pavilion is equivalent to the law enforcement department within the Holy Religion.

At this moment, Song Yiming suddenly heard a strange noise. He looked subconsciously and realized that the strange noise came from the coffin of the first Holy Lord.

He hesitated for a moment, but walked up anyway.

I have never heard this strange noise before.

Song Yiming listened subconsciously.

I found that the strange sound was like the beating of my heart.

Could it be that the first Holy Lord from thousands of years ago still
not dead?

Is so-called immortality really possible?

This is outrageous even thinking about it!

Of course, Song Yiming felt that this kind of thing would definitely not happen.

It may be because the internal and external environment has been changing subtly for thousands of years, and there is also the so-called principle of thermal expansion and contraction.

Suddenly, the strange noise stopped.

Song Yiming didn't pay much attention.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to do what those tomb robbers did and open all the coffins to find the so-called answer.

Anyway, these things are all remarks that he thinks are ridiculous.

Since there is no clue about Tianwu's bloodline in this main tomb, there is no need to stay any longer.

Soon, his eyes turned to the closed stone door of the main tomb chamber.

This stone door is the real entrance to the main tomb chamber.

Just open the stone door and you can leave directly.

But he still planned to go back to the temple first. After all, the four-faced beast was still there.

Since Si Xiang had the jade plaque left on his body, and now he met him again, it meant that there was fate.

The most important thing is that he doesn't understand the situation, his father's thoughts at the time, and the thoughts of the dying old men in the Secret Pavilion.

By the way, he suddenly forgot one detail.

The three old elders of the Secret Pavilion said before that they once entered the third floor of the tomb and stopped moving forward.

Then there must be some problem...

Just as Song Yiming was thinking, the main tomb chamber suddenly shook.

The earth's crust in the Western Region should also be changing subtly!

Immediately afterwards, in front of Song Yiming, the white marble coffin lid of the first Holy Emperor inexplicably slid open a small part, and he could vaguely see an intact body inside.

Moreover, the remains were actually glowing with a strange red light, blooming like blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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