At noon, Chen Feng returned to Villa No. 8 for dinner.
Because Chen Xiaoxia still didn't come back to Hongshu Bay at noon, Wu Mengting was also at Villa No. 8. When Chen Feng came back, she and Sun Xiaorui had already returned from get off work and were waiting.
The two women didn't ask him where he went last night. They just chatted with him about the company as usual during the meal.
Among them was the appointment of Han Shipei as the public relations specialist. Lu Sijia and Wu Mengting were a little embarrassed about Chen Feng suddenly arranging such a woman to join the company, and she was also a female public relations officer.
The previous part is a preview. For bosses who have subscribed, you can see the official chapters after refreshing in an hour and a half. I was also forced by the pirated board. I hope you understand and forgive me. Those who have subscribed will not be billed repeatedly.
Dear readers who are reading at this time in the morning, in order to express my apology to you, the official chapter will have more words than this chapter, and there will be no charge for the extra words. This is just a little note for you.
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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The previous part is a preview. For bosses who have subscribed, you can see the official chapters after refreshing in half an hour. I was also forced by the pirated board. I hope you understand and forgive me. Those who have subscribed will not be billed repeatedly.
Dear readers who are reading at this time in the morning, in order to express my apology to you, the official chapter will have more words than this chapter, and there will be no charge for the extra words. This is just a little note for you.
Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed
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Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to all users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or qq to read and subscribe. Those who have subscribed will not be duplicated.
Billing. Due to special reasons, this site will no longer carry the content of this book from now on. As a result, some chapters are missing. We apologize to our users for the inconvenience. For genuine content, please go to Qidian to read or subscribe to qq. Those who have subscribed