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Chapter 467 Coming from the South (Part 2)

 Wanyan Luqi nodded repeatedly, opened a stone slab in the corner, and took out a few sets of replacement clothes and trivial belongings.

The two of them didn't say much, and immediately changed their appearance, put on their clothes, took some belongings, and hid a jug of wine underneath. The two opened the jug and poured some on themselves, causing the smell of wine to overflow.

The Mongols were brutal and rude, and they knew nothing about the city operations of the Han Dynasty. Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi were not afraid of them. However, Shi Moye, a Khitan who recently served as Daru Huachi in Beijing and actually controlled Dading Prefecture, was

He is a smart and capable person.

Just now, the Mongols slaughtered the village and left, but Shi Mo also dispatched men to clean up the village first and then allowed his subordinates to seize the deceased's belongings as additional subsidies.

These days, there are many bandits on the way of caravans. Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi are quite brave, so they carry a few fine weapons produced in Shandong with them for emergency use. However, when they arrived at Dading Mansion,

In order to prevent the Mongols from discovering any flaws, both of them acted with bare hands.

Several swords and two bows are usually kept by another hidden stake in the caravan, the Han cook Xiao Mu, and are piled together with his bone-cutting knives. But this can only be hidden from ordinary people. Shang

Now that the army has been massacred, Shi Moya will pay attention to it if he takes a quick look at it when the soldiers under his command divide the property.

Since Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi arrived in Liaodong, they have been ambushed and in danger many times, but in the end they were all resolved. And the repeated close calls made them much more alert than ordinary people, and more intelligent than ordinary people.

Understand the tyrannical approach under Mu Huali's rule.

If the officials of the Kingdom of Jin were here, they would see three to five swords and a few strong bows. They would just pretend they didn't see them and just fool them.

Mu Huali, on the other hand, did not mind causing trouble when he governed the place. Although he was a Mongolian, he was very studious, so he often kept investigating one or two things. Therefore, the officials under his rule were also like this, but some

If the wind blows early, they will definitely trace it immediately.

Therefore, time is very tight and there is no room for delay.

At that moment, the two of them changed into their ragged clothes and disheveled their hair. One of them held a basket in his hand, and the other held a fork in his hand. They staggered onto the street. They couldn't walk too fast, as they would attract attention if they walked too fast.

; Don’t walk too slowly. If you go too slowly, you won’t be able to grab the short time before the sword, gun, bow and arrow are discovered.

For a moment, the two of them felt nervous, and sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Fortunately, most of the passers-by were in a panic. Some people ran towards the area where they were slaughtered, while others staggered away because their ankle bones were weak. No one paid them any attention.

In just half a moment, these two drunken men rushed to the east gate. Before leaving the city, Zheng Rui slammed twice on the Xumizuo of a stone tower, touched a hand of ash and smeared it on his face.

The people on duty at the city gate did not know which of the Han soldiers was responsible for controlling their subordinates. Because Shi Mo had also been in charge of the army first, even if they had nothing to do, they would check everyone who came in and out one by one, very carefully.

Of course, Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi couldn't take out the talisman for the caravan to enter the city. If you show it, you can escape. If you dare, there will be cavalry out to chase them. It's really difficult to distinguish the pros and cons.

So when the soldiers asked, the two of them spoke loudly, clapped their chests and shouted: "Abandama, you will never miss your words!"

This is a Khitan language, which means that we are your servants and have just sobered up.

The soldier came closer and took a look. He smelled a strong stench and the smell of alcohol. He felt a little disgusted. He took two steps back and shouted: "What are you doing out of the city?"

Zheng Rui continued to shout: "Bosu! Bosu!"

Zheng Rui was also born in the Northern Xinjiang Army. He was very fluent in Jurchen, but his newly learned Khitan language was not very good. "Bosu" means drinking, which is completely wrong.

Wanyan Luqi punched him hard and grinned: "Bote! Bote!"

"Bote" means fishing.

Zheng Rui nodded repeatedly, raised the iron fork in his hand, and shouted: "Chi Wa Bu La! Chu Gu!"

Of these two sentences, the former is in Jurchen language and the latter is in Khitan language, both of which mean to hit or poke.

For hundreds of years, the Jurchen, Khitan and other ethnic groups have gathered around Dading Prefecture in Beijing, and their languages ​​are often similar. When Zheng Rui spoke, the words of the two ethnic groups were spoken at the same time, which was in line with the habits of the local people. Look at the iron fork in his hand.

, which is also used by local people for fishing.

It's not that fishing nets are not used here on Beijing Road, but the emperor issued a decree during the Dading period that fishing with nets was not allowed in the winter months for fear of running out of fish, so the Jurchens often used this iron fork.

The soldier didn't notice anything was wrong, waved his hand and let them go out.

The two of them walked outside the city. Seeing that the guards guarding the gate were not paying attention, they were walking faster and faster. They ran out of Lixu in one breath. They heard a sudden clang of gongs inside the city gate, and soldiers came from both sides to seal the gate. They thought

It was a scandal that happened.

The two narrowly escaped death and couldn't help laughing.

After laughing twice, I felt that I was still too close to the city and had to get further away quickly.

After walking for more than ten miles in one breath, Zheng Rui turned to smile ferociously: "Let's walk another two miles to Baimukou. There is a newly built building there, which only needs three or five veterans to maintain it, and there are two horses. It's just right.

Let’s kill people and seize horses!”

Both of them are battle-hardened warriors, and they can kill like ferocious beasts even with their bare hands. They have just killed several other caravan companions. Although they were suppressed for a while, their hearts were filled with rage, and they were looking for a chance to vent their anger.

Wanyan Luqi immediately agreed, and the two quickened their pace.

Not far away, there is a three-way intersection ahead, with Qijinshan to the north and Jianzhou and Xingzhongfu to the east.

Although Mu Huali also recruited refugees and restored people's livelihood in Dading Prefecture, the Mongolians had no concept of agriculture and could not help but feel for the stones when crossing the river. Therefore, the local desolate situation was not significantly alleviated.

Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi were walking on the road. They reached this point in one breath. They didn't see any travelers, cars or horses. The fields on both sides of the road were deserted and unkempt. Therefore, the two of them became bolder and bolder as they walked.


At this time, the two of them stood at the intersection and suddenly heard the sound of hoofbeats rolling from the north, as if a horse team appeared.

Generally speaking, the sound of horse hooves can be heard very far on the plains in winter, and the sound is loud and loud. In fact, it is still quite far away, so the two of them ignored it and continued on their way.

Unexpectedly, every horse in the cavalry team is a one-of-a-kind horse, and the riders on the horses are extremely skilled in riding, and everyone seems to have grown up on the back of a horse.

At this time, the horses lost their temper, whinniing and neighing, coming as fast as lightning, like clouds and fog. The team was beside the two of them in a blink of an eye. The iron hoofs trampled on the ground, the sound shook the heaven and the earth, and the smoke billowed, obscuring the sight.

The two of them were unable to stand firmly, so they quickly covered their faces with their hands and dodged backwards. They retreated straight into a ditch on one side of the road, where they were slightly protected from the choking dust.

Wanyan Luqi coughed several times before taking a breath and holding back tears. He complained casually: "The slaves from there are so unscrupulous, I..."

As soon as he said this, Zheng Rui covered Wanyan Luqi's mouth and pushed his whole body into the ditch.

Wanyan Luqi was also alert and knew immediately that something was wrong. He stopped moving and the two of them were like clay sculptures and wooden bodies, leaning against the dead grass and shrubs on the edge of the ditch.

A moment later, the sound of hoofbeats sounded again. But this time the sound of hoofbeats was so loud that it was so deafening that Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi both doubted their ears. They felt that it was not the sound of hoofbeats, but the sound of hoofbeats.

The sound of the tide deep in the ocean.

They soon saw the source of the tidal sound. To the north, under the gloomy sky, leaden clouds carried huge waves roaring towards them.

As their vision gradually became clearer, they knew that it was not clouds and huge waves, but thousands of cavalry and at least multiple horses.

Tens of thousands of war horses galloped, dyeing the entire wilderness within sight black. Among the huge black waves, countless metal helmets and shining spears rose and fell, like waves flashing against the sun.

of light.

At first, Zheng Rui and Wanyan Luqi stood with four legs in the cold water. When the cavalry team ran, the water surface trembled and rippled. As the cavalry team advanced, the two subconsciously kept leaning forward.

The entire upper body was submerged in the water, with only the eyes, ears, mouth and nose exposed.

The cavalry passed right above their heads, their savage and ferocious demeanor becoming more and more obvious, making the two of them breathless.

As the horses' hooves trampled, clods of soil fell, splashing the dirty water on Zheng Rui's face. Zheng Rui didn't mind the fishy smell at all, he just rolled his eyes and looked up.

This angle is right facing the sun, so the running knight looks like a dark silhouette.

The stimulation of the light made him shed tears quickly. But he still tried his best to open his eyes wide in order to see clearly.

"The Mongolian army is indeed here."

Zheng Rui whispered amid the roaring hoofbeats.

"This is the marching state of the Mongols. Just past was Tanmachi, and now passing by is Huoerchi who is carrying a long and short bow and a quiver. Since Huoerchi is here, the main force of the Mongolian army should be here

Nearby, maybe Genghis Khan is nearby too."

"The horses that the Mongols ride are generally taller and taller than before. They are all war horses captured from the herdsmen of Changzhou, Fuzhou and Yunnei Prefecture. There are more than 200,000 horses. They are all tall and powerful. They have been trained since childhood.

, able to obey orders and fight in war without fear, now it is all in the hands of the Mongols."

"And their weapons. Those swords, guns, bows and arrows are becoming more and more sophisticated. In addition, from the packages carried on the horses, it is obvious that they contain armor. Looking at the exposed armor leaves, some are leather armor, and most of them are

It’s the ring beetle and the willow beetle.”

"There are so many armors!" Zheng Rui couldn't help but sigh.

He squinted his eyes and found that Wanyan Luqi had hid his nose, ears and mouth in the water. Apparently he didn't hear what he said. This Jurchen's face didn't look good either.

In the past few years, the imperial court had lost nearly a million troops at the hands of the Mongols, especially the Meng'an Mou Ke Army, which was the foundation of Dajin. It can be said that its backbone was broken.

When the million-strong army collapsed, they abandoned countless pieces of equipment, a huge number of war horses, and even thousands of craftsmen. These were the assets accumulated by the Jin Dynasty after hundreds of years of founding, but they were completely inherited and used by the Mongolian army.


What is the total number of the Mongolian army? Probably a thousand households in the early 100s, or about 100,000 people.

Previously in the military academy, Guo Ning gave a special lecture.

Therefore, Zheng Rui knew very well that if the supplies that had been brought to the grassland were distributed to every thousand households, how abundant and wealthy they would be. It could no longer be described as adding more power to a tiger, it could be said to be completely transformed.

The Mongols are ten times more ferocious and willing to die than the Jurchens, ten times more tenacious and ten times more durable than the Jurchens, and a hundred times more flexible than the Jurchens in tactics. Many Ding navy officers have seen this, and are deeply afraid of it.

When such a powerful enemy is equipped with weapons and ordnance that are ten times more comprehensive, war beasts that have been rare since ancient times will emerge.

This kind of army is different from the 6,000 households under the command of the Fourth Prince Tu Lei outside Haicang Town, and the 4,000 households under the command of Chen Nayan on Huanglonggang. They have completely digested the plunder taken from the body of the Kingdom of Jin

With the nutrition and additional sharp minions, its combat effectiveness will be doubled!

The Mongols are indeed coming...

But I don’t know whether it was Hampyeongfu Road or Zhongdu Road that was the first to be unlucky this time.

But I wonder if their coming south this time will cause any obstacles to Shandong? Does Guo Xuanshi have any means to deal with it?

Zheng Rui was in a daze for a moment, but Wanyan Luqi carefully turned his face and found a branch covered by dense vegetation on the other side of the ditch. He gently pulled Zheng Rui's arm and slowly moved there.

Zheng Rui quickly followed.

This chapter has been completed!
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