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Chapter 77 The Great Chaos (Part 2)

The hot blood and powerful beating heart brought huge power. Guo Ning was devastated, killing two people in an instant.

How could the other guards and soldiers expect to face such a fierce opponent?

There was a general who was rushing behind the big Han general. Seeing that the situation was not good, he ducked and rolled to the side of the road.

Guo Ning was capable of killing, how could he be allowed to run away? He kept riding his horse, reached out and picked up the long knife of the previous guard, twisted his waist and turned sideways, and threw it with all his strength.

The long knife whined and whirled at high speed, like a silver plate flying by. The blade passed horizontally across the back of the man's neck, and there was a sound of tearing muscles and bones. The man's head hung forward, and the wound

The blood surged like a fountain, and the body fell motionless.

The remaining guards and soldiers screamed loudly and fled in confusion. Some even became weak under their feet and stumbled into the ditch beside the road.

Chen Ran and Rui Lin rushed to each other: "Lang Jun, where are we going?"

The fighting scene in front of him could not be ranked among the countless battles that Guo Ning had experienced. Therefore, Guo Ning was not particularly excited and just killed the enemy step by step and broke through the obstacles.

Outsiders may think that he fights with brute force and swiftness. In fact, in his own opinion, this kind of fighting is no different from a game of Wen Ping; it looks like the light of the sword, but in fact every move of the enemy is based on his prediction.

Next, if it fits the section.

These days, Guo Ning has become more and more stable in controlling his subordinates. He uses money, victory, and friendship to win them over, suppressing the restlessness in the hearts of these defeated soldiers to a minimum, and keeping these thousands of people as quiet as possible

, waiting for the opportunity that will surely come.

But at the same time, he maintained the character of a warrior, and was not afraid to use drastic measures or do any major things that would shock the world.

Yes, the Jin Dynasty still had elite soldiers and generals, a vast territory, thousands of cities, and huge forces at its disposal. The majesty of the court was still in people's hearts. So some big shots wanted to deal with Guo Ning and others.

You can take action immediately.

But facing this situation, Guo Ning didn't feel afraid at all, and even felt a little hopeful.

Because Guo Ning had experienced repeated battles with the Mongols, he had long been accustomed to chasing, running, breaking through, and fighting. He was also the best at judging the timing of advance and retreat on the battlefield.

Because Guo Ning knows better than anyone else that the Great Jin Dynasty has decayed and is running towards its end. Under the prosperous appearance of Daxing Mansion in Zhongdu, the body that should be strong will burst when poked, and pus will flow out from the inside.


Because of this irreversible decay, the Dajin court had to tolerate warlords like Hu Shahu, and also hoped to use Hu Shahu's power to scare others. And Guo Ning...as a real warrior, would it be easier to handle than Hu Shahu?

Guo Ning and Tu Danyi met today. Although the two sides only spoke a few words, they already understood each other's general requirements.

Tu Danyi is fully capable of providing political cover in the court, and the responsibility that Guo Ning needs to bear is nothing more than to be an evil tiger that stretches out its claws at any time, thus forcing Wanyan Gang's forces to be wary and provide Tu Dan with

Yi's followers forced themselves to make a living... It's an easy thing.

At this moment, Guo Ning is willing to tell the nobles in the court how weak the central capital city they occupy is, and what a real evil tiger can do!

Thinking of this, Guo Ning whipped up his horse and urged his horse to rush into Zhangyimen Street first.

This street crosses the most important commercial district in Zhongdu City. Even though it is dusk, people are still coming and going on the street.

Several officials crossed the street surrounded by the shouts of the clerks; a group of caravans wanted to leave the city before the city gate closed and return to their home base outside the city; the diligent waiters were busy making simple arrangements at the door of the wine shop

Tables and chairs are provided for diners to eat. In the corners of bustling streets, there are also homeless people who don’t know where they came from, kneeling and begging.

Earlier, there were loud shouts of killing from the direction of Changui Gate. Many people didn't know what was going on and hurriedly ran away. People from wine shops and shops on both sides of the road, and even bored people from other streets came to inquire. Many people at once came to inquire.

Mixed with each other, crowded into a group.

When Guo Ning and others rode wildly, the people along the way split like waves. However, as soon as the four or five cavalry in front left, hundreds of cavalry and more infantry rushed behind them, shouting for help.

Catch and kill...the situation is like throwing a lot of quicklime into boiling water.

The whole street was in chaos in an instant. Some people fell down in the crowd, some were yelling, some were pushing, some were panic-stricken, and some were crying for their fathers and mothers.

At this time, Guo Ning, who was crossing Ximagou Bridge, suddenly reined in his horse.

Zhao Jue and others did the same without hesitation.

The elite armed guards behind them continued to chase after Tu Shan Jinshou's furious shouting.

This troop numbered more than two hundred. Due to the dense flow of people on Changyimen Street, they could not spread out and had to form a long queue. The knights at the front had already rushed to Ximagou Bridge, and the infantry at the rear were still there.

Not far from Changui Gate, people who were in the way were kicked and beaten to disperse the people who were in the way.

The dozen or so riders who were at the forefront all had good horses, and they all wore luxurious brocade robes. They were the capable warriors of Tu Shan Jinshou.

Seeing Guo Ning and others rushing back to the city, the dozen or so riders thought that they must be riding wildly and hiding in the alleys of deep houses. In order to avoid disturbing the nobles in the city, they pursued them very actively.

Unexpectedly, Guo Ning and others immediately stopped on the bridge?

Are these thieves afraid and don't dare to move around, or what? Are they stupid? Stunned?

The knights didn't care to think about it, and quickly drew their swords. The person at the front shouted loudly: "If you are wise, quickly abandon your weapons, dismount, kneel down and surrender! We will give you a good pleasure!"

As they spoke, they shot out a few more arrows.

Guo Ning ducked and let an arrow pass, and said easily: "I will be the vanguard, Rui Lin on the left, Chen Ran on the right, and Zhao Jue behind with arrows to cover. Charge once and kill them... Be quick, charge only once and you'll be done"


The knights all said: "Yes!"

The four men shouted in unison to urge the horses, and rushed back like a whirlwind.

Guo Ning and others charged down from the bridge, and the power was particularly fierce. Zhao Jue, Rui Lin, and Chen Ran were all top fighters. When the two sides collided, the first few knights of the armed guards seemed to be thrown into the rapids.

Like dead leaves, swirling and tumbling to the ground.

After a knight landed, he discovered that his chest had been stabbed with a huge gash, and a long knife was trembling in the gash.

The knight was frightened and angry, and roared loudly. Unexpectedly, a mule in the thorn was frightened and rushed over recklessly dragging a cart full of goods.

The wheel of the cart was running over the knight's chest and abdomen, squeezing his internal organs out of the wound.

A large amount of blood was splashed everywhere, and the young scholar who came from the Prime Minister's Palace was nearby and was accidentally poured all over his head and face.

The scholar felt the fishy smell assaulting his nose, making him feel like vomiting. He quickly closed his eyes and raised his sleeves to wipe. After wiping twice, he suddenly heard the sharp cry of a child not far away from him.

The scholar opened his eyes and looked around twice, only to realize that there was a three or four-year-old baby lying on top of the goods piled in the big cart, crying heartbrokenly.

Is there a chaos in the street and this child was left behind? If he fell from the goods, would he die?

The scholar didn't care about anything else and hurried over to help him. Unexpectedly, the garlic under his feet hung on the body of the knight of the armed guard, causing him to fall to the ground.

At this time, the door hit the stone steps beside the road, and the fall was a bit heavy. The scholar's nose was bleeding, and his forehead was scratched, and he felt dizzy.

He is a well-educated man, and he behaves calmly and calmly on a daily basis. He is rarely in such a state of embarrassment. He tried his best to support the ground, and when he was about to lift himself up, four more iron hooves stepped on the ground in front of him. It turned out that someone was urging the horse to come over and grabbed the robe of the child's vest.

, put him in front of the scholar.

The scholar hurriedly looked up and saw that the person who saved the child was actually the evil tiger. In the blink of an eye, more than ten horsemen who had faced the evil tiger had all fallen off their horses and died.

With such brutal fighting, the people on the street were all frightened and fled desperately to the streets and alleys. For a moment, the whole street became empty, and the large group of pursuers behind them rushed towards them, getting closer and closer.

Guo Ning patted the little kid on the head, straightened his back and stood up.

To him, this was just a matter of course and not worth thinking about at all.

At this time, Ni Yi drove his horse over excitedly, holding a few copper oil lamps in his hand. They were hung by nearby businesses on the bamboo poles at the head of Ximagou Bridge for lighting. They were very elegant. It was the time when Guo Ning was fighting.

Inside, Ni Yi gathered up all the oil lamps and was careful not to let the lights go out.

"Lang Jun, what's the use of these?" Ni Yi asked.

Guo Ning pointed to the high wall not far behind Ximagou Bridge. It was the high wall on the outer edge of the imperial city. There were some faint figures on the high wall, as if they were looking into the chaos of the outside world; the rolling palaces behind the high wall

The balcony looks even more magnificent in the setting sun.

"Throw it in." Guo Ning ordered briefly: "Just put it on fire."

"No way!" Du Shisheng and the young scholar screamed in unison.


This chapter has been completed!
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