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Chapter 790: Excuse me (Part 2)

Everyone in the cavalry team whipped their whips, beating the horses and running wildly. The horses' hoofs trampled on the turf, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.

The sentinel knight at the front turned his horse back slightly and danced the small red and white triangular flag representing the number of enemy troops in his hand like a windmill.

As he was looking in the direction of the general's flag, the cavalry whirlwind seemed to be passing by, and a familiar voice asked: "What did you find?"

The sentry rider hurriedly caught up and said: "My lord, the front of the Song army has gathered at the edge of the city, but the Chinese army has not yet formed a formation! Their rear army is coming from Zhuxian Town. I guess it is because they are urging the supervisor to provide food and fodder for the accompanying army!"

"How many people are there in the Chinese army? How many cavalry? How many infantry? Are they hostile to us?"

"About five thousand people were walking along the official roads on the left and right sides of Akicang Town. Most of them were infantry, with no more than a hundred cavalry. Beside each group of infantry, there were people holding small crimson flags, all with flags.

Hold high, urging the march!"

This sentry cavalry officer saw very clearly, and he also understood the command rules of the Song army. It turned out that whenever the Song army marched, each team would send an informant to hold a flag and march beside it. If the army wanted to stop, the small flag would lie horizontally;

If the army accelerates forward, the small flag will be raised straight; if the small flag keeps swinging sideways, it will be a reminder that the enemy is about to be encountered.

Song Jun has not yet entered a state of high alert at this time. It seems...

Guo Ning galloped for a while, and the anger in his heart faded a little. He murmured to himself: "What happened in Kaifeng City is really weird?"

The sound of hoofbeats rumbled and deafened the ears. Ni Yi raised his voice and asked: "My lord, what should we do?"

Guo Ning sneered and shook his reins: "The people of Song Dynasty will not dare to stop me. The soldiers will continue to follow me forward!"

There was such a fire in the city of Kaifeng, and the Song people could not escape the blame no matter what. The two families were about to fall out, but the Duke actually said that the Song people did not dare to stop it?

Ni Yi and his companions exchanged glances, somewhat doubtful.

These personal guards did not see Yelu Chucai yelling and scolding from behind, but how could they not know that Zhou Guogong was in a critical situation and risking his life at this time was really due to the change in the situation and had no choice but to do so? At the moment, everyone urged their horses.

, vaguely gathered Guo Ning in the center of Gai, and each held weapons, preparing for a fierce battle.

When the cavalry approached rapidly, the Song army became obviously nervous. Many people shouted to signal the cavalry to stop, and some people stretched their bows and nocked arrows, making intimidating gestures.

Ni Yi and others looked at Guo Ning frequently, but Guo Ning seemed unaware and only focused on urging his horse.

The next moment, the cavalry suddenly crashed into the Song army's formation. Everyone was prepared to be knocked over by the torrent. Several knights galloping at the front even subconsciously closed their eyes because the cavalry crashed into the formation.

Although the momentum seems alarming, there will still be heavy losses, especially those responsible for breaking up the queue. In all likelihood, they will be hit continuously. The knight is destined to fall from his horse and die, and the horse will inevitably suffer broken muscles and fractures.

But this did not happen.

The cavalry was getting closer and closer, but the Song army went from surprise to bewilderment, from bewilderment to chaos. Their marching column instantly collapsed, and the cavalry of the navy seemed to be like a dragon entering the sea, with only waves breaking in front of them!

It is said that this Song army is the elite of the Southern Dynasty. However, it was dispersed by Li Ting once before. Now it should be more vigilant, but it was dispersed by Guo Ning again. Are they all using silver pewter spearheads?

The knights were all overjoyed.

At that moment, the Ding navy cavalry advanced in waves. Although they did not use weapons, their power was no different from that of a charge. After the Song army in front of them was dispersed, they moved forward along several roads at the same time.

Ni Yi held a big ax in one hand and planned to kill several Song people who dared to block him at any time, firstly to ensure the safety of the coach, and secondly to show off his good martial arts skills that he had practiced hard these days.

But the Song people gave way to the left and right wings so quickly that he didn't get a single victory. He just rode his horse and charged happily throughout the whole process. Looking at the route taken by his own cavalry, he only saw a few Song people's misfortune.

The egg was knocked over by the iron horse... The impact of the horse was so powerful. These people were dead, but in the case of a collision between two armies, what is this loss?

After rushing for a while, he suddenly became nervous again and couldn't help shouting: "My lord, why are the people of Song Dynasty so incompetent? Be careful of fraud!"

"Don't worry, go to the city first!"

Guo Ning was confident. He gave a simple answer and raised the reins with one hand. The green horse leaped up and jumped over a Song soldier who fell to the ground.

In the past two years, Guo Ning has summarized his battlefield experience and confirmed it with the military books he read at hand.

However, after summarizing for a long time, most of the things I came up with were based on the scattered experiences of veterans. They filled in the teaching materials for military academies in various places, but they were not popular with everyone in the art of war. Guo Ning himself confirmed one thing, that is, Guo

Although man is regarded by the outside world as a god in using troops, in fact, on the contrary, he is extremely clumsy in using troops.

There are a lot of military books written by the ancients, and they have extracted every word of the art of war. But when Guo Ning was actually fighting on the battlefield, he couldn't think of which chapter or sentence to apply. And the words and phrases in the military books could make him feel sad, but in fact only clumsy speed was the only one.

Two words.

The so-called clumsy speed comes from Sun Tzu's Art of War. It refers to the time when attacking on the battlefield, or when there is a lack of wit, but if you make a quick decision and respond quickly, you still maintain the initiative.

Since Guo Ning raised his army, he has always been at a disadvantage in battles and suffered losses many times. However, he was able to overturn the situation and turn defeat into victory every time. He relied on lightning-fast decisions and crisp responses.

At this moment, if an ordinary general is leading the troops and finds that the position of the friendly forces is doubtful and a large number of his own troops are trapped, he must first convene his staff to discuss, carefully analyze the situation, choose an appropriate response strategy, and even deploy troops.

Generals must also be safe and not fall into the enemy's trap again.

After going through such a set of procedures, when the real means of coping are finally implemented, most of the day will have passed.

But Guo Ning only needed half a moment from decision to action.

His decision may not be correct, but it must be fast enough. His actions are too bold and unscrupulous, but fortunately he is fast enough!

Any plan of the enemy, from formulation to implementation, from implementation to feedback, and then to adjustment, all takes time. Whether the Song people and the Jurchens had colluded in advance, or whether they were like-minded and hit it off on the battlefield, Guo Ning's actions only required

If you are fast enough, you can interrupt any enemy's plans and regain the initiative!

Guo Ning's decision was absolutely right.

When he led his cavalry to drive forward, the Song people he faced were almost in a state of complete ignorance, and most of them just got out of the way. Those who had failed to intimidate them with their bows could only curse at most.

Why is the navy so rough?

There were even a few groups of elite soldiers who kept a tight order and ran all the way, far away from the marching route of the Dinghai Cavalry. Many soldiers of the Song Army looked at the cavalry passing by like the wind with complicated expressions.

Previously, Zhao Fang led his army to the north, saying that Shi Xianggong was determined to cooperate with the Zhongdu court of Jin to wipe out the Kaifeng rebellious party. This was obviously an internal strife in the Jin Kingdom, and the Song army was just intervening as an outsider, so Li Ting

When the troops rushed into Nanxunmen, the Song army officers did not dare to stop them, and there was no need to stop them.

Later, fire broke out in the city. It is said that the Jin army that entered the city fell into the fire scene arranged in front of the garrison. It had already burned out a horrific scene like hell. The soldiers were very lucky. Many people felt that if our army had been so strong just now,

If you rush into the city, you are afraid that you will be burned to death.

After a while, an order suddenly came from the front, saying that all the ministries should step up the march and enter Kaifeng. Besides the military order, there were also rumors that Grandpa Zhao and someone from the Kaifeng court were about to reach an agreement. After entering the city, our army would immediately control the outer city.

Door, be prepared to confront or even fight with Ding Haijun...

Such an order was a bit ridiculous for most of the Song Army soldiers. For a while, no one could figure out the reason behind it.

This Song army dared to penetrate deep into the borders of the Jin Kingdom and attack the city of Kaifeng. Its backbone officers and soldiers were undoubtedly heroes, and they were not comparable to ordinary thieves and armies. And the heroes of the Song Dynasty had one thing in common, that is, they were obsessed with women.

Real people harbor intense hatred.

Zhao Fang was able to gain great prestige in the Jinghu area because he was one of the few officials in charge of the local military and political affairs who was a militant. He was also one of the few generals among the militants who could really lead troops to fight.

The soldiers had followed Zhao Fang and defeated the Jin army that went south many times in western Beijing, Jinghu and other places. It was really a fire and a battle before they got the opportunity to go north to threaten Kaifeng.

How many people are excited about this and can't sleep at night? How many people are thinking about cleaning up the old mountains and rivers from scratch? Today's army is heading towards Kaifeng, and the soldiers generally have the idea of ​​​​killing the Jurchens, and they have long been prepared to die in battle.

Previously, our side sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, which was a clever strategy; but suddenly they said they were joining hands with the Jurchens in Kaifeng...

Listen to what these words are saying? Is Grandpa Zhao crazy?

If Zhao Fang could have an hour or two to explain himself during the march, with his prestige, he would be able to explain the principles of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism thoroughly, and persuade the soldiers to give up their own hatred for the benefit of the Song Dynasty.


Even if Zhao Fang himself had no time to come forward, he could at least send an order to reward the soldiers to boost their morale. The Song Army has always been in the habit of taking money with one hand and fighting with the other, and the ministries under Zhao Fang are not exempt from this custom. Everyone is a soldier and takes money from others.

He knows how to eliminate disasters with others. If he really wants to receive a reward, whether he feels happy or not, he will be prepared to be hostile to Ding Haijun.

But now, there is nothing!

That being the case, if the wolf-like and tiger-like cavalry of the Ding Navy come again, who will resist them?

Meng Zongzheng, who was in charge of commanding the Chinese army, first pulled the Shenjin army directly under his command from a distance to the side and occupied a high slope to watch.

The Meng CCP leader who was stationed outside Nanxun Gate saw that his old father had no fighting spirit, and the navy was approaching with great ferocity... What could he do except rush to the city to report the news?

He shouted: "The Ding Navy is here! They are all cavalry, and more than half of them are armored and cavalry. They must be the elite of the Ding Navy!"

Zhao Fang, Xuan Zhen, Hou Zhi and others in front were all surprised.

Xuan Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "It's so fast? We just trapped Li Ting and his party, don't they know they are afraid?"

Hou Zhi shouted to his companion: "Go and close the city gate!"

Zhao Fang grabbed Hou Zhi's robe and said, "You are in the city. Do you have any other arrangements to retreat the enemy?"

Hou Zhi shook his head repeatedly.

Zhao Fang turned to the Meng Communist Party: "Take my personal guards to block the city gate! No matter what, we can't let the soldiers and horses of the Ding Navy come in... Even if we use weapons, we have to block them! No, no, I will personally take command.


When Zhao Fang took off and ran back, the Ding navy cavalry had already rushed to Nanxun's gate.

Without Zhao Fang's order, the Song Army officers and soldiers gathered here knew the key to this place and could not let Ding Haijun forcefully pass through again and again. However, Ding Haijun's running momentum did not allow them to stop them calmly. When everyone looked at each other, a man

The archers of the Song Army with beards strode forward, drew their bows and nocked arrows to shoot.

His shooting skills were very good. When he raised his hand, an arrow whistled past Ni Yi's ear. The arrow cluster hit the edge of his helmet and bounced away loudly.

These Song people are really taking action! They are seeking death!

Ni Yi was stunned for a moment, then became furious. He raised his ax with his backhand and rushed his horse forward.

Ni Yi's riding skills can only be considered average among the attendants around Guo Ning. But after countless battles with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, he naturally has his own unique methods.

At this time, he clamped the horse with both legs and knocked the horse's belly with his heels. The horse neighed and ran wildly. A distance of more than ten feet passed in an instant. The momentum of the horse was superimposed on the sharp ax in Ni Yi's palm, immediately forming an extremely terrifying killing power.


The war horse ran past the bearded archer, and the heavy ax blade cut off the back of the bow, cracked open the body, and the sound of crushing bones erupted at the same time. The archer who was the first to shoot at the Dinghai navy cavalry was filled with angry blood and sprayed out for an area of ​​ten feet. He was still stunned.

He stood upright, but was cut in half from his shoulders to his waist.

With one strike of the ax, Ni turned around and looked at Guo Ning.

"Take the city gate immediately!" Guo Ning said solemnly: "Don't hold back!"

Hundreds of knights behind him responded in unison: "As you command!"

This chapter has been completed!
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