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Chapter 983 Torrent (Part 2)

Genghis Khan stood in the big tent and looked at the subordinates who had not seen him for a long time as they slowly came in. He noticed that several familiar Qianhu Nayans were stumbling around and looking very old.

Mongolians, especially the Mongolian nobles, grew up eating beef and mutton, so they are generally strong. Even if they are a little older, their physical fitness is not worse than that of ordinary young people in the Central Plains. They can gallop and walk like a tiger. But they Aging also comes very suddenly, as if at a certain point in time, the energy and energy pour out of the body all at once.

Genghis Khan noticed the old faces of several thousand families among them, and wanted to know his own age. He thought that a western expedition took several years, but Guo Ning, the leader of the Han country in the south, was still young.

He laughed twice, ignored his old friends who were walking up tremblingly, turned around and asked:

"How many people can be mobilized now?"

At this time, other tents adjacent to the Golden Tent were crowded with the messengers and the Bichachi who were responsible for the documents. The messengers whispered and handed arrows of various colors to the Bichachi. Then he would wave his hand's brush or quill to quickly record the summed up figures, and then from time to time he would bend down, approach the big tent with his forehead almost close to the ground, and report the numbers to the glued mountain in the corner of the big tent.

It has been nearly a year since Genghis Khan transferred the Ninghe Chongshan from Tuo Lei. In this year, he organized the cowardly Bichachi people well and replaced the original ones with Huihui and a small number of Han people. The Mongolians greatly improved work efficiency.

Because of this meritorious service, he himself secured the position of Lu Huachi and gradually became an indispensable subordinate beside the Great Khan.

Hearing Genghis Khan's question, the two Bicha Chizhan knelt down tremblingly, not daring to make a sound. Nian Zhongshan calmly opened the book and took a look at it, and then said: "The Great Khan ordered me to count the troops arriving on the grassland five days ago. At this time, Bichachi has only returned halfway, so half of the numbers are accurate, and the other half were previously calculated in Huolan Bashi. Now, after a few months, there may be changes."

"You tell me."

Adhesion Chongshan Road: "After deducting the troops left behind in Bukhara, Samarkand, Yulong Chijie and other places by various departments of the Mongolian army, and deducting the many thousand households left behind in the grasslands, there are still 67,000 soldiers in the headquarters. Three hundred and fifty-five people. There are 4,193 people divided into the left and right wings. There are 153,842 Khams, Sarats, and Kipchaks on the left and right wings. Among them, there were more than 23,000 armored men, and more than 49,000 horses accompanying the army. After the army crossed the Huoran Bay, the Uighurs and Dangxiang people who came to seek refuge one after another were less than 10,000 capable of fighting, and the rest According to the wishes of the Great Khan, these people were directly listed as Borul and went to work as coolies along the way."

Genghis Khan's grasp of the military strength of his subordinates was never as accurate as this. Even when the tribes were divided into thousands of households, some of the thousands of households deliberately concealed their strength because they were enemies of Genghis Khan. A few thousand households could raise an army of two to three thousand; some with a thousand households had followed Genghis Khan on consecutive campaigns, and only one cavalry man could be raised in four or five tents.

After Genghis Khan conquered Hezhong, Khorasan and other places, due to Tuo Lei's repeated suggestions, he began to send many powerful Nayan to serve as Daru Huachi in various places, thus dividing them again from his subordinates Qianhu. Under the direct control of the Great Khan.

It took more than a year for the army to return to the grassland, and it was more than a year for Nie Zhongshan and others to be busy with this. This was also the reason why Genghis Khan gave her enough power, and she also got the help of Tuo Lei Ming and Dark, otherwise the Mongolians in each thousand households would not be able to I won't pay attention to a Jurchen who speaks Chinese.

Compared with the difficulty of counting the Mongolian army, it is even more difficult to count the rapidly expanding left and right wings outside the Mongolian headquarters.

The original left and right wings of the Mongolian army were only designed to facilitate battlefield command. They served as Muhuali and Borshu. In fact, they did not directly manage dozens of subordinates. If the expansion of the Mongolian army goes well, this model will It will not change in another hundred years. Anyway, wherever the Mongolian iron hooves go, they will kill all the local people and destroy everything there. Except for ruins and pastures enjoyed by the Mongols, nothing will be left.

However, due to the successive setbacks suffered by the Mongolian army in the Han areas of the Central Plains, the Mongolian army did not carry out excessive massacres during the Western Expedition. Instead, it spent a lot of energy to continuously integrate the forces of the conquered people into one place.

That number is terrifyingly large. The country of Khwarezm alone boasted an army of 400,000 soldiers at its peak. If they were not counted and screened, and fully included in the army, the number of soldiers of the Kang people alone would be close to that of the entire Yeke army. The number of Dingkou of Mongol Uluth.

To truly incorporate it into the war machine of the Mongolian army and enable the army to play its due role, it requires repeated processes of disruption, dispersion, and reorganization.

For example, after the leader of Bo Yawu who was first sent to the grassland died in the battle in Tuha, the person who succeeded him was not the eldest son who had the strength, but the seventh son Yue Timur. Yue Timur was quickly transferred away from Bo Ya. Qianhu of the Yawu people turned into Qianhu of the newly formed right-wing Kipchak cavalry.

Even so, it still experienced many twists and turns. Not to mention the surrender of these alien races, even Jochi, who accompanied the army on the Western Expedition and made great military exploits, showed signs of being hijacked by the aliens. He tried to consolidate his power over the Kipchak grassland. The Mongol army was delayed for less than half a year in Huolanba.

Fortunately, among the sons of Genghis Khan, only Jochi has an awkward personality. Other than Jochi, all of them are reliable.

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Chagatai acted decisively, Wokuotai was good at wining over, and Tuolei had a large number of troops recruited from the Han region, which made him particularly smart and capable. With their assistance, Genghis Khan finally reorganized his army, and during the long march, he achieved A thorough overhaul.

In the past six months, Genghis Khan has tightened his control over many foreign races, and has become more and more comfortable in commanding his marches.

According to original estimates, it would take more than half a year for the army to get from Kuolan Bachuo to Helin. However, because the command has become smoother, the army's movement speed has doubled as expected, and it will arrive earlier than this autumn. It eliminates the pain of overwintering.

At this moment, the army mobilized from the Western Regions was like a raging tide, constantly pouring into the grasslands near Helin. The first to arrive were the Kang people, Boyawu and Kipchaks; behind them were the natives of Khwarezm. The people of this tribe, called Sarats by the Mongols, were large in number and wore simple leather armor. They walked for more than a year before reaching their destination.

After the Saraths, there are various other foreign races. There are mountain people wearing Sasanian-style helmets and long-sleeved chain mail; there are breastplates made of animal horns and hooves split, and they hold poles to guide their companions. There are plateau nomadic riders; there are Mulai assassins who are covered in robes and use hoods to cover their faces and weapons and armor, and so on.

They brought their own herds or prepared food on their backs. After an unprecedented long march, they spread out on the grasslands. Following Genghis Khan's instructions, they settled in the territories of different Mongolian households and then established camps. .

The armies of different tribes and different ethnic groups are not close to each other, have no contact with each other, and do not have a subordinate relationship. When they march, they are only responsible for the temporarily stationed Qixue; the leader of each tribe or the warrior with charisma, Then they have the right to be directly summoned by Genghis Khan, just like the strongest stallion in each herd must be equipped with the best saddle.

In the past few months, Genghis Khan had been on the road every day, and he had to be busy instructing the leaders of different tribes and issuing various orders to them. It was not until this time that he summoned his old friends because his new subordinates were all settled. ,

The first tribes to arrive on the grassland have been stationed on the grassland allocated to them for more than two months, and the latest group to arrive just settled down yesterday. They have all been given repeated orders to wait patiently, waiting for Genghis Khan to promulgate Order to conquer the place where countless rare treasures come from on the grassland trade routes.

This large-scale mobilization was completely different from the Mongolian custom of dispersed tribesmen into hundreds or thousands of areas, nomadic and migrating. In order to ensure that the organization of the army did not collapse during the long journey, Genghis Khan and his men spent a lot of time Try your best.

Even so, the consumption is countless. Every day, thousands of cattle and sheep are slaughtered for military needs. Every day, more than 10,000 acres of lush pasture are chewed into wasteland by military horses. Every day, there are people who are not accustomed to the soil and water. Died of illness somewhere on the grassland.

Even recently, conflicts of varying scales have often broken out between different tribes, causing casualties. But Genghis Khan didn't care.

He and the Yan people around him have seen this kind of scene many times and have become very accustomed to it. When the Mongolian army went out to fight, the old and small camps of thousands of households were also in this mess, and they were also constantly consumed. This kind of consumption and The mania caused by consumption was, to a certain extent, one of the reasons why the Mongol army slaughtered and plundered wantonly wherever they went.

Because of the long-distance migration, the centurions saw their tribesmen and wealth shrinking. The centurions had no patience to wait for the distribution from above. They were like hungry wolves, with only the instinct to fill their stomachs left in their minds. They must The benefits of conquest were realized immediately after the battle. Genghis Khan had little way to stop it.

Even if his status is getting higher, he has more and more talented staff around him, and he knows many more effective methods of extraction, which are much stronger than brutal massacre and robbery, it still won't work.

Even before and after Genghis Khan unified Mongolia, when he had the highest prestige among ordinary Mongolians, he had interfered in the distribution of spoils several times, causing tribal backlash.

Now, Genghis Khan has returned from a foreign land thousands of miles away with his reorganized army. The members of this army may not be the fiercest fighters like the Mongols, but their original political power and homeland have been destroyed The Mongols destroyed it, and the remaining supplies were only enough for them to maintain their march, and the vast grasslands could not support them. Just like the Mongols during the Western Expedition, they were gradually falling into a manic and bloodthirsty mood.

This is exactly what Genghis Khan wanted to see.

No matter how tame a dog is, it will bar its teeth at people when it is extremely hungry. After the exhaustion of a long journey, these homeless and homeless conquered people had only one way to survive. If they did not want to starve to death On the grasslands, they have to bite, conquer, and plunder. No matter where they come from or what their bloodline is, under the command of Genghis Khan, they will become the most terrifying army.

It's ridiculous that Guo Ning actually dared to draw away the troops stationed in the north? That may be true, or it may be some kind of strategy to lure the enemy, Genghis Khan doesn't care.

Because Guo Ning had no idea to what extent the Mongolian army's power had increased after the Western Expedition, and he could not imagine how deeply the Mongolian army understood the Han country in the south!

Genghis Khan returned to his seat and said to Nian Zhongshan: "Write it down. Start now to record the great war that is about to begin. Use this sentence as the opening chapter..."

Adhesion Chongshan immediately switched to a quill pen and used Uighur letters to record Mongolian. This kind of writing is called "Tuobu Chiyan" by the Mongols and is being widely used in the ruling institutions of the Great Mongolia, which is beginning to take shape.

Genghis Khan thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "A great conqueror must have the determination to never give up until he achieves his goal. The conqueror must also be mysterious and must wrap himself and his army in mystery. The conqueror looks like You are attracted by the enemy's simple tactics, but in fact, you must use unimaginable means to destroy the enemy!"

Nianhe Zhongshan waited and found that Genghis Khan had no intention of continuing, so he couldn't help but ask: "What is the unimaginable means that the Great Khan mentioned?"

Genghis Khan laughed.

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