Xu Xiazi was not blind in his early years, and was admitted as a scholar, but later he failed in the college entrance examination. He became blind while studying. Later, in order to make a living, he began to turn the pen and ink in his belly into beautiful stories.
The village is poor. In the war-torn times when they had little food, clothing or warmth, the villagers did not have as much money or leisure as the people in towns or cities. What they cared about was how to keep their stomachs from going hungry. Generally, the only people who went to listen to books were children.
, this house brought a cabbage, that house brought a strip of sugar cane, etc. Xu Xiazi could eat a few meals, which was a relief for his urgent needs.
Xiu'er carried two sweet potatoes and went to the straw shed.
There were more than a dozen children sitting in the thatched hut. When they saw An Xiu'er coming, they all winked and clapped their hands and sang nursery rhymes, "An Xiu'er, broom star..."
An Xiuer found a corner, far away from them, and ignored their heckles. Xu Xiazi told a love story about a princess, a guard, and a fox demon. When he talked about the bloody skin-changing plot, the children screamed in fright.
They got up and hugged each other, but Xiu'er in the corner was very calm.
She doesn't believe in ghosts, except zombies
Half an hour later, the story was finished. The children continued to sing nursery rhymes and dispersed one after another. Xu Xiazi touched the bamboo stick beside him, took out a bag and packed the reward. He stood up and planned to leave. Xiu'er hurriedly asked: "Xu
Grandpa, are there zombies in this world?"
"Zombie?" Xu Xiazi used a bamboo stick to stabilize his body.
Xu Xiazi nodded and said firmly: "Yes."
An Xiuer asked curiously: "What is a zombie?"
"Zombie is a kind of corpse that has not decomposed after a long time after death. It is placed in a specific place and absorbs the resentment of the world and changes into a corpse." Xu Xiazi sat down on the stone pier again, a little puzzled, "Xiu Xiazi
Son, why do you ask these questions?" This child has never been interested in these things, so why did he get interested today?
"Yesterday, Third Brother told me a story about zombies to scare me, so I am very interested in zombies." An Xiuer asked doubtfully: "Can zombies give birth to children?"
"No, zombies are not like humans and cannot reproduce. However, it can be said that their reproduction ability is very powerful. Anyone bitten by a zombie will eventually turn into a zombie if treatment is not available in time."
An Xiu'er said in disbelief: "It's impossible. If a zombie can't give birth to a child, how did he get born?" He jumped out of the coffin, but he was clearly born to a mother.
"He?" Xu Xiazi asked in confusion: "Who is it?"
"I mean, are there some little zombies in the story? Were they bitten by zombies or transformed into other monsters?"
"Little zombie?" Xu Xiazi frowned and thought for a long time before saying: "There is such a situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that zombies give birth to children."
Xiu'er asked curiously: "What's going on?"
"The deceased was pregnant during his lifetime. Due to being wronged or resentful, he placed a poisonous curse before his death. In the end, he died with his eyes closed. In addition, due to the location of the burial, Feng Shui, etc., the resentment accumulated in the body of the deceased and could not be dissipated. The dead baby absorbed the resentment and grew up. After
After thousands of years, it turns into a zombie and breaks out of the body."
An Xiuer was dumbfounded. It took her a long time to regain her composure before she heard that the little zongzi was made of dead babies sucking resentment. Goosebumps all over her body suddenly appeared.
"Then...what do zombies like?"
Xu Xiazi smiled and said: "Zombie likes you"
"Ah?" Xiu'er was startled, not knowing why he said this.
"I'm really not lying. Zombies are Yin, so they naturally like Yin things. And Xiu'er, you are the daughter of the 'Four Yins', so the Yin energy in your body is naturally much heavier than that of ordinary people. When zombies see you, they will be like
When you see something like a treasure, you will definitely be reluctant to let it go.”
An Xiuer's teeth chattered, "You mean, zombies will eat me?"
"It can be said that" Xu Xiazi touched his white beard, "you are like the panacea in the martial arts world. No matter which martial arts practitioner eats you, he will become a peerless expert."
"Are there...are there any zombies that won't eat me?" An Xiu'er's face was as pale as a dough ball and the little rice dumpling wanted to eat her?