It was the suggestion about land reform. Emperor Hongwen said frankly: "I have read this suggestion two or three times, and I also think it makes sense. In the past two years, Yihun was in power, and I could not have implemented such a large law, but in the past two years
,I have thought about this question many times, but every time I raise it, the Xianbei ministers strongly oppose it. I weighed the pros and cons of the two sides. If I force it, I would be afraid to shake the foundation of the country, so I dare not take action rashly."
Fangfei also knows that before every major change, there must be a big background.
Everyone knows that land reform is beneficial to the national interests. However, it is definitely not conducive to the interests of the Xianbei nobles. In the past century, they have used to thousands of servants, leaving only a little food and driving them like livestock.
, create a lot of wealth for them to squander.
Once the slaves are liberated, the country's taxes increase, and their income will be reduced. Of course, they must resist firmly. Fangfei doesn't even have to think too much. The excuse is always the same, nothing more than the family law of the ancestors. The world was defeated by the Xianbei people.
Xianbei people should be born to enjoy happiness and should be superior to others.
It is really like pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth.
This time the slave rebellion is handled well, which may be an opportunity.
"Fangfei, tomorrow we will discuss politics, so you and me will participate, okay?"
She stared at Emperor Hongwen's gaze, wanting to see how much true meaning it was from his eyes.
"Fangfei, you know, I have never really avoided you. Never!"
That is a very important woman in life, life and death, ties, and everything about herself is almost connected with her. How angry, how embarrassed, how ridiculed, how loud it is...
But he has never really suspicious, and is free from faith.
Trust in her is of course better than all ministers.
What's more, at that time, she was so close - she was the mother of her son, the only person in the world who was connected by blood.
Fangfei finally nodded.
With the heart of a mother and the road of her son, she also hopes that the future will be smooth sailing rather than bumpy.