After the banquet of Qunfang, Dongli Creek called his own guard ...
"Did you find it?"
"After finding, His Royal Highness Prince just took the initiative to find His Royal Highness Prince. The girl who was chatting with His Royal Highness was really the sister of Princess Liu, Miss Liu of the Dugu family
"She is now given princess of the piano
"Originally, Donglong Kingdom intends to ask her to go to His Royal Highness, but then His Royal Highness rejected her ..."
Dong Lixi smiled, "No wonder I think her eyebrows are similar to Princess Liu ..."
But it's just like, God ... it's not like a little at all
Although the princess of the piano also looks good, it is bright and bright
But there is no deity of Princess Liu ... the spirit of the spirit ...
"Hey, why did she get married ..."
Dong Lixi sighed, hate yourself to know her too late again ...
If you know her earlier, will it be connected with her?
Because after leaving the Qunfang Banquet just now, before entering the Ryu King's Mansion, a guard of the east and departing country caught up with her and gave her an invitation to her.