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Chapter 208 Restart

Everything is concentrated on Zhang Yicheng

Zhang Yicheng certainly had no interest in being watched like a monkey. After a while, Zhang Yicheng excused himself as being busy and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yicheng didn't stay at home for long before he flew to Beijing. During the time when Zhang Yicheng went home to celebrate the New Year, the company was moving. The original small situation no longer existed. The whole building was

It’s exclusive to Tianlan Entertainment

For ordinary companies, spending most of their funds on purchasing such equipment and improving hardware levels is just like seeking death. But Zhang Yicheng is different. Sky Blue Entertainment is not an industrial company in the final analysis.

, so he doesn’t have any industry to maintain, so more funds can be used in this area.

When Zhang Yicheng returned to Beijing again, a large part of the company's decoration had been completed. According to Zhang Yicheng's plan before leaving, priority was given to decorating the office area, as well as floors with recording studios and other equipment. When Zhang Yicheng returned to Beijing, this part

It has been renovated, and then there are some training rooms, equipment rooms and other places. These will not be used yet, so the renovation can be postponed.

It is also the end of the Spring Festival at this time. Although according to Chinese people's habits, the New Year is usually not passed until after the Lantern Festival. However, for Zhang Yicheng, the New Year is nothing more than around New Year's Eve, even if others have other

I also thought about the New Year, but since the boss Zhang Yicheng has gone to work, other people will inevitably have to go to work as well.

Especially the artists under his banner were all called over by Zhang Yicheng.

It’s the first time you work in a new company, and you’re a little bit unaccustomed to it, especially since you haven’t stayed in the original company for long, so you don’t have anything to do, so you’re about to move to a new home. But after moving to a new home this time, it should be said that

, there should be no relocation for a long time. This time may be ten or twenty years. By that time, Tianlan Entertainment will definitely expand to a very scary point. Zhang Yicheng’s goal is to develop Tianlan Entertainment.

Become an entertainment empire that encompasses all aspects, an entertainment empire that is completely under his control from top to bottom

Everyone gathered in Zhang Yicheng's office. Zhang Yicheng sat on the president's chair, looked at everyone and said, "I have gathered everyone together so early this year. I also have something to tell you!"

"What's going on, big brother!" Ben Xi asked. Holidays are rare, especially for Ben Xi, a student.

"Then let me tell you, first of all, the first thing is that our company will start shooting the first movie. It will be independently invested and shot by our company, and will also be independently released by then!" Zhang Yicheng said

This movie is indeed of extraordinary significance to Tianlan Entertainment. You must know that in the past, although there was also a TV series that was invested in filming, that is "Destined to Love You", but the investment Zhang of "Destined to Love You"

Yi Cheng is not wholly owned, and the filming was also done in Taiwan. The team is still Chai Zhiping's team, and it can be said that it has not a great relationship with Tianlan Entertainment.

But the next "33 Days of Love" is different. It is the first film invested by the company, the first step to be independently shot, and will eventually be released. If possible, Zhang Yicheng would even like to play it in his own theater.

among the lines

However, when it is difficult for something like a theater chain to be effective in a short period of time, investing in a theater chain, even if it is a smaller one, would still cost several million. On a national scale, even if one invests one billion, then

It’s just a drop in the bucket and can’t support the entire box office market.

Therefore, for the time being, or in the future foreseen by Zhang Yicheng, that is, when Zhang Yicheng is still alive, it is difficult to say whether the cinema chain with his own investment can truly complete the one-stop process from output to broadcasting. Even if one day he can

Cinemas are really spread all over the country. If you count them in thousands, it can only guarantee that Zhang Yicheng has a full say in cinemas and will not be beaten wildly if someone catches him in such a matter!

For a company, the theater chain is undoubtedly the biggest loophole. If the theater chain collectively boycotts your movie, no matter how good your movie is, it will be useless. Therefore, our Hong Kong counterparts in the 1980s and 1990s were themselves the biggest

The theater chain owners, including Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest and many other big names, once controlled at least one-third of the theater chains in Hong Kong during their rise. They are self-sufficient, although they cannot completely rely on their own theater chains to ignore it.

Other theaters, but at least others won't catch their weaknesses.

The situation now is of course different from that in Hong Kong more than 30 years ago, but some experiences can still be learned. Most film and television groups do not have such big ideas, but Zhang Yicheng was aiming for an entertainment empire from the beginning.

If you can't take full advantage of the advantages of rebirth, then why do you have to do it again?

Zhang Yicheng only hopes that in ten to twenty years he can complete this process and control at least one-fifth of the theaters nationwide. By then, not only will he not have to look at other people's faces, but others will have to look at his.

, if you make him unhappy, he will cut off one-fifth of your chance of being screened nationwide in one breath. Although as a successful businessman, he will not kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to himself.

However, Zhang Yicheng is not a pure businessman, let alone a successful businessman. Many times, Zhang Yicheng does things based on emotion, and there are only two types of people who will be measured entirely based on interests, one is

One is a businessman, the other is a politician

Zhang Yicheng is neither of the two, he is at most half a businessman!

Being able to control one-fifth of the theater chains, Zhang Yicheng feels that he has achieved the stage goal. Although everyone in China knows that the "Anti-Monopoly Law" is a joke, that does not mean that everyone can monopolize. Monopoly only allows

Is it a state-owned enterprise, or your fast-growing country is caught off guard, otherwise there will definitely be a way to overwhelm you and make you breathless.

However, for Zhang Yicheng, the entertainment industry has grown for so many years, and theater chains have also developed for many years, not decades ago, so this possibility does not exist. Therefore, it is basically impossible for Zhang Yicheng to achieve a monopoly on theater chains.


At least we have to be able to advance, attack, retreat and defend, so that no one will catch the pigtails.

Because of this, for Tianlan Entertainment at this stage, if it can do investment, filming, and distribution, it can basically be regarded as a one-stop package.

"The first movie?" Everyone said in surprise

"Yes, the first movie is a fashion drama!" Zhang Yicheng said, "I have decided that this drama will be directed by Huang Yilin. From now on, Huang Yilin will be the director that our company highly recommends, and then Yang Guanghe

Yan Yuanyuan plays the leading role respectively!"

Everyone knew it in their hearts. Although they didn't say it, they also knew that the main direction of the company's promotion must be these three people, because in terms of film and television dramas, these three people were the first to follow Qin Fang, and they still understood the principle of first come, first served.

There are generally two methods of ranking in the entertainment industry. One is seniority, that is, first come, first served. Of course, those who come first will get more resources and better training. There is nothing to say. Who makes you slow?

It’s over!

Another one is strength, but obviously, the current Tianlan Entertainment is a newcomer. Even if it has strength, it was promoted by Zhang Yicheng, so everyone has to listen to Zhang Yicheng's arrangements. If you understand clearly in your heart, naturally there will be no

Other ideas

Of course, what is more surprising is that Huang Yilin is a director. When he entered the industry, he was already prepared to serve as an assistant director for more than ten years, or even longer, so he never thought that Huang Yilin would be able to serve as an assistant director in the past few years.

He got the opportunity to direct. As everyone thought, he was already very lucky when he started directing for the first time in his thirties. But now he is no longer so lucky. He got such a directing opportunity before he even left school.

, now he is also second to none among new directors!

Zhang Yicheng smiled slightly and continued: "Everyone has a share, and everyone has to play a role in it!"

"Do you already have a script?" Huang Yilin asked. Thinking of being able to direct a play, Huang Yilin was very excited. By then, excitement would turn into excitement. Huang Yilin still had to ask clearly.

"It's not finished yet. I just wrote an outline first. The actual script is only about one-third complete!" Zhang Yicheng said, with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "It seems that I won't have time to finish it in the next period of time.

Next thing you know, I should be very busy!"

Yes, Zhang Yicheng will be busy in the next period of time, and he will be very busy, very busy. You know, Zhang Yicheng's business is not just about writing scripts. "But it doesn't matter, the outline is just the outline. Anyway, the contracted screenwriters of our company are so

"If you still can't write it when you already have my outline, then our company shouldn't keep this kind of waste!" Zhang Yicheng said, although not every screenwriter can write a good script, for most

For screenwriters, what they write can only be called mediocre, but writing scripts is the basic ability of screenwriters. If Zhang Yicheng has come up with an outline and written one-third of it and still can't complete it, then it is not

It's mediocre, it's trash

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