"In traditional Chinese medicine, meridians refer to the pathways through which qi and blood circulate in the human body. Meridians can be divided into two categories: regular meridians and odd meridians. There are twelve regular meridians, namely the three yin meridians of the hands and feet and the three yang meridians of the hands and feet. They are collectively called the 'twelve meridians'.
The main channel through which Qi and blood circulate.
There are eight extraordinary meridians, namely Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao, Yin Wei, Yang Wei, collectively called the "Eight Extraordinary Meridians", which have the function of commanding, connecting and regulating the twelve meridians..."
In the classroom, listening to the teacher on the stage reading the ppt with great emotion, Hua Sheng also raised her chin in boredom.
When he was eight years old, he could already memorize the basic knowledge of these meridians under the pressure of his family. If he hadn't been worried about him suddenly naming names while talking, Hua Sheng would have just left.
A slight vibration came from the mobile phone on the table. Because it was in class, Hua Sheng had already muted his mobile phone.
I casually opened my phone and glanced at it, it was a message from Lu Linglong.
Lu Linglong: Last night, Mr. Tian was killed by a complete bastard!
The moment he saw the news, Hua Sheng's eyes flashed with horror.
These crazy people, what do they want to do?!!!
It’s just a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, but now he actually dares to kill the Grand Master of the Human Heavenly Master’s Palace on the territory of the Human Heavenly Master’s Palace! Do you really think that the Heavenly Master’s Palace under the command of Zhengyi is made of mud?!
Not to mention how powerful the entire Zhengyi sect is, it’s just the Heavenly Master. When he comes down the mountain, it’s just one person!
Wait, the Heavenly Master comes down the mountain...
Yes! Now everything is connected.
No wonder we often saw the famous scene of the old Celestial Master coming down the mountain to save one person. From this point of view, the reason why the old man came down the mountain is probably related to the murder of Mr. He Tian!
On Longhu Mountain before, although Hua Sheng vaguely remembered that Quan Xing's large-scale attack on the mountain might have ulterior motives, because his understanding of the plot was very limited, he had no way of guessing their true purpose.
"Tian Lao, I'm sorry..."
A dim light flashed in Hua Sheng's eyes. If he could have remembered Quan Xing's true purpose earlier when he was on the mountain, I'm afraid Mr. Tian wouldn't have been harmed by those lunatics...
After thinking about this, Hua Sheng stopped paying attention to the lecture and poked Wang Heng beside him.
"Brother Heng, help me take my things back later."
"Ah? Oh."
Wang Heng was stunned for a moment, and was about to complain, but after seeing that Hua Sheng's face didn't look very good, he just nodded.
After quietly leaving the classroom, Hua Sheng also walked quietly on the deserted road.
At this moment, his mood was very complicated, and it was not because of Mr. Tian's death.
Although this old man has a high seniority in Longhu Mountain, after all, he has no real contact with me and is not a relative of him. It is just a one-time acquaintance, so he cannot be said to be very sad.
What really made Hua Sheng feel mixed emotions and deeply touched Hua Sheng's heart was death!
First of all, Hua Sheng has to admit that he is afraid of death, which is why he practiced so hard before and tried his best to avoid being associated with those aliens who are synonymous with death.
Now, it is still no exception!
The more he watched more and more lives passing away around him, the more intense the fear of death became in Hua Sheng's heart. As a doctor, he could feel the moment of life passing away more clearly than ordinary people.
Let me go, isn’t this a big change?
"Um, hello, by the way, when you took off your Taoist robe, Taoist Master Wang, I didn't recognize you for a long time!"
Wang also touched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"I've been expelled from the sect, so..."
"Emm, I'm sorry! Daozhang Wang, I didn't mean to..." Lu Linglong thought she had touched Wang Ye's scar, so she quickly put her hands together to apologize.
"it's okay no problem."
Wang Ye waved his hands indifferently and turned his gaze to Hua Sheng aside. The next moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely serious.
"Lao Hua, help me do an experiment first!"
Hua Sheng blinked, and before he could ask what kind of experiment it was, Wang Ye's hand gestures changed directly, and a strange blue light burst out from his eyes.