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Chapter 1148 A strange combination of circumstances

 At the same time that the evil god was liberated, Backlund, the Church of the Goddess of Night, the Lord of Storms Church, and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery all gathered a large amount of power and stood ready to guard against the evil god's summons.

Because not long ago, George III and several major churches revealed that someone might try to summon the evil god. If he really summons the evil god, he must find a way to stop it.

The Mo family is even more prepared. They have a better understanding of the inside story. Not only do they have to deal with the possible evil gods, they also need to destroy the pyramid and find three copies of the extraordinary properties of sequence one in the ruins, so they mobilize more elites.

To Backlund.

That's why Leonard came here. Not only did the Mo family ask him to come, but the Church of the Goddess of the Night also transferred him here for a business trip.

Everyone felt that a big incident might happen in Backlund recently, including the instigator of all this. They all felt that the Hanged Man would descend on the capital of the kingdom.

We are always preparing and waiting for the multi-party melee to reap the benefits.

This young master's strategy of offering his head has already put his own human side on the line. This will definitely make his strategy achieve the best effect.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds. The blood-red moonlight was blocked by the dark clouds. The top leaders of all the forces were nervous. The entire Backlund was surging with undercurrents, like a barrel of fire. Any spark could cause it to explode.

However, the Mohists soon discovered a problem. They found that the weather had changed in almost the entire North American region, and dark clouds had appeared that blocked the moonlight. After all, their radio contact method was faster. At this time, according to various locations

According to the observation of the weather station, although it is certain that the dark clouds are the thickest in the Kingdom of Loen, the place with the thickest dark clouds does not seem to be Backlund, but another place some distance away from Backlund, which is not too big.

It might be a suburb or some remote town.

However, this went against their guess. The most likely possibility was that the Evil God Church that held the relevant rituals would cooperate with the royal family to obtain more people in this way as slaves to build the pyramids.

This kind of operation has already appeared in the original work. With the integrity of the royal family of the Kingdom of Loen, they must be able to do this kind of thing. But if the place where the evil god descends is placed in the wilderness, even if the evil god descends,

The casualties it can cause in distant urban areas are probably not large, and it is completely inconsistent with the purpose of the royal family to fish in troubled waters.

Something went wrong. The Mo family has entered a state of emergency and began to search the entire Backlund through surveillance videos. However, the extraordinary people who are used to dealing with surveillance now also know how to avoid these surveillance facilities. Although this is indeed

It caused them a lot of trouble, but optical invisibility is not an unattainable technology for extraordinary people.

As a result, even if the Mohists fully mobilized and conducted a large-scale investigation of surveillance records, it would still take some time to find the location where the person who summoned the evil god was active.

According to the clues that have been investigated so far, the ritual to summon the evil god should be in Backlund City, or even in the East District. It is probably not far from the Mohist headquarters. This is contrary to the conclusion of previous meteorological observations.

"The investigation results of the surveillance records have come out. Based on the confessions obtained during the visit, we have confirmed the location of the cult members. Their ceremony was not successfully held and is still in the process of preparation." A staff member held a stack of

Video, I stumbled over and the row of lights on my spine flashed one after another, which was equivalent to the normal feeling of being incoherent when speaking.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. The information is here and we will process it as soon as possible." Lan Nuo took the information from the staff, then connected the video to the computer, and directly connected the computer to himself with a data cable.

As a result, a large amount of information poured into his mind faster than watching a video.

The rest of Lan Nuo quickly learned the relevant information through the rehearsal. This time, a big event was likely to happen, so that each of them became nervous.

"Prepare to launch a raid on the cult stronghold. Tesla, take the people there yourself, um... ask Will to go with you, just in case." 09895, who was responsible for the tactical command, then issued a series of instructions.

Then a scene that frightened the three major churches happened. The square ground in front of the Mohist headquarters suddenly opened to both sides. The square with a diameter of several hundred meters opened its cover, and a platform rose from below. On the platform

The last non-attack mechas stood on it, and the number exceeded five hundred by visual inspection. They started up uniformly, then lined up in a queue, and quickly rushed towards the place where the evil god summoned them.

As for such mecha legions, there are a total of six hidden in Backlund. To be precise, there are six exposed this time. From different directions, they will hide the members of the Aurora Society and the Witch Church in the East District.

surrounded by members.

It has become difficult to distinguish the Mohist's worldly combat power from the extraordinary combat power. Judging from the scene in front of us, the pilot of each mecha is an Extraordinary who is at least Sequence Seven. At the same time, he possesses a magical item of the machine that can compete with the machine.

Armor communicates perfectly. Although overall, the sequence does not seem to be too high, the combat effectiveness is another matter. The extraordinary power displayed by these six mecha legions alone may have surpassed the entire Loen Kingdom's demigods.

The total number of Extraordinaries below includes both those controlled by the state church and those who are not controlled by the state church.

The heavy roar of machinery can be heard throughout the capital, and the collision of steel and concrete makes a dull sound of footsteps.

Audrey watched this scene on the balcony of her villa and couldn't help but cover her chest. Before she became an extraordinary person, she probably only had the concept of being handsome and strong towards such a torrent of steel. Now Audrey is

It has become an extraordinary person and has accommodated the extraordinary characteristics of the audience. Naturally, it is more obvious from observation to see the power of such a well-organized steel torrent.

If you stand in front of them, you may be crushed into powder in just an instant.

In fact, these elite mecha divisions are even more elite than Audrey imagined. From the appearance, there is no difference between these mechas, but each mecha is a member of the group.

Among the five hundred people, the equipment of different types of extraordinary beings is very particular.

There will be at least one demigod and nine sequence fives among them, and there will even be a special investigation team, equipped with mechas that use detective extraordinary characteristics, mecha masters that use diviner characteristics, and monster path mecha masters.

At the same time, there will be winners who can control luck and are responsible for blessing the legion with luck. At different times, they are responsible for blessing different luck. For example, when they need to guard against sneak attacks while marching, they will bless the legion with good luck.

Enemies who blend into the legion will make various mistakes and be exposed.

And if the legion is performing some covert missions, they will bless luck in other aspects.

The same is true for the rest of the Extraordinaries. When attacking, diviners will cooperate with radar to locate the enemy Extraordinaries and guide the legions to strike in a targeted manner. In stealth operations, they can activate anti-divination, anti-prophecy, and multi-player operations.

Together, it is not easy even for demigods to divine the whereabouts of the legions.

At the same time, there are many psychiatrists patrolling among the legions. If you carefully observe the marching queues of these legions, you will find that their queues look neat, but in fact, the mechas are constantly changing positions in the neat queues. These are

Diviners and psychiatrists, the former constantly changes their positions to conduct divination and investigation, while the latter patrols the queue and monitors whether anyone in the queue is under mental attack. Some of the psychiatrists even let the mecha drive autonomously.

, sinking into the sea of ​​collective subconscious, monitoring the mental state of the Legion in the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

During the previous strike and demonstration, the Mo family had already discovered that when the energy and spirit of a group of people gather together, a huge spiritual river will gather in the collective subconscious and the sea. There was an unlucky spiritual dragon before because

He touched a handful of river water out of curiosity, was caught directly, and signed an unequal contract. In the past few years, he even lost a lot of weight because of the side effects of helping the Mo family appease the extraordinary properties of eating raw. Although the number of the legion was not as high as that of the workers during the parade,

There are more people, but on the one hand, they are blessed by the beliefs of the working and peasant class, and they are like gods, possessing their own anchors. On the other hand, they have eaten alive various extraordinary properties, their own spiritual strength

Much taller than ordinary people, gathering together is enough for each other's spirits to converge and form a stream, which is enough to prevent attacks on the spiritual level from easily touching them, otherwise it will affect the whole body, even if they are

Demigods may not be able to withstand the backlash.

"Sir, the target has been locked. There are five targets in total, located on the first floor, fifth floor and attic. Please give instructions!" This is the report of the fortune teller pilot.

"The mental pollution monitoring team is normal. The level of mental pollution in the army is 11.5%. No external mental interference has been found." This is the report of the psychiatrist.

"Four neutral targets have been detected to monitor our side. We have sent out drones to scan and request a team of diviners to locate the specific targets." This is a detective. They inferred that there may be secrets in the surrounding area through some clues that are difficult for ordinary people to notice.

Those who monitor the Legion.

In addition, the winner in the team can also see many things that should not be seen, and the destiny path can detect many hidden high-level existences. Therefore, even if you want to use great magic and power to seize a person's destiny, or

Even if you are pretending to be a team member, you can't get in.

Although the major churches and secret organizations do not know the details of the internal situation of the Mecha Division, they can do divination, and the divination results show that if they launch an attack, the outcome will be very tragic.

From six different directions, the legion has completely surrounded the Aurora Society. Faced with such a large army, this already extreme cult organization showed their crazy side and directly started the summoning ceremony to pull down the evil god.

, let everyone die together.

However, there was no such chance. The mecha masters in the front row, who were good at fighting with extraordinary characteristics, started the aero engines on their mechas. With a violent roar, flames spurted out from behind, and they sprinted forward at high speed.

He stretched out his knife and launched the most ferocious attack directly against the building.

Windows and walls were smashed by these mechas. Those cult believers who were preparing to hold the ceremony in advance saw the walls around them suddenly being smashed into pieces, and then only the enlarging image remained in their field of vision.

Wing Knife, then the world will spin, and if you are lucky, you may be able to see your headless body slowly falling to the ground.

Those located near the window were attacked more directly. The drone outside the window rushed towards the window at a speed of tens of meters per second, and then smashed the glass with one head. The explosives hanging under the drone were flying in the air.

After smashing the window, it explodes instantly, instantly killing the cult believers watching at the window.

The orders of the six legions were coordinated with each other, as if they were one. The moment the assault order was issued, they began to execute it at the same time. The action took less than three minutes, and there were no highlights in the battle. Among the people who participated in the summoning of the evil god, a black man

The knights and three shepherds were killed on the spot without showing any combat effectiveness.

The fortune teller has locked their exact location through the drone, and the missile accurately targeted and killed them. First, they blew out their heads. When they were reduced to a pile of flesh and blood squirming on the ground, the arsonist rushed in in a mecha. , smashed through walls and came directly in front of them. The mecha sprayed out extraordinary flames and directly began to disinfect their flesh and blood bodies. The demigod-level strong men were holding the line from behind and did not attack immediately. Under this joint siege, even if the one who attacked was not a demigod, the demigod-level black knight did not cause any trouble.

When he was about to be burned, he prepared to show his mythical creature form. However, when he was transforming, the psychiatrist reminded him in the headset: "The level of mental infection in the legion has increased, and the mental protection mode has been turned on."

Then the Dream Walker sitting in the team connected the spirits of everyone in the legion to ensure that they would not go crazy immediately under the impact of the mythical creature form. Until the level of spiritual contamination of the legion does not exceed 80%, this kind of mental pollution will be eliminated.

No irreversible permanent damage will be caused.

Immediately afterwards, the six-barreled machine gun violently rotated, shattering the flesh and blood that was about to be revived again, and completely burning it into ashes. Under the focus and suppression of the firepower, even the demigod could not be resurrected, although he also gave up many souls.

, has various abilities, and even used a teleportation to save his life, but the landing point of the teleportation was immediately located, and he was surrounded and killed by members of the legion who were below demigods.

The strategic goal was achieved, but the members of the Mo family were not happy at all, because they discovered through interrogation that although this group of cult believers prepared to summon the evil god before being arrested, they were destroyed before even the slightest summoning ceremony could be held.

. Then where does this vision of heaven and earth come from?

[To be continued]

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