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Chapter 1151 Agreement Three jpg

 Chapter 1151 Agreement Three

"We have paid so much. No matter what, we must survive and lead everyone to survive together." Klein's ghost emerged in reality. He had just issued a mission in the name of the Fool. Tingen

When encountering the advent of the true Creator, capable members of the Tarot Society need to perform a sacrificial ceremony, allowing their own bodies to cross the boundaries of space and come directly in front of the evil god through sacrifice.

All he could do next was wait until reinforcements arrived. When Klein saw Zhou Mingrui, who was controlling his body, stunned in place, he had no choice but to come down and use his spirit body to wake him up.

At the same time, he tried his best to release the power of this extraordinary characteristic in himself. With the explosion of power, the terrifying dragon power bloomed. Those around him who fell to the ground because of weak legs and feet,

After feeling this terrifying abyss-like aura, the body involuntarily got up again and fled in all directions. Sometimes this move can also be used for emergency evacuation, just like now.

Zhou Mingrui finally recovered his state at this time, touching his heart, which was now empty. Although the time that the old man accompanied them was actually not very long, he accompanied them through the weakest stage.

, leaving an indelible memory, and Zhou Mingrui has also made up his mind that he will inherit this will and do everything he can to survive with the people around him until the end of the world.

, and then lead everyone to live through the end of the world.

At this time, the seriously injured True Creator had already rushed over, with the power of thunder gathering in his palms. When he rushed over, he had already condensed a thunder sword and struck it down towards his location.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes returned to seriousness, he snapped his fingers, and the next moment he jumped to a spark around the battlefield, making the terrifying attack miss. At the same time, he took out his pistol and hit the target with a precise shot.

The evil god's forehead is in the aftermath of the attack.

The evil god's head bloomed into a flower the moment it was hit. However, this could not really kill him. The headless body quickly began to squirm, and flesh and blood grew back from the neck, growing a brand new head.

The head also turned to look over, and then a strong mental attack was released. Zhou Mingrui suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his orifices were bleeding.

However, his fingers still moved like a pistol, and he fired an air cannon from a distance, knocking the enemy rushing towards him backwards and falling to the ground.

But this kind of physical damage can at most stop the enemy's impact. As soon as he was knocked to the ground, he got up again, and then he saw a strong light emitting from his whole body, and his whole body was suspended, as if

Became a sun.

Then all the light began to converge from all directions to the front, turning into an extremely hot beam of light, shining on Zhou Mingrui's body. At the same time, a huge amount of information was poured directly into his mind out of thin air. The spirit that had just been severely damaged by the mental attack was once again

He was shocked and immediately fell to his knees.

Even if he was seriously injured, the descending god's body still retained his signature ability of this path, which is to gain the ability of other extraordinary beings by grazing souls. How many souls did the true creator herd in the past? This is simply too many.

To countless numbers, the abilities naturally mastered cover almost every extraordinary ability.

Light came from the sky, and Zhou Mingrui's body surface temperature instantly burned to over 60 degrees. In just a few seconds, severe burns would appear on his body surface.

But at the same time, a dusk storm descended out of thin air, instantly covering the projection of the true Creator. The dusk storm that had been cooling down before had now cooled down. Klein returned to Source Castle, where his spiritual power would

With the increase, it is enough to use the power of this demigod-level sealed object to launch an attack immediately before the body in reality is about to be seriously injured.

The effect this time can be said to be outstanding. Compared with the previous time when dealing with the evil god's infant form, the effect was much better. After all, the evil god had not suffered such serious trauma at that time.

Now that he was seriously injured, the dusk storm finally started to make him die. The projection of the evil god, who originally looked like a teenager, aged rapidly after being infected by the dusk. His skin shriveled and wrinkled, and his aura was obviously weakened.

"Good job!" Zhou Mingrui jumped in flames again and successfully escaped from the light. At the same time, he also contacted his mecha. FG was not idle when he just left the battlefield. He not only ran to the nearest

The Mo family office went there to invite reinforcements, and even brought a set of police equipment there. Although it was only police equipment, in this world where extraordinary people exist, don't underestimate the firepower of the police.

Although there is no such thing as missiles, there are still weapons at the level of individual rocket launchers. FG has taken advantage of this opportunity to fire a shot at the evil god who fell into the dusk.

The violent explosion blew the evil god's upper body into pieces. The evil god's flesh and blood recovered much slower than before in an aging state. In the severely injured state, he also lost control of the light beam and was unable to track Zhou Mingrui to continue attacking.

However, Zhou Mingrui sometimes discovered that even though he has reached Sequence Seven and has mastered a lot of fighting skills, he can easily fly over walls and walls like a parkour master, but he still lacks a one-hit-kill trump card, and his output is basically

He could only rely on mechas, and his air cannon was only slightly more powerful than an ordinary pistol.

But this is his home court, and he has his own exclusive power during the battle.

The FG just brought back not only police weapons, but also a command code. There are not many masters in the ordinary offices of the Mo family. Even if they are invited to the battlefield, it will only be more people coming to die, so

FG wants something more important.

That is the command code he just passed to his pilot. It is the attack code of the patrolling surveillance drone. There are always a large number of drones patrolling in the sky in Tingen. In addition to patrolling the streets with cameras, they maintain law and order.

In addition, he also carries a large number of other items, such as first aid items and anesthesia guns, which can play an immediate role in emergencies. In addition, in some extreme cases, these unmanned

The aircraft also carries a tank of liquid oxygen inside.

This thing is not only used for first aid when necessary, it can also be used to mix it with the fuel in your own fuel tank and create a vigorous explosion when necessary.

So as soon as the projection of the true creator got up, he saw drones diving towards him in the sky, and then violently self-destructed when they dived to the ground.

It is already very powerful for ordinary people to be able to control one drone at a time.

But Zhou Mingrui and Klein are both well-trained pilots. The commands used when controlling these drones are also input directly from the spine. Even the output capability of the artificial spine is relatively limited, and can only output thirty-two at a time.

The unit is enough for him to control more than a dozen drones at the same time. These drones are distributed all over the city. It takes time to fly over. Zhou Mingrui controls them to fly collectively towards the scene of the battle, using explosions again and again.

Prevent the evil god's flesh and blood from recovering.

He did not plan to have all the drones gather together and launch attacks at the same time, causing a violent explosion.

If it were to deal with a normal office unit, Zhou Mingrui would indeed try this fighting method, accumulate a wave of drones, and then self-destruct together, so that the attack power would be enough to cause fatal damage to a demigod-level expert.

But this is the projection of the evil god in front of him. No matter how powerful the attack he is releasing now, it is impossible to kill the opponent instantly. Even if it completely blows up the opponent's body, as long as the evil god continues to inject energy here, it will not take long for him to recover.

This is the current situation.

So the drone basically flew over and then rushed down and blew itself up. It looked like the Calabash Baby was saving grandpa, but in fact it effectively suppressed the evil god.

But Zhou Mingrui is also surrounded by dangers. Even with the assistance of drones, his enemies are too strong. The continuous attacks are really overwhelming for him. They are not just one type of attack.

Sometimes it was lightning falling from the sky, sometimes it was the scorching sun like just now, or it was a mental attack. A large amount of knowledge overwhelmed his brain, and there were also injuries at the level of fate, which suddenly made his luck worse. He could take just two steps.

It is possible for them to fall flat on the ground.

At the same time, the battlefield is still filled with plague. Once you get close to the enemy within a certain range and stay in this area for a long enough time, you will be affected by the plague, and the effects of the disease on your body will become more serious.

Zhou Mingrui had already been hit once. Even though he successfully escaped from the range before he became completely ill, he was still coughing up blood.

This kind of continuous damage cannot be endured by the paper man substitute. At this time, under various attacks, he is really in danger. If it weren't for FG, he would bombard him with rockets every now and then between drone attacks.

, if you interrupt the opponent's skills, Zhou Mingrui might die from a certain move.

After only holding on for less than three minutes, Zhou Mingrui had already reached a posture like running out of oil. His eyes were blank, and his whole person seemed to have countless clones, one after another on the battlefield.

Flames were jumping everywhere, and they used every opportunity to control the drone to launch attacks.

But even so, the evil god is still getting stronger. Although his flesh and blood are beaten to pieces, there is an endless stream of power coming from the seal to reality.

In fact, if he just wanted to survive, he would just run away now. FG could run very fast, but the evil god was seriously injured and it would take time to recover. By the time the attack of complete recovery and destruction was launched, he had already escaped from the attack range.

Except, but that means that his family, his colleagues, his captain, those who have helped him and protected him will all die in the evil god's rampage that follows.

So even if there was a possibility of escaping, he still gritted his teeth and held on here, but at this time he had reached his limit. He could no longer maintain this state of blank eyes, and the evil god became stronger than before.

Although the drones bombed one after another, his upper body had grown back. He even grabbed a piece of concrete and threw it in the direction of Zhou Mingrui. With a loud bang, a piece of concrete was left on the spot.

The broken paper man, Zhou Mingrui, was moved to a safe place through a substitute.

However, just as he was about to fight back, he spurted out a mouthful of blood. From his eyes, ears, and nostrils, maggots made of flesh and blood grew out, and large mouthfuls of blood vomited out from his mouth.

Unknowingly, he has been cursed by more than one kind of curse. Some may be physical curses from biologists, some may be spiritual curses from Bishop Rose, and there are also methods such as madmen who can directly attack the spirit.

People lose control.

At this time, he was near the enemy again, and a variety of diseases had appeared in his body, and they were deteriorating rapidly. Zhou Mingrui could keep fighting, which was squeezing his own potential all the time, but the potential of the human body has its limit after all.

, at this time, he finally fell down, vomiting out blood.

The projection of the evil god, whose head had grown back, was holding a piece of concrete weighing several tons in his hand, and was walking towards him like a hammer. He wanted to smash this hateful enemy into a pulp.

The evil wind came towards him, and Klein desperately controlled the mask on his face, trying to launch an attack, but this level of gaze and decay could no longer affect the evil god at all.

"Damn it! Let's fight!" The next moment, Klein directly put on the mask and came to the real world in the form of a spirit body. At the same time, the roars of countless dead people could be heard in his ears. To use this dusk mask in the real world, you must

You have to really bear its side effects.

But only in this state can he look into the enemy's eyes.

Klein directly stood in front of his body in reality, and the eyes under the mask looked at the Evil God. This time it finally worked. The Evil God seemed to have been severely traumatized, covering his eyes and falling to the ground in pain.

However, at that moment, strong holy light erupted from the enemy's body. Klein was now in a ghost state. Facing this attack, he was like a vampire facing ultraviolet rays. He was beaten to the brink of death in an instant. If

It is not possible to return to this state instantly. The moment just now was enough to kill him instantly.

At this time, he had been seriously injured to the extent that even in Source Castle, it would be difficult to use this sealed artifact.

At this time, the evil spirit was completely exhausted and his cards were exhausted. The evil god, who had recovered from serious injuries, once again raised the concrete block in his hand and smashed it towards Zhou Mingrui's body.


A violent roar sounded, but it was the sound of metal colliding with rocks. A tall figure blocked in front of Klein, and boulders weighing several tons hit him, making all the metal parts on his body groan.

Squeaking sound.

FG... without orders, stood in front of Zhou Mingrui and became the last line of defense.

[To be continued]

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