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Section 1024 - Arrangement of Position [Illustration]

The most critical link in the star system defense operation plan is, in addition to Chen Fei's superpowers, his "space imprint". Otherwise, how can a combat unit with a total mass of more than 3.3 billion tons be sent into space?

For "Atlan" with tens of thousands of people, this is simply impossible.

But sending Chen Fei himself into space is a piece of cake. S-class space system superpower Herseman Brown can take him to any location in the star system in an instant, and then release the "space imprint",

Not to mention 3.3 billion tons, 10 billion tons is nothing.

The entire "Atlan" quickly turned into a "big kitchen" in a short period of time, and everyone was working hard to collect resources and start "garnishing dishes".

The time of Chen Fei, the "chef", has become precious.

In addition to the semiconductor industry production line, the construction of the five combat weapons is not carried out at the same time. The first items that need to be completed are the starlight cannon and the projectile celestial body of the gravity slingshot.

Various basic materials were continuously sent to Area A of "Atlan", piled together according to the designed proportions, and then activated by Chen Fei's supernatural skills to merge into a giant alloy cylinder with a diameter of 50 meters and a total length of one kilometer.

, except for the dense texture, nothing else can be seen on the surface, but the internal structure has undergone complex changes under the control of superpowers, and a starlight cannon can be completed every ten seconds.

With the help of Lin Zixian's special ability "Marriage Dress Magic" and the strong mental power of "Seed Nest" McNee, Chen Fei's mental strength index once climbed to the physiological limit of 9781, which is close to

At the peak of status and ability.

No matter how high it is, although the skull will not explode, it will inevitably overflow when it is too full, and there will also be an ecstatic illusion that the soul is about to shed its shell. The control of the body will also be deviated, making it impossible to complete tasks such as threading a needle.

And so on, fine movements that require high accuracy.

With one full charge of mental power, you can complete 200 starlight cannons in one go. As your proficiency increases, the production time will be further shortened.

After several trips back and forth to the small underground worlds of "Atlan" and "The Nest", Chen Fei's mental strength continued to break through the physiological upper limit, reaching 12318, while the basic stable strength increased accordingly to 5359. Every time he accepted the "pass-through"

"Spiritual power is nothing more than a top-notch mental power cultivation secret method that breaks through the limits.

In the planned five days, Chen Fei exceeded his expectations and completed 2,200 finished starlight cannons, as well as 500 basic alloy bodies to be further processed. He then moved non-stop to Area B to help store the impact celestial alloy frame needed for the gravity slingshot.

The design diameter of each impacting object is more than 5 kilometers, which can almost be called an asteroid. Even if the entire body is made of rock, the total mass still reaches more than 160 billion tons. The total mass of 3,000 impacting objects can reach 5 million.

billion tons.

For a real planet, this mass is nothing at all, but it far exceeds the carrying capacity and material collection capabilities of the entire "Atlan". The 3.3 billion combat materials prepared for the star system defense combat plan

There is no way to include these, it is impossible to do it manually.

Therefore, work on the surface can only complete the celestial alloy frame of the core component, and the main material will be obtained from the planetary ring that serves as the launch site for the gravitational slingshot. There are at least four planets in the star system that have planetary rings and multiple orbiting small satellites.

It can be used to obtain the basic materials of these impacting objects, and meets the conditions for using the gravitational field to launch impacting objects.

The complete impact celestial body will have an olive-shaped appearance, with sharp ends and a thick middle. It will be covered with a layer of metal. The front end will be a high-hardness alloy impact cone. The interior of the main body will be a rock core. It will be equipped with eight rocket engines at the front and rear for steering calibration.

There is also an explosive and powerful main thrust engine, which is used for full propulsion after approaching and locking the target, and finally a brutal collision.

Although the protective force field of the biological space carrier is amazingly defensive, there is still a question mark as to whether it can withstand such a high-quality physical impact?

Whether it works or not can only be known by actually hitting it in the end.

Even if it can't break through the protective force field, it can at least disrupt the opponent's formation. More than 3,000 impacting celestial bodies are approaching together, and the scene is like blocking out the sky.

If any impacting celestial body falls on the planet's surface, its power is equivalent to 30,000 "Tsar" nuclear bombs, which is enough to cause doomsday-level destruction. If 3,000 of them fall together, the planet's surface will not be able to stop for at least tens of thousands of years, thus inducing

Violent geological movements will continue for a long time.

Each set of alloy frames used to construct the impact celestial body will be composed of multiple components with a total mass of more than one million tons. It will be initially assembled in space and filled with the basic materials of the celestial body.

It actually took about 15 days to complete the 3,000-combination alloy frame, which was two and a half days longer than expected.

Having just replenished their mental strength from the "Seed Nest" McNee and Lin Zixian, Chen Fei and the S-level space superpower Herseman Brown boarded the "1-" that had been parked in the central area of ​​"Atlan" for a long time.

"No. 2 coordination ship".

The next second, the ship disappeared from the berth, and at the same time, a 50-meter-long spaceship appeared near the orbit of the second planet in the star system.

"The safety rope has been confirmed to be intact, the air pressure has returned to zero, and we are ready to leave the cabin!"

Standing in the airlock cabin, when the vacuum was drawn out, Chen Fei, who was wearing the "Dragon King" assault heavy armor, turned to the other side of the airlock door, where Herseman Brown, who was also wearing a fully sealed individual tactical armor,

Thumbs up.

"be safe!"

Herseman Brown returned the thumbs-up gesture.

Due to time constraints, the spacecraft skipped the step of breaking through the atmosphere of the planet Antalu and entering the void of the universe, and directly reached its destination through space transmission.

The universe is so vast that even if the teleportation point deviates by a hundred or ten kilometers, it won't be a big deal.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The airlock door slowly opened, and the small magnetic plasma engine behind the "Dragon King" assault heavy armor ejected a faint blue light, because there was no

Air, magic circles such as "Fluid Vortex (2)" are in a state of failure. If you want to move short distances in a vacuum weightless environment, you can only rely on magnetic plasma engines and jet propulsion equipment. Even more rudimentary, even a small spray can can be used.

It's ok.

Dragging two safety ropes and flying a hundred meters away, Chen Fei raised his hand, and his tactical gloves revealed the silver light of "space branding".

A cylinder with a diameter of 50 meters and a total length of 1024 meters appeared out of thin air. Circles of blue light appeared on the surface of the cylinder, releasing thrust and driving the cylinder to float away. As time went by, the speed increased.

Coming faster and faster.

If the starlight cannon is released in the atmosphere and the entity pushes away the air immediately, it will cause a huge airflow impact, but in space, it will be silent.

Like the power source of the "Dragon King" assault-type heavy armor, the initial form of the starlight cannon relies on a magnetic plasma engine as a method of movement. Because it does not require high maneuverability, a magnetic plasma engine with a not too strong thrust is enough.


Immediately afterwards, another starlight cannon in its initial form was released, automatically lighting up the magnetic plasma engine, and slowly flew to the predetermined location.

Each starlight cannon will become each other's positioning coordinates, and together form a geometrically laid out artillery group position.

When it reaches the designated position, the initial form of the starlight cannon cylinder will rotate and bloom like a bud. The skeleton as the energy vein will continue to extend and the light wing membrane that absorbs the surrounding energy will unfold, until the design diameter is 20 kilometers.

It looks like a big umbrella from a distance. The "umbrella surface" condenses stellar light sources and cosmic rays into filamentous energy beams, which are directed to the focal point pointed at the end of the umbrella handle and lased out together.

All 2,200 finished starlight cannons were released, leaving only 500 semi-finished products for final processing when time and energy are available.

It takes at least 48 hours for the starlight cannon group to all enter their designated positions, but this does not affect each starlight cannon in position to first attract the star light source to emit high-density energy beams.

After launching the starlight cannon, Chen Fei and Herseman Brown did not return to the fourth planet Antalu. Instead, they moved together with the spacecraft to the ring of the sixth planet Missal and began to load the impact celestial body.

The ring of Planet Six is ​​mainly made of rocks and ice, and there are even two small moons floating outside the ring.

The mass of rocky celestial bodies and icy celestial bodies in the planetary ring often starts with millions of tons, and the total mass exceeds 100 million tons and even tens of thousands. No matter which one, they are enough to become the filling material and fishbone-shaped framework of the impacting celestial body.

It can firmly fix these celestial bodies and eventually form a huge olive-shaped shape with a maximum diameter of about 5 kilometers. Using the gravitational field of the sixth planet, it will eventually accelerate away and become an asteroid cannonball that is rampaging in the star system.

[Illustration: Impacting celestial body (Illustrated by AI)]

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