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Chapter 485 From Cybertrom

"As small people, our horizons and landscape are still too small!"

Looking at the picture on the light screen, Adrian's casual words made out of emotion actually got everyone's nods of approval, and they all agreed with each other.

How is the fighting situation inside and outside the city of Habrav?

Where did the sudden support attack come from?

What on earth were those red and blue fireballs released by?

Has the source been wiped out by this wave of blows from the sky?

Almost everyone is holding back a lot of questions.

As a minor figure in the bureau, he knew nothing about this. Even the live broadcast of the local news channel in Habrav City was unclear.

This time, the mutant attack on the city was not only complicated, but also unexpected.

It will probably take a while before the exact news is announced.

The only thing that was fortunate was that no more red or blue fireballs fell from the sky. Although the surrounding fires had not subsided and the red and blue flames were still burning, these people still managed to gain a glimmer of life for themselves.

There are 72 more "fluid vortex" magic arrays on the surface of the all-metal dome, half of which are on the pillars and half of which are outside the dome. They use their full strength to disturb the air and converge to form a slowly flowing breeze barrier to prevent the approaching heat waves.

Otherwise, the inside of the dome would have to become an oven.

Even so, the internal temperature is still as high as 50 or 60 degrees Celsius. Fortunately, all the members are ability users, so they can barely tolerate it. Susina, the only weak and weak B-level ice ability user, just needs such a hot environment to balance the body's energy.


It would be nice if there was another refrigeration magic circle, so that I could easily cope with the current environment. Chen Fei was a little regretful.

Anyone who knows how difficult it is to create a magic circle knows that if you don't want to be invited to tea, you'd better not take the initiative to pursue these taboo ideas.

Of course, if it is delivered to your door passively or accidentally, that is another matter.

The consumption of 72 "Fluid Vortex" spell arrays is not even half of the "Repulsion Shield" spell array. At this time, the power and crystal energy consumption of electricity conversion crystal energy can barely guarantee the balance of incoming and outgoing, and there is even a slight surplus, which can be reserved by the way.

stand up.

Chen Fei finally let go of Apu, who had become a "big yellow guy", and another person with lightning abilities. The two of them were even worse than Susiena. Their energy and energy were completely exhausted, and they lay down directly, even their fingers.

They couldn't move.

Light rain began to fall sparsely in the sky. The high temperature evaporated a large amount of water into the sky. The abundant water vapor recondensed into raindrops in the cold high altitude, and finally chose to return to the earth.

One after another, crystal energy jets from other sovereignties crossed long distances and were directly delivered to the sky above Habrav by the space system users. They seemed to appear out of thin air and suddenly filled the sky above the city.

Immediately, they turned and rushed into the nearby Central Desert. It was advisable to pursue the remaining bandits and use all their strength to eliminate the invading mutant groups.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the fire that spread throughout the city finally subsided, leaving only a few fire spots, which were quickly extinguished by the ability users who became active again.

The air was filled with a pungent and pungent smell, and the large number of red and blue fireballs that broke through the "city sky" and fell not only caused huge damage to Habrafu, but also indiscriminately eliminated a large number of mutants that rushed into the city.


The situation outside the city seemed to have gradually calmed down. The broken city wall was repaired immediately, and there were no longer mutants rushing into the city unbridled.

Even if there are two or three fish that slip through the net, they can't escape the encirclement and killing by the ability users.

The temperature finally dropped, and the all-metal dome that protected everyone folded up and transformed back into a mobile base vehicle.

Chen Fei took advantage of the opportunity to recover the energy points, and at the same time removed the crystal energy block from the car and took it with him so that it could be recharged immediately in case of emergencies.

The mobile base vehicle started the fuel generator and continued to replenish the nearly exhausted chemical battery. Although the crystal energy block was temporarily lost, if the chemical battery was fully charged, there would still be no short-distance maneuvers in the urban area of ​​Habrav.


The local television news channel belatedly announced the source of support fire coming from the sky.

The "Cybertrom", a digital intelligent construct in low-Earth orbit, took action. It changed its orbit hundreds of thousands of miles and hit the ground with just one wave, instantly relieving the crisis in Habraf City and setting the stage for this time's mutant attack.

The city came to an end.

The true identity of the culprit who fired red and blue fireballs into the urban area of ​​Habluff was also confirmed. He is a group of thousands of shellfish mutants. A single individual is as big as a standard container and looks like

Some wretched razor clams, with a body pointing slantingly at the sky and two slender shells that slowly open and close, stretching and contracting as if breathing. After the brewing is completed, it will eject a destructive force at a frequency of one every five minutes.

The astonishing red-blue fireball has an extremely long range, more than ten kilometers.

During the launch period, a large number of mutants will actively sacrifice themselves to be eaten by the slow-moving "razor clams", which will be used to supply themselves with nutrients to brew red and blue fireballs and launch them.

The beam of light that "Cybertrom" shoots outside the city is basically aimed at these shellfish mutants.

With one blow, it was like a scourge from heaven, and thousands of people were instantly wiped out.

Apart from the images previously captured by drones and outer space, there was only a large area of ​​scorched earth covered with black glass particles, and almost nothing was left.

After reporting on the culprit who nearly destroyed Khabrav and the supporters of the extraterrestrial strike, the news channel reported the first batch of casualty figures.

14 combat aircraft were lost, including one even a crystal energy jet.

Fortunately, the aerial rider of this crystalline jet was unharmed and was snatched back by the ground search and rescue team in time. His arms and legs were not lost. When the tailor-made crystalline jet is rebuilt, it will be another one to dominate the sky.


This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although the cost of the crystal energy jet is high, compared with the value of the Sky Knight, it is not worth mentioning. The sovereignty will never be short of this money, and the difference is often

Sky Knight.

No matter how poor or weak a sovereign is, as long as there is a Sky Knight, the whole country will be willing to cut back on food and clothing, tighten their belts, and sell iron to save the budget for crystalline jets, so that the airspace can be controlled by crystalline jets.

My heart will definitely feel more at ease.

213 combat mobile armors of various types were lost, most of which were destroyed by red and blue fireballs.

Chen Fei's huge "Dragon King" can't even hold it, let alone these mobile armors that have no self-healing ability.

The number of casualties on the ground was about 566, most of whom were soldiers who fought to the death. They all had a common name.


The rest of the casualties were all human ability users and intelligent monsters, many of them A-level and status. Since there was no time to evacuate to the underground shelter, and they could not join forces to defend like Chen Fei and others, casualties were inevitable, and in the end there were still some left.

Those who wait for rescuers in one breath do not deserve to die.

In addition, more than a thousand combat robots were lost. They were all mass-produced industrial products controlled by cloud AI. You can get a large number of them in one turn of the assembly line, which is not too distressing.

The target robots in Area C were all wiped out, and no one survived. They were also mass-produced products, just a little more expensive, but for the Global Joint Defense Committee, this little money was worth it.

On the other hand, the urban buildings and various facilities in Habrav City were damaged, causing incalculable asset losses for a while. I just don’t know whether the various sovereignties will provide additional budget to Habrav for reconstruction.

Nearly half of the residential buildings in Area B collapsed, but they have never been full. Everyone squeezes in and shares one household, so almost everyone can have a room.

Under the leadership of Adrian, after the replacement, Team 04 moved into the same floor very smoothly, making it easier to communicate with each other. Everyone could be called by ringing the doorbell along the corridor.

Sussina and Maori Meixin live in the same apartment, while the others live in one apartment, which is still very spacious.

Each residential building in Zone B starts with 175 square meters, with four bedrooms, two living rooms, one kitchen and three bathrooms, plus two balconies, one large and one small. Even if you live together, you still have plenty of private space.

Living with Chen Fei is Kitli, an A-level metal superpower. This guy is not easy to talk to others, but he takes good care of his younger brothers. He also has a cheerful personality and is never slimy.

After taking a shower, this A-level gold superpower didn't bother Chen Fei. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of flowery pants and a pair of sunglasses. He lay down on the beach chair on the balcony and sunbathed.

the moon.

There is a gentle breeze, a bright moon is in the sky, and the Milky Way stretches across the sky.

After a while, the snoring began.

Sunbathing under the moon in the middle of the night, and actually falling asleep while basking in the sun, is such a unique hobby.

While Kitli was sleeping soundly, the little birds also returned to their nests, huddled up in a ball, chirped from time to time, and slept soundly.

Estimating the time, Chen Fei started to establish a video call with Hana BOSS, who was far away at the 911 Air Service Base in the Kush Mountains of Hindustan, and began to report on the work.

Hana Gagel is in the small mansion housing Target's low-temperature fusion energy tower, with a flowerpot in front of her.

"I have tried the planting technical information you sent, and it should be true."

As she spoke, she flicked the mushrooms in the flower pot with her fingers.

This mushroom is quite special. It is one foot tall, the stipe is about two inches in diameter, and the cap is like a fat little bamboo hat. It is thick and long. It has an indescribable sense of evil. Hana BOSS is as white as jade.

With a flick of his slender fingers, it trembled slightly.

Chen Fei carefully examined it, and then he determined that the thing in the flowerpot, which was like a cow and had its neck dangling blindly like a cow, seemed to be the fleshy mushroom he had picked up. Due to improper planting, it had shrunk in size, and its appearance became more and more wretched.

Really, what the boss just said was very ambiguous.

What did you try?

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