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Chapter 692 - The Wrath of the Bird

"Where did the Pure Light Bird come from?"

"What happened? Hiss! It's all pure light birds!"

The people on the roof looked puzzled at the increasing number of pure light sparrows in the sky, chirping randomly.

Speaking of the most numerous birds in the Firmament Star, the Pure Light Sparrow located at the bottom of Warcraft dares to be ranked second, so no other bird dares to be ranked first. There is only a thin line between the Pure Light Sparrow that can be seen everywhere and the spread of disasters.

The Pure Light Birds scattered across the continents and islands of the Firmament Star are not large social birds. There are rarely more than a hundred or even tens of thousands of birds. Usually, they only live in small families of about ten.

They are common omnivorous birds that live in groups in lakes, forests, cities, and villages. When the number reaches a certain level, they will split into new family groups, and there are also free individuals.

However, it is extremely rare for the number to suddenly exceed a thousand and start to move towards the 10,000 mark like this.


The noisy chirping of sparrows in the sky gradually became uniform.

Almost all the spellcasters noticed the restlessness of the light element energy at the same time, forming a faint rhythm that actually echoed the chirping of birds that became more and more like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

A light film expanded and enveloped the entire business hotel. Many people noticed something strange and looked outside, but did not see the shadow of the enemy. They did not understand why the large tactical compound magic shield was suddenly activated.

Many people even thought it was because of the large number of pure light sparrows gathering above the hotel. Although this kind of bird is very difficult to fight, it is said to be a World of Warcraft. It does not even have offensive spells, and its pecking does not hurt at all.

It has the ability to threaten, but once the number increases and it forms an aura that blocks out the sky, everyone will feel numb in the scalp.


The sudden roar broke into everyone's ears without warning.

What followed was a deafening loud noise. The ferocious dragon suddenly broke into the field of vision like a cannonball and slammed into the large tactical compound spell shield. The violent energy fluctuations even formed ripples, and ripples appeared in the area.

The almost transparent surface of the spell shield was turbulent repeatedly.

"Load 30%!"

The technicians who were monitoring the tactical alchemical artifacts screamed in horror.

This is a large-scale tactical compound magic shield. It is difficult for even railguns to penetrate it. One-third of its load capacity was destroyed in one blow. If it were hit several times in a row, wouldn't it be able to break through the defense on the spot?

Fortunately, this large-scale tactical compound magic shield was activated in time. Otherwise, if the hotel building itself had to withstand such a violent collision, it might be knocked out of a big hole, or even turn into a dangerous building.

Many people who witnessed the scene of the golden dragon crashing into the hotel building were confused. Shouldn't that golden dragon be "my dragon"?

Why did he inexplicably charge into the hotel? Is there any misunderstanding?

In the eyes of the giant dragons, it is often difficult to distinguish the individual differences between ant-like human beings, and sometimes even men and women cannot be distinguished. Correspondingly, in the eyes of the human race, the same is not true for the giant dragons who are as big as hills.

Only a few individuals with extraordinarily careful observation noticed that this "disregarding" gold-type dragon was not the one they knew before, but another unfamiliar gold-type dragon. No wonder it was so ferocious.

Louis Langdon, the president of Louis Industrial Company, who had been staying on the roof of the hotel, looked at the golden dragon that shook its head and retreated a hundred meters away, charging again. He couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed the center of the vortex of parasitic species invasion.

, even something like this will happen!”

He was witnessing history, but the real history was so shocking that even giant gold dragons that did not obey the control of Sky Dragon City appeared.

However, it has always been the nature of metal dragons to disobey discipline. Even if their clan leader became the Dragon King of this generation, he was not very obedient.

Although the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, it cannot withstand the changes of time and rivers. The adult dragons have been "locked (cheated)" into the "halo", and the new generation of young dragons stay in school honestly.

Like many intelligent races, they received compulsory education from the imperial dynasty and studied and lived day after day to make them somewhat knowledgeable, so that they would not show their teeth and claws all day long and be no different from ordinary beasts, which makes people look upset.

Suddenly seeing a giant golden dragon acting without permission made Louis Langdon feel very strange. He had already been reborn for a lifetime and didn't actually care about his own life or death. Otherwise, he would not have risked his life to come to Zhailiuzhou Continent of the Firmament Star.

Nandu witnessed the historical turning point of human civilization in person.

In the previous life, Firmament Star and Blue Star were cut off from each other, and now it seems that they may not be spared either.


"Load 65%! At most, it can only withstand two collisions at most!"

The technician monitoring the tactical alchemy tool was sweating profusely, and his face had turned pale.

Some spellcasters came to the roof of the building or rushed to the window, superimposing additional spell shields on the tactical compound spell shield in their own way.

When the nest is overturned, the eggs will not be intact. If this evil dragon breaks open the large tactical composite spell shield, everyone will not be spared.


The chirping of birds in the sky became louder and more uniform.

More and more Pure Light Birds flew over from all directions, and some of them even shone with the radiant light of the light element system.

Neither the giant gold dragon nor the people in the hotel had time to pay attention to the birds that had gathered for unknown reasons. One side was attacking while the other side was desperately defending. The two sides were locked in a stalemate based on the tactical compound magic shield.

The level of the tactical alchemy weapon placed on the roof of the hotel to release a large tactical compound spell shield is far inferior to the protective force field used by the boundary gate management substation on the ground. Even if there is an additional spell shield superimposed by the caster, it is still a drop in the bucket.

, more and more elemental energy ripples are added to the surface of the light film.

What the technicians in charge of this tactical alchemical weapon were most worried about happened. The load it could withstand quickly became endangered, and the tactical compound spell shield was no longer sustainable.

"Chirp!" x91745!

At some point, the sky gradually darkened.

"Mr. Langdon, look at the sky!"

Hearing some people's exclamations, Reva, the bodyguard leader who was in charge of the overall situation, raised his head and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The sky is still clear, but there is very little sunlight falling. Countless birds are hovering in the sky, and their figures actually block the light of the Holy Sun.

"They are Pure Light Birds! There are so many of them!"

Louis Langdon looked at the sky as he was told, and suddenly thought of Chen Fei's fifth-level Pure Light Bird.

The number of small birds, which are only about the size of fists, is so great that they cover the sky with darkness. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The momentum is particularly astonishing. Even the giant metal dragon that keeps attacking the main building of the high-end business hotel has stopped moving.

He tilted his head and looked up at the sky, seemingly puzzled.

"Chirp!" x115432!

"Are these birds crazy?"

"How come there are so many? Oh my god, it's getting dark!"

Many people rushed to the roof of the building and were collectively stunned.

Just as she expected, Princess Lin Ziyu was not too surprised. Instead, she said to herself: "If there are not even ten thousand little chirps, they will be invincible!"

This sentence was a joke made by Chen Fei when he was teasing the little bird. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy. This posture might even make the giant dragon retreat.


The giant metal dragon seemed to sense the threat from above, and burst out with a deafening roar.

Immediately, more than a dozen small black dots fell from the sky. They were frightened to death by the dragon's roar, lost the ability to fly, and fell from the sky.

However, this casualty is insignificant to the growing number of birds.

"Chirp!" x117883!

There was a hint of anger in the uniform chirping.

The anger of the Pure Light Bird towards the giant dragon.

The giant gold dragon suddenly abandoned the high-end business hotel, flapped its blades and rushed into the sky, dashing left and right among the dense flock of birds.

The fragile little bird, with its small body, was no match for the tyrannical dragon. Countless little black dots fell one after another, and the black feathers flew like heavy snow.

"Ah! Xiaojiu!!"

Princess Lin Ziyu was so frightened that she covered her mouth, her heart immediately pounding.

Although this little bird is a little naughty, it is very well-behaved and obedient. I really don’t know where Chen Fei found such a considerate little thing.

Her Royal Highness does not want it to be in danger.

Scattered flashes of light continued to bloom in the dark sky, which was blocked from the sunlight by numerous finches.

Mid- and low-level light-based monsters in the human position do not have offensive spells. Although most of them are at the first level of the human position, they often do not have the ability to release spells. Some individuals with excellent bloodline talents can barely reach the human position.

At the second level, they are desperately releasing "light flashes", trying to interfere with the golden dragons that are slaughtering the birds, so that more of their companions can survive.

The airspace cleared by the rampaging golden dragon was instantly filled with the neatly singing Pure Light Birds. The number of Pure Light Birds seemed to be endless.

Many Pure Light Sparrows hold the faint light of the "Light Healing Technique" in their small pointed beaks. They approach their injured companions and try their best to provide treatment. Some Pure Light Sparrows that maintain the "Light Healing Technique" can't even dodge and are brutally attacked.

The giant dragon tore it into pieces, leaving only fine black feathers floating in the wind.

A pale white halo bloomed high in the sky, and the elemental energy within a radius of five miles seemed to have been invisible washed away. Other elemental energies were squeezed in all directions, leaving only the light elemental energy, warm and pure.

The light of the Holy Sun of Flame seemed to become more intense.

The one after another second-level personal spell "Light Explosion" gradually became orderly, one bright and one extinguished.

The number of flashes increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and many people who witnessed this scene were almost dumbfounded.

Advancement, a large number of Pure Light Birds are advancing.

The sky above the hotel began to flicker.

"Chirp!" x190119!

The fierce and fearless Pure Light Birds finally made the golden dragon hesitate involuntarily.


The giant gold dragon roared loudly and was about to leave the swarm of birds.

A beam of light descended from the sky.

Without warning, the originally warm and pure light suddenly became violent.

This chapter has been completed!
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