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Chapter 11 For the glory of Azane!

"Xiao Linke, what happened?"

In the oxcart, Lin Ke's mother poked her head out and looked at him curiously and a little worriedly.

"Mother, there may be enemies, such as thieves and thieves." Lin Ke said in a deep voice.


Lin Ke's mother exclaimed and immediately came forward to hug Lin Ke, as if she was worried that arrows would be shot from the woods.

Then she looked around nervously and said nervously: "Where, where."

The little hands did not forget to pat Lin Ke's back to comfort Lin Ke.

Lin Ke felt warm in his heart and said, "We haven't shown up yet. It's dangerous outside. Mother, please go in quickly." He wasn't sure what the enemy was.

"Then what do you do! No, come in with me quickly." He said as he prepared to pick up Lin Ke and return to the car.

She didn't ask why Lin might sense an enemy, but she was used to trusting her son.

But when encountering this kind of thing, I immediately thought that it would be better to find a place to hide the cat.

"Mother, I'm not going. I'm commanding the guards in the rear to fight."

Lin Ke comforted him softly: "Don't forget, I am the future Viscount Azane, with the blood of fighting flowing in my blood. I need to inherit Azane's glory in the future."

Lin Ke's mother ignored him and wanted to take him into the car.

She doesn't care about honor or disgrace, her son's life is the most important thing!

Lin Ke said helplessly: "Mom, believe me, if you do this again, we will all die!"

We are all going to die!

Hearing these words, Lin Ke's mother was frightened.

"So, mother, let me down now and let me direct the guards to fight." Lin Ke stretched out his milky white hand and patted the back of his mother's hand.

In fact, he didn't know whether he would die or what kind of enemy was coming.

But you have to treat it with all your strength, otherwise you may die if you underestimate any enemy.

Lin Ke's mother slowly put him down: "You must pay attention to safety!" As she said this, her eyes were full of worry and uneasiness.

Lin Ke nodded, pushed, and finally pushed his mother in.

"Young... Young Master, did you say there were enemies?"

At this time, John, who was next to the guard, asked with a trembling voice.

There were more than 300 guards in total, lined up beside him, all focused on Lin Ke.


There are enemies! And they are guards!

After glancing at the expressions of these guards, Lin Ke sighed secretly.

They are said to be guards, but in fact they are just peasants without any courage.

"of course it's true!"

Lin Ke's face turned serious.

Before these people could comment, Yi Zong jumped down from the bullock cart and came to a guard.


Lin Ke instantly pulled out the guard's rusty iron sword.

"If anyone wants to escape during the battle, I will execute him now!"

The sword is a bit heavy and requires both hands to hold it firmly. Lin Ke shakes a little when he raises it with one hand, but he can still swing it.

But this does not prevent Lin Ke from saying powerful words.

The guards were suddenly shocked by Lin Ke's words, and some servants in the bullock carts in front and behind seemed to have heard the news of the enemy's invasion, and began to whisper in the cars.

Looking at the guards with different expressions, Lin Ke's expression softened:

"Don't worry, those enemies are just thieves and robbers. They can't defeat you! You are the guards of the Azane family!"


This last name seemed to have some kind of magic power, causing the guards to suddenly become silent.

This is an era in which information dissemination is inconvenient.

You know, in Azan's territory, almost everyone is proud to live in Azan, especially Viscount Azan, who is an invincible viscount!

And the person leading them was Young Master Lin Ke, the eldest son of the extremely intelligent Viscount Azanen, who had been quite magical since he was a child.

In this world, there are always some people who are born extraordinary, and their extraordinary lives are often due to their extraordinary bloodline...

Their young master Lin Ke is such a person!

The proud man blessed by Azan’s glory!

It's not like the previous world, where precocious people might be treated as monsters and beaten to death with sticks.

"Yes! We are blessed by Azan's glory!"

"The ancestors of Azan will protect us!"

"We also have the smartest young master! He is Azan's future!"

Talking randomly during training is a taboo, but Lin Ke did not stop him at this time. Instead, he waited for them to talk for a while before speaking again:

"In addition, if anyone performs better later, I will reward him fifty copper coins!"

A copper plate could probably buy a meter-long piece of rye bread, enough to feed an adult slave for a day.

Fifty copper plates are equal to five silver coins, which is equal to half a gold coin!

The monetary system here is very simple and chaotic, and the exchange rate is simply one to ten.

One gold coin is equal to ten silver coins, which is equal to one hundred copper coins.

Therefore, just after the rewards were announced, the breathing of these guards became obviously much heavier.

First there is the threat of "killing those who escape", then the hope of "probable victory", and finally the inducement of "rich rewards".

In his previous life, Lin Ke was very proficient in this kind of similar method, and many people were more skillful than him in playing it.

But unfortunately, no one saw it at this time, and no one understood his methods.

It is estimated that apart from the eldest lady and Butler Billy, only a few people at Azan Castle understand it.

After all, there is no nine-year compulsory education here, and most people can only make ends meet, are not exposed to so much information, and do not have such high overall quality.

It's a pity that no one appreciates it.

"Okay, each team leader will lead a patrol, from the beginning of the convoy to the end of the convoy... pay attention to the jungle! The enemy will definitely come from the jungle, don't let any slightest sign of trouble go!"

"Our mission is to ensure everyone's life safety... If necessary, you can throw away your belongings! Your life is the most precious!"

Lin Ke shouted as loudly as possible with his undeveloped vocal cords. Fortunately, the guards gathered and they could hear his voice.

"Yes Yes Yes!"……

Although the answers were inconsistent, there was no uniformity.

But this roar can be regarded as calming down the servants in the car who have never seen the world.

Of course, the most important thing is Lin Ke's words "life is the most precious", which made these servants deeply moved.

Moreover, it seems that Lin Ke is not finished yet.

"For...the glory of Azan!"

I saw Lin Kefu reaching his heart, suddenly raising his sword with both hands above his head and shouting.

Under the car, before the guards could react, John raised his fist high: "For the glory of Azan!"

The guards finally came to their senses this time, and immediately drew out their swords one by one and shouted loudly.

"For the glory of Azan!"

"For the glory of Azan!"

"For the glory of Azan!"

The shouting became louder and louder. The guards vented their fear by shouting, and their morale improved a lot.

Even some of the servants in the car stuck out their heads and howled twice.

Vision and sound are generally more stimulating to people than smell.

In addition, they are a group, and groups can often eliminate many of the fears that individuals have when they are alone.

Lin Ke nodded slightly.

Morale is available!

As for Lin Ke’s mother…

At this time, Lin Ke's mother looked at Lin Ke's back and listened to the half-loud roars of the guards, feeling in a daze.

Like, really like...

Then, she retracted her head and secretly wiped the sparkling light from the corners of her eyes, as if she had erased the pain of lovesickness.

Lin Ke didn't know what his mother was doing behind the scenes, but he was also a member of the sentry, keeping an eye on the jungle at all times.

"We need to train a few scouts in the future." Lin Ke looked at the dense forest in front of him and made a decision in his heart.

However, in the world of professionals, there may be professions that are more suitable for exploration than scouts.

Ten minutes passed, and Lin Ke was still thinking about battles or the necessary power in war.

Such as scouts, such as priests, such as tanks, such as warriors, assassins, archers...

However, just as he was immersed in a contemplation that was getting better, something changed suddenly.

"Look over there! Look over there!"

A cry of surprise came from behind.

Lin Ke was alert for a moment, his small body suddenly jumped up, and he looked behind him.

There was a group of guards pointing at the overgrown woods and exclaiming.

Lin Ke looked in the direction pointed by the guard.

This is... the enemy?!

This chapter has been completed!
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