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Chapter 143 Write the 'Lord Theory'!

After writing this opening chapter, Lin Ke's mind was clear.

Capital, The Wealth of Nations, Mao Zedong, Ma Yuan...

Magnificent masterpieces flowed through Lin Ke's mind. Lin Ke closed his eyes and calmed down for a while, letting his blood calm down a little, and then started writing again.

Directory, index.

Volume One, Military.

Apart from personal strength, military strength determines whether a lord is powerful or not.

The power of the Wumian Emperor lies not only in his personal power, but also in the Black and White Knights and the military strength of the Kingdom of Gula.

When the Sleepless Emperor, as the legendary [King], leads the terrifying Black and White Knights to charge, no one or force in the entire Nasenger can resist.

The military is something that Lin Ke has always attached great importance to...

When the Earl of Giant Sword charges together with his army, he can even kill giant snakes of monsters that are many levels higher than himself. Earl of Qingquan can withstand many star-level attacks with the help of the secret scribe.

unity is strength.

Lin Ke wrote down a few brief points under this directory: belief, discipline, and equipment.

Faith is also a will such as belief, idea, and sense of belonging. It determines morale. When a soldier knows why he is fighting, such faith is far better than obtaining a body of steel.

At the same time, discipline and obedience are also extremely important. Some armies cooperate tacitly and their strength reaches "1+1>2", while some armies are scattered and can only be "1+1<1" in chaos.

Equipment also means technology. Between two armies of the same level, the one driving a tank may have a crushing effect on the one riding a horse.

Military, Azan’s top priority!

Next, Lin Ke wrote the second volume.


Military is skin and muscle, wealth is blood.

According to the saying in the past life, one blast of a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold.

Military strength is supported and provided by economic strength.

The so-called wealth is actually the value created by people through labor, thinking and other activities. This value is manifested as money, or...capital!

Some people create value through labor and then obtain original capital; some people create value through wisdom and knowledge and then obtain original capital.

Capital is neither good nor bad.

But in Lin Ke's previous life, some people relied on blood, oppression, war, cliques and other despicable means to obtain capital, which ultimately made the word capital dirty.

But in this life, what Lin Ke wants is the former.

Behind a cannonball are scientific research, workers' labor, technology, etc.

A lot of money is spent, and that money reflects exactly the effort and value of the entire system.

Lin is not the protagonist of a novel, so he cannot create a cannonball out of thin air.

What he needs is a group of wise people, people who work hard, people who are skilled, people who coordinate and manage, people who dare to innovate and pioneer to build Azan together.

These are all inseparable from the role of economics, finance and finance.

When the entire Azan is valuable, Lin Ke can play the role of economic macro-control and maintain Azan's stable and orderly creation of value.

Lin can then use financial means to invest the remaining value in the next research direction to create new value.

Among them, the role of financial auditing is also indispensable, supervising and supervising the entire system to avoid harboring evil and evil.

This is wealth, this is the role of economics, finance and finance!

When the wealth of the entire Azane is continuously created, more and more fresh blood can be drawn from the entire Nasung.

By transferring this wealth to the military, we can give the army more powerful equipment and give the army a greater sense of belonging. Wealth will allow them to go to the battlefield without any worries.

Wealth means economy, finance and finance.

At the same time, in addition to the military, wealth can also be transported in another direction...technology!

Lin Ke writes the third volume of technology!

If the military is flesh and blood, wealth is the blood supply, then technology is the internal organs.

Whether it is military technology, people's livelihood technology or other technologies, the richer and more developed the technology will be, the more powerful Azan can be.

Some forces are strong in military technology, but their people's livelihood is in decline. Just like the lungs are strong but the blood supply to the heart is poor, the overall strength is still very weak.

Only with good strength in all aspects of the internal organs, such as the digestive system, immune system, respiratory system, etc., can one be truly powerful.

Not to mention the past life, even in the current Nasenger, the importance of technology is also obvious.

Nasenger stands at the top of the star world, largely because of the professional system created by Andrew.

The professional system eliminated the old magician and warrior system, and made Nasenger's low-end, terminal and high-end combat power far exceed that of creatures from other secondary planes.

Leave aside the heavens and star realms and just talk about Nasunga.

As far as Nasenge is concerned, the more and richer the professions developed by a force, the more likely it is that powerful people will emerge.

The same goes for skills. Some forces can only develop pulleys to enhance physical strength, while others can already use gravitational repulsion. The power of skills is also different because of this.

Therefore, science and technology, that is, the development of science and technology, is also extremely important.

In Nasung, knowledge not only creates wealth but also empowers you!

Under science, there are subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and geography. Under each subject, there are various sub-disciplines such as mechanics and aerospace.

Under technology are inventions and innovations, such as materials science and mechanical mechanics.

And when a force has skin, muscles, blood, and organs, what it needs most is bones.

Thoughts and culture are bones!

Some nations are born with such pride that they cannot be crushed by the sky, bound by the earth, swept away by floods, shaken by earthquakes, or trampled under their feet by all natural and man-made disasters such as hunger, disease, invasion, and slavery.

Even if you fall, you will get up; even if you fail, you will still move forward.

What that nation brought to Lin Ke was the patience of "Heaven will entrust great responsibilities to this people", the pride of "I would rather be broken than ruins", and the responsibility of "worrying about the worries of the world first"...

Constantly strive for self-improvement, be virtuous, help others, be harmonious and friendly, and stand upright...

Too many!

The derivatives of culture and thought include philosophy, literature, music, film and television, painting, etc., and the further derivatives are pan-entertainment.

This aspect of spiritual life is something that Lin Ke must firmly grasp.

But if you can't create any caste or anything like that, then it will be fun.

And after the bones, there is the brain.

The system is the brain!

The brain determines the direction of the entire body, whether to go to capital or to ahem, this is a matter determined by the system.

Regarding the system, Lin Ke also wanted to learn from the experience of his previous life and adapt measures to local conditions, crossing the river by feeling the eagle sauce and rabbit sauce.

Of course, in the end, it is best for a person to have only one personality and one soul.

The difference between a clone and the original human being is that except for the difference in personality, everything else is the same.

The chaos of the second gear has become very obvious.

The lord, or Lin Ke himself, is the personality and soul of Azan!

As for Garrosi... let’s talk about it then?

This is Azan's flesh, blood, organs, bones, brain and soul!

this is……

Lin Kezhi's "The Theory of Lords"! Provide you with the fastest update of this very scientific update of Lord Lord, Chapter 143 Writing "The Theory of Lords"! Free to read.

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