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Chapter 303 Expansion! Father Turbulence!

early morning.

Andorra finished a night of meditation, got up from his home, and prepared to report to the Balrog Sect.

A month has passed since that day.

Open the door and climb down the pillars of the Faser Tower, come to the ground, and then quickly walk towards the original place of the Poseidon Temple in Blue Sky City. "Good morning! Andorra is homogeneous!" said an aunt buying roasted milk berries on the roadside.

Andorra shook Hosuke and showed a friendly smile.

"Good morning, Ms. Xiduo~" Andor stopped in front of the stall, smiled and stretched out his dharma guide, connected to the aunt's dharma guide, sent five magic powers over, and said: "I want two milk berries, bake them crispy.


"Okay!" The aunt clapped her hands, rolled up two roasted green milk berries from the stove, and handed them to Andor: "Be careful to burn them! Go to work quickly! Haha."

Milk berries are a specialty grain of Languang Tiancheng. They are palm-sized and round. The fruits are golden yellow when ripe.

After being roasted, the juice inside the milk berries will seep out. The longer it is roasted, the greener it becomes, and the milky aroma becomes stronger. It tastes like browned bread dipped in boiled milk sugar.

After taking two bites of the milky berries, Andorra quickened his pace.

"Andorra, are you going to work? By the way, this is the Feifei flower that grows in my field. Bring me one to Buck.

"Two days ago, Barker issued a free learning decree. Look, my children have been smart since they were young." Andorra

Along the way, Andorra greeted the pedestrians and vendors passing by, and it took him half an hour to walk the 500 meters.

Although a little tired, Andorra felt more fulfilled than ever before.

It turns out that each of these residents is indifferent. When they get up every morning, they first go to the sect or temple to pray, pray, and contribute to the power of faith todayjo

Then he hurried back to do farm work and work, barely able to maintain food and clothing.

After Lord Buck arrived, everyone in Blue Light City changed.

They were not forced by those in the temple to pray to gods they did not believe in, but had their own time and did what they wanted to do.

You must know that 90% of people in Faser are just shallow believers.

Because the situation with Faser is that this city belongs to Poseidon today, but it may become the next god's tomorrow. Go to this temple to pray today, and tomorrow to the next temple to pray. In short, as ordinary people, what do the strong say?

, that’s what they do.

However, now, the unprecedented sense of freedom has made the entire Blue Light City burst out with amazing vitality.

Feeling this youthful vitality, Andor couldn't help but shake the Hosuke behind his head happily, and then climbed up to the Fase Tower in front of him.


When we got up there, people were coming and going.

This place was named "City Hall" by Lord Buck!

These staff members need to come here to check in and report every day, and then deal with various affairs in Blue Light Sky City.

In the past, Blue Light Celestial City was extremely chaotic, and the temple often had the final say. Without a temple, it would be a sect.

Now, it's up to City Hall to have the final say.

The difference is that the city hall is decided by everyone!

If there are any regulations, needs, or conflicts, you can come to the city hall to resolve them.

The city hall will also issue decrees based on these cases, first on a small scale and then on a city-wide basis.

In this way, in the past month, Blue Light Tiancheng has lost its previous chaos, and the situation where Lin Ke could fight on the street no longer exists.

"Andorra and Babak are waiting for you on No. 103."

Understand o

As soon as Andorra came up, a girl came over with a stack of Azan papers. After saying something, she hurried away. It was very busy.

Andorra knew that the city hall was always overloaded, so he didn't care. Instead, he took the remaining milk berry and headed to Room 103, the conference room.

When he arrived at 103, he saw his teacher, Ms. Yongge, the armored boy, the crazy woman, the sinister man and others all inside.

And at the very end, there is a majestic figure.

It is none other than the King of Fire Demons—Buck Raglonas!

"Andor, here we come? Are the milk berries crispy?" Lin Ke raised his head from the paper on the table and showed a smile. "It's so crispy! Buck is of the same quality." Andor handed over the milk berries in his hand.


In addition to buying food for himself every morning, he also buys food for Buck.

"Crack." Lin Ke took a bite. It was crispy and fragrant like biscuits, and then a stream of milk-like juice oozed out. It tasted great.

"Buck homogenous, we are now

Andorra touched the French introduction lightly with everyone, and then came to his own

Sit down and look at the paper on the table.

"We have now liberated three big cities. Now we have to consider which direction to go." Next to Andorra, the sinister man smiled coldly.

"Direction. Hearing this, Andor looked at the information in his hand and fell into thinking.

At this time, everyone, including Lin Ke, was thinking.

Eating the milk berry in his hand, Lin Ke fell into deep thought.

During this month, Faser ushered in a turbulent time.

First, in the eastern part of the Faser continent, in the eyes of the Faser people, the humanoid invaders with the heads of various monsters occupied seventy-eight cities and enslaved the Faser people there.

All believers were killed directly, all non-believers, wild mages,


t, magicians, etc. were all gathered together and made slaves



It is said that at least more than two million Faser died.

How cruel?

But Lin Ke knew that he was from the Holy Life Alliance.

You don’t even care about the intelligent life in Nasenge, let alone the intelligent life in other planes?

In their eyes, the intelligent lives in other planes are not even as good as their slave lives.

In the southeast, three gods have fallen here, and the area is extremely chaotic. It seems that every city has an overlord.

The overlords of these cities are the people from the western countries of Nasenge!

These people have different characteristics, but in short, they are all good at killing. This has something to do with the death of Nasenger's God of Killing in that place.

To the northeast is the power supported by the stars and waves.

The ocean in Faser is not vast and boundless. More than 70% of this planet or this plane is land, and there is no intelligent life in the ocean.

So those mermaids and the like have been operating forces on land.

Then, there is the Permanently Frozen Chamber in the south.

The development of the Permanent Frozen Council is quite good, directly occupying more than 60 cities there, shaking the faith of the forest god. There was a divine war before, but it was blocked. It can be seen that it was the same period as the Wumian Emperor.

How powerful is the chief son of the Ice Crystal Giant Deer?

As for the Gula Kingdom in the northwest, that is, the force headed by Lin Ke, in the past month, in the eyes of the live broadcast viewers, it was completely useless and abandoned.

What is Lin Ke doing in their eyes?

Painting, writing books, arranging music

What the hell?!

The Gula Kingdom is going to be defeated?!

There are more than two hundred forces, and the discerning people on Nasenger's side can see that Lin Ke is completely wasting his time this month. But they don't know that at this time, Lin Ke has also started a plan.

"Then...let's expand to the east!"


This chapter has been completed!
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