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Chapter 350 The Son of the Chief Ice Crystal Giant Deer

At the end of the second year of the Fire Demon Era, it was a world of ice and snow.

In the southern part of Faser Continent, in the wilderness outside Heitian City, two large armies were confronting each other.

"Buck, the King of Fire Demons, I admire you very much. Leave Lin Ke and join my army to protect you from death."

On one side are some elk that look like ice sculptures, each of them very tall.

It is the Ice Crystal Giant Deer clan of Nasenge’s Eternal Frozen Council!

What confronts him is Buck, the Fire Demon King, and his troops.

That is, Lin Ke's troops.

"Hahaha, I admire you too, why don't you join me?"

Lin Ke laughed heartily, riding the black gold volcano demon bull, in front of the First People's Volunteer Army of Faser, in high spirits.

There are 50,000 people in the First People's Volunteer Army of Faser, including 3,000 magicians, and the rest are ordinary mortal knights.

The leader of the giant ice crystal deer did not speak, his eyes were dull, but another reminder to the smaller ice crystal giant deer beside him gave a cold shout: "How outrageous! Just a native of a secondary plane, be careful we slaughter your entire plane!"

"So, you don't want to withdraw from Heitian City." Hearing this, Lin Ke also looked cold.

At this time, the person on the other side stopped talking, and instead began to drum up the power of professionals.

The surrounding environment is already a world of ice and snow, and there are several star-level ice crystal giant deer opposite them that have mastered the laws of ice and snow.

However, the giant ice crystal deer headed by it possesses the laws of lava and fire.

"Homogeneous people, those outsiders invaded our homeland and insulted our character... for the glory of Faser!"

Lin Ke raised the thunder wrist ball in his hand high, violent lava burst out from it, and the high temperature directly melted the surrounding ice and snow.

At the same time, his body suddenly grew larger together with the sitting black gold volcano demonic cow, and gurgling lava erupted from his body.

"I am... the King of Fire Demons!" Lin Ke's voice spread far away, with terrifying power.

"For the glory of Father!"

"For the glory of Father!"

"For the glory of Father!"

The First People's Volunteer Army of Faser shouted in unison, their voices resounding through the sky.

"The momentum is pretty good..." The ice-crystal giant deer head's voice was like spring snow, light and elegant.

This ice crystal giant deer is a figure of the same period as the Wumian Emperor. One is the son of the chief of the Eternal Frozen Council, and the other is the prince of the Gula Kingdom.

Back then, he traveled around the world without sleep, including the Holy Life Alliance, the Eternal Frozen Council, the Stars and the Ocean of Waves, and even two other continents.

He has fought against all the younger generation and has rarely met an opponent.

Wumian's several powerful star-level enemies back then were almost indistinguishable, and they were evenly matched.

One of them is the son of the chief ice crystal deer.

But now, the original sleepless prince has become a terrifying existence that suppresses the entire plane.

But this giant ice crystal deer is still at the Star Glory level and cannot even break through to the Legend level.

In other words, the vast majority of intelligent life cannot actually break through to legend, and most of them die with hatred at the Star Glory level.

Even the vast majority of intelligent life has never been able to reach the star level, but this ice crystal giant deer can barely reach it with massive resources.

This giant ice crystal deer spent decades consolidating the Star Glory level. It only tried to improve after thinking about having a solid foundation, but it didn't improve much after hundreds of years.

On the other hand, the Wumian Emperor has made great progress all the way, reaching a place where his father has not reached, and dominates the whole world.

Later, even Wumian's descendants entered the legend one by one, and some were even able to compete with his father.

He is still at the Star Level.

And now, even the target of Wumian's youngest daughter dares to come in and compete with him in the ring.

No, the Buck in front of him is just a local aboriginal puppet supported by his sleepless son-in-law.

Actually shouting in front of him?

"Everyone, kill them all." The ice crystal giant deer's indifferent eyes burst out with murderous intent.

From the Sleepless Emperor to the puppet Buck, they all deserve to die!

He stepped into the air, and his ice-crystal body began to slowly turn red, especially the pair of antlers that were as entangled as tree branches, with blazing flames shooting out from them.

"Big Exploding Meteor." The body of the giant ice crystal deer rushed forward at high speed, exceeding the speed of sound, and terrifying sonic booms were heard in the air.

In Lin Ke's view, this giant ice crystal deer fell down like a large meteorite with an astonishing momentum.

Star level?

Can't beat it?

That is impossible.

You must know that in his army at this time, there are not only John and Nicks, but also his Great Wilderness Knights.

Lin Ke took the lead and subconsciously wanted to shout "I will take the lead in the charge", but held back.

Not far behind him, John's eyes shot out a huge amount of white light, and his hands danced wildly as if he were playing the most difficult piano music.

After all, there are 50,000 people here!

At the same time, Yale also controls energy. A black or white chess piece falls on everyone's head, but the color of the chess piece is a bit illusory.

It was the first time for them to lead a war involving 50,000 people, and it was quite difficult.

At this time, the ice crystal giant deer attacked, and Yale immediately changed his formation: "Falcon!"

A steady stream of energy converged on Lin Ke. Lin Ke punched and used the thunder wrist ball to greatly increase his strength.


Lin Ke's figure riding the black gold volcano demon bull collided with the ice crystal giant deer, and then flew back at a faster speed and hit the ground.

However, Yale also changed its formation in time to reduce the damage.

John also shared the damage on everyone, causing everyone to feel like they had been punched in the chest.

"John Lin Ke, the steward of the Great Wilderness, is willing to give up." In the sky, the voice of the Ice Crystal Giant Deer remained as calm as before, and his murderous intent was not diminished: "Your entire army cannot defeat me, and there are so many people here, are you sure you want to

Are you my enemy?"

Other ice crystal giant deer also came behind him, and they would slaughter all 50,000 people at just one command.

At this time, Lin Ke and the Black Gold Volcano Demon Bull climbed up from the hole in the ground, looking disgraced, but not seriously injured.

"It's not that I want to be your enemy, it's that you are invading my home. We are protecting our own home!" Lin Ke replied loudly, and at the same time said: "You are more numerous than us? Behind us are the entire Fasse Qianqian

Thousands of people!”

"Oh, there are thousands of people, but I only see...huh?" The ice crystal giant deer originally wanted to ridicule Lin Ke, but his expression changed in an instant.

At this time, high in the sky, stars suddenly appeared, emitting special light.


Fifty gods with medium power and three with powerful power appeared high in the sky.

A god corresponds to a giant ice crystal deer, which crashes down vertically.

"If I can't beat you, why don't I know how to shake you?" Lin Ke grinned, mounted the black gold volcano demon bull again, and raised his fist high.

"For the glory of Father!"


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