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Chapter 413 Build a university? Think beautifully!

Basic education?

What is the basic education in Dahuang City?

To put it simply, Lin Ke wants children to know who they are, where they come from, where they are going, and how they are going to go.

Life, death, and between life and death.

You can be born into a farmer's family, but your ambition can be to be a doctor.

You can be born into an upper-class family in the city hall, but your ambition can be to sell sweet potatoes.

It will be all right.

But no matter what the ideal is, you need to know why.

Why do you want to be an official? Is it to make money? For power? For vanity? For your parents? Or to give back to the folks who helped you in the first place and make them rich and powerful?

Do you want to farm for fun? Do you want to get angry? Do you want to farm for the two acres of land at home? Or do you want to farm because of love and passion?

This is what Lin Ke asked the teachers to teach.

In addition, children must also be taught what this world is, how it exists, what kind of strong and what kind of weak there are, etc.

At the same time, you also need to train your thinking from subjects such as mathematics, and learn culture from subjects such as Chinese, history, and geography.

No matter what the actual Great Desert City was like, the scene described in Lin Ke's words had already shocked everyone.

in particular……


When children know what they want to do in the future and what they love, they will decide what they want to study when they get to college.

At that time, a large number of students who had already experienced enlightenment education and first knowledge education switched from the two professions of [Scholar] and [Knight] to the profession they wanted to do.

Driven by love, nature and interest, a large number of professionals will be born.

These professionals are no longer forced by life or became professionals by accident, but they entered this profession because they really love their profession.

In this case, Nasenger's high-level professionals will experience a blowout!

It is undeniable that there will be people who do not choose the career they love due to various reasons.

But what Lin Ke has to do is to build a good platform, and then ensure the timeliness of policies and systems, improve relevant laws and regulations at any time, and improve the inspection and investigation system, so as to maximize the vitality of society.

"...So, I will develop a university in Dahuang City! It will be called 'Dahuang Comprehensive University'! And I will hire strong people from all walks of life to teach there, and continue to create a steady stream of talents for us in Naseng!"

"In addition, there are many ways to enter Dahuang University. You can pass the written examination and interview, or you can apply to pass two pure interviews to recruit people between the ages of 18 and 200 to enter the university."

"By then, our university will have teachers of various stars, legends, and even masters teaching here! There will also be countless professional teachers teaching! The students recruited will come from all the star realms including Nassenger.

Intelligent life in the plane!"

"The continuous stream of talents will help us, Nasunge, become a stronger, better, and richer main plane. We, Nasunge, can also help more planes achieve plane transitions! Get rich first and bring wealth later!


Lin Ke's passionate voice spread through the loudspeaker throughout the venue, even throughout Nassenger.

To be honest, his voice is not particularly pleasant. Like Sophie, she can capture people's hearts just by her voice.

However, the content of his words is tantamount to placing a terrifying forbidden spell on the heart of every Nasung intelligent being.

So... so great!

Many people didn't know what to say.

No matter whether they were nobles or commoners, they didn't know what to say.

If Lin Ke was a commoner, then the nobles would think that Lin Ke was a man who wanted to eat swan meat.

However, as a noble, Lin Ke is helping everyone except the nobles... No, in fact, Lin Ke is helping everyone, including the nobles!

There are also distinctions among nobles.

According to Lin Ke, in the future, even the sons of viscounts, if they work hard, will be able to access the education that only earls, marquises, and dukes can have access to.

Duke Lin Ke actually has access to the highest education.

It is conceivable that Lin Ke and Lika's children could be directly taught by Emperor Wumian.

Lin Ke and Kanako are not much different. You must know that Kanako is a god.

Under this situation, Lin Ke still thinks about the vast lower class...

"Mr. Lin Ke, you are such a great god." At the venue, some civilians crowded into the auditorium space of five or six people to a room and were moved to tears.

Not only these people, but even Emperor Wu Mian was very moved.

Lin Ke told him this, but not that much, because Lin Ke was too busy recently, busy planning the university, busy planning the Great Desert City, etc.

But now it seems that compared with Lin Ke, Emperor Wu Mian only thinks that he is like those red dragons, black dragons and other giant dragons kept in captivity by the Gula royal family. He only eats and sleeps, and can only grow meat all day long.

He has failed as a king!

However, while the lowest and highest levels were shaking, someone spoke up.

"Mr. Duke Lin Ke, I don't think it's appropriate."

A rich male voice sounded, and it sounded like a falsetto.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Lin Ke knew that the biggest resistance was coming.

Compared with the speech he gave before, the university is shaking the foundation of the nobility!

Only the people at the bottom, the small nobles at the bottom, and the Wumian Emperor and his group at the top would think Lin Ke's measures were good.

The people at the bottom do it because they benefit from it, and Emperor Wu Mian and the others do it because they have a broad mind and focus on the overall situation.

Of course, they all benefit.

In fact, only some middle-level and middle-level nobles were harmed.

Their original education and opportunities are not far behind those at the top.

In this case, the lower class will have more opportunities and education, which will squeeze their living space and interests.

Therefore, they must be the ones who are most capable of resisting!

"Excuse me, where is your school established? Where do the teachers come from? As far as I know, you don't have that many great teachers in Dahuang City. Why should I let my children go to your school to study?"

The rich voice spoke.

At the same time, before Lin Ke could speak, someone else spoke.

"Yes! Why do we have to pay tuition? Many of our nobles have their own tutors at home. Oh, of course, some country viscounts are said to be unable to afford their own tutors."

The "Country Viscount" this person refers to is obviously Lin Ke.

There is no enlightenment teacher in the Azane family. If Garose hadn't met Auf accidentally, Lin Ke would probably have hired the first-level [Enlightenment Teacher] from Parrot City.

"Our family shed blood for the Kingdom of Gula, and my ancestors fought for the Kingdom of Gula... In the end, you actually want my child to sit in the same classroom with untouchables?"

"My family is extremely glorious..."

One by one, the nobles spoke.

Whether it's overtly or covertly, it's all saying one thing.

That is……

Build a university?

Beautiful thought!

By building a university, you are insulting the honor of our nobility!

This chapter has been completed!
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