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Chapter 490 The power that decides everything

Lin Ke was not worried about the battlefield above the void.

Although Liguan Mobi is usually a bit unreliable, he not only likes to pretend to be a veteran and trick young people into drinking milk tea in milk tea shops with stories he just made up.

Recently, Mr. Noble also secretly reported that he found Li Guan Mobi molesting a little Lolita in elementary school.

However, when it comes to major matters, Lin Ke is not worried that Li Guanmobi will fall behind.

In other words, so far, Li Guanmobi has never failed to do anything important.

It's just that I cry easily when I'm emotional, just like John and Nick when they were young.

At this time, Lin Ke's energy was focused on the battlefield.

War on the main plane is far more difficult than war on the secondary plane.

This strengthened Lin Ke's determination to use other methods to defeat the enemy in the future.

Why choose to use swords when you can crush your enemies through economic, trade, cultural, technological and other means?

Of course, this sentence also applies conversely at certain times, especially when facing some existences with weak force value.

At this time, the enemies on the main plane are not weak in force.

Each of the soldiers in these forest huts is either a professional or a monster with the strength of a professional.

As for Faser.

There are millions of people coming, even though they all have the power of magic patterns and level five.

However, according to the law of the decrease between the main plane and the secondary plane, the lowest level of Father magic pattern soldiers is the level of ordinary Nasenger professionals.

This is determined by a variety of conditions and is difficult to change.

Just like in the previous life, people who didn't have enough to eat and didn't have enough clothes to wear would have a hard time comparing their body shape with those who had enough to eat and clothes to wear.

Nasenge is the place where you can "eat, eat and clothe yourself", such as in terms of elements, laws, etc.

In addition, Faser's will and morale, as well as sheer numbers, are not inferior to those of the soldiers in the forest hut.

This gave the battlefield a one-sided atmosphere.

War cries, neighs, songs, screams...

The battlefield was shrouded in noise, and the blood of various intelligent life races was spraying on the playground. From a distance, it looked like a colorful oil painting.

Shockingly beautiful.

Let alone the battle in the air, the battle on the ground is coming to an end.

The bloodline passed down from the enchantress is good at transforming into giant dogs, strong bears, cheetahs, wild boars, mantises, dragonflies, spiders, or birds, etc.

Without exception, they are all hand-to-hand combat, that is, professionals on the knight side or warrior side.

From ancient times to the present, the Enchantress clan has been glorious. After the Enchantress bloodline was married to other bloodlines, and after the male creature was born in the Enchantress race, it reached its peak.

The focus of male and female enchantresses has changed. For example, male enchantress bloodline inheritors who are suitable for transforming into strong bears are more brave than women.

Of course, apart from exceptions, women generally have advantages in agility and speed.

However, as humans continue to upgrade their professions and introduce new ones, this single advantage of relying on blood has gradually been replaced.

Is the cheetah fast enough?

How about comparing it to [Desert Walker] in the desert?

Are crocodiles strong enough?

How about comparing it to [Surge Warrior] in the ocean?

In short, relying on the advantages of bloodline will eventually be targeted by some more targeted professions.

At this juncture, leaders can make two choices. One is to follow the trend and let these backward professions develop.

Or it could be a closed door. As long as the door is closed, no matter how you change, it won't affect me.

It's a pity that the original forest god chose the latter.

Therefore, in Faser's opinion, those members of the Enchantress clan are not as strong as they imagined...

It's like a wolf and a cute dog.

No matter how big a dog is, in the eyes of a wolf, it is just a walking big meat of its own kind.

Faser's magic pattern army has gone through Faser's great changes. Many people don't even need to sharpen their swords, they can just pick them up and go to the battlefield.

Looking back at the forest cabin?

After being in seclusion for many years, the most recent exchange was the last time I attacked the Wilderness City with the people from the Church of Eternal Twilight, and in the process, I was forcefully defeated by the Misty Banshee.

Bai Bing leads the Demon Pattern Knights, although they are not as good as the real [Knights]. One plus one is greater than two.

But the power of every magic pattern knight is almost equal to that of a professional.

Destroy everything!

With only the Satyr Legion, paralyzed by faith and fanaticism, they were defeated in less than four hours.

Of course, the Faser Demon Pattern Army, which also possesses faith and fanaticism, as well as equipment, tactics of war, and faith, also has casualties.

Whether it is the magic pattern mage in the air or the magic pattern knight on the ground, the damage sustained is greater than the damage suffered by Faser in the three years of the revolution.

After all, this is a formal war, unlike in Faser, where many of the Faser troops can only serve as contributors to the [Knights] order.

And when the legion battle ended, the battle between the king of Warcraft and the gods of the secondary planes also ended.

The forest cabin has a rich heritage.

Although most of the secondary planes have turned into nourishment for the growth of the forest hut, there are also many secondary planes that survive that are above level 20.

Originally it might have been a lose-lose situation, but the confrontation between legends and gods from the main plane, as well as the victory of the "ordinary army" on the ground, turned the balance in favor of the wilderness.

In fact, the forest cabin's initial prediction was that Lin Ke would lead the ground army and their green son Carloman would lead the Satyr Army in a battle.

However, what Lin Ke really leads is not the Knights, but the "Fleet Knights".

Wherever you need help, Lin Ke will be there.

Auf also went out to fight with a local legend. His strange electromagnetic ability allowed the opponent to be captured by Auf.

Although there were also casualties, there were even many casualties.

But this time the battle was much easier than Lin Ke expected.

After Auf and others ended the battle in Nasenge, they went to the void and captured the forest god Satir.

Easy, so easy!

It is very similar to the news that Lin Ke got from the intelligence, that is, the forest hut is completely closed to the country, and many of the weapons and professions used are from the medieval period.

Some intelligence also pointed out that the forest hut and the Holy Life Alliance were connected, but they did not appear at all in this battle.

There is also the Church of Eternal Twilight. I don’t know if it’s because of the Sleepless Emperor, but it didn’t appear either.

"Sure enough, technology...or change is the force that determines everything."

In the combat command room, Lin Ke muttered to himself.

The universe is changing and static.

In other words, absolute change and relative stillness.

Whether this sentence is true or not can be verified by humans in previous lives before Lin Ke traveled through time.

What about Nasung?

At present, it is not a false proposition.

By extension, being complacent is likely to lead to something other than a paradise...

But a reparation treaty and even colonization.

This chapter has been completed!
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