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Chapter 630 Please enter the urn!


This group of people suddenly looked strange.

Gathering a crowd to fight in Dahuang City?

Do you want to try out the famous [Judge] Diana Trial?

Fighting in crowds is not allowed in Dahuang City. The punishment for such fighting is very serious. The law enforcement team is everywhere to enforce the law, so these people all know what it means to break the law.

Those who break the law will be charged a fee for entering any place thereafter, including but not limited to large libraries, arenas, shopping malls, magical places and large stadiums.

In serious cases, they may even be banned from entering these areas. In even more serious cases, they may be expelled from Dahuang City and may never be hired.

How much effort have many people put in to become residents of Dahuang City?

How could you give up?

So this leads to the fact that as soon as the law appears, it has an immediate effect, and those things will no longer happen in many dark corners.

Moreover, the magma dragon Magnus is usually supervising the entire deserted city. Unless someone deliberately closes it, large-scale incidents will basically not occur.

Even if someone specially seals it with a barrier, Magnus will show up and ask questions after the barrier is opened.

Overall, the security is very good!

"Sparta, as an intermediate gladiator, I must tell you..." The thirteenth-level centaur next to him who looked very good at fighting spoke up: "We want to become advanced gladiators, and then challenge to become gladiator masters. This

It requires massive resources!”

"Except for geniuses who can win hundreds or thousands of games in a row and then move up, we gladiators with ordinary talents can only rely on those resources to polish our muscles, bones and internal organs."

"The prices of those resources are all listed in big shopping malls. If we want to buy them, it will cost a lot of money!"

"Where does the money come from?"

The centaur clicked on the five-story building behind Lin Ke: "Open a martial arts gym!"

"I have to admit that your idea of ​​opening a martial arts gym is very amazing, but I have to say that even martial arts gyms are divided into different levels..."

"We can't compete with the gladiator master's martial arts gym, so we can only sign up for group development! Only by signing up for group development can we better recruit students, and then compete on the ladder to get rewards in the gladiatorial arena!"

The centaur spoke with great emotion there, making the students behind him nod their heads.

There is indeed a reward for victory in the gladiatorial arena, but it is only for the gladiators who win a certain amount of games.

Since there is money, there is industry.

Therefore, when "Sparta" came to open a martial arts gym, many gladiators, including gladiator masters, also opened martial arts gyms.

Recruiting students!

teach students!

When students go to the ring, they get money, and the martial arts gym also gets tuition fees.

Not to mention some other honors.

Kill multiple birds with one stone!

"Oh? So you are actually not here to cause trouble, but to discuss how to form a team?" Lin Ke smiled, and then his voice was full of surprise: "That's great! Our Tai Chi martial arts gym is indeed recruiting people!"

"If your skills are really good, you can come and become our tutors. The salary will be as much as Athena's. Athena's junior gladiators, and your intermediate ones, how about your salary being twice that of Athena?"


Why...do you feel a little excited?

We are here to cause trouble!

"Junior Gladiator Spartan, we need your building." At this time, the coniferous tree man spoke.

The conifers are the main race of the conifer family, one of the five major council families of the Permafrost Council.

Those who can become the top five councilors are probably at least twenty-five level legends, and under the care of their families, they have also formed powerful family forces.

Therefore, the number of conifer people is estimated to be the same as that of humans. They are very numerous and can be found everywhere.

There are also many conifers in Dahuang City, but none of them are as "short" as the one in front of me.

About 1.8 meters!

When conifers reach adulthood, they generally live three meters away. In the residential areas of Dahuang City, special customized models are needed, such as glass houses and greenhouses.

The coniferous tree man in front of me is only 1.8 meters tall, which is really a bit short.

However, although he is shorter than his own race, he is taller and stronger than other races around him.

Moreover, Lin may feel that this conifer is a relatively fast profession, and his body is also shiny with rust, so his hardness should be quite high.

It seems that the conifer and the centaur in front of me should be the two most capable enemies.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke replied to the conifer tree: "Intermediate gladiator, I need your money."

As soon as he said this, everyone on the opposite side frowned.

On Lin Ke's side, everyone was booing.

"That's right! Dashuren, if you don't have money, we can't give you this building!"

"That's right!"

"Don't you know you have to pay for things? Hahaha!"

These students were extremely relaxed. In the previous provocations, they dared to be angry but dared not speak out. They could not be beaten or scolded. After all, they had no confidence in their hearts.

You know, even Athena is a little unsure.

After all... there seems to be a junior gladiator above them, and he is very powerful at passing, but who knows what it will be like in reality?

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Athena didn't know Lin Ke's true level. You should know that she had only played against Lin Ke once, and Lin Ke didn't continue to fight higher.

She didn't know how strong the intermediate gladiators were.

But now, after Lin Ke taught them some martial arts, they are all confident.

There are so many gladiator battles, and a large number of students have watched intermediate, advanced and even master-level battles.

So they knew that with just the power of an intermediate gladiator, they couldn't defeat the rhinoceros man with one palm.

So, this "Spartan" teacher is definitely at least an intermediate gladiator!

Then you are afraid of a ball!

Therefore, the students in the Tai Chi Martial Arts School started to tremble.

Seeing the changes in the demeanor of these students, the few people who came to find trouble suddenly had other ideas.

However, Lin Ke didn't give them a chance to have other ideas, so he stepped forward and said: "How about we all go upstairs and talk slowly afterwards? Well, let's discuss, we can go upstairs and discuss... with me

Do you dare to compare notes?"

At this time, passers-by had gathered around to watch the fun.

In order to prevent themselves from becoming provocateurs and troublemakers, these gladiators now have only two options, either go or stay.

When Lin Ke said that, they had to stay, otherwise it would be difficult to manage the students after they returned.

Therefore, several intermediate gladiators looked at each other and then nodded.

The centaur gladiator stepped forward and said, "Let's go up."

Lin Ke smiled slightly: "Welcome to the extreme... let's go!"

With that said, he led everyone in one after another.

In Athena's eyes, it seemed as if these gladiators were not entering an ordinary residential building in the desert city, but...

The royal capital—the abyss!

This chapter has been completed!
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