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Chapter 711: The Germination of Civilization

Loli didn't know where she learned it, but she actually learned the magic of transformation.

Of course, due to poor academic skills, Loli's tree body can at most be pulled out of the soil, but it has little other effect.

However, it was much more convenient for Lin Ke to bring Loli with him at this time.

Lin Ke stretched out his hand, and Loli jumped out of the soil, shrank her body, and fell into Lin Ke's hand, like an emerald stone.

"Brother, where is little Lucky?"

Loli was curious: "He is also in that secondary plane?"

Little Lucky is also very good at the magic of transformation. He often turns into a noisy parrot and sits on the loli tree, chirping, playing and chatting with the loli, which is very familiar to him.

"Yes, Little Lucky is in there too." Lin Xiao smiled: "I'll take you to find him, you can have fun in the secondary plane."

Little Lucky grew up with him, not just as a mount, not just as a friend, but more like his younger brother, just like John.

In addition, the little lucky talent itself is extraordinary. When he was born, he was bound by the shackles of heaven and earth, which even sucked up several Orv.

In the past few years, his promotion has been more stable and rapid than that of any other follower of Lin Ke.

In fact, Lin Ke estimated that Little Lucky might be the first creature under his command to break through to legend in the future.

"Great, I've wanted to go out and play for a long time." Loli was very excited when she heard that little Lucky was also in the secondary plane.

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Several other natural trees in the wilderness plane have grown up, and there is no lack of purification power.

It just so happens that the environment of the giant beast plane is relatively primitive, so it would be good to take a loli to play there.

Lin Ke took Loli through the teleportation array and came to the plane of giant beasts.

Since Lin Ke passed down magic and science, humans in the plane of giant beasts have undergone certain changes.

Expansion and occupation have become the norm.

That green insect tribe has now become a large tribe spanning dozens of kilometers, and countless small tribes like the former green insect tribe have been merged into it.

Just because the giant beasts are no longer an obstacle to humans.

The giant beasts are physically stronger than humans, and are blessed by a mysterious realm. They have always been the overlord wherever they are.

But when the gods passed down magic, the behemoth clan was no longer the pride of the plane.

No matter how huge the body is, many ants will bite it to death.

No matter how mysterious the realm is, the magical fire can break it open.

Therefore, wherever the green insect tribe passed by, the small tribes paid homage to them one after another.

The chief of the green insect tribe also became more and more powerful.

However, even after he became a powerful man, he was not foolhardy and only knew how to hunt.

Science was still far away from him, but mathematics inspired his intelligence.

Lin Ke didn't give him any management skills, but he was good at thinking because of mathematics.

Just like when solving a problem, he would think about why two completely different shapes have the same area.

He can also think when applied to management.

Why is it that asking fifty people to go hunting is far better than asking fifty thousand people to go hunting?

Once he thinks, he will also practice.

How to practice?

He doesn't know much about practical methods, let alone how to gain some true knowledge.

However, he will explore.

Just like hunting.

Sending 50,000 people out means that the number of people is theoretically higher, but if you calculate it mathematically, you can find out.

Fifty people can bring back enough prey for two hundred people to eat.

Fifty thousand can only bring back enough prey for five thousand people.

No matter how you calculate it, it is unreasonable.

Ever since, Chief Chen roughly understood why mathematics is only the cornerstone and method of science, but it is not the science itself.

Mathematics can present the reality of the world, but how to understand, even analyze and apply this reality depends on the individual.

Therefore, Chief Chen knew that his goal was not to pursue the truth, but to keep the tribe in order, and then naturally geniuses would pursue it.

Therefore, Chief Chen became more and more obsessed with management science, which made the operation of the entire Green Leaf Tribe more effective and efficient.

He divided morning, afternoon and evening into four time periods and divided the time.

When the sun rises it is zero, when the sun is at its highest it is one, when the sun sets it is two, when the moon rises it is three, and when the moon is at its highest it is four.

Every day, just these four time periods.

Everyone in the tribe eats when the sun goes down.

After dividing the time, everyone immediately felt very convenient.

Look at the sun, look at the moon, and therefore know what you should do, whether it is time to get up to hunt, when it is time to go back to the tribe or when it is time to eat, everyone knows it by heart.

However, there are times when the sun and moon cannot be seen.

Chen was thinking about how to replace the changes in celestial phenomena, and finally came up with water drop counting.

Ever since, Chief Chen has been thinking about these contents for several months, and with his efforts, the Green Worm Tribe has grown stronger.

While it is growing, it is not bloated, but is much more orderly than before.

In addition to Chen, Lin Ke also taught mathematics to many people before.

In the end, like Chief Chen, they focused on things other than mathematics.

Someone was obsessed with plants all day long, and after several months of planting, he discovered the secret of the different weights of plants grown from different seeds. At the same time, he also invented a "generally equal weight object", that is, a "stone", which can be used to measure other things.

The weight of all items.

While planting more plants, the planting of plants also brought greater yields and a richer variety of food to the green insect tribe.

There are also people who are obsessed with animals and have discovered that environment, food and other factors can affect the "yield" of animals, and have also invented methods of domestication.

There are also people who are obsessed with the art of fighting, studying hard, and combining mathematics with battle formations...

In short, whether it is planting methods or domestication and breeding methods, these are their original interests and hobbies, but because mathematics opened up their intelligence, they invented corresponding methods.

Those people who Lin Ke had previously recruited who were talented in arithmetic eventually made certain achievements in their own fields of interest, and they also fed back the Green Insect Tribe.

Although no one continued to explore mathematics in the end, they also gained something from the most basic use of mathematics.

In just a few months, the Green Insect Tribe took on a new look because of the construction of these people.

When Lin Ke first returned to the Green Insect Tribe, he clearly felt the changes in the Green Insect Tribe.

"Sure enough, even if I don't contribute to the enlightenment of civilization, it will definitely happen."

Looking at everything at the bottom of the mountain, Lin Ke was very satisfied inside.

He gave them the seeds of science and mathematics, and ultimately they relied on mathematics to enlighten civilization.

The current green insect tribe already has some primitive society feel.

Unlike before, it was more like some apes joining the group to keep warm.

"But, when should the text appear?"

Lin Ke only felt that watching the growth of the green insect tribe would be of great benefit to him.

[Scientists] are not physicists, at least not all of them.

[Scientist] can also be a civilization observer in the humanities and social sciences.

This chapter has been completed!
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