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Chapter 713: Titan Vine

No wonder he hadn't noticed this huge thing before.

The environment of the giant beast plane is primitive, with trees everywhere. If he hadn't paid special attention, Lin Ke would never have thought that there was such a root under this hill.

The most important thing is that it is still buried very deep!

Lin Ke flew all the way here, and these whiskers were densely packed and crisscrossed for at least thousands of miles!

It was the first time he came into contact with this kind of plant behemoth in the giant beast plane, so naturally he was very curious.

Moreover, it stands to reason that the trees that grow out of these roots that stretch for thousands of miles, maybe even tens of thousands of miles, should be very conspicuous, giant trees.

However, including Lin Ke, the pioneer exploration team of Dahuang City did not find any towering trees at all.

With doubts, Lin Ke pursued all the way, and it took him nearly two days to find out...

This is not a tree root at all!

Instead, it is a giant vine root that almost covers the entire plane of giant beasts!

Back on the hill, Lin Ke came to Loli's soul space. Looking at the awakened snake-shaped soul in his hand, Lin Ke squinted his eyes.

"You understand what we are saying." Lin Ke looked at the snake being squeezed in his hand with a determined tone.

This snake-shaped soul has green scales all over its body and does not look like an animal, but rather like uneven tree bark.

Its seven-inch position was pinched by Lin Ke, and its entire body shrank into a ball. It was trembling in Lin Ke's palm, obviously very scared.

But Lin Ke was unmoved: "No response?"

The soul essence of this snake has reached the level of legend, powerful and agile.

However, what makes Lin Ke curious is that this snake is not a god?

You must know that, except for Nasenger, many strong people in the plane have grown to a certain point and have reached the next step by believing in becoming a god, without exception.

Otherwise, why is Nassenger’s professional system so good?

However, the snake in front of him clearly did not have condensed divine power, but it had reached a legendary level of soul strength and had undergone qualitative changes.

This is amazing.

It is equivalent to the way everyone becomes the richest man by making money, making money, and finally reaching a certain point and having a certain amount of wealth to be considered the richest man.

And this snake is directly declared to be the richest man, but has no corresponding property?

How strange this is.


This snake must be intelligent and has even been spying on him for a long time.

Because the roots at the foot of the mountain basically extend from a very far place, and they are extended deliberately.

If Lin Ke hadn't brought Loli here to play, he probably would never have discovered it.

"That's fine."

Seeing that the snake didn't respond, Lin Ke smiled slightly, grabbed the snake and exited the soul space.

Outside, Lin Ke still has the snake in soul state in his hand.

"Since you are a beast without intelligence, I will accept your physical energy." Lin Ke pointed to the hill below, condensed "π" in his hand, and threw the snake into the ball formed by π.

Then, a huge amount of white light burst out from Lin Ke's eyes, illuminating the mountain at his feet.

Skill - Zero Degree!

Under Lin Ke's specific targeting, a steady stream of energy emerged from the roots four to five hundred meters below the hill, and then converged into his body.

This energy is vast, with a hint of green, and is the purest life energy.

"There is a lot of life energy." Lin Ke raised the corner of his mouth, and then said to the Loli next to him: "All its energy will be given to you."

Skill - Overheat!

As a result, Lin Ke became a converter, absorbing and extracting the life energy of the giant vine endlessly, and then transferred it all into Loli's body.

"So... so many!" Loli's tree body trembled slightly, and her whole body emitted a faint green light, like an emerald tree: "Brother! It's delicious! I want more!"

Looking at this scene, the snake-shaped soul in Lin Ke's hand finally changed.

The snake tremblingly tried to open its mouth, but instead of spitting out a snake message, it spit out human words: "Please stop! Respected strong man from another plane!"

Lin Ke turned to look at the snake in his hand, his eyes continuing to spit out white light: "Are you willing to speak?"

As he spoke, he stopped two skills.

"Ah? Why did you stop? Brother..." Loli Tree let out a soft moan of dissatisfaction, like a half-eaten lollipop being pulled out of her mouth: "Can you eat it for me?"

Hearing the dissatisfied voice of Loli Tree, the already trembling snake-shaped soul shook its body: "Noble strong man, I have no intention of being an enemy of you... Please take me away from this devil!"

While speaking, Loli's soul state also appeared on the tree. She was sitting on the branch of her own body, swaying her two little feet, and looking straight at the snake in Lin Ke's hand.

"I want to eat." Loli looked at the snake, licked her lips, then jumped down, stood on Lin Ke's shoulder, and stared at the snake's body: "It's delicious."

"Take me away! Let me go back!" Snake originally spoke quite normally, but when he saw Loli's soul approaching, he immediately let out a scream.

"Loli, you go back and wait for me first." Lin Ke said to the little girl whose shoulders were only the size of a fist: "Don't eat it yet."

"Oh." Loli nodded aggrievedly, turned around and flew towards her own body. She even looked back at the snake and narrowed her eyes.

The snake was suddenly frightened and trembled.

"Tell me, what are you?" Loli returned to her true form, and Lin Ke smiled and looked at the snake trapped by "π" in his hand.

"I am Titan Vine, this is the message in my bloodline..." The snake-shaped soul saw the return of Loli and breathed a sigh of relief: "But I am not an adult yet."

"Titan vines?" Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, but he had never heard of this race, but...

"You mean... bloodline?"

Lin Ke said with great interest: "How do you know about bloodline? There is no such word in this plane, and I have never said it."


Enlightening the bloodline is the first step in the professional system.

If this vine knows the bloodline and obtains information from the bloodline, then it should not be a life born completely naturally from the plane of giant beasts, but a Nasenger life.

"I...I don't know..." The Titan Giant Vine shook his head: "I just kept eating and growing, and then the bloodline appeared..."

Lin Ke asked: "What is your bloodline?"

Titan Giant Vine: "'Growing' bloodline can make me grow faster, bigger, and longer."

As he said that, the Titan Giant Vine shook his head: "However, I can detect that I am missing something. Only by getting it can I become stronger... So, I extended my body to you."

"I noticed it as soon as you arrived at 'my house', but I couldn't beat you, I could only keep watching you."

"I've learned magic, but I can't learn math... If it weren't for that devil, you might never have discovered me."

Titan Giant Vine said and trembled again.

And Lin Ke also asked the most critical question: "Did you create the realm of the giant beast clan...?"

(End of chapter)

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