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Chapter 749 Philosophy is born!

"In this case, we might have to make some plans."

Lin Ke began to think.

If you risk your life, you must have a large enough benefit.

If the benefits weren't big enough, Lin Ke wouldn't want to go into Hornulus and die.

Of course, if the benefits were great enough, even Emperor Wumian, not to mention Lin Ke, would be willing to take risks.

"Hmm, don't be in a hurry." Renedica returned to her lazy look, and then said to Lin Ke: "Come on, come on, let's discuss the dialectics you told me before..."

Materialist Dialectics!

And dialectical idealism!

Lin Ke nodded slightly and waved to the principal's chair to sit down.

It's time for Renedica to break through.

What's the point of being stuck at level 27?

Directly break through level 28! And still break through without side effects!

In this way, they will have one more master here.

You must know that no new master has been born in Nasenge for many years. Let alone the master, there is only Auf in the legend.

And now, the trend led by Dahuang City is giving birth to a new batch of legends.

Led by Auf, many Nasenge intelligent life forms have received huge feedback in the Great Desert City, and there are also not a few who have made breakthroughs.

This is also the reason why there is a saying that "the development of Nasenge depends on the Great Desert City".

If Lin Meng can create another master, I believe that Dahuang City will become more popular among the people.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke looked at Renedika, and asked solemnly in Renedika's expectant eyes: "Are you ready to break through the master?"


Renedica's lazy expression changed.

He raised his eyebrows with great interest: "I knew you must be a monster... What, what you want to teach me, is it enough for me to break through without side effects? My little teacher~"

Renedica's words "my little teacher" are just as philosophical as Rui Wen's words "my little Linko".

This made Lin Ke's scalp numb.

These people who play with philosophy, whether they are Socrates, Plato, the great philosophers in the previous life, or Ruiwen, Renedica and others who play with the soul in this life.

They don't seem to care about gender.

In other words, they are more interested in the inner parts of the soul and spirit rather than the outer appearance of the body.

Of course, Lin Ke felt that he did not have such a high level of philosophical awareness, so he coughed dryly and said:

"That kind of side effect can probably be eliminated, but... forget it, I'll tell you. At worst, you can suppress the feeling of breakthrough again."

Renedica almost had a breakthrough in a speech she gave at that time, but was suppressed.

Because as soon as Renedika breaks through, a large number of Nasenger beings with insufficient levels may be pulled into his mind. From then on, those lives can only exist in Renedika's "imagination".

It’s hard to guard against and unreasonable!

Therefore, Renedica has never had a breakthrough.

However, Lin Ke knew that this was because Renedica's main idea was actually a relatively subjective idealism.

In that case, it is normal to have this strange ability of "I think, therefore I am".

"Dialectics, I think, is the abstraction of logical processes, that is, the study of words, reasoning, descriptions, concepts, and explanation processes."

Lin Ke began to speak at this time: "Dialectism is when two or more people hold different views and hope to gain real knowledge through reasonable discussions, but this debate excludes subjective factors, such as emotional appeals and modern

Derogatory rhetoric.”

What is the significance of dialectical thinking?

Why did so many wise men in previous lives choose dialectical materialism?

Why not choose idealism?

These certainly make sense.

The simplest thing is that idealism cannot invent the Internet or a convenient modern society.

Idealism cannot support a series of pillar industries such as physics, chemistry, biology, industry, medicine, etc.

If you have a cold or fever, should you use spiritual methods to treat it, superstitious methods to treat it, or materialistic methods to treat it?

To put it simply, you should use "I believe that I am not sick, so I am not sick", or you should pray to God and pray to Buddha to make your illness better, or just take medicine.

Therefore, the importance of materialism is obvious.

Dialectics can serve as a commander, breakthrough and improvement.

Dialectical thinking is an advanced thinking activity that understands objective things based on materialist dialectics. It can reflect the true face of things and expose the deep-seated contradictions within things.

We often encounter difficulties in activities. Either the main problem cannot be discovered, or an effective solution to the problem cannot be provided, resulting in a "deadlock". Often at this time, dialectical thinking becomes a powerful weapon to break the deadlock.

In addition, intelligent creatures always have a process of understanding things from shallow to deep, from perceptual to rational understanding.

Elevating it to theory requires a comprehensive summary of thinking results with the help of dialectical thinking to enhance the cognitive value of the results.

Of course, the summary is that dialectics is one of the greatest achievements in the history of philosophy so far.

Why is it said that science is philosophy in the end?

That's it.

At this time, listening to Lin Ke's explanation, Renedika's eyes became brighter and brighter, even so bright that they emitted a huge amount of white light.

"So, you unified materialism and idealism into a discipline called philosophy. You also found a methodology and dialectics..."

Renedica's voice was full of grandeur and majesty, causing the entire principal's office to tremble slightly.

"Yes." Lin Ke looked at Renedika firmly.

After receiving Lin Ke's confirmation, Renedika's body suddenly became void, like an asphalt road in the high temperature.

Distortion, nothingness, blur.

Then with a sound like a soap bubble bursting, Renedica suddenly disappeared from Lin Ke.

At the same time, an invisible wave spread out.

The Principal's Office, the Wilderness University, the Wilderness Plane, the Lava Territory, the Black and White Kingdom, Nasenger, and even the boundless secondary planes...

Somewhere in the star realm.

The body of the Wumian Emperor closed his eyes and stood in the turbulence of the star world, with two swords, one black and one white, spinning around him.

When he inhaled, the endless astral turbulence rushed into his body. When he exhaled, the astral turbulence rushed out again, creating a vacuum zone.

And when the fluctuation spread, the Wumian Emperor suddenly opened his eyes.

"Good guy! This old immortal finally made a breakthrough!" Emperor Wumian raised his eyebrows.

Emperor Wumian is not very old, he is estimated to be a thousand years old.

Renedica was already a legend when he was born.

During his reign, Renedica remained a legend.

But he knew that it wasn't that Renedica couldn't break through, but that he didn't want to break through.

But today, he felt the mysterious fluctuations and knew immediately...

Renedica is about to break through!

This chapter has been completed!
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