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Chapter VIII Guard Training Method

Lin Ke wanted to see if the meaning of the system was ambiguous, or if it could only be completed in one way.

【mission completed】

[You have declared yourself to be the King of Azan before your bloodline is enlightened]

[Reward: To be collected]

Good guy!

There was a hint of joy in Lin Ke's eyes.


The system does not really mean that he should overthrow his father now.

Just like the previous mission, which was his first mission.

The system at that time asked him to go outside a castle and use ventriloquism to drain the last bit of life out of the King of Gods.

The reward is still "unknown".

At that time, he refused in his heart.

Good guy, that is the King of Gods! King of Gods!

Is there something wrong with this system?

However, out of curiosity about the appearance of the God King, Lin Ke got rid of the servants who followed him and went over to take a look.

As a result, I saw a dying King of Gods...

So it seems that the system will not give him some tasks that cannot be completed, and the way to complete the tasks is ambiguous.

The same goes for this mission this time.

In this way, when encountering new tasks in the future, Lin Ke will know what to do.

As for the mission reward, the so-called follower, Lin Ke plans to collect it later when he is free.

While Lin Ke was thinking, the lady at the dinner table took a sip of the fruit pulp in the silver wine glass and coughed lightly: "By the way, I want to say something."

Everyone who was thinking about Lin Ke's words turned their attention to the eldest lady.

The eldest lady’s eyelids were half open and half closed, looking lazy and luxurious:

"Tomorrow the purchasing team is going to the city to buy some things. This team can bring two extra people. Which of you wants to go?"

After saying that, the eldest lady glanced at Lin Ke with a smile in her eyes.

This means that she is the one who can really make the decision in Azan Castle.

Is that what you mean? Provocation?

Lin Ke felt funny in his heart.

After all, Butler Billy has been reporting to him on many matters now, although it is only a report and not a request for instructions.


Wasn't going to the city decided in private? Why did you ask?

Lin Ke was a little confused, and the extra people brought by this kind of purchasing team were usually chosen by the purchasing captain.

The purchasing team has purchasing needs, and the extra people they bring with them basically go to the city for sightseeing, and only come back after two or three days. Usually only those little girls like it...


Not good, little girl?!

Lin Ke turned his head slightly and looked at his mother.

Sure enough! There was a strong look of expectation in the mother's eyes, mixed with a bit of entanglement.

Living in a castle is a comfortable life, but the new things in the city are really interesting.

Obviously, the eldest lady said this kind of thing at the dinner table to get Lin Ke's mother out!

And there happened to be two empty seats, what a coincidence...

Lin Ke took a sip of juice, and his bold posture seemed to be drinking a glass of 70% pure alcohol Moutai from 1982.

So... what is the intention or conspiracy of the eldest lady in wanting to expel our mother and son...

Is this a way to get rid of my valet Little John?

You must know that a few minutes ago, the eldest lady said that her male servant chewed the tongue. Who knows if he chewed the tongue of John after going out with his mother?

Thinking of this, I was about to think of a reason.

But seeing his mother's expectant eyes, he turned around and said, "My mother, I, and my manservant John are going together."

Add John too, otherwise his mother would definitely only say that the two of them were going.

At this time, his mother was about to speak. She opened her mouth but did not speak. She glanced at Lin Ke twice and nodded: "Yeah, the three of us will go."

Lin Ke knew that his mother, a girl from a civilian family, had no independent opinions and was often easily led away by him.

Although he also had doubts, his mother's innocence and innocence could only be cultivated by the kind of nobles.

Your mother is a noble? Don't be ridiculous.

How can a child of a great noble be given to a viscount as his wife? She is still a second wife, equivalent to a concubine.

At this time, after hearing Lin Ke's words, the eldest lady frowned: "There are only two extra places. It's not good to have too many people."


Lin Ke felt that he had guessed correctly, the eldest lady might just want to mess with Little John.

Maybe after she is killed, she can also arrange for one of her own people to come to Lin Ke's side.

This is how palace fighting dramas are written.

"Auntie and my mother have a deep love for each other. Just one more person won't affect it, right?" Lin Ke said in a sweet voice.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady did not feel embarrassed, but put down the finished juice and waved her hand: "Okay."

"Great!" Lin Ke's mother happily waved her fist, and then pinched Lin Ke's little face.

Obviously it's nice to be able to go out and play.

Lin Ke felt helpless looking at his mother's immature look.

This kind of girl is really no threat to the eldest lady. No wonder the eldest lady has not eradicated her own mother for so many years.

Seeing Lin Ke's mother's playfulness, even the eldest lady opposite pinched her eyebrows and said, "Sister, you must pay attention to your aristocratic demeanor in the future."

Lin Ke's mother also knew that she was getting carried away, and she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "I know."


The eldest lady, who was in a daze because she didn't know what she was thinking, Lin Ke's mother, who was in high spirits, and Lin Ke, who was thinking about "a follower with great potential".

The three men quickly settled the dinner and left the restaurant, leaving the servants to quickly clear away the dishes and leftovers.


Lin Ke followed Butler Billy and Little John to the open space outside the castle.

From the appearance, the castle is huge. There are ten Western-style arrow towers at the bottom surrounding the castle. Higher up is a circle of protruding balconies. The highest circle is the place, study and bedroom belonging to Azan's master.

Outside the castle, apart from being black, there are bright red patterns and seven or eight flags with the word "Azan" written on them.

Those patterns are said to be the work of professional [architects] and can strengthen the stone walls and improve the castle's defense.

And red, this is Azan's main color.

Regardless of whether they are housekeepers, servants or slaves, there are traces of red on their body or clothes. This is the "new tradition" brought by Lin Ke's bastard father.

The entire castle is like a black gem with red patterns, and its size is similar to some very small counties and towns that Lin Ke had seen in his previous life.

If squeezed together, it is estimated that it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

However, in fact, the castle accommodated less than 10,000 people in total, even including some servants, family members and slaves.

And these ten thousand people are currently serving Lin Ke and the three of them.

This is the era.

Lin Ke glanced back at the castle, and then turned his eyes to the front again.

In front of him were a thousand guards.

Except for the thirty arrow tower guards and the guard captain, all other guards are here.

Lin Ke looked at them, put his hands behind his back, and shouted in a sweet voice: "Take a break! Stand at attention!"

Thousands of people were densely packed in front of me, ranging in height, height, fat and thin, and in different ages.

The only consistent thing was the "bang bang" sound of their rusty iron boots hitting each other as they stood at attention.

You are not allowed to wear formal equipment. You can only wear formal equipment with permission. Those equipment are locked tightly.

"Take a break!" "Take a break!"...

“Stand at attention!” “Stand at attention!”…

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

After about four or five times, Lin Ke finally nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, start now, run around the castle three times, remember to shout slogans, and don't mess up the formation! Get ready... run!"

After giving the order, the guards ran out.

"Azan, Azan..."

The pronunciation of Azaan is similar to the combination of Latin characters and Chinese characters, and the sound is similar to "Lan language".

While running, shout "Azaan", just like shouting "one two one".

Looking at the guards running out one after another, Butler Billy next to him praised: "The young master's bloodline must be extremely excellent. Perhaps even the master will like such a smart training method."

"It's not bad." Lin Ke said modestly.

Because Butler Billy served his bastard father when he was young, he is said to have met many precocious races.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of creature it is, precocious wisdom probably means having excellent bloodline.

So when he discovered Lin Ke's precocious wisdom, Butler Billy secretly vowed to protect his master's heir to the death.

Lin Ke, on the other hand, believed in Butler Billy and called him Uncle Billy because of some things and tests.

"What's the use of this?" John next to him pointed at the guard team in confusion.

Take a break, stand at attention, and run.

Lin Ke's lips curled up.

What is the use?

Oh, stupid alien.

ps: Stupid earthlings, hand over your recommendation votes and monthly tickets!

This chapter has been completed!
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