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Chapter 87 The Difficulty of Creating a Career

At a banquet, only four people were full in the end.

You must know that this is the dish cooked by Lika's professional [chef], and I don't know what level of professional she is.

But just think about the dishes made by professionals and you will know how delicious they are.

Auf tensed up all the time and didn't know how much he ate. It seemed like he ate a lot because he didn't like talking.

Furlong was silly. Because of the exquisite ingredients, he ate a lot and his appetite increased greatly.

It was also the first time for Lin Ke to eat such a delicious dish. He was able to cook such delicious food using some ordinary ingredients and a simple method. Lin Ke also admired the [Chef] very much.

The only one left who was full was Lika, or maybe she was the happiest after eating.

Because when it comes to being full, Lika's flat belly doesn't protrude at all after holding so many things, just like a bottomless pit.

As for Antova and Akli, they seemed to be so shocked at the dinner table that they ate absentmindedly.

After all, Antova is like a vase of the Brando family. What she has trained most is aristocratic etiquette. Originally, her father wanted to use her as a bargaining chip in political exchange, so she is naturally very elegant...

The same goes for Akli. As a businessman who joined the aristocratic system, the aristocratic etiquette he has worked so hard to practice is so unsightly in the eyes of others, he feels sad to death.

But fortunately, he usually interacts more with non-nobles, so that set of etiquette is still somewhat useful and can coax people.

Dining room.

"A rich and delicious dinner!" After eating, Rika was the first to speak, and she lay down comfortably on a chair to rest.

Lin Ke and the others breathed a sigh of relief after eating, no longer having to endure that kind of mental torture.

However, there happened to be a performance after eating, so Lin Ke greeted everyone and walked outside the castle.

Furlong was excited all the way and told Rika how great the upcoming performance was to watch and listen to.

Not only Rika, but also Akli and their servants were attracted by Fulon's description.

Finally, everyone talked all the way to the "wonderful place".

It's strange to say, maybe because Akli is approachable, or maybe because the Akli race is not like the human race, Aof actually had a conversation with Akli for the first time.

After arriving at the bustling "wonderful place", their attention was immediately attracted here.

It's very simple and noisy, but it has a festive and lively atmosphere that makes people involuntarily feel happy.

However, after getting close, Lika's Curry housekeeper subconsciously approached Lika, as if he was on guard.

Lin Ke noticed it, so he looked at Aofu: "Teacher, I'm sorry to bother you."

In fact, when watching plays and concerts, it’s most enjoyable to be in the audience, in the front row, and immersed in the action.

But since there are girls here, in order to avoid those careless young men, Auf can only use the Pounce of Truth to build a floor.

Auf nodded slightly, holding the Thunder Staff in his right hand, and raised his left hand. A series of Servants of Truth condensed in mid-air, and then spliced ​​together one by one.

"Servant of truth? Is Lord Aof a member of the secret realm of matter?" Akli exclaimed when he saw these servants of truth.

The secret realm of matter? Lin Ke looked at Akli, then at Aof, with doubts in his eyes.

"My teacher is from there." Aof shook his head slightly, but didn't say much.

When Akli heard this, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

And Lika's tone was also a little surprised: "My mother said that several of my father's friends are also from there!"

Friendly friends... Lin Ke could clearly see that Auf's left hand was stiff when he was summoning the Servant of Truth.

He remembered that his teacher seemed to know the Wumian Emperor.

Are you saying that Aof is one of the fox friends?

Aofu himself thought it was not good, but Lin Ke thought it was great.

Antova also noticed it, so she and Lin Ke had a fight together to expose the matter.

Everyone walked up to the sky, except for the two butlers Curry and Billy, the other servants stayed on the ground.

John has also gone backstage to prepare to host.

During this process, Furlong pulled Rika and introduced today's program with excitement. Antova also introduced Akeli with a noble smile.

What about "The Ring of the Snake", what about "One Thousand and Two Nights", what about "The Snow Princess"...

Several people were stunned after hearing this.

At the same time, Lin Ke did not forget to warn from the side that these things are false and not real.

Otherwise, when the show gets exciting, Akli or Rika will go down and obstruct the progress of the drama, which will be a big problem.

While they were communicating, the Servant of Truth below dimmed, leaving only a few beams shining on the stage.

John walked onto the stage dressed smartly, with a natural smile on his face and a microphone with amplification technology in his hand.

"Good evening to all gentlemen and ladies, as well as the noble Princess Lika and Count Ackley!"

John's voice was full of passion, which instantly ignited the people in the villages in the theater.

A series of cheers and applause broke out, and this method of applause was also passed down by Lin Ke.

Lika and Akli were also moved by their emotions and clapped subconsciously.

"A princess is here today! Is she the princess of our Gula Kingdom?!"

"Wow! Earl! Big shot! Isn't that more powerful than Master Lin Ke?"

"Nonsense! Master Lin Ke is the most powerful!"

"Woo, I want to see what Princess Lika looks like. Is she more beautiful than Princess Gray Snow?"

"of course!"

There was a buzz of discussion below, but unfortunately the theater had a roof and was blocked by the lightning of the Servant of Truth, so few people could see Lika and others above.

Lika's face was flushed, and she actually felt a little shy.

She showed two small tiger teeth and glanced at Lin Ke with her green eyes: "Is this... is this a performance?"

Are you just praising me for your performance? Wow, what a strange feeling... Lika felt that her face was hotter than the brain of a Level 20 Thunder Flame Dragon.

"...No, this is just an opening to express my welcome to you." Lin Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this time, John, who had finished his opening remarks and introductions, had already gone down.

The lights dimmed, and even Lin Ke was looking forward to today's opening.

After all...this is Sophie's first performance since her self-enlightenment.

Sophie did not find a job as a [scholar], but followed Lin Ke's instructions and tried to find a job as a [singer].

If the job is successful, a new profession will be created on the Nasung continent.

Therefore, Lin Ke is looking forward to Sophie's performance tonight.

When the light shines on the girl in the center of the stage, an inexplicable temperament exudes.

It's Sophie!

"Huh? Professional? What kind of professional is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" Akli said softly when he saw Sophie: "No, no, they are people who have been enlightened but have not yet taken up a job?"

As a [Businessman], one of his characteristics is to observe the words and expressions, which is particularly useful in distinguishing the status, personality, etc. of the person in front of him.

"You want to give this little girl the career you created, right?" On the side, Lika directly revealed the secret.

Lin Ke nodded slightly and admitted.

"It's impossible, don't think about it." Unexpectedly, Lika shook her head directly: "The job ratio of a job involves all aspects, and it is not as simple as you think."

This chapter has been completed!
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