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Chapter 913 Lin Ke’s Believers

Until one day, Lin Ke woke up from his endless thoughts.

"A small month has passed..."

There was electric light flashing deep in Lin Ke's eyes.

He understood the electromagnetic interaction force thoroughly!

However, he did not rush to turn this understanding into skills, but instead immersed himself in it again without stopping.

Immersed in the next force.

"Strong nuclear force...weak nuclear force..."

"Protons, neutrons..."

His whispers contained the power of law, causing mysterious ripples inadvertently.

He didn't pay attention at all, after all, it was just a few whispers.

Just like a normal adult walking and talking.

However, he ignored it.

The vibrations contained in the few words that humans say casually while walking may cause the butterfly effect.

What's more, his whispers can be compared to the roar of a dragon.

At least the dragon's roar does not contain laws.

Therefore, wherever he passed by, those whispers containing laws penetrated into certain planes layer by layer.

So and so, a year passed.

Lin Ke woke up from his thoughts again.

"One year..."

Lin Ke felt a little anxious inside.

One year!

How many things can be done in a year?

For him in his early childhood, he could do many, many things in one year, and even transform him from a noble heir to a noble.

For now, he may not even be able to complete one experiment!

However, what about Nasung?

He is not in Nasung, and the Destiny and Community of Nasung is leaderless. I don’t know how chaotic it is.

Of course, it would be better if the whole group was really leaderless. At least with John's methods and courage, he could still manage it.

The problem is...

The top forces of the Holy Life Alliance and the Eternal Frozen Council were almost unscathed in the final battle with Hornurus!

Even the stars and the ocean of waves are the same!

In a sense, Nasenge is not leaderless, but has lost its largest dragon head. The remaining dragon heads are likely to cause chaos.

A little chaos is fine, but what's terrible is that such chaos destroyed Nassenger.

It contains his hard work, the hard work of the Gullah people, and the hard work of all intelligent creatures.

Fortunately, after a year of research, experimentation, thinking, exploration and demonstration, his current speed has improved a lot.


"Hmm? The power of faith?"

Lin Ke's forward speed remained unchanged, but he looked behind him curiously.

In the direction he came from, he had been vaguely provided with a lot of faith power during this period.

The problem was that he kept going without stopping and never stopped.

If it weren't for the issue of principle, he would probably have walked straight away regardless of the life and death of the plane and the life in the plane.

The issue of principle is very important. If he violates his own principles, his soul space will directly collapse.

Therefore, he took a detour that was almost close to the crystal wall of the plane.

The emergence of the power of faith made him immediately understand what was happening.

The previous whispers contained the power of law and his information.

For him, it was simply talking to himself, whispering and murmuring.

But what about intelligent life in the secondary planes?

This is a gift from God!

In my previous life, there was something called preaching.

There is also a saying that goes, "At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached the truth?"

In a sense, Lin Ke's unintentional murmur is the voice of preaching to the intelligent life in the secondary plane.


But Lin Ke didn't pay much attention.

At this time, although his rule body can also use the power of faith as fuel, those powers of faith are of little help to him.

But thinking that these secondary planes might be taken under his control in the future, he continued his previous behavior.

Even at this time, Lin Ke no longer whispered unconsciously, but consciously passed on some of the laws he knew to the places he passed through.

"The most important thing about thermodynamics is entropy..."

"The essence of water is H2O, molecular atoms..."

"Friction and smoothness..."

One plane after another fell far behind Lin Ke, without affecting Lin Ke's forward speed at all.

At the same time, the power of faith from various intelligent life forms in his mind was growing more and more.

If he had not become a legend, the power of these beliefs would have had an impact on him, especially those voices of prayer.

But at a certain moment, Lin Ke heard some sounds.

"My majestic Father God, does consciousness also attract other forces?"

A beetle-like creature with flexible tentacles is praying devoutly and asking questions.

This is a naive and basic question.

What is consciousness?

That is something that exists in the non-material world and only exists in the thoughts of intelligent beings.

However, does consciousness really only exist in thoughts?

Lin Ke felt that inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and countless investigations and experiments spewed out from his soul. Hundreds of experiments on consciousness were being conducted every second.

At the same time, he immediately received prayers from countless believers.

"God, please save me from the mouth of the purple-striped leopard..."

"Omnipresent God, please listen to the grand praise of my religion..."

"My God, I sacrifice my soul to you, just to get Miss Audrey's love..."

The prayers of believers are not all about laws, most of them are normal prayers.

But fortunately, the influence of these believers' voices on him is minimal, and he only needs to devote part of his attention to screening and reading the power of these beliefs.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a godhead, otherwise it would be easier to process such complicated information.

But the difference is not big.

If he can get new inspiration, it will be easier for him to unify the four basic powers.

And after he received and selectively replied to some responses from intelligent life, those secondary planes immediately boiled.

Lin Ke's whisper at the beginning could only make some intelligent beings who didn't know the truth understand a little, and at the same time, they called Lin Ke the way they called "gods" in their own plane.

"God" means great, supreme, omniscient, omnipotent, and the only supreme being.

Originally, if Lin Ke was just passing by, the power of faith would not last long.

However, Lin Ke gave some followers a response.

As a result, in some planes, whether they are planes that already have complete belief systems in gods or planes that have just been born, sects and the Holy See have arisen one after another.

Coupled with his deliberate guidance...

The power of his faith increased tens of thousands of times in just one month!

At the same time, through his intentional guidance, countless intelligent beings also started to study and explore everything from their own perspective.

During this period of time, hundreds of millions of intelligent beings contributed their knowledge and wisdom, providing Lin Ke with countless inspirations.

Finally, one day, Lin Ke heard a voice.

"Force, is it possible that my observation is also a force?"

This chapter has been completed!
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