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Chapter 1040 Changes in the Palace (2)

 "Where to go?"

Cao Shuang asked with some confusion.

Sun and Liu did not answer, but looked at Lian Zhao:

"Shang Shulang, we remembered that there are still some things that have not been reported to His Majesty. As the saying goes, one thing does not bother the two masters. Could you please Shangshu Lang to report to His Majesty for us?"

Lian Zhao said hesitantly: "Well, your Majesty's edict, let me declare it..."

Unexpectedly, before Lian Zhao finished speaking, Liu Fang signaled:

"Shang Shulang, please, please go back to the palace and help inform me?"

Lian Zhao apologized with some embarrassment and said:

"Liu Zhongshu, but His Majesty asked me to..."

"Hey, it doesn't matter. We have something urgent to report to Your Majesty now. This matter for Chang Shi Cao is not urgent."

"That's right, it won't be too late to go find Chang Shi Cao after Master Shangshu Lang has finished informing us. I believe His Majesty won't blame him."

Sun Zi also spoke up.

Under the seemingly begging but actually forced advances of the two men, Lian Zhao seemed reluctant, but in fact he turned back with a sigh of relief and walked towards the palace again.

Cao Rui, who was waiting for Cao Zhao to enter the palace, heard Cao Shuang and others leaving and returning, and couldn't help but look at Lian Zhao with questioning eyes.

Lian Zhao knew what he meant. He was a little ashamed and hesitantly said:

"Back to Your Majesty, as soon as I walked outside the palace, I met two secretaries of state. I wanted to avoid it quietly, but I was discovered by General Cao..."

He said it cleverly and did not mention that he had not avoided it in advance. Cao Rui listened and only said that Liu Fang and Sun Zi deliberately stayed outside the palace.

When he heard Cao Shuang again, Cao Rui's eyes became a little gloomy:

"Did you tell them?"

Lian Zhao moved his lips a few times, his face full of shame: "I am guilty, I'm sorry for your majesty. The two lieutenants have repeatedly pressed me, I..."

Cao Rui sighed: "Forget it, I'm embarrassing you."

Hearing these words, Lian Zhao breathed a sigh of relief again. He knew that he had finally passed this hurdle.

"The two Zhongshu and General Cao are still guarding the door. Have you seen Your Majesty yet?"

Lian Zhao asked cautiously again.

"The two Secretaries of State have left and come back again. I think they must have something important to do. How can I not see them?"

Cao Rui closed his eyes, his tone was erratic, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

After Lian Zhao heard this, he turned around and went out to invite Liu, Sun and Cao into the room.

After the ceremony, Cao Rui asked:

"You gentlemen, do you have something important to do this time?"

"Your Majesty," Liu Fang was the first to stand up, "I and the other three wanted to say goodbye at the palace gate, but suddenly they heard the cry of wild geese. It turned out that a group of wild geese were flying above."

"That cry of wild geese is made by the leading goose, calling other geese to follow closely and don't fall behind."

Cao Rui just looked at them quietly, showing some confusion.

It's winter, you told me there are wild geese?

Could it be that at this time, you still want to wish me good luck?

However, the fact is that Cao Rui thinks too much.

I saw Sun Zi also stepping forward:

"Your Majesty, birds know that they cannot fly without a head. Since your Majesty has decided that General Cao will be the general, I would like to ask your Majesty to issue an edict as soon as possible and announce it to the world."

"In this way, we can calm down the minds of all ministers as soon as possible, so that no one will have ambitions that they shouldn't have."

Hearing this, Cao Rui suddenly opened his eyes.

Giving birth to ambitions that shouldn’t be achieved?


"Your Majesty, there should be no hesitation or repetition on such a major matter. For the sake of the country, I sincerely request your Majesty to issue an edict immediately."

"I beg your Majesty to issue an edict immediately!"

Sun and Liu said this and kowtowed together.

Seeing this, Cao Shuang quickly followed suit and fell to the ground.

Cao Rui looked at the three people on the ground with complicated eyes.

He knew that in this dispute over the auxiliary ministers, Liu Fang and Sun Zi were making a statement, firmly siding with Cao Shuang, not Cao Zhao.

If I force Cao Zhao to be the general, without the cooperation of Sun and Liu in the future, how easy will it be for Cao Zhao to control the overall situation?

Thinking again of the current internal and external troubles in the Wei Dynasty, Cao Rui finally sighed:

"That's all, go get the yellow paper."

After hearing this, Lian Zhao took out the yellow paper and pen and ink.

Cao Rui reluctantly wrote the edict, and when he was about to order the seal, Sun Zihu said again:

"All the foreign ministers know that Your Majesty favors and trusts King Yan Cao Changshi and others. I am afraid that some people may misunderstand that Your Majesty wants them to assist in the government. Your Majesty, you must be on guard against this!"

Cao Rui lowered his eyes, seeming to be sleepy, and asked feebly:

"Then according to Sun Zhongshu's opinion, what should I do?"

"According to your opinion, Your Majesty can order King Yan to return to the country and relieve Cao Zhao and others from their regular duties. In this way, all ministers will understand your Majesty's intentions."

When Cao Rui heard this, he shook slightly and said vaguely:

"I am extremely tired and find it difficult to write. I would like to take a nap first..."

After finishing speaking, he was about to give up his pen, but Liu Fang had quick eyes and quick hands. He stepped forward and held Cao Rui's hand tightly:

"Your Majesty, it's not too late!"

Cao Rui was shocked:

"What do you want, sir?"

"I prepare an edict for Your Majesty."

Liu Fang said, holding Cao Rui's hand, half forcing Cao Rui to write the edict, and then let Lian Zhao help Cao Rui lie down.

Cao Rui's face was already pale at this time, and he didn't know whether it was because he had really exhausted all his strength or for other reasons.

He looked at Sun and Liu:

"Cao Changsi is a man of meritorious service, and he is also a clan relative. He should not be treated lightly, otherwise he will lose the respect of his subordinates."

Sun and Liu responded:

"Since Cao Changsi inherited the title of Marquis of Changping and was awarded a generous salary, how can he call it a poor salary?"

Cao Rui felt relieved after receiving the two men's promise that they would not kill them all.

After stamping the emperor's seal, the matter was finally settled.

The next day, Sun and Liu summoned the ministers in the name of the emperor and read out the edict to relieve Cao Yu, Cao Zhao and others from all their posts in the court.

Cao Yu returned to the country as a prince, and Cao Zhao returned to the country as a Marquis of Changping.

At the same time, Cao Fang, the king of Qi, was officially enthroned as the crown prince.

He also appointed Cao Shuang as a general, with the title of "Jiejie Yue", the commander-in-chief of all military affairs at home and abroad, and the record of ministerial affairs.

Then the imperial edict was sent to the Grand Sima Sima Yi to move into Taifu and assist the Crown Prince.

Although Cao Rui wanted to belong to Cao Zhao, when he was seriously ill, he knew that he could no longer control the situation in the court.

In addition, in order to stabilize the situation as soon as possible and reduce internal strife in the DPRK, he had to make concessions.

Between country and personal affairs, there may be emperors who choose the latter, but Cao Rui is not included.

At the last moment of his life, all he could think about was how to stabilize the situation.

The sudden determination of the future power structure of the court not only shocked the court officials, but also had a huge impact on the harem.

Just after the crown prince was announced, Queen Mao immediately went to Cao Rui's ward to request a visit, but was not allowed.

In desperation, she wanted to ask people around Cao Rui about her condition.

Who would have expected that after Cao Rui found out, he directly ordered the execution of more than a dozen palace maids and Xiaohuangmen who served him that day.

After this, he still did not give up, and issued an edict to hang Empress Mao on the pretext that Empress Mao "had evil intentions".

Cao Rui's move frightened the concubines in the harem.

Because the emperor and the queen were killed at will, who could know how many people His Majesty would let follow him to the yellow soil in the future?

At this time, Cao Rui was no longer in the mood to care about the concerns of thousands of women in his harem (only Xuchang Palace).

After killing Queen Mao, he immediately summoned his concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu Gui and Empress Mao were both from Hanoi.

But their origins are worlds apart.

Queen Mao was born in a humble family, and her father was just a lowly official.

However, Concubine Yu was a real daughter of an aristocratic family. When Cao Rui was named King of Pingyuan, Cao Pi personally proposed to marry him.

When Cao Rui was established as crown prince, Yu was also promoted to crown princess.

Who would have expected that after Cao Rui ascended the throne, he would make his concubine Mao the queen. As the main wife, Yu was full of joy but her wait was in vain.

Later, Wei suffered successive defeats on the western battlefield, forcing Cao Rui, who originally intended to weaken the aristocratic families, to rely more and more on the aristocratic families in the Central Plains.

Under this situation, the Yu family, who had been demoted to Yecheng by Cao Rui, was invited back to Luoyang. The worse the defeat of Wei, the higher the Yu family's status.

In the end, she was promoted to the position of concubine, just below the queen.

"I know that I have neglected you a bit over the years, but you and I are finally married, and the late emperor asked me to marry you. I think you understand the reason for this."

Regarding the Yu family, Cao Rui knew that there were some things he had to say, and there was no way to hide them, so he could only say them clearly.

Mrs. Yu just looked at him expressionlessly.

"I also know that this position of queen belongs to you. How about I give it back to you now?"

Mrs. Yu looked at the emperor on the couch who was originally aloof and arrogant. Now he was not only tortured by the disease and became deformed, but he was also so groveling.

She finally couldn't help but sigh.

She had already seen through the emperor's ruthlessness.

But as the emperor said, she knew that she was actually a tool, a link between the Cao Wei royal family and the Hanoi family.

No matter how resentful I am, what can I do?

After persisting for so many years, do you want to give up at such a critical moment?

"What does Your Majesty want me to do?"

"The prince is only eight years old. Although he is assisted by auxiliary ministers outside, he is still a child after all. He has not seen the dangers of the world. I can't worry about it, so I want to find virtuous and virtuous people in the harem to raise him."

Virtuous and virtuous?

Although she was mentally prepared, Mrs. Yu still wanted to laugh.

For Mao's sake, this man once demoted himself to Yecheng.

Now that Mr. Mao is old and waning, and he is not helpful to the prince, he kills the prince at any time. He is so cold and heartless, what does he say to himself about the love between husband and wife?

What kind of virtue?

Isn’t it because of the power and resources behind him?

Mrs. Yu didn't bother to point out Cao Rui's hypocrisy:

"Could it be that the virtuous and virtuous people your Majesty spoke of were talking about concubines?"


"Your Majesty has given you too much praise, and I don't dare take it as my concubine."

"There is no one in the harem who is more suitable to raise the prince than you." Cao Rui looked at Mr. Yu steadily, "And this matter is also of great benefit to you."

In other words, it will also be of great benefit to the Yu family in Hanoi.

Mrs. Yu lowered her eyes:

"Your Majesty has said so much. If I don't agree to it anymore, won't I become a ungrateful person?"

Although he expected that Mrs. Yu would most likely not refuse, Cao Rui was relieved when he heard her personally agree.

So he immediately had Prince Cao Fang brought in and asked him to kowtow to the Yu family.

After Cao Fang finished kowtowing, she heard Cao Rui give another instruction:

"Prince, I will designate Yu Guifei as the queen. From now on, she will be your aunt's mother. From now on, you must obey your aunt's instructions in everything and must not violate her."

The eight-year-old prince was a little confused. He looked at Mr. Yu and then at Cao Rui, not knowing how to speak.

"Why don't you call me Queen Mother?"

Under Cao Rui's repeated urging, Cao Fang timidly shouted: "Mother?"

When Mrs. Yu faced Cao Fang, her expression finally softened, and she nodded in response.

After receiving the news that the Yu family was established as queen, Sun Zi couldn't help but feel a little scared:

"Our Majesty, it is really not easy. If the timing had not been lucky, our actions would not have been so convenient?"

Liu Fang nodded:

"Your Majesty used the excuse to kill Queen Mao, but it turned out that he wanted to make Yu your concubine the queen. I am afraid that the Yu family and the Sima family in Hanoi will have their own agenda from now on."

"Things like that have nothing to do with us. Besides, the overall situation between the DPRK and China has been decided, so we can just watch the show."


Guanzhong, Tongguan.

The dangerous pass that Ma Chao once used to resist Cao Cao's army has now been turned into ruins.

Sima Yi led his troops to withdraw from Guanzhong before the river completely froze.

Before leaving, he ordered Tongguan to be completely destroyed, leaving only the ruins of the walls and ruins for the Han Dynasty.

After it snowed again, the river was finally covered with a thick layer of ice that was so strong that the cavalry could even run directly across the river to the other side.

After inspecting Hedong and arranging various matters, Governor Feng braved the severe cold and crossed the river from Fengling to Tongguan Pass.

Looking at the dangerous pass that had been deliberately destroyed, Governor Feng wrapped himself in a woolen coat, exhaled a white breath, and asked:

"When did the last thieves leave?"

"Back to the Lord, six days ago."

Governor Feng kicked the blackened soil with his cowhide boots and looked around again.

Tongguan is not a gate city, but a general name for a military defense system built on a loess plateau that runs from north to south and is more than ten miles long.

To the east of the Loess Plateau, there is a forbidden ditch that also runs from north to south, extending from the Qinling Mountains to the river.

The forbidden ditch is deep and wide, with steep walls. Even in winter, the snow cannot completely cover the bushes and vines at the bottom of the ditch.

From this you can imagine how dense the vegetation at the bottom of the ditch is on weekdays.

If the enemy attacks from the east, they must first find a way to cross the forbidden ditch and then climb up the nearly vertical valley wall.

Or, in front of the ten-mile-long Loess Plateau cliff, find a way to climb over it.

When they finally reached the Loess Plateau, they had to face a heavily guarded barrier pass.

This is why Xian Yufu, who was stationed in Hexi at that time, saw Feng Jishi leading the army south and arrived at Fenglingdu, and concluded that the main direction of the Han army's attack was not Fenglingdu.

Because after the Han army crossed the river, they faced Tongguan, a place that was difficult for even apes to cross. At most, they could cut off the connection between Tongguan and Luoyang.

With the defenders there, it is impossible for the enemy to attack the Loess Plateau.

But what Xian Yufu didn't expect was that Mr. Feng had too many cards, and there was actually a plan in his plan.

According to the terrain of Tongguan, its greatest role is to block enemies coming from the east.

If the east of the river is not lost, Tongguan can also play a role when facing the enemies in Guanzhong to the west and taking advantage of the natural dangers of the river.

But who would have thought that in this battle of Guanzhong, Hedong would fall before Guanzhong.

After Sima Yi failed in his desperate attempt to catch turtles, he had to abandon Tongguan.

Looking at the loess plateau covered with snow, which looked like a white dragon lying across the north and south, Governor Feng asked again:

"Have you carefully scouted the terrain around here?"

The captain next to him looked embarrassed:

"Jun Hou, this place is more than ten miles long, the terrain is complicated, and now it is covered with heavy snow. We have no time to grasp the specific situation. We can only roughly inspect the various original Guancheng ruins in this area."

Governor Feng nodded:

"Tongguan's terrain is dangerous and it is the gateway to Guanzhong. We must not take it lightly. We must find a way to check it out sooner or later before we can rearrange our defenses."


After briefly explaining a few words, Governor Feng kept looking to the west, seeming a little absent-minded.

I don’t know how long it took, but a black spot suddenly appeared in the distance, which was very conspicuous on the vast land.

The black spots gradually grew larger, and it turned out to be a group of cavalry.

Governor Feng took out his binoculars, and when he saw the person clearly, a silly smile appeared on his face.

ps: Well, I am indeed married to a tiger girl, and she was born in the year of the tiger.

From now on, I have to work hard to save money for milk powder...

I will definitely try harder.

This chapter has been completed!
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