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Chapter 1243 Crossing the Water

 Just when Huguan began to fall into chaos and rumors spread, Danshui was also in chaos.

The general of the Wei army who was ordered to guard the edge of Danshui had already jumped to his feet and yelled in public regardless of his dignity:

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy!"

Does the traitor general on the opposite side really know nothing about leading an army?

How can anyone lead an army like this!

On the first day when we arrived on the other side, we immediately crossed the water to explore the way.

The next day, the entire army marched across the river.

Didn’t you see that there are many camps and forts on your side, looking heavily guarded?

Aren't they afraid that if they fail to cross the water, the whole army will be buried in the belly of the fish?

General Wei was trembling all over, and he didn't know whether he was angry or afraid.

As long as you can have more troops on hand.

As long as there are more than 5,000 people, he will have the confidence to block this bandit army in the water.

You can even make the opponent suffer a lot, letting the thief on the other side know the consequences of acting so recklessly.

But he didn't.

The troops he had in hand could only defend the water crossing point in front.

He couldn't even take care of the bandits crossing the water from both wings.

He didn't even understand how the bandit army could build so many weird rafts in one day and one night.

How could one have imagined that the bandit army would suddenly launch such a large-scale water crossing?

According to common sense, even if a superior force crosses the water, it will take a while to build water crossing equipment.

Unlike the bandit army in front of us, they didn't act according to common sense from the beginning.

"Go, go, go!"

"Charge over, the thieves don't have many troops. As long as we all rush over, we'll spend the night in the thieves' camp tonight!"

"If you can't get through, you'll spend the night in the water tonight!"

Compared to the Wei army, which was in a hurry, the Han army, which had a special mobilization mechanism, was planning to break through the Wei thieves' defense line in one go.

On each larger raft, there is a young general with an excited look on his face and an exciting tone of voice, encouraging the surrounding soldiers.

Some even ignored the arrows that fell from the sky from time to time, stood up directly, held a tin trumpet, and kept shouting:

"Soldiers, it's time to make a contribution. According to the rules of the Han Dynasty, as long as we can defeat the bandit army on the opposite side, we can accumulate an acre of land at least!"

“If we work harder, it’s not impossible to cover eight acres of ten acres!”

"Let me tell you, the rebel army on the other side is much smaller than ours, and they can drown each other with just a spit of spit!"

"When you get to the end of the field, don't be afraid, follow me and rush!"

"Don't worry, I will die first!"

The expression on the face of the young man who said this was no longer excited, but rather fanatical.

A strong and proud man with great ambitions should die in the wilderness and be buried wrapped in horse leather.

Thinking of the memorial hall in the Royal Academy, the incense lasts forever, and sacrifices are made in the world. Even if the man dies, there is nothing to be afraid of!

I want to enter the spiritual throne hall, and you want to shadow your descendants.

Everyone gets what they need, so follow me!

As the raft got closer and closer to the other side, the young general bent down, picked up his weapon, and stared straight ahead, like a leopard ready to pounce at any time.


The raft hit something and shook violently, causing everyone on the raft to shake involuntarily.

"Come on! Follow me!"

The young general jumped into the water first and rushed towards the shore before he could stand firm.

The Wei army in front was already fighting with the first batch of Han troops who washed ashore.

The young general's eyes turned red and he wished he could fly to the front line.

"Lead, line up?"

Seeing that his team leader was in such a hurry, someone quickly reminded him.

"What a stupid queue!"

The young team leader pointed to the front and cursed: "It's a bad fight, just follow me!"

Shi Bao wanted to forcefully break through the Wei army's waterfront defense line, and those sent in front were naturally the most elite backbone of the Tu Chen army.

Even the more than two thousand engineering battalion guards under Wang Han pressed forward.

Therefore, despite the fact that the team is young, in fact they are already experienced veterans.

This is also one of the reasons why Wei Jiang cursed loudly.

After all, he never thought that the Han army would dare to cross Danshui without even having time to breathe.

What's more important is that the Han troops who were thought to have fought to the death yesterday could be regarded as fierce soldiers rarely seen in the world.

Who would have expected that those who rushed over today would be even more fierce and fearless than the group of Han troops yesterday.

He even slapped his mother for this!

"General, it's not good! Another group of thieves have landed from the south and are rushing over here!"

The ordering soldiers rushed over rolling and crawling on the ground, reporting urgently.

General Wei's face was ashen, he glanced at the messenger with numb eyes, and said nothing.

What's the use of telling me this?

Just to block the Han army in front, I have mobilized all my troops.

The original idea was to push them back into the water as quickly as possible in order to frighten the enemy.

Who would have expected that, instead of intimidating the opponent, he would be intimidated instead.

All the troops that can be mobilized now are entangled with the Han army at the front.

Where are the extra troops to take care of the two wings?

At this moment, I saw a firework suddenly rise on the east bank of Danshui, followed immediately by a second one, which was extremely gorgeous.

Shi Bao, who had been holding a telescope to observe the battle on the other side, laughed loudly:

"The soldiers have defeated the thief!"

A firework shows that we have established a firm foothold and initially established a beachhead position.

What Shi Bao didn't expect was that things went surprisingly smoothly. Two fireworks rose in the sky, indicating that a counterattack was underway.

"Send an order for the rear troops to speed up and cross the water immediately!"

"Tell them that everyone can spend the night in the bandit camp tonight."


The thunderous war drums sounded.

Row after row of rafts were put into the water. Looking around, the Han troops on the Danshui River were like ants, densely packed and swarming towards the other side.

"General, it's not good, the bandit army has already rushed towards the Chinese army!"

The rear army of the Han army reached the other side, completely declaring victory in the forced crossing of Danshui.

This time, even the personal guards couldn't restrain themselves:

"General, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Decision? What decision? What kind of decision can there be now?"

At this time, General Wei calmed down:

"There are fewer soldiers than thieves, and there are no reinforcements behind me. No one can defend such a long river section. What decision can I make?"

The anxious guard stepped forward, lowered his voice, and urged:

"General, why don't you retreat? We will risk our lives to escort the general back to his eldest son..."

"The eldest son is also an empty city. What's the use of going back there?"

General Wei smiled miserably:

"General Sun asked me to stay at least five days, and now I haven't even arrived for two days. Even if I escape, I will still die."

"General, do you want to fight to the death?"

General Wei glanced at his bodyguard and said nothing.

He looked ahead silently, until he saw with his own eyes that the soldiers in front had begun to collapse and run backwards, then he said in a serious tone:

"Send my order, raise the white flag, and let the soldiers abandon their weapons and surrender."

"Ah? General, this..."

According to the laws of the Wei Dynasty, losing land is a serious crime, let alone taking the initiative to surrender to thieves.

Therefore, when the late emperor was still alive, even if he could not defend his territory, the general would either die in battle or commit suicide.

Even if you are exhausted and captured, you must actively seek death. How can there be any talk of surrendering to a thief?

The shouts of death from the front were getting closer and closer. General Wei kicked his bodyguard and cursed:

"Go quickly! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

Seeing his guards go to deliver orders in confusion, General Wei let out a long sigh.

Dawei is no longer the Dawei it used to be.

And the Han State is no longer the Han State it used to be.

It is not a shame to lose to the Han army.

A young general of the Han army took the lead and was about to rush to the Wei thieves' central army. Unexpectedly, the Wei army began to surrender on its own initiative.

Seeing Shou Gong pass by, he was so angry that he raised his knife and cursed:

"You thief, you don't even have the courage to fight to the death, you are a cowardless person!"

But in the direction pointed by the long sword, a group of people suddenly appeared. It turned out to be General Wei, escorted by his personal guards, who came to the front of the Han army.

Although he lost the great achievement of capturing the leader of the bandit army, being the first to accept the surrender of the leader of the bandit army can be regarded as a difficult task.

Shi Bao, who followed him across the water, was a little surprised to learn that General Wei neither ran away nor fought to the death, but chose to surrender.

He looked at the other person carefully.

I found that the other party was also sizing me up.

"You know light and darkness, know good and evil, and welcome you most."

General Wei shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"The general has really praised me too much. When I saw the general ordering the army to cross the water today, I knew that this battle would be defeated."

Having said this, he looked at Shi Bao seriously, "The reason why I surrendered to General is actually to clear up the doubts in my heart. Otherwise, I will not be willing to die even if I die."

"Doubts? What doubts?"

"Looking at the general's actions today, I guess he must have seen that the east coast was not well-prepared, so he dared to raise his troops to cross the water and catch someone off guard."

"But I really can't figure it out. How did the general figure it out?"

Although there was an unexpected incident, General Sun had to lead most of his soldiers back to Huguan.

But a few days ago, the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty made a lot of preparations on the east bank of Danshui, which is why so many camps and barriers were left.

According to common sense, when seeing so many camps and fortresses, even the most confident general should be wary and not dare to act rashly.

In addition, this is the first time we have arrived here, so we should let the soldiers rest while carefully exploring and exploring.

After going back and forth, even if it is finally discovered that the opponent's troops are empty, it will still take anywhere from five to six to seven to eight days.

And you have to consider whether there is an ambush or something.

But the behavior of the Han general in front of him was extremely reckless, and he was simply putting the lives of the entire army at risk.

However, his approach made all his careful preparations ineffective.

The defeat in this battle was too inexplicable and too frustrating.

So he would rather surrender than ask what the opponent in front of him was thinking.

When Shi Bao heard what the Admiral had said, he calmly put the hand holding the telescope behind his back, smiled calmly, and said:

"Do you know who the person I admire most in my life is?"

"Before this, I had never met the general, how could I know?"

"I was just a smuggler. Fortunately, I met a noble person and was able to be seen in front of the Central Protector. The Central Protector did not consider me humble and promoted me carefully. Only then did I have the opportunity to show my ambition."

Shi Bao said slowly, "Therefore, the people I admire the most in my life are that noble man and Feng Duhu."

"Feng Duhu... But Feng Gui, uh, Feng Wen..." Jiang Jiang stuttered, "Uh uh, the world-famous General Feng?"

"That's right." Shi Bao nodded, and then asked, "Did you know that back then, someone also tried to defraud Feng Duhu by setting up an empty city?"

"Who would have expected that Feng Duhu would see through it, use his plan, and finally capture the man?"

The general was startled, feeling that this matter seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Shi Bao did not say the man's name, but just smiled: "Since I respect Feng Duhu the most, I naturally know a lot about Feng Duhu's battle experiences."

As he spoke, he crossed his fingers and nodded, "Your plan is so similar to what Feng Duhu encountered back then. How could I not see through it?"

After hearing what Shi Bao said, General Jiang still didn't know how he saw through it.

But when he heard Feng's name, he was convinced.

It turned out to be a plan that Feng Wenhe had seen through back then, and this person claimed to have been promoted by Feng Wenhe himself, so he was indeed not unjustly defeated.

Seeing that the general had finally lowered his head, Shi Bao ordered him to be taken into custody.

At the same time, people were ordered to pick up the remaining defeated generals of the Wei army and escort them back to the rear.

The original camp of the Wei army turned out to be a resting place for the Han army as he said before.

While the soldiers below were enjoying their victory, Hu Zun found Shi Bao and suggested:

"General Zhonglang, since we can cross the water quickly and the defenders of the traitor who want to attack the eldest son are not ready yet, why not take advantage of the strong morale in the army and set off at the third watch tonight to attack the eldest son."

"When the thief is unprepared, we might be able to capture the eldest son in one go."

Unexpectedly, Shi Bao didn't take it seriously and said with a smile:

"General Hu is very anxious! The soldiers have been on the road these days, and they have not been able to rest for the past two days. We have fought such a battle."

"Don't look at their morale. In fact, they are exhausted. It is best to let them rest to regain their strength."

Hu Zun did not expect that General Zhonglang, who was eager to cross the water yesterday, would now sit back and watch the fighter plane being lost, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"General Zhonglang, this opportunity cannot be missed! If the rebel army waiting for the eldest son is prepared, I am afraid there will be many casualties among the soldiers."

Shi Bao still waved his hand, seemingly not caring about the fleeting flight of the fighter plane:

"General Hu is worrying too much! If the thieves want to stop us, Danshui is the best place."

"They don't even think about defending this place, so how can they send more defenders in the eldest son?"

"Besides, we still have an engineering battalion in hand, so why should we be afraid of attacking the city? General Hu, just put your heart in your stomach."

"I said yesterday that the thieves must have received news about Taiyuan, so I am afraid that they have already decided to abandon the Shangdang."

Hu Zun didn't know that Shi Bao had already learned from the surrendered general that the eldest son also didn't have many guards. He couldn't help but continue to persuade:

"In this case, shouldn't we pursue it more urgently?"

Shi Bao made a "tsk" sound and looked at Hu Zun with slight reproach:

"Why is General Hu so unwise? What we have led are infantry. How tiring will it be to chase the thieves?"

"General, don't forget that the cavalry led by General Zhendong is the right time to pursue thieves!"

Now that the words have come to this point, if Hu Zun fails to react, he will really be a fool.

He was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously slapped his head, wow!

It was obvious that General Zhonglang had given a hint yesterday, so how could he be so carried away by the victory in front of him?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Shi Bao slightly strangely.

I can't blame this person for having a humble background, but he is favored by the Central Protector. In addition to his own talents, his ability to flatter others is also very powerful.

Hu Zun had even thought out the next step for Shi Bao.

If General Zhendong could defeat the thieves on his own, wouldn't he be the first to regain the Shangdang?

If General Zhendong is blocked at Huguan, General Zhonglang will arrive in time to support him. In the end, under the control of General Zhendong, everyone will work together to defeat the traitor, and General Zhendong will also be the first to succeed.

Recalling that when I was in Anding, I personally saw that the relationship between General Zhendong and the Central Protector seemed to be extremely special.

This lieutenant general is an excellent person!

In this way, you can think of how to go around the corner to deepen your goodwill with Zhong Duhu.

This chapter has been completed!
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