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Chapter 1263 Attacking Tianjing Pass

 In fact, the defense at Tianjing Pass should be relatively tight.

At least in terms of the various instruments used to guard the gate, they were extremely well prepared.

Because three of the eight peaks in Taihang lead directly to Hanoi.

They are Zhiguanxing, Taihangxing and Baixing respectively.

Zhiguanxing leads from Hedong to Hanoi, while Taihangxing and Baixing lead from Shangdang to Hanoi.

If one line of defense is not defended, then Hanoi will not be protected.

As Sima Yi's hometown, Hanoi would naturally not want to see this happen unless he had to.

Although Gaodu City was previously in the hands of the Wei army, Sima Yi knew that it would be difficult to stop the Han army just by defending the city.

A certain person named Feng brought out too many good things from his own school.

For example, stone cannon.

Looking around the world, it can be said that there are almost no cities that can block stone cannons!

At most, it’s the difference between whether you can carry it for a few more days or a few days less.

Unless the stone cannon used to siege the city is too huge and difficult to build, it takes longer to prepare than other siege equipment, and it also has certain terrain requirements.

I'm afraid Sima Yi thought it was a perfect siege weapon.

Therefore, in his opinion, Tianjing Pass behind Gaodu City was the key to preventing the Han army from entering Hanoi from Taihangxing.

With this level of consideration in mind, Tianjingguan naturally needs to be fully prepared.

It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation.

As the saying goes, the danger of a pass lies in the people, not the terrain.

Sima Division, who led the army for the first time, suffered two defeats in a row at Gaoping Pass. Then the crisis in Luoyang forced him to rush back for reinforcements.

The defenders who stayed at Tianjingguan were not only insufficient in number, but also fearful.

Not to mention that the opponent was King Feng Gui, who made many Wei army officers change their expressions upon hearing this.

If Sima Yi hadn't guarded Guanzhong and then managed Henan and Hanoi, it would have been a long time.

I can be regarded as a person who knows the military, and has already completed the control of the Wei army under his command.

In addition, Wei's military law has always been extremely harsh.

Therefore, the general guarding Tianjing Pass had no choice but to bite the bullet and urge his soldiers to resist desperately.

It's just morale. Although it can't be seen or touched, sometimes it can really play an extremely critical role when two armies are facing each other.

Although the Wei army with low morale occupied an extremely strategic location.

Moreover, the city head of Tianjingguan is also piled with wood and rolling stones.

But facing the Han army who was trying to attack the pass, not to mention the rolling stones, even the arrow feathers shot from above seemed a little sparse.

Normally, they can use a lot of strength, but many people's hands and feet are slow at this time, and they can only use five or six points at most.

Seeing that the Han army was about to attack the city gate, the garrison of Guancheng could not help but be shocked, angry and frightened.

Although he himself did not expect to be able to defend Tianjing Pass, what was the difference between the current situation and giving up?

When the news reaches Luoyang in the future, are my family members afraid that they will be punished?

But when he saw him pull out his sword with a clang, he stepped forward angrily, chopped down the soldier who was mechanically shooting arrows at the pass with his sword, and shouted loudly:

"Anyone who dares to neglect the battle will be killed!"

He glared at the surrounding Wei soldiers:

"The Central Supervisory Army asked us to stay at Tianjing Pass because they trust us. It is the right time to serve the country!"

"Even if you don't consider being punished after the defeat, don't you think about Luoyang's family?"

"Han... Although there are many traitors and soldiers, I am in danger due to the favorable geographical location, so what should I fear?"

"If anyone dares to be lazy and afraid of fighting again, behead him! Kill him, kill him! Kill the traitors and defend the city. The Central Supervisory Army will have its own reward!"

The guard shouted, returned his sword to its sheath, lifted up a mountain stone himself, and threw it towards Guanxia.

The stone fell to the ground and rolled down the mountain.

A Han soldier who was climbing up with his head lowered could not dodge and was knocked to the ground.

But seeing him and the mountain stone, they just rolled down together.

"Did you see that? Just like this, hit me hard!"

With the guard general personally taking the lead, and the supervising team he brought over watching with eager eyes, several people were executed on the spot.

The locked soldiers of Wei finally began to cheer up a little.

The Han army, which had easily reached the gate of the city without much casualties, was delighted and said that there were not many thieves at the gate.

Unexpectedly, the Wei army at the top of the city suddenly increased its strength. The Han army was caught off guard and immediately screamed and had to retreat in embarrassment.

"Could there be an ambush?"

They had obviously reached the city wall of Guancheng, but unexpectedly they were suddenly forced back. Some people couldn't help but be surprised.


Zhang held up his binoculars and stared at the movement in Guancheng. "Even if there is an ambush, the thieves cannot ambush in Guancheng."

Why don't they ambush in so many dangerous places? Instead, they ambush in Guancheng?

Just to be able to repel one of his own attacks?

"Could it be that the thief showed me his weakness and deliberately tempted me?"

Another possibility was raised.

This time, Zhang did not deny it immediately.

Because this possibility is not impossible, and it is very high.

After all, Tianjing Pass is too dangerous. Even if the troops approach the gate, it doesn't mean they can capture it in a short time.

The defenders can completely rely on dangerous passes to repel incoming enemies.


Zhang Jing still felt that something was not quite right.

He is not a first-time leader like Sima Shi.

As early as in Liangzhou, he had followed his father Zhang Gong and uncle Zhang Hua to quell the rebellion.

I was once held hostage by a thief and faced the line of life and death.

He was even tricked and deceived by a certain ghost king.

In addition, in the early years, he went to the Western Regions alone to persuade the kings and chiefs of the Western Regions.

His experience is by no means lacking, and his knowledge is by no means comparable to that of Master Sima, who had just tried to step out from under Sima Yi's wings.

There seems to be a reasonable explanation for the move of shutting down the Wei thieves and garrison.

But Zhang Jiu subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Then after thinking about it for a while, I immediately thought of what the problem was:

"How difficult is it for our soldiers to attack the city from the bottom of the mountain?"

"If the rebel army had used all its strength from the beginning, the casualties of the soldiers would have been greater. Why do they need to do so much? There must be something fishy about this!"

"Come here, give the order immediately and continue to tackle the problem!"

After gathering the retreating soldiers, Zhang quickly sent another group of troops to continue the attack.

But he was slapped hard by reality.

The Wei generals who guarded the pass did not hesitate to publicly execute the soldiers who did not fight well and forcibly supervise the Wei army.

At this time, the Wei army was afraid and had to fight hard.

This time the Han army's attack did not have the same luck as the last time.

From the beginning, they encountered a strong counterattack from the Wei army.

When the door was closed, arrows flew like locusts, and trees and rolling stones fell down one after another.

But I heard the screams of the Han soldiers.

The arrow feathers are not bad, but if they are hit by those wooden rolling stones, there is a high chance that they will lose arms or legs.

No matter how thick the armor is, it can't stop the huge kinetic energy they carry.

If he were unlucky enough and was hit head-on, he would become a pile of bones.

"Damn it! Thief, the thief is extremely hateful!"

Without waiting for a report from the front, what he saw through the telescope made Zhang's face change drastically, and then he turned livid.

If you make a mistake in judgment, it is still a small thing to lose face to the people below.

But not far behind him, there was also Zhongdu Protector watching!

This Wei thief simply wanted to embarrass him on purpose.

Zhang Jiu, who felt some pressure, couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

This made him begin to doubt his previous judgment:

Could it be that he really guessed wrong? Was the traitor just trying to lure the enemy?

But he didn't know that Feng Duhu, who was also holding a telescope to observe the battle situation, also frowned.

Why does this Wei thief's reaction sound like he's pretending to be a corpse?

One moment there is almost no resistance, the other moment they won't give in an inch of ground.

At this time, Feng Duhu was no longer an inexperienced young man who had led an army for the first time.

Rather, he can be regarded as a true battlefield veteran.

At this time, he didn't care much about whether he could capture Tianjing Pass.

Therefore, we can think about Wei Jun's abnormal behavior with a more peaceful and relaxed attitude.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster.

As for whether it is a good demon or a bad demon, it will not be determined for a while - at this point, Feng Duhu is much calmer than Zhang in the battle situation.

After all, the advantage is mine.

"Yuan Kai?"

"Sir, the disciple is here."

Du Yu quickly took two steps forward, raised his hands and saluted, "What are your orders, sir?"

Feng Duhu pointed to the Tianjing Pass in the distance and asked, "Did you see the situation just now?"

As a direct disciple of Feng Duhu, Du Yu naturally had some special treatment, and he also had a pair of telescopes in his hand.

"Sir, this disciple has seen it."

Feng Duhu turned his head, glanced at him, and said:

"You once mentioned that as long as Sima Division can be defeated again, the Han Dynasty will be able to take advantage of the great victory and take the opportunity to capture Tianjing Pass."

"Then do you think, with the talent of the bandits, can we really capture Guancheng this time?"

Du Yu pondered for a moment, and then replied:

"Mr. Hui, students are stupid and really can't understand the purpose of the actions of the rebels."

"However, the students still believe at this time that Tianjingguan will definitely be able to get down."

"Oh?" Feng Duhu said in a long voice, "Why?"

"Because the defenders are insufficient."

Du Yu pointed at Guancheng, "According to what students have seen, there are not many thieves in Guancheng."

"Even if the student's previous judgment was wrong and the rebel army was defeated repeatedly, he still had the courage to defend Tianjing Pass. However, under your master's planning, Tianjing Pass is already in your pocket."

These words made Feng Duhu couldn't help but smile on his face:

"Speak carefully and don't flatter me randomly. Why do you think the garrison in Guancheng is insufficient?"

"Sir, are you testing me?"

Du Yu was not afraid when he heard Feng Duhu's half-laughing, half-cursing words, but pointed to the mountain passes around Tianjing Pass:

"As the saying goes, an isolated city cannot be defended. Although the terrain of Tianjing Pass is dangerous, we must also pay attention to the surrounding terrain in order to play its role."

"For example, if there are many Wubao villages on both sides of Guancheng, with the canines and fangs interlaced, echoing each other and acting as horns, it will be said that this place is naturally dangerous and difficult to attack."

"Now the thieves abandon the surrounding mountain passes and only focus on guarding the city. How is this different from guarding an isolated city?"

"In the student's opinion, this is not because the Wei thieves did not know how to guard the pass, but because of the lack of troops. Therefore, the student believes that this pass must be conquered."

Although he knew that Du Yu was a genius, when he heard his speech, Feng Duhu still had a look of approval on his face.

Before he could finish his words of praise, Du Yu said with admiration:

"The student made a fool of himself in front of the teacher before, but he thought he had a plan, but he never thought that the Wei thieves would still have the courage to defend the pass despite two consecutive defeats."

"Sir, you are very thoughtful and well-planned. Not only did you want to defeat the Sima Division, you also tried to mobilize the rebel army so that they would have no intention of guarding the pass, but no strength to do so."

Feng Duhu was slightly startled: "Mobilize the traitor army?"

"Sir, are you testing me again? You sent Hubu and Wuwei troops to attack Luoyang, so Sima Division could only rush back to Luoyang to help Luoyang and was unable to defend Tianjing Pass anymore."

The admiration on Du Yu's face became even stronger: "This can be said to lead the enemy but not control it?"

"Oh, so this is what you were talking about."

Feng Duhu shook his head and said with a smile: "I sent General Zhang to lead the armed guards and asked him to try to sneak across Maojin Ferry. My original intention was to cooperate with the Tiger Infantry to capture Hangu Pass and Shaanxi."

"In the original plan, I really didn't expect to force Sima Division to return to Luoyang, giving us a good opportunity to capture Tianjing Pass."

"So you don't have to act like this. The truth is that plans are not as fast as changes. No matter how good the plan is, unexpected situations may occur."

"I'm not omniscient, so I can't make the plan flawless. I just take it one step at a time and constantly revise the plan based on the battle situation before the battle."

With Feng Duhu's current status, he no longer needs to pretend to be mysterious to decorate himself.

Du Yu said without hesitation:

"As long as you can make a better plan than the thieves, then the chances of success are low. If you are prepared, you will win but you are not prepared. Sir, you can be considered flawless."


Although he knew that his student was flattering him, Feng Duhu still couldn't help laughing.

He pointed at Du Yu and said, "You, you!"

"Well, since you said so, I'll give you a chance."

"How about I send you to study with General Zhang and assist General Zhang in capturing Guancheng?"

Du Yu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him: "My disciple, thank you sir."

Feng Duhu waved his hand: "Go."


It's just a Tianjing Pass used by the Wu Qian Army to practice in actual combat. By the way, it doesn't matter if I add one more of my own disciples to practice on.

Anyway, the road to Luoyang has almost been opened, and it is no longer so urgent for Feng Duhu to open up the three passes to Hanoi.

On the second day, Du Yu, who happily ran to serve as Zhang Jiu's temporary adviser, saw that the soldiers who were attacking the key point were defeated again, and Zhang Jiu's face became ugly again.

He finally took the opportunity to speak:

"General Zhang, according to prediction, the mountain road directly in front of Tianjing Pass is difficult to pass. Simply attacking by force is not the answer."

"What do you think, general, if you don't divide your forces to first seize the key points on the left and right wings of Guancheng to create a coercive force, and then find a way to attack Guancheng?"

Although Zhongduhu said that he should let himself go and attack the city.

But how could Zhang Jiu not know that the longer this time went on, the worse his performance would be in the eyes of Zhongdu Hu.

But facing such a dangerous pass, as long as the bandits at the pass have all the advantages, if they surrender at the pass, how can they conquer it in just a short while?

While he was anxious, Zhang Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard what Du Yu said.

I saw him patting his thigh: "What a shame! I've been taking care of you for the past two days..."

Halfway through, he didn't finish and turned to Du Yu:

"Du Langjun, thank you for the reminder!"

In the past two days, I have been focusing on how to capture Guancheng as soon as possible in order to show off in front of the Central Protector.

But he didn't expect that he had already made a serious mistake.

Du Yu smiled shyly.

This chapter has been completed!
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