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Chapter 1356 Hunter and Prey

Because the goddess gave birth to Tuoba Liwei to Tuoba Jiefen, Xianbeisuo's head was divided into two.

Tuoba Liwei became the leader of the tribe, but the eldest son Bald Pigu, who was supposed to inherit the tribe, could only leave his hometown with the tribesmen who supported him.

As the son of Bald Pigu, Bald-faced Tianli finally found an opportunity and said that he wanted to go to the grassland to find relatives. Unexpectedly, his former relatives turned against him.

How rude!

The bald and embarrassed Kieli fled towards Bingzhou with Tuoba Desert Khan.

"What exactly is going on? Didn't you say you are the eldest prince of the tribe?"

The sun was scorching high in the sky, and even riding on a horse and blowing the wind could not dispel the heat on my body.

The blue sky is so clear that there is almost no cloud in sight, making it look high and vast.

The grassland is vast, like a green ocean.

Riding a horse and galloping between heaven and earth is really a... bullshit!

Now Bald Khotan misses Pingcheng very much.

Even if you can't see Pingcheng, it would be nice to be able to see the dilapidated fortresses built on the grassland by the former Han Dynasty.

Although you can see more and more undulating grass hills and the slope is getting bigger and bigger.

Based on his intuition, Bald-faced Kheli knew that he was getting closer to Yanshan.

But this damn green is still endless.

In the past few days, I almost always eat, drink and have sex on horseback.

The hair on the temples has long been scattered and is flying wildly in the wind.

Coupled with the bald and straight face with gnashing teeth, he has the appearance of a prairie lion.

The person he was questioning, Tuoba Desert Khan, just hugged the horse's neck, lying on the horse's back with his whole body, looking forward, but his eyes were unfocused and his face was dull.

At this time, he no longer needed to be tied to the horse, but it seemed that he was just riding on the horse relying on the instinct he had practiced since he was a child. He followed the team numbly and ignored Bald Kheli's questions.

Seeing the other party's appearance, even the bald Kheli could do nothing.

All he could do was pinch the horse's belly to urge the mount to speed up.

The horse, which was already frothing at the mouth, failed to speed up despite repeated urging from its owner.

The bald man gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to reach his thigh, pulled out a dagger, and then without looking, he just relied on his feeling and slashed towards the horse's buttocks.

The horse's buttocks, which already had several stab wounds, suddenly received a deep wound, and blood flowed profusely.

The mount hissed loudly, and the pain forced it to move forward.

After the originally boiling horse blood flowed out in large amounts, the horse even stimulated the last bit of physical strength in the body.

It's just that the pursuers behind him have changed two or three times, and the opponent's horses have been rotated.

On his side, there were at most a dozen extra burden-bearing horses, and most of them had been damaged in the past few days.

If this continues, if you still can't get rid of the pursuers...

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong with the mount beneath him.

As someone who has grown up on horses, I can clearly feel that the horse under me starts to slow down again after exerting force for a while.

His heart sank.

Before this bad feeling could pass, his body moved forward again.

The horse has stumbled!

The moment the horse fell down, Bald-faced Khotan had already turned over and landed on the ground, standing firmly.

This unexpected situation can't hurt him.

But after glancing at the horse that was lying there with its eyes frothing at the mouth, Bald Kheli sighed.

The leader, the bald Khotan, was killed on his horse, and the remaining thirty or so people also stopped. In the past few days, dozens more brothers have been killed.

In fact, all horses are in much the same condition.

There is no point in running out for another mile or two.

From the pursuit in the past few days, it can be seen that the people of the Tuoba tribe seem to be determined not to give up until they get the Tuoba Desert Khan.

"Look carefully and pick out nine horses that can still run."

Before the pursuers appeared, Tufa Tianli made a prompt decision and named the two people with the best riding skills:

"You, and you, the two of you," then pointed at Tuoba Desert Khan, who looked like a dead man, "Take him and leave immediately!"

Although the horses are almost completely useless, as long as they don't run to death, they can keep running.

One person and three riders continue to run, and they will almost be able to run back - I hope...


The two people who were singled out immediately said urgently, "General, take him away, and we will break up the rear!"

"This is a military order!"

Bald-faced Kheli was already in an extremely bad mood. When he heard that the person below him was acting like a mother-in-law, he immediately became furious and kicked the person down mercilessly:

"Get out! Remember, you must escort this guy to the king!"

That time in Youzhou was a rare defeat for the Han Dynasty in recent years.

Not only did he lose his head in the army, but he also suffered a great loss in the hearts of the princes.

I was ordered to reconvene Hu Qiyi from Liangzhou and came back, just in time to catch up with the monarch who was about to send a caravan to the grassland.

Since I have the same ancestry as the Tuoba tribe, I am the most suitable candidate.

I thought this was a God-given opportunity to make up for my mistakes, but I didn't expect that I messed up like this again.

How can I have the dignity to go back and see the Lord?

Bald-faced Khotan Li, who had taken refuge in Longyou, even made contributions when the Han Dynasty recaptured Liangzhou.

Therefore, he is qualified to call Feng Da Sima a prince.

Precisely because he had taken refuge with the monarch early on and followed him in expeditions east and west, Tufa Tianli knew one thing very well:

Over the years, the number of barbarians pouring into the Han border from the northern grasslands has increased year by year.

Plus the recruitment of workers at Caochang Workshop.

There are so many barbarians who want to be dogs for the big man, and the competition is fierce - the word "dog" is not a derogatory but a compliment.

Because dogs can bite people, they can bite people for big men.

As long as they can serve as dogs for the big man, their lives will be better than 99% of the people on the grassland.

The remaining 0.10% are the adults of the tribe, the commander-in-chief, and other noble people who stand at the top.

Bald-haired Khotan was certainly not the Han's dog, he was a Han general bestowed upon him by the Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

But even a Han general will be punished if he continues to be unfavorable to the enemy.

And even if we ignore the punishment of the Han people, the Hu people - from the Qiang people to the Di people, the Huns, and the Xianbei people - anyone with some strength will find a way to step on them and get to the top.

By then, not only myself, but also my clan members may be affected.

If he escapes again this time, he will become a representative of incompetence and cowardice.

If the current patriarch of the Bald Tribe is incompetent and timid, everyone in the Bald Tribe will be looked down upon.

And once the Bald Tribe is marked with this kind of mark, it will be even more difficult for the tribesmen to join the Hu Qiyi Cong in the future.

A big man doesn't care for idle people.

If you can't bite people for a big man, you can only work for others.

Instead of like now, the bald people can have the pasture allocated by the big man and let others work for them.

So, this time, he can't escape.

After the military order was given, the two people named knew that the situation was urgent and did not dare to say anything more.

Get on the horse with Tuoba Desert Khan and continue to escape to the southwest.

On the other hand, Tuoba Desert Khan, who had always looked ashen and motionless, couldn't help but look back before leaving.

He seemed to want to open his mouth, but his lips moved but no sound came out.

But when he saw the bald man, he immediately drew his sword and shouted:

"Everyone, form a circular formation!"

He wants to use his own life to prove his loyalty to the Han: he is willing to die for the Han!

The remaining people quickly built a small array with Bald Kheli as the center.

Although the weapons are insufficient, it is good if we can delay it for a while.

After a while, the ground began to shake slightly.

Bald Khotan subconsciously clenched the long knife in his hand.

As expected, a black line appeared in the northeast.

The sound of hooves became louder and louder.

Feeling the increasingly stronger vibrations on the ground, Bald-faced Kheli secretly gritted his teeth.

Did this cousin kill his own master Tuoba Liwei?

Otherwise, why would the Tuoba tribe send so many people to hunt him down?

The shaking on the ground this time was stronger than any before.

It shows that there are many cavalry this time.

It seemed that the Hu people were determined to put their eldest prince to death.

Hu Qi got closer and closer, and they seemed to see the formation of Bald Khotan and his party.

Someone made a whistling sound and began to rush towards me at a faster speed.

No one thinks about shooting arrows.

Because even if they have lived on horses since childhood, if they want to shoot arrows on horseback, they still need to slow down the horse and stabilize their body shape.

If the prey is right in front of you and you have abandoned your horse, it means you have given up on escaping.

If you slow down your horse at this time, it means giving the credit to others.

Therefore, these horsemen all took the lead and only focused on speeding up.

"bring it on!"

The bald man could already clearly see the face of the barbarian at the front.

The originally ugly face looked even more uglier because of several scars.

The ugly face, because of the cruel and bloodthirsty smile, is extremely penetrating.

Bald-faced Khotan stared at the opponent fiercely. Even if he died in battle, he would still make enough money!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The barbarian who rushed at the front seemed to have seen something terrible. The originally cruel and bloodthirsty smile suddenly disappeared, then turned into a look of horror, and then turned into panic.

But he suddenly reined in his horse, made a sharp turn, and rushed diagonally backwards.

After avoiding the danger of being dismounted by their own people at the rear, the barbarians finally stopped their horses.

I don't know what terrible thing I saw. After the leading Hu man turned his horse, the Hu men following him also made the same move as him.

Let Baldy Kheli even feel the panic on the other side.

"General, look!"

The person who was standing behind the circle suddenly shouted.

The bald Kheli turned his head and looked around when he heard the words, but saw a black shadow emerging from the grassy hill behind him.

Black lines even appeared on the left and right, encircling this side.

This is a three-sided circle.

The rolling grassy hills provide favorable terrain for the encirclement.

The black shadow grew rapidly, and the flag could already be seen clearly.

The red flag of the Han Dynasty is so dazzling under the scorching sun.


The bald man didn't know whether he was scolding or yelling. He wiped the corners of his eyes fiercely, thrust the long knife into the ground, and shouted:

"Brothers, it's reinforcements!"

"Long live!"

Dozens of people who had originally been determined to die, at the last moment, had a chance to survive.

Why isn't it very exciting?

"Wan Sheng!"

In an instant, they turned from hunters into prey. In panic, the Hu people turned their horses and fled to the rear in panic.

"do not run!"

After being chased for several days and nights, plus the brothers who died, Bald-faced Khotan long ago wished to chop him into pieces.

Now you see the other person is about to run away, how can you agree?

At that moment, he immediately drew his long knife and chased after him. After running for a few steps, he realized that two legs could not outrun someone with four legs.

He was so angry that he threw away the long knife in his hand:

"Dog thief!"

But soon, he burst out laughing again.

It turned out that the Han troops on the left and right did not rush over in a straight line, but continued to extend to the north.

The war horses of the Han cavalry army are all carefully selected excellent horses.

The professionalism and systematicness of horse breeding at the Dahan Racecourse are far beyond what can be compared with the free-range horse breeding of the Hu people.

In addition, the barbarians have been chasing Bald Khotan for such a long time, and there is a limit to the horsepower.

The gap in the surrounding area was completely closed before the barbarians rushed out.

Next is the performance moment of Han Qi.

No matter how good Hu Qi's riding skills were, they were still far from enough in front of Han Qi, who was equipped with a three-piece cavalry suit.

Coupled with the differences in weapons, prepared versus unprepared, organized versus disorganized, it was simply a one-sided massacre.

Fortunately, the Han army did not intend to kill them all. After frightening the barbarians by killing a wave of people like cutting melons and vegetables, they quickly forced the remaining barbarians into a ball.

Then someone shouted in nonsense:

"Dismount and accept surrender!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

At the same time, the Han cavalry were constantly crisscrossing back and forth, their sabers were sharp and dazzling, and they were making drinking sounds in unison, which was extremely coercive.

After shouting three times, seeing that Hu Qi was still hesitating, he gave another order and a wave of crossbows flew towards him. The Hu people were unable to escape. After a burst of screams, more than ten people fell off their horses.

"It's down, it's down!"

You can't rush out, you can't fight, it's a dead end no matter what. After you surrender, you might be able to find a way out.

The barbarians finally did not dare to show off and dismounted one after another.

The hemp rope that had been prepared long ago was put around the neck, and then wrapped around the hands, and another batch of labor was obtained.

The people on the Han army side were finally smiling.

These days, it's getting harder and harder to find labor. Hundreds of people came to the door themselves. The key is that they are all strong laborers. It's really a big deal.

"Let's see if those who fell to the ground can be saved."

The Hu people who understood Chinese felt a little more at ease when they heard this.

If it were them, these injured people would have been trampled under the horses' hooves long ago.

These Han soldiers were actually willing to save people, so I and others would not have to worry about their lives.

It's been busy here.

On the other side, the bald man watched a tall war horse slowly approaching him with small steps, turning a blind eye to the horse's shaft that was about to reach the sky.

Instead, he sat down on the ground and asked angrily:

"You came so late, are you planning to wait to collect the body for me?"

Liu Hun laughed, thrust the horse into the ground, then turned over and dismounted:

"You can't blame me. Who knew you could be hunted down with the eldest prince?"

It's okay not to mention this, but when it comes to mentioning it, Bald-faced Kheli spat again and cursed:

"The eldest prince is nothing but a plague god. What a bad luck!"

Then he remembered something again and quickly reminded:

"There may be a big problem with Tuoba Xianbei, and the news must be sent back to Chang'an as soon as possible."

He was scolded, but Tufa Tianli also knew that if there had not been some internal problems in Tuoba Xianbei, it would have been impossible for his group to escape such a narrow escape.

Liu Hun nodded:

"Don't worry, my people have picked up Tuoba Shachen Khan, and I have sent people to send him to Pingcheng."

The person in charge over there in Pingcheng is named Zhang Yuan, whose courtesy name is Muzhi.

This person is the prince's favorite disciple, so he naturally knows how to deal with this matter.

(End of chapter)

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