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Chapter 0477 Fenghou

Huang Chong, a soldier from Nanxiang County, has been in charge for a year. In terms of his familiarity with Nanxiang soldiers, he is confident that no one can surpass him.

It is normal for the soldiers in Nanxiang County to travel sixty miles a day.

This is a very proud figure.

If we put aside the skills of fighting on the battlefield and just look at marching, this is already the level of an elite soldier.

But it was obvious that the brother was not satisfied. From his letter, it was obvious that the brother planned to take advantage of this time to conduct further tests on the soldiers.

Li Qiu and Huang Chong looked at each other and thought in their hearts: My brother's requirements for the soldiers are really harsh.

Nanxiang soldiers eat three meals a day on weekdays. Among all departments in Nanxiang, food is the best.

Everyone is not allowed to do anything else except training during the day, and must attend night school to learn literacy at night.

The weapons used are all made of fine iron.

Everyone wears leather armor.

If it were another county, let alone a thousand people, even a hundred people would not be able to afford it.

However, Nanxiang has a strong foundation, plus it has mines, pastures, and improvements in iron smelting technology, so there is enough refined iron and enough leather.

It is no exaggeration to say that these one thousand people will become first-class elite soldiers after just a few battles on the battlefield.

Moreover, they were elite soldiers with a difference. They were very similar to the Yulin Army of the Huben Army during the reign of Emperor Xiaowu, in that they had a very high literacy rate.

Even the most ordinary big-headed soldier must at least be able to speak the multiplication formula of 3721 or 4832.

Because those who cannot learn will be starved or even whipped.

Only now did Li Qiu and Huang Chong understand the reason.

Because literate soldiers can understand various military orders faster than illiterate soldiers, if nothing else, it is enough to leave other soldiers far behind.

Not to mention that you can better understand how to position yourself in the military formation, learn to master weapons faster, have higher morale, etc.

Coupled with the rules and regulations left behind by his brother, the soldiers of Nanxiang became even more unique.

But no matter how different they are, if they are allowed to travel eighty miles a day for half a month, according to Huang Chong's estimation, although they will not reach the point of "jumping on the general", there will be at least two soldiers left behind along the way.

Thirty percent.

Why does your brother demand so much from his soldiers?

Both Li Qiu and Huang Chong were greatly puzzled.

In January of the fourth year of Jianxing, after the imperial meeting, the imperial court began to reward the soldiers of the Southern Expedition based on their merits.

Among them, Li Hui, the commander-in-chief of Nanzhong's surrender, was named the Marquis of Han Xingting because he fought the most battles in the Southern Campaign. He also sent General Anhan to the army, which made him famous for a while.

But the most eye-catching ones were not Li Hui, but Feng Yong and Zhao Guang.

Feng Yong moved to Yuejun County to serve as the governor of the county, and concurrently served as the captain of the Diannong School in Yizhou.

Zhao Guang led thousands of people as Yamen General, and stationed Li Yi and Yang Wanwan as his left and right lieutenants in Ju County.

One is to guard the border counties, and the other is to guard the border counties.

Just wait until preparations are completed before taking office.

Both of them are still young. They are the only two men who can hold such powerful positions in such a place at such an age.

While talking about merit and rewards, there was another thing going on, that is, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty decided to re-invent the population and acres on the grounds that the population had increased in the past two years.

The inventory in Nanxiang County only took three days and the results were already available.

In just two years, the registered population of Nanxiang County has expanded to 30,000.

This does not include those slaves who are not registered as household members.

In addition to the growth of Nanxiang's registered population, the hidden population released by the Li family accounted for at least half of it, in addition to workshops and pastures.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the aristocratic family has a large hidden population.

Nanxiang County has become the most important foundation of the Li family's six houses in Hanzhong.

Nanxiang County became a Shangxian County. Li Qiu, the magistrate of Nanxiang County, became one of the few Shangxian magistrates in the Han Dynasty.

Although the official positions of Feng Yong, Zhao Guang and Li Qiu were not very high, they were all powerful local figures. Together with Li Yi, Wang Xun and others, this marked the beginning of the second generation of the Han Dynasty figures to officially enter the political stage of the Han Dynasty.

At the same time, it also means that the small hilltops headed by Feng Yong are beginning to show their signs.

Everyone in the Xinghan Association was happy and excited, running around to tell each other, and for a while, it was a great success.

Feng Yong stayed in jail for a month and was finally able to walk out of the cell and see the light of day again.

The soldier pushed open the heavy iron door. As soon as Feng Yong walked out of Jincheng's prison, he felt that his eyes were blurry. He had to close his eyes and built a pavilion with his hands. After staying in it for a long time, he felt a little bit nervous.

Not used to the sunshine outside.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an old acquaintance standing in front of him.

"Hey, Huang Naichuan, why are you here?"

The white and fat man with a yellow beard smiled and said, "Feng Langjun, I am here, naturally waiting for you. Who doesn't know that you are coming out today? You see, everyone is waiting for you."

As he spoke, he pointed behind him.

Feng Yong followed his fingers and found that Guan Ji was standing not far away with everyone, but she did not come directly over.

The beauty's eyes are full of infatuation and tenderness.

Feng Yong's heart was filled with joy and burning, but Huang Hu stood in front of him, so he had to suppress the burning thoughts in his heart, "What is Huang Hu doing in Waiting for Yong?"

"Your Majesty has someone draft an imperial edict. Please ask Feng Langjun to accept it."

Huang Hu shook the things on his hands.

"Oh? Your Majesty has an edict?"

Feng Yong, who was as worried as a monkey, then noticed that there were several servants standing behind Huang Hu, and some of them were holding something in their hands.

"Your Majesty Feng Yong respectfully listens to the Holy Will."

Why did A Dou come out to cause trouble at this time? Didn't you see that I was about to reunite with my fiancée? You are really ignorant!

Feng Yong reluctantly saluted and prepared to listen to the order.

"In the first month of the fourth year of Jianxing, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty wrote a policy statement: Feng Yong repeatedly proposed strange strategies...accumulated meritorious service, and was given the title of Marquis of Guannei, and sent food across the capital of Jun and Qiong..."


Feng Tubiao was stunned. He originally thought that this was the decree of Chang Shi to move to Jun, but he didn't expect that he would be granted the title of Marquis?

His first reaction was not to thank Adou, but to look at Guan Ji.

Does this mean that I can straighten my back and challenge Guan Xing and ask him to marry Guan Ji into Lao Feng's family?

Huang Hu finished reading in a mellow tone. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Feng Yong accepting the order. He felt strange. He looked at Feng Yong and saw that he was in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking.

He thought that Feng Yong was so happy that he was stupid, and he felt a little comforted at that moment. It seemed that even if Feng Langjun was a descendant of an elite, he was not immune to the vulgarity!

After all, becoming a marquis is something that many people can only dream of, so it is understandable that he loses his composure for a while.

Huang Hu thought happily in his heart, if His Majesty and the Queen knew that Feng Langjun was so happy when he heard that he was made a prince, they would definitely be very satisfied, right?

"Feng Langjun, will you accept the order?"

Huang Hu quietly reminded Feng Yong.

"Oh, my minister Feng Yong accepted the order and thanked Your Majesty for your kindness."

Feng Yong took over the imperial edict.

Huang Hu signaled the servants behind him to come forward, pointed to the things in their hands and said, "Look, Mr. Feng, this is the Marquis Seal, the Purple Seal, the Double Seal White Jade...all are reserved for the exclusive use of the Marquis."

In the distance, Zhao Guang, Li Yi and others all had extremely envious eyes. They were granted the title of Marquis!

Moreover, those who were canonized were those who had actual merit, not those who were granted the title by imposition.

It seems that my brother's reputation as the number one husband among men has really been fulfilled.

Guan Ji looked proud, and at the same time she felt slightly proud. The man she liked was indeed the best.

Feng Yong looked at the things held in the hands of the chamberlain and thought that there were so many things that I couldn't handle all by myself.

Huang Hu saw Feng Yong's look and knew what he meant, and immediately whispered, "Feng Langjun, don't be anxious, your majesty deliberately ordered the servants to wait here to announce the decree, just to let everyone know that Feng Langjun is someone whom your majesty values. These things The things will be delivered to the house later by the servant."

After hearing this, Feng Yong said quickly, "That's really troublesome for Huang Huang."

At the same time, I thought to myself, the face given to Adou is quite generous. I wonder if this is to make up for the relationship between the two parties?

"It should, it should."

Huang Hu waved his hands and said, then looked at the people who were looking at this side with helpless eyes, and said with a smile, "Then just take a step forward and stop being a bad person who prevents Feng Langjun from getting together with his friends."

After that, he led the servants and left.

"Brother, I have been granted the title of Marquis, I have been granted the title of Marquis!"

Zhao Guang was the first to rush over. He was so excited that he circled around Feng Yong, shaking his whole body as if he had been made a marquis.

"My brother first got the position of county magistrate, and now he gets the title of marquis. He is really happy!"

Li Yi was more steady. Although he tried to pretend to be calm, his eyes revealed his excitement.

Wang Xun and Yang Qianwanliang also came up at the same time and congratulated each other.

Feng Tubao was happy in his heart, but he said in a pretentious manner, "No, no, I don't want to be granted the title of marquis. I hope the Han Dynasty will prosper!"

Speaking of the Xinghan Room, I think of the agreement with Guan Ji at Yanganguan. When I think of the agreement with Guan Ji, I think of the style of that day in prison...

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji and saw that Guan Ji was looking at him lovingly. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He just felt that the beauty at this time was a little more radiant and charming than before.

A certain bumpkin's heart was slightly shaken.

"Brother's ambition is beyond my reach."

Yang Wanwan, as an upright Hu man, actually started to learn to flatter others.

Feng Yong laughed loudly when he heard this, "Any ambition or lack of ambition is all because of your majesty's wrong love."

Although it was Old Demon Zhuge's idea to make the prince a prince, since Adou and Zhang Xingcai chose to send the chief steward of the palace to announce the decree at this most special time, it was an olive branch to themselves, so they still had to give feedback.

"Besides, how can you brothers be willing to lag behind? I'm just lucky enough to take the first step, and in the future we can all call each other kings, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"Speaking of which, don't I have to call my elder brother Junhou first?"

Wang Xun, an honest man, also joked.

When everyone heard this, they laughed together.

Liu Liang, who came out of Zongzheng Mansion two days earlier than Feng Yong, first heard about Feng Yong getting the post of chief historian, and forcibly comforted himself that it was a land of chaos.

When he heard that Feng Yongde had been granted the title of Marquis of Guan Nei, he could no longer hold the bowl in his hand and dropped it to the ground with a "clack" sound. He was speechless for a long time.

I don’t even know when my own adults will walk in.

Liu Yan sighed, picked up the bowl, put it on the table, looked at his lost son, and finally said, "Don't worry about the affairs of the house for the time being. Let your mother take care of it first."


"Sir...why is this?"

Liu Liang was shocked.


Liu Yan had no expression on his face and stared at him coldly, "If I had another son, believe it or not, I could break your legs today?"

Liu Liang's face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he did not speak.

"Your mother has a good relationship with the Empress Dowager and leaves the affairs of the palace to her. I believe that neither the Empress nor Feng Yong will pursue this matter again."

This chapter has been completed!
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