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Chapter 0685 surprise

 "Feng Guanshi, no, it's my sister-in-law's belly that finally makes up for her."

Although it was inappropriate to talk about his brother Xijun behind his back, the matter was of great concern to everyone, so Deng Liang was not so particular.

Xu Xun couldn't tell anyone anyway.

Xu Xun nodded, "Brother is really picky about women."

As he spoke, he took off his down jacket.

The room was really hot, and after sitting for a while, I started to sweat.

After taking off his coat, he took the water glass on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Deng Liang nodded at the side and said in agreement, "Yuan De's words are very true. Otherwise, we, the brothers of the Xinghan Society, can help us find what kind of woman our brother wants."

It's a pity that everyone has been following his brother for so long, and they don't even seem to understand his taste.

Speaking of this topic, Xu Xun couldn't help but think of the second mother he sent to Nanxiang a few years ago.

I sighed even more in my heart. At first I thought my brother was the good one, but I didn't expect my second mother to be put into the fields to grow vegetables.

It’s really disappointing!

Even if she can't be her brother's concubine, it's not bad to be her concubine.

Look at Lady Mu...

Thinking of Mrs. Mu, Xu Xun suddenly woke up from his sweet dream.

"By the way, Weizhe, Madam Mu told me something before she left."

"What's the matter?"

"Mrs. Mu said that my brother has established a relationship with the Prime Minister, and we can freely brew wine in Nanzhong this year."

"That's great!" Deng Liang couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he heard two happy events in succession, "Sure enough, my brother has a solution!"

"But my brother also said that at least half of the brewed wine will be turned into strong liquor, and all of it will be sent to Longyou."

Deng Liang was a little surprised after hearing this request, "Why does brother want so much strong liquor?"

The initially brewed sugarcane wine, oh, has now been officially named honey wine by my sister-in-law. Compared with the previous turbid wine, it is many times better.

The wine has a rich aroma, a soft taste, and a mellow taste that makes you unable to put down your drink.

After drinking the mead, drinking the turbid wine will feel like drinking vinegar. Who can swallow it?

As the person in charge of the general transfer station in Jincheng, Deng Liang naturally knew that in addition to honey wine, the sugarcane wine produced in Nanzhong also had a kind of spirit.

When he drank this kind of strong liquor, it was like a fire burning all the way from his throat to his stomach. He didn't like drinking it.

Not only does he not like it, but neither do most people.

"Maybe my brother likes to drink strong alcohol?"

Xu Xun was also wondering the same question.

Deng Liang nodded, "It's possible. I once heard Zhao Erlang say that when my brother went to Nanzhong, he brewed three jars of strong liquor and took it with him to Nanzhong. I think my brother must be fond of strong liquor."

"Moreover, the generals and officers in the army are mostly rough people. Giving them strong drinks will probably make them more courageous."

Hearing this, Xu Xun nodded, agreed with Deng Liang's words, and then sighed, "It's a pity that this wine cannot be sold, so it can only be kept for drinking at home."

"Otherwise, just by not using grain to make wine, I don't know how much money I would make."

"That's enough." Deng Liang shook his head and said, "The current sugar cane garden in Nanzhong alone can't produce much wine."

He is in charge of Jincheng and coordinates everything. He knows the situation in Nanzhong better than Xu Xun.

"What's more, because of the Northern Expedition, everyone is fully supporting the front, and Nanzhong has not opened any new gardens this year."

"Brother wants to brew half of the strong wine. I'm afraid the remaining mead share is enough for everyone to share. How can I sell the excess?"

"After two years, the sugar cane garden in Nanzhong will be almost fully opened. Then we will ask my brother to see if we can find a way to get the court to relax the prohibition on alcohol."

Deng Liang talked about "asking the court to relax the ban on alcohol" in an understatement, as if it was a very simple matter.

Xu Xun actually agreed, nodded and said, "That's the only way."

Although the sugar cane plantation in Nanzhong was planned at the earliest.

But in the past few years, he first supported his brother Ping Yuexun, then opened a horse racing farm, and then started the Northern Expedition.

If it hadn't been for the newly cultivated fields in Hanzhong that had steadily produced grain, everyone might not have been able to produce so much grain.

However, the sugar cane plantation in Nanzhong was also affected by this, and the pace of reclamation was much slower.

It's just that brown sugar is inherently profitable, the output is small, and the price is expensive, so everyone is not in a hurry.

As for selling wine, Xu Xun just thought about it, but didn't really say that he must break this taboo. The income on hand now is much more than before.

As long as your brother doesn't fall, it won't be a simple matter to wait until the day when the mead production is sufficient to sell it?

But he remembered something else.

"The harvested sugar cane also belongs to those aristocratic families. We use bagasse to make wine. If they find out, they want a share of the pie. What about that?"

Deng Liang smiled confidently, "Yuan De is wrong. We don't have the ability to make wine from bagasse. We obviously make wine from sugar cane. This must be remembered. Remember."

When Xu Xun heard what Deng Liang said, he first looked at Deng Liang in surprise, but when he saw the unpredictable smile on his face, he suddenly woke up.

I saw a look of surprise on his face, and he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I forgot."

After thinking for a moment, he added, "The brown sugar share we gave them is not less. It is enough for us to use our own sugar cane to make wine, but not their sugar cane."

Deng Liang said, "So if those aristocratic families want to get the best wine from us, they can only reduce the quota of brown sugar. I think they will be in a dilemma about how to choose?"

After saying this, the two looked at each other and smiled, it looked like love...oh, no, gay love.

Jincheng sat around, chatting and laughing.

The city of Linjing was destroyed, and the oars were flooded with blood.

The county seat of Anding County is Linjing City, and the city gate is wide open.

The Wei army suddenly came to the city. The rebels who had occupied the city could not hold on for even a day before the Hu family, a prominent member of the city, quietly sent people to open the city gate.

The Wei army rushed in and began to massacre the city.

Xiahou Ba led his troops and walked on the streets of the city. He watched every household close their city gates, and then the Wei army smashed them open and rushed in.

First I heard calls for help, then screams.

He frowned slightly and tried not to look at what was going on inside as he passed by the door.

This was the first time that the Wei Dynasty quelled the rebellion in Anding County after the defeat of Longyou.

Massacre of a city as a warning to others is a rule set by the general.

Even if Xiahou Ba, who was leading an army for the first time, was not used to this practice, he was not qualified to say anything.

At this time, a call suddenly came from behind, "General Xiahou!"

Xiahou Ba turned around and saw Hu Zunzheng trotting over in a hurry, with an anxious look on his face.

"General Xiahou, the army has been slaughtering the city for half a day. Why not go find the general and ask the sergeants to stop here?"

Xiahou Ba nodded, "I also have the same intention."

Cao Zhen listened to the two people's request, but refused, "A massacre of the city in one day is a military order and cannot be changed without reason."

Then he looked at Hu Zun and said, "General Hu, I know that the Hu family is based in Linjing and that they have done a great job in opening the city gate. I have ordered the army not to harm the Hu family members. You can rest assured."

But there is more than just a relationship between Linjing and the Hu family with the surname Hu.

Hu Zun opened his mouth and finally sighed.

Obviously, the general did this on purpose.

There was great chaos in Anding County, and Linjing City was occupied by the rebel army. Hu Zun did not believe that there were no traces of some powerful families among them.

The Hu family in Linjing was also considered a popular surname in Anding County. Hu Zun, who was born in the Hu family in Linjing, naturally knew the urinary behavior of the local wealthy families.

When An Ding learned that the Shu people had invaded Longyou and that rebels had broken out in many places, he said that they were all sincerely responding to the Shu people. Hu Zun was certain that this was impossible.

These are just tricks played by local wealthy families who want to prepare for betting.

Obviously, Linjing, as the county seat of Anding County, has many wealthy families.

The general wanted to kill as a warning to others. Not only was he taking the opportunity to purge the wealthy Linjing clan, he also wanted to deter the rebels in Anding County and the people behind them.

On the other hand, Xia Houba, whose identity is not as sensitive as Hu Zun, can say something, "General, Linjing is also the county seat of Anding County. If we kill too much, I'm afraid it will be difficult to govern in the future."

"Zhong Quan is kind-hearted." Cao Zhen was a little more pleasant to Xiahou Ba.

Although Xiahou Ba was the number one leader in this battle, he showed no fear in the face of swords and guns, and was actually very brave. It seemed that the Xiahou family was about to produce another general.

All I heard was Xia Houba suggested, "General, why should the people in the city deserve this? Instead of killing like this indiscriminately, we should let the army single out the families in the city who had supported the rebels and give them severe punishment."

"In this way, we can not only achieve the purpose of serious Wei law, but also deter those with evil intentions."

Cao Zhen had followed Cao Cao for decades, and Cao Cao had a great influence on him, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with massacring the rebels.

Especially in the second year of Huangchu, Zhiyuan Duo, Lu Shui, Fengshang and other Hus formed a coalition to cause rebellion in Hexi. Cao Zhen, the then General of Zhenxi, led the generals to attack the coalition of Hus and won a great victory.

At that time, more than 50,000 people were beheaded alone.

At the same time, he obtained 100,000 livestock, 1.11 million sheep, and 80,000 cattle.

Where did these livestock come from? Where did the tribes who lost these livestock go? The answer is self-evident.

However, Hu Zun, the representative of the Hu family in Linjing, spoke up. In addition, the massacre of the city had been going on for half a day. Now that he heard Xiahou Ba proposed this proposal, he immediately thought about it.

Then he nodded and said, "Forget it, General Hu. You are from the Hu family in Linjing. I guess you must have a way to find out the lawbreakers in the city. If not, how about I leave this matter to you?"

Hu Zun was overjoyed and said quickly, "The last general takes command!"

After this incident, it seems that it is a foregone conclusion that the Hu family will dominate Linjing!

After Hu Zun left, Cao Zhen said domineeringly to Xiahou, "Although we have resettled Linjing, Xiaoguan in the northeast and Yuezhi City in the northwest are both in the hands of the Shu captives."

"Especially in this month's branch city, Yang Tiao, a man from Anding County, threatened the nearby officials to guard it and responded to the Shu captives. It is really abominable. If he is not punished, it will not be enough to deter Xiaoxiao."

"Now that the cold winter is coming, I have already sent people to find out clearly. Most of the Shu people stationed at Xiaoguan are from Shu and are not willing to accept the severe cold in the north."

"And half of the soldiers we brought this time are from Bingyou Prefecture, and half are from Guanzhong."

"Compared to the Shu captives, we have been prepared for a long time, but the army is much stronger than them."

"This time we should take advantage of the fact that the Shu captives on the Xiaoguan side don't know that Linjing City has been pacified, and the unexpected troops are approaching Yuezhi City."

"The mob of Yue Zhi were caught off guard and will definitely have no intention of defending the city. When the time comes, Yue Zhi can come down with a drum."

"I want to send you as the vanguard, lead three thousand elite cavalry, and immediately go to Yuezhi City. I will lead the army to follow. How about it?"

When Xiahou Ba heard that he was asked to lead the army first, he was overjoyed at first, and then said with some worry, "The general has the duty of guarding Guanzhong, and now he personally leads the army to pacify Linjing, which can be regarded as leaving Chang'an lightly."

"Fortunately, Linjing can go down the Jingshui River and reach Chang'an directly. But Yuezhi City is far away from the Jingshui River. What if there is a police officer in the pass?"

Cao Zhen waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. The general of the auxiliary country, Xian Yufu, leads tens of thousands of people to guard the rear. Plus Chencang, there are heavy troops in Qian County."

"What's more important is that the Shu captives definitely didn't expect that we would send troops in winter. When the news reaches Hanzhong, Anping will have been settled, so what is there to fear?"

"Moreover, the soldiers of the Shu captives all came from Shu, and they only got the land of Longyou. Suddenly they will not be able to get used to the severe cold. Even if they intend to send troops, they can only do nothing."

Cao Zhen has been planning this for a long time, how could he not take this into consideration?

When Xiahou Ba heard this, he quickly clasped his fists and said, "General, it's obvious that the general is worrying too much."

On the second day, Xiahou Ba led three thousand fine cavalry, braved the cold wind, and swept towards Yuezhi City.

This chapter has been completed!
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