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After listening to what Zhang Xingyi said, Guan Ji put down the charcoal in her hand, walked over and looked at the sand table, with a thoughtful look on her face.

She thought for a long time, then picked up the whip and tapped it on the sand table:

"Since the Han Dynasty, Anding County has been a half-wall barrier preventing the barbarians from the northern desert from going south. It would be a good thing if we could find out the details of the Qiang Hu in the northern desert in advance."

Zhang Xingyi looked along Guan Ji's whip, but saw that her whip was not pointed at Anding County, but at an unmarked blank space.

She pointed to the place where the whip hit and asked, "Where is this place?"

"Beidi County, the other half of the barrier to the north of Chang'an."

Guan Ji replied.

Anding County and Beidi County, one to the west and one to the east, guard the north of Chang'an.

During the Pre-Han Dynasty, the Huns often entered through Xiaoguan in Anding County and threatened Chang'an.

During the reign of Emperor Xiaowu, the country's strength increased. Emperor Xiaowu went out to Xiaoguan twice to inspect the northwest border and put troops on the fortress to intimidate the Huns.

After the Xiongnu were repeatedly defeated by the Han Dynasty and were no longer able to invade the south, Anding County was able to truly stabilize.

As for Beidi County, it was occupied by Wei Xiao in the early Later Han Dynasty. Qiang and Hu people were entrenched here, forcing Han officials to move inward.

In the late Han Dynasty, there was also the Liangzhou Rebellion, and the Qiang and Hu from the northern counties responded one after another, forcing Han officials to continue to move south.

Today's Beidi County boundary is less than 30% of the original, and the northern boundary has become a land for Qiang and Hu horses to herd.

Zhang Xingyi's eyes fell on the blank space next to Anding County and murmured: "In other words, the barbarians in the desert can enter Beidi County directly from the north?"

Guan Ji nodded, "That's right."

Her whip drew a circle around the north, representing Northland County:

"This place used to be the territory of the Han Dynasty, but during the reign of Emperor Huanling, Xianbei Hu repeatedly invaded the south."

"In addition, Emperor Ling sent a large army to the fortress for more than 2,000 miles, but was defeated by the Xianbei Hu, and almost all the army was wiped out. Since then, the northern part of Beidi County has been given to the Hu people."

Zhang Xingyi's mind was spinning very fast. When he heard Guan Ji's words, he immediately understood:

"Sister, are you trying to take advantage of the barbarians in the north of Beidi County?"

Because Xiaoguan blocked the way for the barbarians from the north to go south, the boundaries of Anding County have not changed much, but Beidi County does not have such a dangerous pass.

Guan Ji shook her head, "How can it be that easy? The barbarians are not of my race, and their minds must be different. How can we take advantage of them before we are sure that we can control them?"

"If we let them go south, I'm afraid they will suffer backlash. The Liangzhou rebellion is a lesson learned from the past, so it's too early to take advantage of them now."

Why did the Han Dynasty delay in entering Liangzhou despite having the ability to do so?

As the close friend of the Colonel Protecting Qiang, Guan Ji was deeply influenced by Feng Junhou, so she naturally had a far-sighted vision than Zhang Xingyi.

The strength of Liangzhou is one aspect, and the integration of the Hu people is also another aspect.

Liangzhou is difficult to govern because the local powerful people are entangled with the barbarians. Only by separating the two can we start to govern.

Now it seems that Alang was indeed prescient.

Otherwise, if something happens in Guanzhong, the Protector Qiang Colonel's Mansion and the Longyou Governor's Mansion may not be able to go east.

Thinking of this, Guan Ji asked again:

"Where is the prince now? When will he return?"

Zhang Xingyi was startled when he heard this and glanced at Guan Ji involuntarily:

"You should have returned to Longyou. As for where exactly you are, my little sister doesn't know."

Guan Ji nodded: "If you have returned to Longyou, then Alang should go to Jicheng first."

Coming out of Qishan, if you want to go north to Pingxiang, you will definitely pass through Jicheng.

Therefore, when Guan Ji said "a trip to Jicheng", she did not mean passing by Jicheng, but that she went to discuss matters with General Zhao.

Hearing these words, Zhang Xingyi curled his lips secretly:

Ha! So what if you know his schedule? As for showing off to me? Where he goes is none of my business?

After thinking about it, Secretary Zhang kicked the table leg angrily and cursed in his heart: "You are so heartless!"


Main Street in front of the Governor's Mansion in Longyou.

The news from Guanzhong has spread more or less throughout Jicheng.

Although it hasn't caused panic yet, there aren't many people wandering around on the streets.

There were sergeants on the street beating gongs to clean the streets, and shouting at the few pedestrians on the street to get out of the way.

Soon, a group of knights came from a short distance like wind and clouds, their iron hooves stepping on the ground, making a dull sound of thunder.


The leading knight reined in his horse in front of the Governor's Mansion. As the tall war horse's front hooves fell from the air, the knight on the horse turned over and landed on the ground, throwing away the reins at the same time.

The guards who had been guarding the gate of the Governor's Mansion hurried forward, catching the reins with one hand and holding the bridle with the other.

"I have met the king!"

Zhao Yun's personal guard commander saluted.

Feng Yong slightly nodded, without stopping at all, and hurriedly walked towards the door: "Where is the old general?"

"I am waiting for you at my house. Please come with me."

The captain of the guard trotted ahead to lead the way.

Just like Zhao Yun could enter and leave the Qiang Protector's mansion at will, Feng Junhou could also directly visit General Zhao at his door without sending a greeting card in advance.

Compared with the slightly tense atmosphere in Jicheng, the Dudu Mansion, which guards Longyou's safety, is much more relaxed.

Because the Governor of Longyou was still in the mood to practice shooting.

Feng Yong stood next to the martial arts training ground, watching the spear in Zhao Yun's hand dancing like a pear blossom, and his somewhat impatient mood relaxed.

Seeing the wonderful things, Feng Yong clapped his hands and praised: "The old general is really getting stronger with age, and his majesty has not diminished before!"

After practicing a round of spear skills, Zhao Yun handed the gun to the guard waiting next to him, then took the towel and wiped his sweat:

"I know my own body, and if I can live one day now, I will earn one more day. How dare I compare myself to General Fubo (Ma Yuan, Lao Dang Yizhuang, as he calls himself)?"

When Feng Yong saw that Zhao Yun had finished wiping his sweat, he was about to reach out and take the towel, but Zhao Yun glared at him and threw the towel to the guard beside him.

Feng Yong was startled and did not react for a moment:

The old man looks like this, does he have a problem with me? I didn't offend you, did I? I didn't call the Cao thief in Guanzhong. What do you mean?

After all, I am also a prince, can't you give me some face?

Zhao Yun waved his hand and told everyone to get down, and then he started walking in front of himself, and then he lectured:

"I know that you and Erlang are as close as brothers, and privately regard me as an elder. That is natural. But you are here today for official business."

"I asked you to come in through the front door. Don't you still understand your identity? After all, you are a prince of the Han Dynasty. You can't act like a prince in front of your servants?"

"Bend yourself to serve me. Is that what you, a high-ranking captain who protects the Qiang, should do?"

Feng Yongzheng followed behind full of slander. Only when he heard these words did he understand.

At that moment, he said nonchalantly: "Old general, it doesn't matter in private. Besides, the guards in this house are not outsiders..."

The personal guard is a general's last guarantee and the most trustworthy person.

They and the general have a life-or-death, good-and-bad relationship.

Zhao Yun walked in front and did not answer Feng Yong's words. He led him directly to a deserted small hall. After sitting down, he pointed around:

"Now it's called private."

Feng Yong understood, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a bowl of tea for Zhao Yun, and then found a place to sit down.

Zhao Yun was probably really thirsty and drank most of the bowl of tea before continuing:

"How old are you? You still don't understand what I just meant? I'm telling you that you are a personal guard? I'm reminding you that you should pay attention to your identity in the future."

As he said that, he spit out a leaf stem and said, "I will earn one more day for each day I live, but you are different. Each day you live, you will suffer one more day."

"Because among your generation, you are probably the most outstanding one. This important task of destroying thieves and reviving the Han Dynasty must be completed by you to assist your majesty. I guess I can't wait..."

Feng Yong said quickly: "I just watched the old general dance with his gun. I'm afraid I can't survive three moves with the old general's gun. The old general is so healthy, how can he say such ominous words?"

Zhao Yun waved his hand, "Who else knows my own body better than me? I trained Erlang in the past two years and beat him until he lay on the ground unable to get up."

"Now beating him hard will only make him limp a few steps. He will become old when he is old. He will have insufficient energy and blood, and he will not be able to keep up with his strength."

Feng Yong: "Maybe Erlang's skin is thicker..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Let me tell you business."

Zhao Yun scolded.

Feng Yong did not dare to talk back, so he could only lower his head.

Zhao Yun continued to teach:

"This reputation is spread from person to person. What about the personal guards? It was fine when I was here, but if I am really gone, who can guarantee what will happen next?"

"You didn't care about your reputation before, but how can you do the same now? If the Prime Minister doesn't have a reputation for justice, how can Liao Li, Li Yan and others bow down so easily?"

With that said, Zhao Yun leaned back on the chair and said slowly, "You will be the one who will take on heavy burdens from now on. From now on, you have to carefully protect this reputation."

"That's why I just said that when there are outsiders, you have to act like a king. If you have a high position but no dignity, how can you convince others?"

Although he didn't understand why the old man suddenly mentioned this, Feng Yong still replied respectfully: "You should always remember the words of the old general."

Seeing that Feng Yong had listened, Zhao Yun nodded with satisfaction:

"The news from the Prime Minister from Hanzhong arrived yesterday. I have already sent someone to inform Pingxiang. What do you think of Cao Cao's movements this time?"

In order to strengthen local control, the Han Dynasty had a tradition of setting up post roads and building buildings on the post roads.

The reason why the Former Han Dynasty was able to firmly control the Western Regions is inseparable from the post road that stretched from Chang'an to the Western Regions.

After the late emperor acquired Hanzhong, he also built many postal booths between Jincheng and Hanzhong.

After Longyou was recaptured, in order to strengthen the connection between Hanzhong and Longyou, and with the help of Dongfeng Express, there were postal stations and postal booths every dozens of miles along the Western Han River.

Feng Yong and his party turned back halfway. Even if they rode on horseback, their speed was still not as fast as that of the post envoy from Hanzhong to Jicheng. This was because the post envoy had a relay from the post post box and kept running all the way.

"As early as July, Xiaowei's Mansion received news of frequent mobilization of Cao's army in Guanzhong. In my opinion, they are determined to fight this battle."

When talking about business, Feng Yong's expression became serious.

The caravans passing from Hanzhong or Longyou are all under the strict supervision of Wei State. It is not easy to find out the information.

The ones who can get valuable information are actually the rangers who have a wide network of friends.

Nanxiang, as the "Holy Land" in the hearts of knights all over the world, naturally has a unique advantage in using the social network of knights.

In the past few years, the rangers have acquiesced in the rules of Nanxiang, and few people use force to break the rules.

However, the reason why the Rangers are called Rangers is that they are more unruly and rebellious after all. They do not like to be restrained and always like to wander around.

Nanxiang will provide enough money for those who want to go out and see the world.

Anyway, for Nanxiang, there is always no shortage of money.

The only requirement is that at certain special times, or when conditions permit, they can help a group of brothers come to their door.

As for where these brothers come from, that doesn't matter.

We are all brothers within the four seas.

With the establishment of the Qiang Protector's Office, Feng Yong could finally legitimately take this intelligence network into his own hands.

In fact, the Governor's Office of Protecting Qiang had already warned the Governor's Office of Longyou and the Prime Minister's Office of Hanzhong about this movement.

According to Feng Yong's thinking, Cao Zhen could at best continue his actions at the beginning of the year and want to try to recapture Long Pass or Xiao Pass.

I didn't expect that the movement of Cao's thieves would be so big, and that all the troops from Guanzhong would be dispatched.

Not only did this go beyond Feng Yong's expectation, but even the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was caught off guard.

Zhao Yun also frowned a little at Cao Cao's big move: "The news from the Prime Minister said that Cao Cao's 100,000 troops are going to enter Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley. What do you think?"

Along the way, Feng Yong had deduced this countless times:

"Although Ziwu Valley is the shortest distance, it is difficult to travel. As long as the terrain at the entrance of the valley blocks the thieves, and then sends elite soldiers to cross the paths to harass the rear, what does Cao's 100,000-strong army have to fear?"

"I'm just afraid. There are several smooth roads from Guanzhong to Hanzhong and Longyou. Cao's thieves pretending to go to Ziwu Valley is a plan to attack the east and attack the west."

"Sound in the east and attack in the west?" Zhao Yun was slightly startled. Thinking of the thirty-six strategies that Zhao Guang told him, he couldn't help but look at Feng Yong with a strange look:

"If it is true that he is attacking in the east and west, where do you think Cao Zhen will go?"

Feng Yong said without hesitation: "Of course it's Longguan and Xiaoguan."

Whether it is Baoxie Dao or Chencang Dao, they will eventually enter Hanzhong to face the old demon Zhuge. What is the point of attacking in the east and attacking in the west?

"Ziwu Valley is the farthest away from Longyou. If we first attract the prime minister's troops with a partial division and then attack Longyou by surprise, the time for Hanzhong to reinforce Longyou will be delayed by at least ten days."

Given the current situation in Guanzhong, Hanzhong and Longyou, whoever can regain his strength first and take the initiative to attack will be able to seize the opportunity.

If the big man attacks first, he can attack from both sides.

If Wei attacks first, it can choose its direction freely, and reinforcements will not be convenient between Longyou and Hanzhong.

Last time, the Han Dynasty took the advantage and captured Longyou.

This time, it seemed that Cao really wanted to take the initiative.

After hearing this, Zhao Yun pondered for a while, and then said slowly:

"On the other hand, if Cao Cao really sends troops to Hanzhong, Longyou's troops will not be able to reinforce Hanzhong as soon as possible."

Before receiving the news that Cao Cao was definitely attacking Hanzhong, Longyou could only stand still.

Otherwise, if we really have to mobilize troops to go to Hanzhong, and only learn that the real direction of Cao's thieves is Longyou halfway, then we can't look at each other from the beginning to the end.

Without timely radio communication, Longyou and Hanzhong were in a semi-independent situation, which tested the commander's strategic vision.

The Longyou Governor's Mansion cannot be moved lightly, and the only mobile force is to protect the Qiang Colonel's Mansion.

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong: "I am responsible for the area south of Longguan. Only Xiaoguan is located to the east of Longshan and far away from Jicheng. How about handing it over to the Qiang Protector's Office?"

Feng Yong stood up and clasped his fists: "The last general takes orders!"

The Longyou Dudufu is responsible for the southern section of Longshan, and is also responsible for reinforcing Hanzhong at any time.

The Protector Qiang Colonel's Mansion is responsible for the northern section of Longshan, and at the same time, he must pay attention to the counterattack of the Cao thieves in Liangzhou.

After the two men who held the military power in Longyou finished their discussion, Feng Yong asked again:

"Old General, Cao Cao's elite cavalry is a formidable enemy. Although Xiaowei Mansion has formed a cavalry army in the past two years, Erlang has no formal experience in leading a cavalry army..."

It would be wrong to say that Zhao Guang had no experience in leading cavalry.

They had led some scattered cavalry before, but this was the first time for a regular cavalry of this size, so Feng Yong had to be careful.

Zhao Yun waved his hand impatiently before Feng Yong finished speaking:

"Back then, I was just a supporting general in Gongsun Bogui's army. Didn't he later become the late emperor's main rider?"

"Besides, does Liu Hun have experience in leading an army from the beginning? And he wants to lead the cavalry of the Governor's Mansion, so there is no way he can lend it to you."

"Erlang is also named Zhao after all. He has been with you for so many years. No matter how stupid he is, he can still learn something."

Seeing that the old man did not regard Zhao Guang as his son, Feng Yong felt calmer.

Well, it seems that Erlang has made a lot of progress, at least he has initially gained the old man's approval, otherwise the old man's temperament would not have this attitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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