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0799 Generous main room

"That is to say, someone wants to replace those aristocratic families in Shu and become a prominent Han family."

Zhang Xingyi explained with a smile in words that Guan Ji could understand.

Compared to the Guan family sister who wanted to revitalize the Feng family and the Guan family, Mrs. Zhang, who often looked at the world of the Han Dynasty with her brother-in-law Feng, considered herself to have a higher level of vision.

Although the wife of the wife has status advantages, she also has psychological advantages.

She even looked at Feng Yong and asked in a heavy voice: "Brother-in-law, what do you think?"

Feng Yong looked at Zhang Xingyi's eyes flashing with pride and coughed:

"Yes, sugar cane plantations, ranches, workshops, etc. are all industries that no one has ever done before."

"If you want to maintain these industries, you can't just work like a farmer."

"The Xinghan Society benefited from opening a school in Yuexun. These people probably want to imitate me, so they begged me."

After hearing Feng Yong's words, Guan Ji suddenly realized:

"Isn't that what it means? If nothing else, just opening a workshop and just farming in Zhuangzi are two different things."

As she said that, she looked at Zhang Xingyi thoughtfully, "Siniang's thoughts are changing very quickly."

Zhang Xingyi proudly put a piece of brittle bone into his mouth and made a "click" sound.

Feng Junhou looked at Zhang Xingyi's little appearance and couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile on his face.

Although I don’t know what Feng Yong is thinking at this time, Guan Ji and Feng Yong are connected as husband and wife after all.

She was a little annoyed when she saw that the young lady of the Zhang family dared to be so arrogant in front of her.

But when she glanced at Feng Yong, she suddenly smiled slightly, started to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and slowly scooped up a spoonful of minced meat.

"Come on, Ah Chong, open your mouth, ah..."

Among the people sitting at the table, Amei was eating seriously with her head down, a pair of children were waiting to be fed, and the remaining three were all occupied with their own thoughts.

It was not until night, before the lord and his wife fell asleep, that his wife asked softly:

"What Alang is based on is the Xinghan Hui, and the school is one of the foundations of the Xinghan Hui. Now someone else wants to get involved. When I look at Alang, I don't feel worried, but feel happy. Why?"

I've been running around a lot these days, so I took a long shower after I came back today. I feel great when I take a shower, but I'm also really tired.

After finally having a good sleep and regaining some energy, Feng Junhou had just had a little farewell to the newlyweds. Even though Feng Junhou had an iron body, he couldn't bear it.

At this time, I just felt tired and wanted to sleep. After hearing the words, I responded casually:

"The so-called destroying the thieves and reviving the Han Dynasty does not just mean destroying the Cao thieves. Cao Pi dared to commit treason, and the powerful families in the Central Plains contributed a lot."

"The troubles of aristocratic families have existed for a long time, as can be seen from the Liang family during Emperor Huan's time."

After all, Feng Junhou himself was a character written by the Prime Minister in the "Execution List", so he naturally wanted to go out of his way to get to know the two emperors Huan and Ling who were specifically criticized by the Prime Minister.

In later generations, this is called a serious understanding of the spirit.

If you want to get involved in officialdom, this kind of sensitivity is a necessary quality.

Because this way you can better avoid stepping into the trap.

So Feng Junhou learned about three major events during the reign of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty:

The first is to kill the Liang family, the second is to favor the eunuchs, and the third is the disaster of the party.

Liang Ji, the domineering general during the period of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, was from the Liang family.

How domineering was Liang Ji?

He poisoned Emperor Zhi of the Han Dynasty, killed court officials, killed famous scholars, and destroyed wealthy households to plunder their wealth. All the officials looked sideways but did not dare to disobey orders. The emperor respected him but could not personally govern.

Nine people were granted the title of marquis, three became queens, six became nobles, and two generals emerged.

Madam, there are seven of my daughters who enjoy food and the title of king.

Three of them married princesses, and there were fifty-seven other officials ranging from Qing, General, Yin, and Xiao.

When Liang Ji was finally executed, the confiscated family property was equivalent to half of the court's annual tax.

Although the Liang family is a combination of relatives and aristocratic families, we can also get a glimpse of how huge the top aristocratic families in the Central Plains are.

Compared with them, the aristocratic families in Shu are just younger brothers.

Guan Ji was even more confused when she heard Feng Yong mention the Liang family:

"Although I long for the destruction of Cao Cao, I have to admit that there are still many capable ministers in the Wei Kingdom both inside and outside the court. Is it too much for Alang to use Emperor Huan as a metaphor for the Liang family?"

On weekdays, I talk about political affairs with Zhang Xingyi and military affairs with Guan Ji.

Now that Guan Ji unexpectedly took the initiative to talk about current affairs, Feng Junhou knew that she was most likely stimulated by Zhang Xingyi during dinner.

I didn't dare to be lazy at the moment, so I quickly cheered up and patiently explained:

"Not at all. When the Pseudo-Wei Dynasty was under Cao Cao, regardless of Cao's clan or poor families, all were promoted according to their talents, so that they could achieve their initial prosperity."

"However, when Cao Pi arrived, he used the Cao family's side clan to control the army and the aristocratic family to govern the government. It was difficult for a poor family to stand out again, and at the same time, they were extremely vigilant against the Cao family's close clan."

"Not only did Cao's puppet king's fiefdom change frequently, but he also had neither governance nor military power, and his actions were strictly monitored, making him a prisoner."

"Now that Cao Rui is in power, Wei Cao, a member of the Cao family, can really see through it. Moreover, he is an old man who has stayed from Cao Cao's time."

"As soon as Cao Zhen leaves, it is inevitable that the Cao family will be weak. Unless Cao Rui can strengthen his strength and cut off his strength, the powerful family will surely gradually take over the military and political affairs, causing harm to Cao Wei."

Many people in later generations said that as long as Cao Rui lived a long life, Sima Yi would not have a chance and history would change.

But in Feng Yong's view, Sima Yi was just an accident of history.

Even if there is no Sima Yi, there will be Sima Er and Sima San behind.

Unless Cao Rui is both long-lived and able to change the foundation of the Wei State, there is a way to transform the aristocratic family, the blood-sucking group that lives in the Wei State.

Otherwise, Cao Wei will still follow Sima Jin's old path in the end.

Because the essence of Sima Jin is gentry politics.

If Cao Wei allowed the aristocratic family to dominate, it would eventually turn into a gentry politics.

This is the contingency and inevitability of history.

After all, the founding emperor Cao Pi made a good start!

The possibility of the exclusive power of relatives was abolished, the royal clansmen were looked after as prisoners, and a large number of scholars were appointed to replace the eunuch positions.

From a political perspective, these measures are indeed good.

However, he vigorously supported the most dangerous family, and relied on Cao Cao's leftover Cao family to balance the power of the court. This was the root of Cao Wei's downfall.

The aristocratic family has been famous for hundreds of years, so why should the Cao family be compared with others?

There are inherent problems with the foundation of the country. If you want to change the historical trajectory, unless Cao Rui has enough courage and wisdom to completely transform Wei.

You may not know what it means to completely transform the foundation of a country.

We usually only use two words to describe this kind of person: Shang Yang!

If Cao Rui really has this ability, I, Feng Mingwen, will declare on the spot: I will fight for the Wei Dynasty for the rest of my life!

According to the original historical trajectory, without strong enemies and before the world was unified, Cao Rui became keen on building palaces and recruiting beauties from all over the world.

What does this kind of person have to boast about?

So in Feng Yong's eyes, there is not much difference between Cao Rui and Adou.

Both of them were able to show tolerance and accept advice under various pressures in the early stage.

Later, after the pressure was gone, everyone began to indulge in pleasure.

Even Adou's temperament is much better than Cao Rui's.

At least Adou will not kill the followers around him at will, let alone kill his own queen.

Although Feng Yong did not explain these inner thoughts clearly, Guan Ji understood:

"What if Cao Rui intends to take action against the wealthy family?"

"Then we will force him to continue to compromise with the wealthy family."

In the darkness, a smile appeared on Feng Yong's lips:

"As the saying goes, there is more than enough ambition but not enough power. As long as the Han continues to put pressure on Cao Wei, Cao Rui will have to continue to rely on the powerful families to deal with the pressure of the Han."

At this point, he couldn't help but laugh proudly, "This is like curing hunger with aconite, quenching thirst with poison, and has cut off the throat before it enters the intestines and stomach. Oh, haha..."

When Guan Ji heard this laughter, she couldn't help but pinch him lightly:

"The laughter is so scary at night!"

She has followed Feng Yong for so many years, so she naturally knows what her Alang thinks of the wealthy family, so she feels a little worried.

"Alang feels that it is a good thing for a wealthy family to have a big family. However, I look at Siniang's behavior and seem to be very happy to see the success of the Han Dynasty becoming a famous family. What do you think of Alang?"

How do you want me to see this big Han family, or how do you want me to see Siniang?

Knowing that Guan Ji could not see his expression, Feng Junhou subconsciously looked in Guan Ji's direction and answered carefully:

"This famous family is not that famous family. Besides, Cao Wei is the only famous family. How can the Han Dynasty be the same? Even if we really fulfill the wishes of those families and become a famous family of the Han Dynasty, so what?"

"Besides the famous families of the Han Dynasty, isn't there the Xinghan Hui? The Xinghan Hui is not a famous family."

The emerging powerful and transformed landlords are bound to the Han Dynasty, and this does not depend on their will.

The former is because of politics and the latter is because of economics.

Only with the unification of the Han Dynasty can they get the greatest benefits, so they are all firm supporters of the Han Dynasty.

Now they are trying to enhance their own strength, which is actually a disguised form of enhancing the strength of the resurrected Han Dynasty, which is a good thing.

This matter should soon be known to the royal family behind Zhang Xingyi, and it will also receive support from the royal family.

In this regard, the young lady of the Zhang family does have a long-term vision.

The royal wife only saw the first floor, and Mrs. Zhang also saw a deeper floor.

Feng Junhou supported this matter, which was actually supporting the royal family, so she was so happy.

It's just that Mrs. Zhang was happy a little early, because after she pointed out the intentions of the emerging powerful people and the transformed landlords, Feng Junhou suddenly saw the fifth floor.

After all, Feng Junhou is a man who has mastered the true dragon-slaying technique.

Over the years, with Nanxiang as a typical representative, Dahan's productivity has increased explosively due to human intervention.

In this process, the disintegration of the aristocratic families in central Sichuan is actually a manifestation of the destruction of the old production relations.

The sum of productivity and production relations has a term called "economic base".

There is an extremely important theory in the dragon-slaying technique that a certain country brat has mastered that does not belong to this era:

The economic base determines the superstructure, and the superstructure reacts on the economic base.

The rich and powerful whose wealth is in a period of expansion and rising, as well as the emerging landowners who have transformed from the old aristocratic families in time, can be regarded as the emerging superstructure.

The emerging superstructure has an urgent need for talents in emerging industries. Opening schools widely is the best way to cultivate talents.

This is the reaction of the superstructure on the economic base.

The superstructure does not adapt to the economic base. Just like the old-style aristocratic families, it will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

On the contrary, if the impact of the superstructure on the economic base is positive.

Then in this development process, the new class of good families like Nanxiang will expand rapidly.

The powerful military force of the Former Han Dynasty was based on the large number of good men who filled the army.

As long as the new class of good family members in Jihan can finally take shape, then there will be the most solid foundation for the revival of the Han Dynasty.

The only problem is that the Han Dynasty noble family with the core of the family and the Xinghan Society, which is similar to a chaebol society, were partners before the unification of the world.

But after the world is unified, both sides will most likely become competitors because of the division of the victory cake.

The reason is also very simple: capital is greedy.

Unless the Han Dynasty can continue to expand outward and divert conflicts without recuperating after quelling the war.

Feng Junhou, who mastered the true dragon-slaying technique, could think so profoundly, but Guan Ji had never studied those five books.

So when she heard Feng Yong's words, "Besides the famous Han families, there is also the Xinghan Hui", she trembled and sat up suddenly.

Since the prominent Han family is supported by the royal family, what does it mean if Alang wants to fight against it?

Guan Ji's slightly trembling hands tightened her grip on Feng Yong: "Alang, what are you...what do you mean?"

"Don't panic," Feng Yong knew what she wanted to say, so he pulled her back to lie down and comforted her, "You know, I never have any big ambitions."

"When I first thought of ways to become a prince, I actually wanted my status to be worthy of being a prince, lest my brother-in-law make excuses not to let you marry me."

Hearing her Alang's casual and relaxed words, Guan Ji felt slightly relieved and said angrily:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Before you were granted the title of Marquis, could it be that my concubine treated you with high eyes and low eyes?"

Feng Yong said "tsk": "You really wanted to treat me with contempt back then, how did we get here today?"

"I can see it," Guan Ji leaned her head on Feng Yong's chest, "You are a person with real magnanimity. If you are willing to save Ma Su, you are also willing to help Xu Xun."

"Not to mention people like Mi Zhao and Liu Liang. In fact, you don't trust others at all, do you?"

"But it would be wrong to say that you don't care about anything. I can smell the pride in your bones with my eyes closed."

Having said this, Guan Ji breathed out a sigh of relief:

"So even with Alang's arrogance, since he said he didn't have any thoughts in that regard, I naturally believe that he didn't."

After hearing Guan Ji's words, Feng Yong blurted out and asked: "What if I have that intention?"

When Guan Ji heard this, she immediately bit into it.

"Ouch, it hurts! Xijun, I was wrong!"

Feng Junhou shouted repeatedly.

Guan Ji finally let go of her mouth, and then said bitterly: "What else can I do? I already have two children!"

"Husband and wife are one, so you still ask this?"

We are an old married couple, we know the basics, and we can say some things freely without any scruples.

"Since Alang is not at ease with these families and Si Niang is close to them, Alang, do you think I should stay in Pingxiang to look after the family this time? Ah Chong and Shuangshuang are still young..."

Guan Ji made circles with her fingers and suggested quietly.

Hearing this, Feng Yong almost couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter: I bet you are waiting here!

Who said the royal wife is generous?

In one fell swoop, Mrs. Zhang was put on the opposite side of Xinghanhui!

This chapter has been completed!
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