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Chapter 0847 The Prince of the Sun Family



Go to the entrance of the General's Mansion. Normally no one dares to ride a horse here.

Even if the prince Sun Deng, who was staying in Wuchang, passed by the gate of the general's mansion, he would have to dismount.

After Sun Quan became emperor, he moved the capital to Wuchang, leaving Prince Sun Deng and other clan princes to stay in Wuchang.

At the same time, Lu Xun was recruited from Nanjun to Wuchang to manage palace affairs and entrusted the prince to him.

Therefore, from the prince up to the prince's family members, Lu Xun has the power to supervise everyone.

But today, someone broke this rule.

A fast horse rushed to the door of the General's Mansion. Before the horse could stop, the knight had already dismounted: "Urgent report!"

The guards guarding the door of the General's Mansion had long seen the flag of command carried by the knight, and quickly stepped forward to support the knight, while someone else took over the horse.

When Lu Xun heard that there was an emergency, he quickly came to the vestibule.

"Come up, General, there is an urgent report from Jiangling!"

Even though it was not yet a hot summer day, Qi Chuan was still sweating profusely and loudly reported to Lu Xun.

Lu Xun took the urgent message from Qi Chuan, checked the sealing mud, and found nothing unusual, so he had Qi Chuan help him down to rest.

He opened the mud seal, took out the silk cloth inside, and after scanning it hastily, his face suddenly changed, and then he showed a look that was indeed the case.

After he sat down, he read it again carefully from beginning to end. Finally, he pondered for a while, and the look on his face actually became a little gloomy.

Suddenly, Lu Xun shouted loudly:

"Someone is coming!"

"Come on, General, what are your orders?"

"Immediately send someone to the palace, saying that I have something urgent and want to meet the prince."


After giving the instructions, Lu Xun immediately asked someone to prepare a car and hurried to the palace.

When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, Prince Sun Deng had already been waiting at the entrance of the palace in person.

"I have met His Highness."

"If you don't deserve such great courtesy from a general, please ask me from the general."

Sun Deng quickly returned the courtesy, led Lu Xun to the East Palace, invited Lu Xun to sit down, and then asked:

"The general said he has something urgent to see me for? But he doesn't know what it is?"

"Your Highness, please take a look."

Lu Xun handed over the urgent message from Jiangling.

Sun Deng took it over and looked at it with some doubts, with a happy face on his face:

"This time Cao Cao's thief invaded the Han Dynasty and was defeated miserably. It's really great. It seems that God is going to destroy the thief!"

Lu Xun's face twitched.

...The prince of our great Wu Kingdom is truly a benevolent king!

"This...this...this Feng Yong is actually so amazing?"

After seeing clearly that Feng Yong defeated Cao Zhen's 100,000 troops with 20,000 men, Sun Deng's expression finally changed.

Although Feng Yong's reputation is not small, Cao Zhen is the number one in Cao's bandit army!

What's more, Feng Yong's retreat was cut off, and Cao Zhen waited for work and occupied the favorable location in advance.

"Is this battle comparable to the Battle of Chibi?"

Sun Deng was so shocked that he blurted out.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Sun Deng knew that he had made a mistake and subconsciously glanced at the palace attendants waiting on his left and right.

All the people in the palace lowered their eyes and looked very respectful, as if they didn't hear anything.

But Sun Deng knew that what he just said would be delivered to His Majesty's desk within a few days.

Sun Deng secretly regretted: It would have been better to get rid of these people first on the grounds of military matters.

Lu Xun didn't think so much, he just shook his head and said:

"How can the battle of Xiaoguan be compared with the battle against Cao Cao when His Majesty personally led the army in Chibi? Who is Cao Cao? Who is Cao Zhen?"

Sun Deng quickly said: "That's right, that's right, I made a mistake!"

"But it is much more dangerous than the Yiling battle. Feng Yong is a person who should not be underestimated."

Lu Xun didn't care about his own face and generously believed that the battle of Yiling was not as good as the battle of Xiaoguan.

"When I was in Jiangling, I paid a lot of attention to this person. When I heard that this person was in Zhuge Liang's campaign in Nanzhong, I had many suggestions."

"According to Zhang Huishu, this man offered Quyu plows, eight oxen plows and other things to increase the food harvest of Shu, control the Yue people and make the Yi people subdue."

"During the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang fought against the famous Wei general Zhang He again at Jieting, and now he defeated Cao Zhen at Xiaoguan."

"In fact, he is a man who is good at herdsmen and military affairs, and is good at both civil and military affairs."

Hearing that his superior general spoke so highly of Feng Yong, Sun Deng looked a little unnatural on his face.

No one else, because as soon as Sun Deng heard the name Feng Yong, he would immediately think of the tiger girl of the Guan family who wanted to marry him but couldn't.

The daughter of the Guan family would rather marry Feng Yong than herself. Doesn't that mean that in her eyes, she is inferior to Feng Yong?

It was precisely because of this lingering thought that when he heard the envoys from Shu praising Feng Yong last time, Sun Deng recommended Zhuge Ke, a guest in the East Palace, to Sun Quan afterwards.

In fact, I have a mentality in my heart:

If Zhuge Ke can really make a contribution, it will be enough to prove that Feng Yong is just a person who can only be compared with his guests, and is not qualified to compare with himself.

However, Your Majesty initially asked Zhuge Ke to take charge of the food supply in the army. Later, the Prime Minister of Shu heard this and wrote a letter to persuade Your Majesty, and Your Majesty then asked Zhuge Ke to lead the army.

It can be said that the weight of his words as a prince is not even as great as that of the Prime Minister of Shu.

However, it was precisely because of this that Zhuge Ke had the opportunity to speak up and argue that he could lead his troops and settle in Shanyue in Danyang Mountain.

He also promised His Majesty that in three years, at least 40,000 soldiers could be recruited.

It is not that the imperial court has never conquered Danyang Mountain in the past, but the terrain of Danyang is dangerous and adjacent to the four counties of Wu County, Kuaiji, Xindu and Poyang. It travels thousands of miles and has thousands of valleys.

Moreover, copper and iron are produced in the mountains, and the people of the country forge their own armor and soldiers. Their customs are fond of martial arts, and they are noble in strength.

The imperial court repeatedly sent troops to search for its caves. When the people in the mountains and rivers fought, swarms arrived, and birds fled when they were defeated. The imperial court often returned without success.

Zhuge Ke promised that it would be decided in three years, but all the ministers in the court thought that they were just young and ignorant and did not know the importance of the matter. They were afraid that it would waste the people and money again, so the matter was never decided.

At this time, Sun Deng was stimulated by the news that Feng Yong had defeated Cao Zhen, and his thoughts were suddenly disturbed.

Originally, he was thinking that if Zhuge Ke could pacify Shanyue and solve the long-standing headache of the court, he would also be able to recruit 40,000 Shanyue soldiers.

That would be enough to compare with Feng Yongnan's conquest of Pingnanzhong.

At the same time, Zhuge Ke also accumulated merits, and he could participate as soon as there was a war in the north.

With Zhuge Ke's talents, he will definitely be able to achieve military exploits again. If the Shu envoy dares to praise Feng Yong in the Wu Kingdom again, Zhuge Ke will be able to do it.

Zhuge Ke was originally a guest of the prince, and at the same time he was personally recommended by the prince. As the prince, he would be able to overpower Feng Yong.

Unexpectedly, the Shanyue incident has not yet been concluded, and Feng Yong has become a famous general in the world.

As soon as he thought about this, Sun Deng suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart: The tiger girl of the Guan family, really has a unique vision?

Naturally, Lu Xun didn't know that Sun Deng was sitting there, thinking about so many things in the short time he was talking?

At this time, he was actually a little worried:

"Your Highness, when Zhuge Liang entered Hanzhong, I expected that he would attack Wei. I once told your Majesty that the Shu Kingdom is weak and its people are tired. If we entangle with Wei thieves in Yongliang, we will definitely be unable to decide for a long time."

"At that time, it will only further weaken the power of Shu, and the Shu people will have to seek further help from Wu."

At this point, Lu Xun sighed, "I just didn't expect that Zhuge Liang was so good at governing Shu and Feng Yong was brave and good at fighting that he actually led him to attack Longyou."

After Zhang Wen returned to Wu from an envoy to Shu, he once spoke highly of the beauty of Shu's government. His Majesty was displeased when he heard this and dismissed him on the pretext of the scandal.

Now that I think about it, Zhang Wen's words are indeed true.

Otherwise, how could the Shu State be able to recover in just a few years, and even become more powerful than before, and capture Longyou from the Wei people.

I heard that in the Battle of Longyou, Feng Yong first led the army to attack Longguan, and then returned to the army to fight at the street guarding pavilion, where he made his first contribution. He was said to be brave and good at fighting, so he must be good.

"I believe that after Zhuge Liang, Feng Yong will become a pillar of Shu. He is about the same age as Your Highness. I am afraid that I will rarely have to deal with this person in the future. Your Highness should pay more attention to this person."

When Sun Deng heard this, he quickly responded:

"To be honest, General, I have actually been paying attention to this person for a long time! This person is only two years older than me, but he has achieved such achievements, which is really eye-catching."

"I think Jiangdong is a place where talented people are born. Is it possible that no one can compare with my achievements? Therefore, I recommended Zhuge Yuanxun to Your Majesty before, just to see if I can pick out someone with outstanding talents, so as to avoid that.

The people of Shu overwhelm our country of Wu."

When Lu Xun heard this, he also thought of Zhuge Ke's words about how he defeated the Danyang Mountains in three years.

He didn't want to say much on the matter.

After all, he had a good relationship with Zhuge Jin, and the two had worked together in Jingzhou for many years. Zhuge Jin was not optimistic about Zhuge Ke's move, and even said to himself that Zhuge Ke was not the one who built the family, but was the one who brought disaster to the family.

Zhuge Jin had this intention, so how could Lu Xun get involved?

It's just that after the Shu people captured Longyou, and now they have to fight through Xiaoguan, Liangzhou will probably become the target of Shu.

I heard that the Nanzhong barbarians called Feng Yong the Ghost King, and I heard that most of the Longyou Hu people respectfully called Feng Master. They were also very good at subduing the barbarians.

If the Wu Kingdom cannot defeat the Wei thieves, they will not be able to conquer the mountains. In the future, I am afraid that as the prince said, they will be overpowered by the Shu people.

After the Battle of Yiling, Liu Bei wrote to himself, promising to go eastward again, but he not only pushed him back, but also persuaded him to be on good terms with the state of Wu.

Liu Bei finally had to follow.

It was because the State of Wu overwhelmed the Shu people at that time.

Another example is that His Majesty ascended the throne for the first time and sent people to Shu to suggest that the Shu people recognize the two emperors standing side by side.

Zhuge Liang also suppressed the criticism and personally sent people to congratulate him. This was also because the Shu people still had requests from Wu, so they had to do this.

If one day, the people of Shu are superior to the state of Wu, I am afraid they may not have the same attitude as now.

Now that the Shu Kingdom is becoming more and more powerful, this actually forces the Wu Kingdom to move forward and not fall behind.

Thinking of this, Lu Xun finally nodded and said:

"Your Highness is really interested. Zhuge Ke is truly outstanding in talent. His great words will definitely bring success, so if not, just believe him once."

"This time I want to go back to Jianye to meet with His Majesty in person, so I can mention this matter then."

Sun Deng was immediately overjoyed: "Your Majesty will definitely agree to what the General has said."

Seeing Sun Deng so happy, Lu Xun couldn't help but ask:

"Your Highness first recommended Zhuge Ke, but now everyone in the court does not believe Zhuge Ke's words. Your Highness also believes that he can accomplish things. Why?"

Sun Deng said calmly: "I have known Yuan Xun for a long time, and I know his talent. Since I recommend him, I must trust him."

"After the Battle of Longyou, I also asked many envoys from the Shu Kingdom, and found out that it was Feng Yong who took the initiative to attack Longguan. How could Zhuge Kongming know that he could succeed? It's just that once he used it, he believed in it.


When Lu Xun heard this, his face was full of joy: "Your Highness should behave like your Majesty. In the battle between Chibi and Yiling, your Majesty also relied on Zhou Gongjin and Wei Chen to achieve great victory later."

"When I go back this time, I will tell your Majesty your Highness's virtues, so that Your Majesty will not worry about Your Highness."

It was a good thing that Lu Xun didn't mention this. When he mentioned this, Sun Deng remembered that he had been away from His Majesty for more than two years and had not seen him during this period. A look of sadness appeared on his face:

"I haven't seen my father for a long time, and I miss him so much. It would be unfilial for me not to serve him by his side."

"After the General returns, please say hello to my father for me and ask him to take good care of himself."

As he spoke, he actually choked up a little:

"I remember that in the past, I often played with my third brother in the palace. I wonder how he is now? Recently, he sent a message from Jianye, saying that he wanted to see me."

The third brother mentioned by Sun Deng was Sun He, whose biological mother was Mrs. Wang, who was the most favored concubine of Sun Quan besides Bu Lianshi.

Sun He was deeply loved by Sun Quan because of his mother's high status.

After Sun Quan moved the capital to Jianye, all the princes and princes stayed in Wuchang. Because Sun He was young, Sun Quan also took him to Jianye.

In comparison, Sun Deng's biological mother was born too lowly, so she was first transferred to the main wife, Mrs. Xu, to raise her.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu was dismissed by Sun Quan because of sexual jealousy and sent her back to Wu County to live.

Therefore, when it comes to family background, whether Sun Deng is his biological mother or his adoptive mother, he is not as noble as Sun He's biological mother, Mrs. Wang.

Although Sun Deng was the eldest brother, he actually treated Sun He with brotherly courtesy, so Sun He was also close to Sun Deng.

Seeing Sun Deng's sad face, Lu Xun felt a little emotional when he heard his words.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but then he remembered that this was His Majesty's arrangement, so he could only shut up.

Sun Deng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "Although I am older than the third brother, my status is far less noble than the third brother, so I always treat him as a brother."

"It is also appropriate for a brother to succeed a younger brother as the crown prince, and the third brother is smart and smart. I think he will be able to take on big responsibilities in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Xun shouted:

"Your Highness, be careful what you say! Your Majesty asked Your Highness to guard Wuchang, and also drafted soldiers to assist Your Highness. It was because of state affairs. How could Your Highness say these things?"

When Sun Deng saw Lu Xun's stern expression, he was frightened and stood up quickly to thank him:

"I was rude!"

Lu Xun let out a long sigh, "Your Highness, please rest assured. When I return to Jianye this time, I will definitely discuss with the Prime Minister and work out a plan for the affairs of the princes."

"After all, the prince is away all the time, so there is no way..."

Sun Deng was overjoyed when he heard this:

"Thank you for your service, General. My second brother has grown up and has been living in Wuchang for a long time. I'm afraid I missed him!"

"Your Highness's respectful and respectful attitude is rare!"

This chapter has been completed!
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