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Chapter 0879 engage in a financial

 In fact, we cannot blame Wei for abandoning Xihai County. The root cause was the political chaos in the middle and late Han Dynasty.

The former Han Dynasty built a Great Wall, which started from Liaodong in the east and went all the way to the west, encompassing the Hetao area.

Then make an arc to the northwest, including Xihai County.

Finally, we crossed the Gobi Desert and followed the Silk Road, or rather guarded the Silk Road, all the way to Loulan in the Western Regions.

When Feng Yong looked through the information on the Hu people in the former and later Han dynasties, he was shocked by this record.

He simply could not imagine how the Han Dynasty built this magnificent project, because this Great Wall was longer than the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty.

It is a pity that in the middle and late period of the Later Han Dynasty, the country implemented strategic contraction, and even the Hetao was given over to the Hu people, let alone places like Xihai County.

As for the Wei State, it was basically relying on the remaining power of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years to barely maintain its status as the suzerainty of the Western Regions.

In the desert in northern China, after the decline of the Xiongnu power, the Xianbei people occupied the original territory of the Huns.

After Tan Shihuai, the hero of Xianbei, unified the desert, he divided Xianbei into three parts: east, middle and west.

From Liaodong in the east to the Western Regions in the west, the Hu people in the north changed into Xianbei skins almost overnight.

Fortunately, the guy died early, and coupled with the incompetence of his successors, Xianbei soon fell apart after beating the big man to misery.

The first one to split off was Western Xianbei, now also called Hexi Xianbei.

A considerable part of Hexi Xianbei entered Liangzhou from Xihai County.

In fact, most of Xihai County is a desert.

It's just that the former Han Dynasty was too powerful and there were no dangerous places in Yanze, so they built the Great Wall with rammed earth, sand and stones, and created artificial dangerous places on the flat land where there was no danger to defend.

From now on, it seems that the strategic vision of the former Han Dynasty was indeed stronger than that of the later Han Dynasty.

Because the water source in Juyanze is weak.

It starts from Zhangye, flows west through Jiuquan, then turns north, passes through the desert, and finally flows into Juyanze.

Not to mention that the area around Juyanze is rich in water, grass, and products, making it a rare place for grazing.

Even in terms of military geography, it is also a strategic location.

Because you can easily enter Liangzhou by entering Juyanze from the desert, and then going south along the weak water.

On the contrary, if the Han Dynasty takes Juyanze as its base and relies on the Great Wall of Han Dynasty.

Not only can it stop the Hu people from going south, it can also protect Liangzhou.

Moreover, you can also go out from the west of the desert to attack the barbarians.

The Juyan Han Bamboo Slips, one of the "Four Great Discoveries" in the archaeological world in later generations, are proof that the Han Dynasty settled in Juyan.

"Last year, Liangzhou was hit by a white disaster. The Hu people who want to come to the desert in the north will probably be much worse than Liangzhou. They are anxious to go south to find a way to survive!"

Governor Feng frowned and said slightly irritably.

The climate of the Little Ice Age was a natural disaster for the northern nomads.

It stands to reason that after just surviving a winter, the beginning of spring is the time to prepare for the breeding of cattle, sheep and horses.

Otherwise, we miss the opportunity, fail to save enough livestock, and another group of people will starve to death next winter.

This is the same as the agricultural people missing the spring plowing and waiting to starve to death at the end of the year.

"Look for a way to survive, but what's the point of going south to plunder?"

Guan Ji picked up a piece of meat, took a bite, and suddenly felt a little nauseous. She put it into Feng Yong's bowl, and then whispered:

"Whose life is easy these days? The people of Liangzhou are thinking of ways to survive. If they come to plunder again, will the people still have a way to survive?"

With the experience of her first child, Guan Ji is now in a calm state of mind. She goes out for a walk every day and does some exercise. The rest is to let the Feng family's concubine rub her legs.

Although military matters cannot be relaxed, the Liangzhou governor's office is now rich and poor, and needs food but no food.

The preparation of the new army that was promised can only be postponed.

So I had no choice but to read the military reports. The sand table deduction was like this, so I didn’t have to work too hard.

General Guan Da even speaks calmly now, without a trace of fireworks.

Feng Jishi put the meat that his master had given him to his mouth, nodded and said:

"Yes! Life is difficult for everyone. There was a severe drought in the Central Plains last year..."

Zhang Xingyi said "poof" and spit out a piece of bone:

"Hey! Can the Han Dynasty compare with the Central Plains? Last year, there was no rain in the hinterland of the Central Plains for more than half a year. How could Cao Zhen dare to send troops from Guanzhong to Hanzhong and Longyou?"

This can only be said that the foundation left by Cao Cao to his descendants is too solid.

If the Han had half the national strength of Wei, and after the Battle of Xiaoguan, they took advantage of the situation and pushed into Guanzhong, Wei might not be able to fight a war of attrition with the Han due to the domestic and foreign troubles at that time.

Of course, Feng Yong is still very optimistic about the future comparison of national power between Han and Wei:

"We couldn't compare before, but we may not be able to compare in the future. Over the years, the Wei thieves have suffered repeated defeats. No matter how strong their foundation is, they cannot withstand such losses."

Just seeing Sima Yi being forced to farm in Guanzhong, one can tell that the Wei State was really damaged.

Seeing the two people turning away as they talked, General Guan knocked on the table:

"Talk about Xihai County! You can't even take care of Liangzhou, and now you are still thinking about Guanzhong? Guanzhong is what the prime minister wants to worry about, you should worry about the present first!"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi responded angrily: "No money, no food!"

Then he picked up a piece of spareribs, put it in his mouth, and bit it, as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

Guan Ji knows this and it’s not her fault.

After all, under the current situation, being able to barely maintain stability in Liangzhou is the result of Zhang Xiaomei's careful planning.

Guan Ji looked at Feng Jishi again.

Governor Feng sighed, both General Guan and Secretary Zhang were only responsible for spending money.

Even Amei, who sat silently next to him, was someone who only knew how to spend money on research.

As expected, Li Mu is my confidante!

I think so, but I definitely can't say that.

I heard Governor Feng ask very humbly: "What do you think, Mr. Xi?"

"What I mean is that if you want to end things once and for all, you can naturally send troops to Juyanze."

"It's just that this matter consumes a lot of money and food. I'm afraid Liangzhou cannot afford it now."

Guan Ji still looked calm and indifferent, obviously she had already considered this matter:

"But from Juyanze to Liangzhou, we have to pass through the land of quicksand (i.e. desert). I specifically asked Tufa Qieli and Liu Hun..."

"In this case, the barbarians must follow the water, that is to say, they must follow the weak water."

"So as long as we can deploy troops where the weak water enters the quicksand, we can stop most of the barbarians heading south."

Doesn’t that still cost money?

It’s just that you spend more and spend less.

The key is that there is no money...

Zhang Xingyi puffed up his mouth and made a "poof" mouth gesture, as if he wanted to spit out the bones in his mouth again.

Guan Ji raised her eyebrows, clapped her chopsticks, glared at her sharply, and then glanced at the pair of children sitting next to her.

The meaning is obvious: if you dare to vomit again, you will not be allowed to serve, so as not to teach the children bad things!

Zhang Xingyi then covered her face with her sleeves like a lady and quietly spit out the bones in her mouth.

Feng Yong subconsciously looked at the children next to him and found that they were sitting upright and eating seriously.

Well, fortunately, I didn’t imitate their Aunt Zhang’s bad behavior.

"Ahem, um, Si Niang has something to say, right?"

Governor Feng tried to smooth things over, originally wanting to give Xiao Si a step down.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi said unceremoniously:

"Haven't you ever thought that the barbarians from Xihai County might have come to join the governor's office?"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Yong and Guan Ji looked at each other, both of them were startled.

"My brother-in-law's reputation among the Hu people in Liangzhou goes without saying. Coupled with the actions of the White Disaster Governor's Office last year, I don't know how many Hu people's hearts he has won."

"I wonder if the barbarians from Xihai County also wanted to come here to try their luck after hearing the news?"

As Zhang Xingyi spoke, he picked up a piece of manjing and quietly threw it into Ah Chong's bowl.

Ah Chong, who was engrossed in eating, didn't pay attention. After taking a bite, he felt something was wrong and wanted to spit it out.

"Don't vomit, just eat it!"

Zhang Xiaosi looked like an elder and scolded.

Ah Chong raised his head and glanced at his aunt, and then at his mother. Finally he didn't dare to be picky about food, so he wrinkled his little face, closed his eyes and chewed randomly for a few times before swallowing it.

Guan Ji ignored Zhang Xingyi's little move. She looked at Feng Yong thoughtfully:

"Sixth Mother is very worried about..."

The barbarian rebellion in Liangzhou has lasted for more than a hundred years. When most people hear that the barbarians in Xihai County are doing something strange, the first thing they think of is that the barbarians want to cause trouble again.

Feng Langjun suddenly appeared, and everyone didn't react for a moment.

Governor Feng, who was regarded as the savior by many barbarians in Liangzhou, said "tsk":

"Now the Hu people in Liangzhou don't have enough to eat. If the Hu people from the north come here, where will they get food?"

Guan Ji said with some worry:

"But if they really come to seek refuge with the Governor's Mansion, we will send people to stop them. I'm afraid it will harm Alang's reputation."

So it is much easier to be a bad person than a good person.

Governor Feng also frowned.

The reputation that has been deliberately accumulated over the years is an important condition for governing Liangzhou.

Otherwise, why would the Hu people be willing to cooperate obediently after encountering the White Disaster?

It’s because Feng Langjun’s brand name is so famous.

Because of the treatment of the Hu people in Longyou, the Hu people in Liangzhou were willing to believe that Feng Langjun really had their best interests at heart.

Although things like smashing your own sign can relieve temporary worries, the damage caused is long-term and huge.

What's more, it is politically correct to educate the Hu people.

The Yi and Di came from afar to surrender, which was a manifestation of enlightenment.

Feng Yong is now a big boss, and every move attracts attention. If he really wants to shut out the barbarians who come to seek refuge, he will lose his reputation.

"After all, it's still a matter of money and food."

Feng Yong said helplessly, "Then let's issue bonds!"

"Issuing debt?"

Guan Ji and Zhang Xingyi were both stunned, not knowing why.

"Use the taxes paid by the governor's office for the next three years as collateral to borrow debts from the private sector."

"Didn't I borrow it once before?"

Zhang Xingyi said with some worry, "It's only been less than three months, and you're borrowing it again? Besides, now is when food prices are at their highest, and those powerful right-wingers may not be willing to borrow it."

"The last time I borrowed it from aristocratic families, this time I borrowed it from all the officials in Liangzhou. We set a high interest rate and limited it to three years."

When borrowing grain and money in December, Feng Yong made insider trading with a wealthy Liangzhou family.

For example, there are quotas for wool textile workshops, some designated personnel for Liangzhou examinations, distribution of Liangzhou wool, quotas for woolen materials, etc.

There is no way, the resources controlled by the aristocratic family are too abundant.

This was still in Liangzhou, and it was still under the circumstances where Feng Jishi took the initiative.

Do you really want to try it in the Central Plains?

From the local area to the imperial court, everything is under the control of the family, which is not an exaggeration.

"Now is the time when we are in short supply. Who would be willing to borrow it? And even if they are able to borrow it, I'm afraid it will be too late to spread the news."

Governor Feng gritted his teeth and used his killer weapon: "Then sell the land!"

"Selling land? Where is the land for sale in Liangzhou now? All the good land has been taken up by aristocratic families. Even if there are eight oxen plows, it will be too late to reclaim the wasteland..."

Feng Yong's eyes flashed coldly and he chuckled: "I'm talking about selling the land in Xihai County."

People are forced out!

I have no money or food to mobilize the army, so why can't I issue war bonds?

"Didn't I say that the water and grass in Juyanze are plentiful and suitable for grazing? I have decided to open a pasture there and sell it by the acre. I will receive 500 yuan and two shi of grain per acre."

Although I don’t want the sheep-eating-human movement to come so early, but the situation forces me, there’s nothing I can do!

"Set a small goal first and sell it for ten thousand hectares!"

One hectare is one hundred acres. Even if only half of it is sold, it is enough to form an army to sweep across Xihai County.

If we really sell them all, we'll probably still have enough money to build the Great Wall.

As for the barbarians in Xihai County...

I don't care if you die!

Who told you not to obey Wang Hua?

"But... Xihai County is not under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office now..."

Zhang Xingyi looked at Feng Jishi blankly, even though she was extremely smart, she couldn't keep up with her Alang's thoughts.

Is it okay to sell land that is not in your hands to others?

"Yes, it is precisely because it is not under the jurisdiction of the governor's office that we have to borrow money to fight it down!"

Governor Feng replied confidently, "Wouldn't it be ours if we defeat it?"

"At that time, according to the share of money and grain, we can allocate land and build pasture there, right?"

The Wool Textile Industry Association should also put it on the agenda as soon as possible.

The pastures in Longyou are actually under the management of the government.

Now that there are private pastures, wool cannot be distributed uniformly.

We can only coordinate sales to prevent each company from maliciously selling at low prices in order to sell more wool, which will then make Wei and Wu cheaper.

Of course, such things as malicious low-price sales are not possible yet, but you must always be prepared in advance.

Let Li Mu, the female CEO, take the lead then.

"High in debt?"

Zhang Xingyi suddenly said something.

"Nonsense! The reason why the debt is so high is because it has not been eliminated. Once it is eliminated, it is called healthy development."

Governor Feng said plausibly, "Based on the Governor's office in Liangzhou, who would think that Xihai County cannot be conquered?"

At most, it can only be won next year or the year after.

The so-called "high debt" tells the story of King Zhou Nan, the last king of the Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, Qin was preparing to unify the world, and King Nan of Zhou called on the six countries to attack Qin.

He also borrowed money from wealthy landlords to build an army, and promised to pay off the principal and interest after the Qin Dynasty was destroyed.

You can imagine what happened next. The six countries were too timid to come, and King Zhou Nan's few men and horses were not enough to fill the gap between Qin's teeth.

The attack on Qin failed, and the borrowed money was used up. With no way to repay the money, the creditor came to collect the debt, so King Nan of Zhou had to flee to Gaotai.

This is a mountain of debt.

Zhang Xiaosi's analogy with what happened to King Nan of Zhou was simply an insult to Feng Jishi.

She also felt a little embarrassed, thought about it seriously, and then said hesitantly:

"It sounds feasible, but the snow is about to melt, and I don't know if it will be too late?"

Feng Yong actually had no idea:

"It's just an emergency. Let's give it a try first and raise as much as you can. After all, you have to be prepared on both sides."

One is to prevent the Hu people from going south to plunder, and the other is to be prepared to receive the Hu people who flee south.

"Since we have decided to sell the land, we might as well raise the government debt. Just like my brother-in-law said, we can raise as much as we can."

"Okay." Feng Yong nodded and said to Amei, "You take the people from the manufacturing bureau and get ready. I will issue a new kind of banknote then."

Amei quickly agreed.

After discussing the general direction, Governor Feng couldn't help but beat the drum in his heart:

Damn, the treasury bonds issued by "Amei" in future generations can only be repaid with interest every year. They don't even think about repaying the principal. Aren't they still the best in the world?

I'll just get a small three-year local government debt, and then sell some off-plan properties... No, it should be called off-plan land, doesn't it matter?

By the way, do I want a fifty-year land use right for the grassland in Xihai County? Or forty years?

This chapter has been completed!
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