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Chapter 888


When the young man heard this, he glanced at the middle-aged man with a strange expression, as if he had heard some joke, and suddenly burst into rude laughter.

After laughing for a while, he pointed to the south and said, "General Xiahou, there are seven counties in the south. The Yi people in the six counties all call the prime minister Zhuge Grandpa, and call his brother the Ghost King."

Then he pointed to the northeast, "Since the death of the late emperor, the Prime Minister has been assisting the Emperor for nearly ten years. Everyone in the world says that the Prime Minister governs the country well, and even the Emperor calls the Prime Minister his father-in-law."

"How many more honors do the prime minister receive than his elder brother? However, the prime minister is still respected by the emperor, so how can his elder brother be so jealous?"

Having said this, he seemed to have remembered something, and said with a smile on his face: "The Prime Minister wrote the "Execution List" last year, and the first sentence of the list was the name of my brother."

"In "The Master's List", all the bodyguards mentioned in the list are those who stayed in Jincheng to assist the emperor. Among those mentioned in the list who are loyal and loyal abroad, only my elder brother is famous."

"General Xiahou, do you think the emperor will be jealous of his elder brother?" As he spoke, he raised his tone again, "Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, there has never been a case of jealousy between emperors and ministers."

"If you don't believe me, just look at the late emperor who avenged the old Lord Guan. Although he was angry and launched an army, it also shows the importance of the friendship between the emperor and his ministers."

"During the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan led his army to surrender to the enemy, but the late emperor thought he had failed Huang Quan and treated his wife and children as before."

The young man's expression became more and more meaningful: "General Xiahou has been criticized for his taboo words. Could it be that he uses himself to save others?"

"That's right. From the perspective of the three generations of Wei thieves, they are either suspicious, narrow-minded, or just out of anger. It is common for them to be suspicious of their subordinates."

When Xiahou Ba heard this, his face was full of anger, and he interrupted the other party rudely: "Prefect Wang, don't insult people too much!"

Taishou Wang is naturally the Taishou of Yuexun County, Wang Ping's son, Wang Xun.

I saw him saying slightly mockingly:

"When General Xiahou said that my brother was being tabooed, did he ever think that it would be too humiliating?"

"Now I am just telling a fact. I didn't expect that in the eyes of General Xiahou, it would be too humiliating. Haha..."

Needless to say, Cao Cao was suspicious.

Just one Xun Yu has already made later generations sigh with regret.

Cao Pi was narrow-minded.

Huang Quan surrendered to the enemy and was treated favorably by Wei. Liu Bei blamed himself for his failure, and some may say it was just a show.

But if I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid of comparison.

Yu Jin surrendered to the enemy in the Battle of Jingzhou, but was later sent back to Wei State and was humiliated to death by Cao Pi.

Compare the two and make a judgment.

As for Cao Rui...

Xiahou Ba himself is the best example.

He was defeated and taken prisoner to Hanzhong, where he just paid homage to his ancestors.

The three Xiahou clans (i.e., Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, and Xiahou Shang) who stayed in the Wei Kingdom were all summoned to Luoyang. They were called preferential treatment, but they were actually soft prisons.

Of course, this was the message conveyed to him by the Han people.

There is also news brought by people who defected to Shu from Wei.

There is also news coming back from the caravan heading to Wei State.

Whether true or false, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Xiahou Ba wanted to deny it with all his strength.

But he knew in his heart: it may not be without reason.

Xiahou Mao (son of Xiahou Dun) was almost beheaded by His Majesty for selling grain.

Xia Houxuan (son of Xia Houshang) has always been disliked by His Majesty, and was later involved in the flashy case.

As for himself (Xia Houyuan's son), in the eyes of His Majesty, he has surrendered to the enemy.

Brothers who are still in the Wei Kingdom are lucky to have escaped this disaster, let alone receive as much favor as before.

So thinking about it, the situation of the Xiahou clan in Wei at this time is really not good.

However, the more this happened, the more Wang Xun's words hurt Xiahou Ba's heart, making him feel ashamed and angry, but unable to refute.

He gritted his teeth and said angrily: "It's all Feng Wenhe's fault!"

If we were defeated at the beginning, we could all die, how could we be in such trouble today?

At this time, Xiahou Ba regretted that he was too innocent and believed Feng Wenhe's lies in the first place.

Why do you come to Hanzhong to meet your clan sister and worship your father and younger brother...

Fake, all fake!

How can such cruel and ruthless people be so kind-hearted?

It's nothing more than clever words and seductions to lure you in!

Now I am not surrendering to the enemy, but I have become a person who surrendered to the enemy. Even if I am full of words, I can't explain it clearly.

The news that Liu Chan's queen, as the niece of the Xiahou family, accompanied him to worship his father and brother, spread to Luoyang so quickly.

If there was no deliberate spreading by the Han people, Xiahou Ba would rather believe that his father and brother are still alive in this world.

Maybe it was Feng Wenhe who planned it.

With this thought in mind, Xiahou Ba gritted his teeth and repeated it again: "It's all Feng Wenhe's fault!"

After saying that, Li ignored Wang Xun, reached out to take the horse held by his entourage, got on the horse, and rode forward.

Wang Xun didn't take it seriously either.

These days, whenever Xiahou Ba mentioned his brother, he would curse him angrily.

It's just that this person's identity is very unusual, and the relationship between Miss Zhang and him is even more complicated.

I heard that his brother also calls him uncle.

So Wang Xun couldn't do anything to him. At most, he could only argue with him for a few words.

The rest, as long as he doesn't go too far, is up to him.

Seeing Xiahou Ba's figure getting smaller and smaller, he quickly led his people to follow him.

Xiahou Ba rode his horse and ran for a while, and then he felt that the pain in his chest was slightly relieved.

He looked up and looked around, and then realized that he had arrived at a mulberry forest.

Under the mulberry tree, some people were digging holes, and others were carrying dark things from other places and piling them under the tree.

There is also a large reservoir beside the mulberry forest.

Seeing the work done by those people is very different from that in the north.

Xiahou Ba couldn't help but stop again.

Ever since he knew that he was nominally "betrayed" by the Shu people, Xiahou Ba frequently cursed someone named Feng.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Zhang Xiahou returned to Jincheng in the name of going back to see the Empress Dowager, and at the same time took Xiahou Ba away from Hanzhong.

Although Zhang Xiahou had some criticisms of Mr. Feng, he actually quite agreed with Mr. Feng's ability.

Especially after passing through the Hanzhong party, Zhang Xiahou had acquiesced in her youngest daughter's identity.

So she still said some good things about Feng in front of Xiahou Ba.

After all, we have become a family, and we will eventually meet again in the future. It is always not good for the relationship to be too rigid by then.

It's just that my sister said that Feng Wenhe was an excellent leader, so let it go because Xiahou Ba was not qualified to speak in this regard.

But it is really unconvincing to say that this person's methods of governing the place are second to none.

Yun Wen Yun Wu, he can write good articles, he can lead an army to defend a place, and if he is able to govern the people, he is only inferior to Zhuge Liang. I am afraid that only one person of this kind will appear in a hundred years.

Nowadays, the people of Shu have Zhuge Liang before them and Feng Yong after them. Is it possible that the country of Shu is really favored by God?

Xiahou Ba naturally didn't believe it.

So he wanted to see it for himself.

He knew that the soldiers and civilians of Shu had high morale, but he didn't expect that when he arrived at Yuexun, he discovered that this place actually had the legacy of the Han Dynasty recorded in books.

When the Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu, the Hu people heard that all Han soldiers were afraid of them, so they called them Hanzi, and they also called them good men.

And here in Yuexun, Xiahou Ba was frightened when he heard that the Wei thieves were all gnashing their teeth and taking it as their mission to destroy Wei.

Not to mention the people's sentiments, even the people working in farming and mulberry fields are far from the north.

He walked forward and asked:

"May I ask this old man why he dug a hole under the mulberry tree?"

The old farmer who was wielding the hoe stopped, looked Xiahou Ba up and down, and asked:

"Did this noble man come from somewhere else? He just arrived in Yuexi not long ago?"

Xiahou Ba was immediately shocked: "How did I know this?"

The old farmer laughed and pointed at the mulberry tree:

"Nowadays, all the mulberries used to raise silkworms in Yuexi are Feng mulberry. They are the best mulberry seeds that Feng Junhou has worked hard to find. They can raise good silkworms."

"When the prince was in Yuexun, advising on mulberry farming, he taught me that we should treat mulberry trees as food, and we should cut off the dead branches of mulberry trees in the beginning of spring."

Then the old farmer pointed to the large pond next to the mulberry forest and said, "At the same time, we need to start stocking fish fry..."

The more Xiahou Ba listened, the more confused he became: "Why put fish fry in the pond?"

"Raise fish!"

The old farmer said matter-of-factly.

Seeing Xiahou Ba's confused look again, the old farmer laughed and patted his head, "I'm so confused. I forgot that the distinguished guest is from out of town."

"This pond has a special name, called Fish Pond. Junhou said that there are many low-lying areas in the Sunshui River Valley, but when it rains, it is easy to cause disasters."

"So dig more fish ponds in low-lying areas and use the excavated pond mud to build pond foundations around them, which can reduce water damage. Moreover, fish ponds can store water and prevent droughts."

"The land at the base of the pond is fertile. If you plant mulberry trees on it, you can get mulberry leaves and raise silkworms without taking up any land. It's a great benefit."

When Xiahou Ba heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised and impressed: "So that's it! Then Feng Wen... um, uh!"

"That's not all!"

It was rare for the old farmer to see such a foreign country bumpkin who had never seen the world, and he looked like a noble country bumpkin. He continued to talk enthusiastically:

"Mulberry trees are planted on the pond base, and the mulberry leaves are fed to the silkworms, and the silkworm pellets are fed to the fish. The fish manure fertilizes the pond, and the pond mud is clogged with mulberry trees. This is an endless process."

As he spoke, the old farmer began to sing:

"In January and February, we will manage the mulberry branches and release fish fry; in March and April, we will apply mulberry fertilizer; in May, we will raise silkworms and sell them in June; we will use the silkworm pupae to feed the fish; in July and August, we will clear the ponds and consolidate the pond foundation; at the end of the year, we will

Weed and feed fish every month.”

"The fish pond is wide and the fish pond is deep. The fish you catch are salted and the salted fish are salted and sent to the army..."

There are salt wells in Yuexun, and together with the rice flower fish that Feng Junhou made back then, the salted fish in Yuexun is now very famous in Shu.

Anyway, the Longyou Hu people all gave a thumbs up to the salted fish in their ration bags, praising the salted fish as fragrant, salty and delicious.

When Xiahou Ba heard this slang song and talked about farming in Sangtang for a whole year, he couldn't help but become a little crazy.

"I heard that my husband is not like an ordinary farmer. May I ask his name?"

The old farmer laughed again and waved his hand:

"I was just an old soldier who retired from the army. Later, I was misused by the prince. I followed him as a personal guard for several years, and finally followed him to conquer the Yuexi."

"Later, the prince led the army to the north. He no longer had any use for my old body, so he arranged a position for me as a village elder. These things were all taught by the prince himself."

Xiahou Ba was stunned again, his face was suddenly cloudy and clear, sometimes red and sometimes blue, it was extremely wonderful.

The old farmer didn't notice the change in Xiahou Ba's face, but continued to talk:

"The Lord taught us these things back then. He only said that as long as we follow what he taught us, everyone's life will be better."

"It's just a pity that Junhou didn't see Yuexun like this with his own eyes, and I don't know if he is living well in Liangzhou..."

Xiahou Ba finally came to his senses and said with a forced smile:

"Old man, many people are saying that they want to sell grain to help Feng, Feng...junhou in Liangzhou. Why don't you go?"

"Why didn't you go? I had people sell my surplus grain two days ago."

The old farmer quickly clarified.

"Oh, oh, that's it."

Xiahou Ba cupped his hands as an apology and looked away.

But when I saw the water in the fish pond was slightly turbulent, I didn't know whether it was because the fish came up for air or because they were wrinkled by the wind.

Seeing the green mulberry leaves around the fish pond again, he couldn't help but sigh:

"He really has a talent for governing the world! Just looking at these fertile fields and mulberry ponds makes people wonder about his style of governing Yuexi..."

The old farmer had already bent down to dig a hole again. When he heard this, he stood up straight again and said with a smile:

"The noble man's words really speak to people's hearts. In fact, we often think about it, how wonderful it would be if the monarch had the opportunity to come back and visit?"

"But every time I think of you, I always have a place to go."

As he spoke, he pointed to the west:

"Going from this official road, there is a large piece of fertile land, which was the place where the monarch personally cultivated. There is a monument at the head of the field with the inscription 'Marquis Feng once cultivated here', that's it."

Xiahou Ba didn't want to see Feng Yong at first, but after talking to the old farmer and hearing something he had never heard of before, he finally became curious.

He thanked the old farmer with his hands and turned back to the official road.

Wang Xun, who was originally some way behind, had already been waiting there.

Xiahou Ba glanced at Wang Xun, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked:

"Prefect Wang, do you know where Feng Mingwen was farming?"

Wang Xun always relied on his elder brother's attitude.

Although Xiahou Ba kept saying that his brother bullied him, since his brother called him uncle.

So no matter how much he dislikes Xiahou Ba, as long as the other party doesn't stir up trouble, he still has to pay attention to his face-saving skills.

Seeing that the other party's attitude had changed at this time, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and nodded at the same time:

"Of course I know."

"Can I go take a look?"

"Why not? I'll lead the way."

The group of people rode horses, and after a while, they arrived at the place where the old farmer mentioned and saw the stone tablet erected at the head of the field.

Xiahou Ba got off his horse and stood in front of the stone monument, looking at the green waves of rice fields in front of him and remaining silent.

Wang Xun stood beside him and said:

"Back then, my brother led the army along the road leading from Yuexun to Jincheng and left Yuexun secretly. By the time the people knew about it, he had already arrived in Jincheng."

"After my brother left, the Yuexun government carried out his legacy policy unchanged. A few years later, the people had enough food and clothing, so they erected this stone tablet on the place where he personally cultivated to remember his kindness."

Xiahou Ba's eyes changed, his expression was complicated, and he murmured in a low voice for a long time:

"For him to be so remembered by the people, my sister must have not lied to me."

His heart was even more turbulent.

Feng Yong, who is still young, has already achieved such achievements, and will surely become the pillar of the Shu Kingdom after Zhuge Liang in the future.

There was Zhuge before Shu and Feng Yong after him. Could it be that he was really favored by God?

While he was thinking about it, his hand unconsciously touched the stone tablet.

At this time, someone in the distance shouted angrily:

"Stop! Damn it! Who are you? How dare you touch this stone monument!"

Xiahou Ba subconsciously retracted his hand and looked at the sound.

I saw a few young men running over with sticks. When I saw that these people were wearing weapons around their waists, I knew they were not ordinary people. I still had the courage to ask:

"Who are you?"

Xiahou Ba saw that although the other party spoke Chinese, their accents were very strange, it seemed a bit like Luo Xianyin, which made them very awkward.

What's more important is that their dress has an obvious barbarian style.

The entourage, Wang Xun and Xiahou Ba, had already gathered in the middle, with their hands on the handles of their swords.

Wang Xun pushed away his entourage and bowed his hands to several young men:

"We came down from the county government to inspect farming, and we came here specifically to have a look at the past of the monarchs. May I ask who they are?"

When several young men heard this and saw the opponent's formation, they knew that it must not be a lie. The leader mustered up the courage and said:

"It turns out to be an official, sir, but you can't see it, why are you still touching the stone tablet? This is my family's land, and you are not allowed to touch the stone tablet."

When he heard the other party say the word "Sir", Xiahou Ba knew that these people were Yi people.

"It turns out that the master has arrived, but we didn't pay attention for a moment. Don't blame us."

Wang Xun apologized quickly.

But Xiahou Ba couldn't help but interjected: "Your land?"

It’s not that this is the place where Feng Mingwen farmed. How did it become the land of the barbarians?

"Of course!" Lang Jun, the leader of the Yi people, said with his head held high, "When Feng Junhou was farming here, he even asked us to catch fish for him!"

"That's right, we caught fish for Junhou for a long time, so Junhou later gave us these lands for planting, saying that the Han and Yi people are one family."

A hundred loaches are exchanged for one meatloaf!

They can't forget the taste of the meatloaf to this day.

When talking about this matter, the faces of several young men from Yi people were filled with pride.

"Your Majesty also taught us how to sing. If you don't believe it, I will sing it to you."

"The pond is full of water, the rain has stopped, and the mud beside the fields is full of loaches..."

Xiahou Ba was confused when he heard this. What kind of slang song is this?

Why is the voice so weird?

Could it be that the Yi dialect comes from somewhere?

On the side, Prefect Wang's face twitched.

The shady deal my brother made with these barbarian young men back then would have become a major stain on Wei Guangzheng's image if it hadn't been for the land he later gave away.

Fortunately, the current rumor is that in order to test their sincerity, Feng Junhou asked them to catch loaches...

This chapter has been completed!
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