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Chapter 0947 secret struggle

  "Wu and Shu swore an alliance to heaven and earth. I only thought that they were close friends. I didn't expect that Sun Quan was still as usual, thinking of taking advantage of both sides."

In the Tai Chi Hall in Luoyang City, Cao Rui read the urgent letter sent from Jingzhou, with a sneer on his face.

 “When someone comes, call Sun Zi and Liu Fang.”

 Lian Zhao, who was accompanying him, quickly responded "Promise."

 Then he trotted all the way to the door and ordered the guard at the small yellow gate in the corridor.

 Liu Fang, the supervisor of the Zhongshu, ordered Sun Zi to receive the edict. He did not dare to neglect and rushed over.

 Walking to the east hall of Tai Chi Hall, I saw Lian Zhao standing guard at the door.

 “I’ve met two Zhongshu.”

Liu Fang and Sun Zi returned the gift. As he stood up, one of them asked in a low voice:

 “How is your Majesty feeling?”

Lian Zhao replied in the same low voice:


 It’s just okay.

 The two of them looked at each other and felt relieved.

 Some time ago, rumors were rampant in Luoyang.

Two of Feng Thie's poems, "Crying for Cao Zijian" and "Han Daochang", were sung all over Luoyang.

 It puts His Majesty in a very bad mood.

It is good news to hear that His Majesty is in a good mood this time.

 “I have met Your Majesty, and may Your Majesty live long and live happily ever after!”


After letting the two of them sit down, Cao Rui asked Lian Zhao to hand over the letter on the desk:

“Two of you, please read this letter. This is a letter intercepted from Jingzhou.”

Zhongshu Supervisor Liu Fang was located in front of Zhongshu Ling Sun Zi, so Liu Fang took it first and looked at it carefully, with a somewhat dignified look on his face.

 After he read it, he handed it to Sun Zi.

Sun Zi only saw half of it and couldn't help but said angrily:

"Sun Quan, what a villain! I collected your majesty's thousand horses, turned around and wrote to Zhuge Liang, asking the two countries to join forces and agree to attack our great Wei Dynasty!"

Cao Rui looked at Liu Fang: "What does the Chief Secretary think?"

Liu Fang nodded and agreed:

“Sun Quan has always played both ends, and everyone knows that if this matter is indeed not a trick of the Wu people and they deliberately let the Wei intercept the letter, then it would be better for the Wei to make preparations in advance.”

 Over the years, countless letters from Wu people regarding materials and personnel have been intercepted.

 So the other party learned the lesson in two years, and sometimes they actually sent fake letters and were intercepted on purpose.

 Then when the Wei Dynasty went to attack according to the content of the letter, he fell into the Wu's trick.

“It doesn’t seem like they were intercepted by Wei on purpose.” Cao Rui shook his head, “Sun Quan suggested in his letter that we should attack Wei together next spring, so he must have considered it.”

During the Battle of Longyou, Zhuge Liang set out from Hanzhong at the beginning of spring, borrowing the water transport of the Western Han Dynasty.

In July and August, September at the latest, there are heavy rains in Hanzhong, and the river currents surge, making it difficult to travel.

 For the Jianghuai area, the situation is exactly the opposite.

 In spring, the rivers and Huaihe Rivers rain continuously, and the rivers have abundant water, which is just good for the people of Wu.

 As for the Wei Dynasty, the road was muddy and the fine cavalry could not exert its due power.

 So Sun Quan’s suggestion that the two countries attack together next spring must have been considered.

When Liu Fang and Sun Zi heard what Cao Rui said, they couldn't help but look worried on their faces.

“Your Majesty, for such a big matter, it is better to summon the important ministers to discuss it.”

"There's no rush." ​​Cao Rui said calmly with a faint smile on his face, "Sun Quan is just a suggestion and it has not yet come true."

"Besides, even if the Shu people are willing at this time, they are afraid that they are powerless."

 In the Battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Thief's command eliminated the Shu people's bad style of attacking cities and not being good at cavalry.

 Sieging a city is like wind and thunder, and fighting on horseback is like ghosts and gods.

But according to the reports from the armies in Guanzhong afterwards, the reason why Feng Thief was able to win over Cao Da Sima.

 The most important point is that he used all the elites as bait from the beginning.

 He even deliberately caused heavy losses to all his elite troops, almost falling into a complete rout, causing Da Sima to misjudge the situation on the battlefield.

Feng Thief took out his iron cavalry at the last moment and caught the Guanzhong army by surprise.

After this battle, the Guanzhong army was defeated miserably, but Feng Thief's elite troops were probably very few left.

Over the years, the Shu people have been fighting continuously on the territory of one state, and they also want to pacify Longyou, Liangzhou and other places.

How could it be possible to recover so quickly and be able to attack with the Wu people next year?

“I hope that the people of Shu can agree to this matter.”

Cao Rui sighed, "In this case, as long as we survive next year, the days of the Wei Dynasty will be much easier."

The Shu bandits, who were out of strength, tried their best to march into Guanzhong. Faced with the preparations Da Sima had made in Guanzhong in recent years, they were afraid that they would suffer a lot.

“It would be worrying if we wait for the Shu people to recover and then attack with the Wu people.”

Sun Zi also sighed: "Thieves Ge and Feng are both outstanding men in the world. I'm afraid they have seen this a long time ago!"

Cao Rui nodded: "So I guess that Sun Quan's letter is not because he really wants to agree to attack together, but to show the Shu people that he will not change the alliance between Shu and Wu."

When Liu Fang heard Cao Rui's words with certainty, he immediately understood that His Majesty might have already made up his mind, so he asked tentatively:

 “Then what your Majesty means is...”

Cao Rui looked at Liu Fang, smiled slightly, and said slowly:

"Liu Zhongshu, I have always known that you are good at writing forgeries. My intention is that you add text according to this letter, and be sure to change the content to Sun Quan's intention to profess to me, the Great Wei Dynasty."

“Then it will be sent to Zhuge Liang in Shu, so as to divide the two countries.”

Liu Fang hurriedly said: "I obey your order."

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid Zhuge Liang won’t be fooled so easily.”

Sun Zi reminded.

 He was not worried about Liu Fang's ability to tamper with letters.

 Liu Fang imitated other people's handwriting, almost to the point of confusing the fake with the real one.

Even if you add text, it can be connected with the context without any obstruction.

 What he is worried about is that this move may not achieve the purpose expected by His Majesty.

Cao Rui smiled calmly:

"If there was no such thing as Sun Quan collecting a thousand war horses, then it would naturally not arouse Zhuge Liang's suspicion."

“But this time, Sun Quan may not be able to explain it so easily. After all, the people of Wu have always been untrustworthy. I know it, and Zhuge Liang also knows it..."

If we say that those thousand war horses allowed Sun Quan to take advantage of him, it was a serious conspiracy.

So this time, it’s a conspiracy.

 There is falsehood among truth, yin and yang, which can confuse people the most.

Even if Zhuge Liang is not suspected, it is enough to make the Shu people dissatisfied.

 This kind of secret struggle requires long-term efforts and unremitting persistence.

Cao Rui didn't think that he could drive a wedge between the two kingdoms of Shu and Wu once, but as long as the two countries continued to do so many times and there was a rift between the two countries, there would always be a day when the Wei Dynasty would seize the opportunity.

 “Your Majesty is wise.”

Sun Zi understood Cao Rui’s thoughts, rolled his eyes, and suggested:

“Since Your Majesty mentioned the war horses, why not also do something about the bright jewels sent by the Wu people?”

When Cao Rui heard this, he quickly asked with great interest: "Oh, what is Sun Zhongshu's plan?"

"A few days ago, rumors were spreading in Luoyang, and among them, people from Shu must be responsible."

“Your Majesty, why don’t you deliberately show others the bright jewels you got from the Wu people to prove that they were presented by the Wu people as vassals?”

"I think the Shu people will take a closer look and report this matter to Zhuge Liang. Then it will be corroborated with the letter. Let's see how Sun Quan can identify himself?"

 Cao Rui and Liu Fang cheered together: "Great plan!"

The king and ministers of Wei State discussed it again and made sure that there were no omissions, and then the matter was settled.

Then Cao Rui picked up another secret memorandum, signaled Lian Zhao again to hand it over, and said with a slight sigh:

“Wang Ling, the governor of Yangzhou, came to give another memorial. He only said that after Man Chong defeated Sun Quan, he became increasingly arrogant and complained about the court. He claimed that his achievements were great but the rewards were insufficient.”

“Also, he is not a clan relative, but he did many things to win people’s hearts in Yangzhou. He may have disobedient intentions. What do you think of the two Zhongshu?”

It is well known that Wang Ling and Man Chong had a long-standing quarrel.

 So it is not surprising that Wang Ling would write a letter to impeach Man Chong.

But His Majesty asked them both for their opinions at this time, which is enough to show that His Majesty may have had concerns again.

Sun Zi stood up and left his seat, bowed and said sincerely:

“Your Majesty, I am a favored minister and a veteran of three dynasties. He is honest and strict in law, courageous and resourceful, so both Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen value him highly.”

"Back then, His Majesty asked him to supervise the military affairs in Yangzhou as a former general. The soldiers and people of Runan were in love with him. They followed each other and followed the road. There is no prohibition."

“It can be seen from this that Manchu has always loved the people like this, so how can it be said that he only bought people’s hearts in Yangzhou?”

"Now is the time for the country to employ people. Man Chong defeated Sun Quan last year, which is a great achievement. If your majesty doubts it now, how can all the people in the world be used by the country?"

“I am willing to vouch for you, and I will definitely love you without any second thoughts!”

 Liu Fang also followed Sun Zi in advancing and retreating:

“The last time His Majesty ordered Man Chong to return to Beijing, Man Chong once claimed that he was old and did not want to return to Yangzhou. This has proven his true feelings!”

"Your Majesty personally persuaded Man Chong to return to Yangzhou. If there is another incident now, it may not appear that His Majesty has gone back on his promise."

With the death of two important clan ministers, Cao Xiu and Cao Zhen, Wei's hundreds of thousands of foreign troops were all controlled by people with foreign surnames.

 Coupled with the fact that Cao Rui's foundation was unstable, he was very sensitive to matters concerning the generals in charge of the army.

However, Liu Fang and Sun Zi have been in control for a long time, since Sun Zi dared to use his wealth as a guarantee for Man Chong.

In addition, what Liu Fang said was very reasonable, so Cao Rui gave up the idea of ​​sending people to investigate:

"How can I be suspicious of an old official from the Three Dynasties? However, Wang Ling and Man Chong are quarreling with each other. I'm afraid the Wu people will take advantage of it."

"Your Majesty, the Wu captives invaded Hefei many times and never gained any advantage. It can be seen that although Wang Lingman Chong and Wang Lingman Chong are at odds, they can still fight against the thieves with all their strength. There is no need to worry too much about this."

 At this point, Sun Zi hesitated for a moment and continued, "It was Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, who first forced the Hu people to rebel, and then defeated them outside the wall."

"Your Majesty just reprimanded him, but still allowed him to serve as governor of Bingzhou. I'm afraid there is something wrong."

"It would be better to follow what Jiang Hujun (that is, Jiang Ji) said and transfer him back to Beijing and take up the position of central committee, so as to avoid further troubles."

When Cao Rui heard Bi Gui's name, he couldn't help feeling irritated.

 He shook his head:

"Bi Gui is a man of great talent. Although he made mistakes in the past, I have sent someone to reprimand him. I think he will act more cautiously in the future and will not let him return to Luoyang."

It would be false to say that Cao Rui did not bear grudge against Bi Gui.

But after the Xiahou clan was banned in Luoyang, the poem "Crying for Cao Zijian" was spread throughout the Central Plains.

 There are already rumors that the Emperor of Wei is narrow-minded and has always treated his relatives badly.

Bi Gui's son married a princess and was considered a relative of the emperor. If he were called back to Luoyang at this time, wouldn't it be true for this rumor?

 So Cao Rui is naturally unwilling to move Bi Gui at this time.

 Anyway, the place of Bingzhou is remote and far away, and it is a frontier place. In addition, after Kebi Neng was defeated by Qin Lang, I heard that he had moved his court to his hometown of Jiuyuan.

Although they moved to the west of Bingzhou, they were blocked by five Xiongnu tribes left by Emperor Wu.

 Coupled with the fact that Ke Bineng's vitality was severely damaged, he must have merged with Youzhou and finally been able to settle down for a period of time.

 It is more difficult for the Grand Sima in Guanzhong. Note that Kebi can invade Beidi County from the south.

But how can Da Sima be compared to someone like Bi Gui?

As long as Bi Gui is not allowed to lead the troops and he is reprimanded so that he does not act recklessly and oppress the barbarians, that will be enough.

 When I heard that when Qin Lang led the army to Bingzhou, Bi Gui not only respected him very much, but even wanted to let Qin Lang ride to the government office.

This shows that Bi Gui has a sense of awe, so Cao Rui is still confident that Bi Gui will not dare to make the same mistakes again.

 Sun Zi proposed Bi Gui with the intention of preserving his favor.

 He ​​was secretly reminding Cao Rui that if His Majesty is unwilling to touch Bi Gui, who suffered a great defeat, then what reason would there be for Man Chong, who has made great achievements, to pursue his small mistakes?

“Since your Majesty has already made a decision, I won’t say any more.”

  Saving Man Chong and sparing Bi Gui, Sun Zi retreated very wisely.

He will not be like Yang Fu and Jiang Ji, who insist on admonishing His Majesty to follow his own wishes.

 This is the reason why he and Liu Fang have been in charge of the government for many years, have gained the respect of His Majesty, and are responsible for all matters in the court.

Chiang Ji, on the other hand, could only say jealously that the two of them had too much power and served His Majesty every day. He asked Your Majesty to be careful to avoid the disadvantages of "evil officials having exclusive power".

 A few days later, Juepinju in Luoyang City.

 In the most luxuriously decorated private room, Mi Shiyilang was personally directing his servants to serve exquisite wine and food.

The servant who brings the dishes in must be a dedicated person, and his feet must be washed with soap first.

Then he went barefoot and took the dish handed to him from the door.

 Because the floor in this private room is a fine pile carpet.

  Step on it and you will feel like you are trapped in the clouds.

 So everyone has to be careful not to spill a drop of soup.

 This case is paved with Shu brocade passed down from the Shu region.

The patterns on it are extremely complicated, and you can tell at a glance that it is high-quality brocade cloth.

 Ordinary wealthy people may not have the means to obtain such goods.

 Using this kind of brocade cloth as a table cloth, the status of the guests used to entertain is naturally very important.

 “Lang Jun, Lang Jun!”

 Suddenly someone called at the door, "The princess has sent someone over."

"Oh?!" Mi Shiyilang hurriedly walked out when he heard this. When he saw Princess Qinghe's servants, he quickly said, "The princess is almost here. This way..."

Before he finished speaking, the servant sent by the princess shook his head and said:

"Back to Mi Langjun, the princess said that something important happened today, so she won't come over, so that Mi Langjun doesn't have to worry anymore."

Mi Shiyilang was startled when he heard this:

"Princess why...oh, yes, I understand."

 The beautiful face goes from surprise to disappointment, and finally to despair, in perfect order, which makes people feel heartbroken.

The servant took a look inside the room and felt even more deeply:

"You don't have to be like this, sir. The princess specifically told the villain that this time it was actually because the Wu people sent a large number of treasures to your majesty."

“Your Majesty was very pleased with it, so he specially ordered that the carriages be loaded with jewels and jewels to be passed through the streets, so that he could enjoy them with the officials.”

"The princess specially left a good position for the husband, so she sent a servant over to ask the husband if he was okay."

Mi Shiyilang's body trembled as soon as he heard this "is it true or not?"

Then a surprised smile appeared on his face again: "Intentional, intentional! How can it be unintentional?"

The servant only thought that the gentleman in front of him was shaking with excitement, smiled with satisfaction, said goodbye and left, preparing to go back and report to the princess.

Mi Shiyilang gritted his teeth:

“Here, please put these vegetables into a warm box and send them to the princess’s house.”

 But when you see him closing his eyes and stamping his feet, you think you are feeding a tiger with your body!

This chapter has been completed!
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