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Chapter 71 The Blasphemous Pope

ps: Thanks to "Miss Shishi!" for the tip!

After the figure disappeared for a long time, Temik, the chosen one of the God of Light, slowly woke up. But Temik, who had noticed something originally, looked indifferent at this time, as if nothing had happened.

Picking up the documents on the table, Temik had a strange smile on his face...

As time passes slowly, Temik seems to have really not changed at all. He is still working diligently to manage the Church of Light for the God of Light, and even his belief in the God of Light has not changed.

"Your Majesty the Pope, the celebration is about to begin!" an attendant whispered to Themik.

This is a celebration held every hundred years under the rule of the God of Light. The main thing is not to celebrate, but to demonstrate the devout belief in the God of Light. It is more like a religious ceremony. As the head of the entire church,

The Pope of Light must be present to deliver a speech.

The Holy City of Light is actually the holy city of the Church of the Dream God, a copycat of the Giant Civilization. The Holy City of Light is also built entirely of boulders, and some of the God of Light’s magic are also used on the temples in the city to make them more solemn and solemn. The temple

There was a huge square before it, and the ground of the square was paved with a two-inch-thick milky white stone slab.

Temik arranged his clothes, first entered the side hall of the temple from the Papal Palace where he lived, then walked out of the temple and came to the front of the temple.

Now in the square in front of the temple, believers of the God of Light from all over the continent and even other continents have gathered. Most of these believers come to admire the monuments and attempt to make their beliefs more pious with the strong atmosphere of faith in the Holy City of Light.

, improve your piety level.

Although the Pope is not the most devout person in the Holy City, he is also the head of the church and is respected by all believers. Now that they see the Pope coming in person, they are naturally excited. Although it is a celebration, it is also a more formal and solemn event.

On this occasion, no one made a loud noise. Everyone was quietly waiting for the Pope's speech and looking forward to the official start of the celebration.

After walking to the door of the temple and standing still, Temik cleared his throat softly, then with a soft smile on his face, he loudly said to the crowd in the square: "It's another hundred years, and the Lord's believers gather devoutly again.

Come here! Let us first pray to the great God of Light!”

Then, Temik turned around and prayed to the temple with everyone in the square. The whole square was solemn, no one moved, they all bowed slightly, closed their eyes, and prayed to the God of Light devoutly.


Generally, there is a time for prayer, especially in such a large scene, a fixed time is formed similar to a custom. Therefore, once the prayer time passed, most believers in the square raised their heads, and only outsiders

A small number of believers are still praying. When these believers who have finished praying get up, they will naturally make a rustling sound to bring those believers who are still praying back to their senses.

Temik also slowly turned around and faced the square again, as if he wanted to continue his speech.

After all the believers had finished praying, he had a strange smile on his face, and he seemed to have changed into a different person, and his temperament had changed from righteous and awe-inspiring to extremely sinister. The thread of faith connecting to the void from above his head also seemed to have been affected by a huge external force.

, suddenly collapsed.

He loudly said: "Everyone is a believer in the God of Light. We pray to the God of Light every day, but what do we get?!"

The words stirred up a thousand waves, and all the believers in the square began to whisper. The Pope is the head of the entire church, the walker of the God of Light in the world, and represents the image of the God of Light. Therefore, no believer is the first to

It’s time not to doubt whether the Pope is pious, but to think about the meaning of the Pope’s words and understand their “connotation”.

Temik continued: "The great god of light has given us magic! He has given us powerful power! He has given us the direction of life! He has also given us the destination of life!"

As soon as the words fell, countless believers responded. All the believers in the square began to cheer loudly, expressing their gratitude and piety to the God of Light.

"But!" Temic saw the reaction of the believers, and the smile on his face was even weirder, "Is the God of Light really that upright?! Is he really so powerful?! His words and deeds are really correct.


These words contained strong doubts about the God of Light, which immediately made many believers frown. However, all believers did not take any extreme actions because they had to wait for the Pope to give them a perfect answer.

But this time, they were disappointed.

Temik continued: "The God of Light wants us to treat everyone kindly, but why do we have to kill the beasts in the forest? Those beasts will also become powerful, and even become saint-level and legendary-level powerhouses. Then

Sometimes, they can also change their forms, no different from us!"

In this era, although there are not many legendary powerhouses among Warcraft, there are still many saint-level powerhouses. They often transform into various races and enter various civilizations to travel, leaving behind many legends.

"The God of Light represents justice on the surface, but look at the areas around the God of Light's belief territory. Those places are the belief territories of other gods. The creatures there are much poorer than us, but the God of Light has nothing to do with us.

The oracle that helps them. Why is this?" Themik seemed to be getting more and more into a state of mind as he spoke loudly.

No believer in the square dared to answer. The God of Light did not prohibit believers from traveling outside the faith territory, so there were still many rumors about the surrounding situation. Of course, these rumors must have reduced the faith territories of other surrounding gods to nothing.

It’s not worth it. All pagans are living in dire straits. Now Temik’s question has made many believers who are not very devout, feel drums in their hearts, and also made many devout believers feel extremely angry.

The God of Light does not seem to be so kind and righteous!

It was originally a clear sky, but countless clouds quickly gathered, making the sky dark immediately, and there were even thunder and lightning in the clouds.

The space around Temik's body quickly solidified, and a powerful will possessed by a true god descended from the distant sky and pressed directly around his body. Faced with such powerful pressure, even the legendary strong man would be crushed to death.

Minced meat, crushing the soul.

The gods claim to be omniscient, and the God of Light is always paying attention to believers. When his chosen one, Temik, spoke shocking words and the thread of faith was broken, he realized that something was wrong. But his divine clone was not there.

On this continent, the true body is far away in the Kingdom of God in the void. Even if you want to come here, it will take time.

Facing such a formation, the smile on Temik's face was even weirder. His body suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist, and even his soul was suddenly shattered. If the God of Light had this leisure, he would be willing to spend countless years to fragment these souls.

Collect them together and use the Soul Law to combine them, and you may be able to get some useful information.

The avatar of the God of Light who had just arrived here, his face was ashen...

In the void outside the main material plane, a figure wiped away his sweat and murmured: "blasphemy, tell the truth, it's so simple!"

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