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Chapter 182

Kania has exchanged all his arrangements on the main material plane for this magical formation, so naturally he wants to gain the maximum benefit. Under the control of his mental power projection, all living things within the coverage of this formation

Everything was imprisoned and sacrificed by him.

The structure of the magic formation to store energy was slowly deduced by the more accomplished creatures of the formation recruited by the purgatory owners. Those altar owners have been able to share a part of the energy stored in the formation, so naturally they have very high requirements for this storage structure.

So high. But now after Kania's crazy sacrifice, this storage structure that was supposed to be sufficient is slowly becoming saturated.

Kania didn't care about the overflow of energy in the magic formation. While he sacrificed all the lives within a hundred miles, he also used the purgatory altar to communicate with the body in purgatory, transmitting the pure negative energy in the formation all the time. The formation

The bit of negative energy lost is only a very small part of the transformation of the sacrifice, and will not have a big impact on his income.

As this magic formation continues to operate, the magic elements in this area become increasingly chaotic, and even the laws of the main material plane are affected to a certain extent.

But there is a certain number of lives in this area. With this magic formation extracting and sacrificing like this, there are fewer and fewer lives in this area. And the lives close to this area can also sense the threat of this formation.

, instinctively stay away from here.

Without life as the object of sacrifice, the operation of the magic formation finally began to slow down. Kania, who controlled the operation of the formation, naturally raced against time to use the connection between the body and the altar of purgatory to extract the pure negative energy in the formation.

, and pass it into Purgatory through the Purgatory Altar.

Suddenly, the face of Kania's body in purgatory suddenly became distorted, and a faint golden light burst out from his whole body.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for golden light to appear in purgatory. Because golden light often represents justice and holiness, which is incompatible with the rich negative energy of purgatory. <13800100 yd first release> Sure enough, as soon as these sacred powers appear,

In purgatory, you are polluted by the rich negative energy in purgatory.

This sacred power is extremely small. Kania can easily drive it away with his own negative power. However, the trace of spiritual power mixed with these sacred powers always exudes a sacred and eternal breath, which has a great impact on Kania's spiritual power.

It had a huge impact.

Kania tried to mobilize his mental power to absorb the endless negative breath in purgatory to taint this trace of spiritual power, but this trace of mental power seemed to contain an extremely huge space, absorbing all the negative breath he provided, and that

A trace of the essence of spiritual power seemed not to be affected in any way.

At the same time, Kania's mental projection in the magic formation on the Brutal Beast Continent in the main material plane has been imprisoned by an extremely powerful force. Countless pale golden threads extend from the space of the main material plane.

The Purgatory Altar in the center of the formation was firmly imprisoned, cutting off the connection between the Purgatory Altar and the magic formation.

The space in the center of the formation gradually distorted, making Kania's spiritual projection imprisoned in the altar of purgatory shocked and angry. These threads can imprison his projection in the altar of purgatory and cut off the connection between him and the magic formation.

But it was impossible to completely block his perception of the outside world in a short period of time. Now the space around the Purgatory Altar was gradually distorting, and he knew without thinking that the other party wanted to peel this space and the Purgatory Altar together from the main material plane.

To deal with a purgatory devil like him, the being who takes action needs to peel off space. Naturally, this is because he cannot do anything in the main material plane at will, and his identity is self-evident.

The degree of distortion of the laws around the altar is gradually increasing, and the space of the main material plane seems to be unable to withstand such a powerful force and gradually breaks apart. However, this space breakage only occurs in a small area around the altar of purgatory. The space breakage is caused by

The spatial oscillations were also eliminated by those threads, but had little impact on other places.

This space was stripped away from the space of the main material plane by countless threads. However, it did not enter the void outside the main material plane, but entered a certain space interlayer of the main material plane. After all, this

To pull a piece of space into the space interlayer, you only need to break through the space barrier, but to pull out the main material plane, you need to break through the plane crystal wall, and the power required is very different.

The Purgatory Altar entered a space mezzanine, and was still imprisoned by countless silk threads that penetrated the space barrier. A golden figure had already been suspended in this space mezzanine, waiting for the arrival of the Purgatory Altar.

The golden figure stretched out his finger, and the power of those threads rose again, making Kania, who was imprisoned in the altar of purgatory, feel like time was about to stop. Of course, this was due to his unfamiliarity and fear of this immortal existence, which made Kania feel that time was about to stop.

It gave rise to certain illusions and amplified one's own perceptions.

It is naturally impossible for Kania to invest too much mental power in the main material plane through the endless void, so the mental power intensity in this mental power projection does not exceed the limit of legend and demigod. With such mental power intensity, facing a

It is very likely that the person is a clone of the god's divine power, and the results can be imagined.

Suddenly, his consciousness fell into a trance, and then an extremely powerful pressure descended on this space mezzanine. A will containing strong negative emotions carried a huge amount of negative power, directly eroding this space mezzanine into purgatory.


"Purgatory Will!"

A conjecture immediately appeared in Kania's mind: after the connection between the body in purgatory and this spiritual projection was severed, the will of purgatory was activated with the virtual godhead. Then the will of purgatory directly showed great power, from his body

Some inexplicable connection between the soul and this spiritual power came to that interlayer of space.

When the purgatory will and the god's clone met, it was naturally impossible to coexist peacefully, and a fierce battle immediately broke out. During the battle, the god's clone showed extremely strong combat power, and used various powerful magical techniques one after another.

By using it, he was actually able to confront the Will of Purgatory head-on.

Naturally, this purgatory will cannot be the entire purgatory will. It must be an extremely small force of will separated from the purgatory will. However, this purgatory will should not be something that ordinary gods can contend with. In the consciousness of the devil in purgatory

Among them, the will of purgatory is naturally invincible.

But this god was able to compete with this purgatory will with only one clone. He was obviously not an ordinary god. And the more powerful the god's clone showed, the heavier Kania's heart became.

Because he was still imprisoned in the altar of purgatory by this god's clone through an inexplicable method. If the god's clone was lucky enough to defeat this will of purgatory, his situation would not change in any way.

In this fierce battle, the god's clone was unable to defeat the Purgatory Will despite Kania's expectations. In the end, it was seriously injured by the Purgatory Will, but managed to escape by chance.

A force of will containing huge power swept across, and Kania's consciousness fell into a trance again. When his consciousness woke up, he keenly felt that the idea contained in this mental projection had returned to the body of purgatory.

Among them, the surrounding environment was exactly the same as his territory in purgatory, and even the devils enslaved by him did not show any abnormalities.

"What's wrong?" Although Kania wanted to believe everything around him, he really knew nothing about the specific process of his mental projection returning to purgatory. Although he didn't know what the problem was, he still vaguely felt it.


There seemed to be nothing suspicious, and Kania returned to his normal life. The cruel environment of purgatory and the threats from other devils left Kania with no more energy to dwell on this small matter. He needed

What he wants is to make a batch of new purgatory altars as soon as possible and put them into a suitable area on the main material plane. Otherwise, a devil like him without any income can only survive by absorbing the free negative energy in purgatory, and then slowly be purgatory.

Cruel reality eliminated.

It's just that Kania's life seems to be getting more and more unhappy. The purgatory altar newly put into the main material plane was soon discovered by some gods and destroyed one by one. Materials were searched for again and again, and they were refined again and again.

, in exchange for spiritual attacks coming along the altar of purgatory again and again.

Moreover, the devil in purgatory seems to be getting more and more violent, and it won't be long before he has to fight with him even if he is seriously injured.

As time passed slowly, Kania's strength not only failed to recover, but gradually declined.

"Something seems wrong?" As the power disappeared, an inexplicable feeling came from the depths of Kania's consciousness again.

"You have no value anymore!"

An indifferent sigh suddenly appeared in Kania's ears, and then the whole purgatory began to collapse. However, the collapse of purgatory did not send out any energy fluctuations, as if the entire world was an illusory existence.

The turbulent space flow in this space mezzanine made Kania, who was slightly conscious, extremely shocked: "Back here again... No, all that is illusion!"

But Kania, who realized this, had already exhausted the mental power in this mental power projection in that illusory world. Owen's divine clone stood quietly in the space mezzanine, looking through the pale

The Purgatory Altar looked at the projection that gradually dissipated, but felt extremely happy in his heart.

When he summoned the phantom of the Ancient God of Chaos to fight against the Hundred-Armed Giant on the main material plane, the Ancient God of Chaos used a strange dream to annihilate most of the Hundred-Armed Giant's consciousness in that dream.

This time, he used his own understanding of dreams to construct this dreamland, trapping and killing Kania's mental projection. But he could not make Kania completely lost in this dreamland. (You are welcome to come.

, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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