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Chapter 3 Birth

Now Owen is just a soul body, which can also be said to be a ghost, so he is not bound by the laws of matter and can still fly freely in the main material plane without being affected by gravity.

Flying in the high air, Owen let go of his mental power and tried his best to sense the vitality in the infinite main material plane, hoping to find an innate god with the strongest vitality. However, Owen's mental power was inferior to the almost infinite master.

The material plane was too weak to sense the vitality of the entire main material plane at the same time. So, he had no choice but to find a random direction, land on a continent, and sense the situation in the continent.

Sure enough, this time he sensed the innate gods being bred on the continent, but the origins of these innate gods were too weak and their future achievements would be limited. Owen is still very concerned about his birth, even if he is not one of the best in the entire main material plane

Yes, but it can’t be too mediocre!

After searching for three continents in a row, Owen's character finally broke out and he found an innate god whose origin was almost intact.

When the crystal wall system was in a period of chaos, the will of the crystal wall system gave birth to three thousand chaotic creatures, who were the Chaos Demon Gods. These three thousand demon gods all have an origin that is unique. They can communicate with the will of the crystal wall system and understand the laws with their own origins.

Later, during the great catastrophe when Chaos was opened, the war between the Chaos Demon Gods continued, and the origins of almost all the Demon Gods were shattered and evolved into endless creatures in the future.

The innate god Oven found was a chaotic demon god who luckily preserved almost all of his origins. He was sleeping and undergoing plane transformation, becoming an innate god.

The "innate gods" mentioned here are actually just identities, not born gods! Perhaps in the prehistoric world opened by Pangu, the innate gods can have the benefits of "born as gods, with unlimited lifespan", but in this new crystal world

In the wall system, that is delusional! The "innate god" here can only have a special title, and at most it has some innate magical powers, nothing more.

Using his mental power to invade this sleeping creature, Owen immediately understood his origin - a dream.

"This guy... is actually a nightmare!" Owen, as an otaku with outstanding mental endurance, couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Nightmares are a unique creature that can control dreams. Their bodies are virtual and real, their magical powers are strange, and their numbers are rare. Even in the original crystal wall system, Owen rarely saw legends about nightmares.

The origin of this nightmare is almost complete. It is foreseeable that there will not be many nightmares in this crystal wall system. Therefore, this origin is not as powerful as the origin of creatures corresponding to other common laws, but its potential is not as powerful either.

Inferior, even better.

Because the more powerful the origin of the law, the higher the degree of fragmentation in the Great Tribulation, and it is difficult to complete it. Moreover, creatures born from the same origin have a greater chance of understanding the same law. The so-called "Tongxing is an enemy", the same

When the gods of law preach, the competition between them is beyond imagination. These gods have countless competitors on the road to immortality.

Owen was very satisfied with this "seize" object and began to make some final preparations.

Countless messy memories were retrieved from the soul by Oven's powerful mental power, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of mental power to deduce, that is, to associate some things related to the information related to these memories. Then, the memory information became

It was ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times bigger. Finally, he scrambled the countless memory information again, forming a large amount of information garbage that was too messy to sort out.

Of course, these steps are all done by Owen in a fixed soul area and will not cause any negative effects on his soul.

After being prepared, Owen forced all this information garbage into the soul of the sleeping nightmare.

The nightmare before falling asleep was just a weak demon god living in chaos. His life was the same, almost all spent in sleeping and meditating, and the memory information was extremely simple. Now so much messy memory information enters the soul, and is immediately connected to the soul.

His few memories were tangled together, and the nightmares of simple life experiences were impossible to sort out.

The soul of the nightmare, whose memory information was confused, was inevitably affected and began to escape the control of the nightmare.

How could Ouwen let go of such a good opportunity? He immediately began to expel the memory information in the chaotic soul power that was not controlled by nightmares, restore it to pure soul power, and then assimilate and absorb it.

Although the sleeping nightmare was awakened, he was unable to do anything about the abnormality in his soul. He could only watch his soul gradually lose control and finally lose consciousness.

Using the method of seizing the body that he had seen in novels before, Owen easily killed the consciousness that existed in the origin of dreams and replaced it. This is because he is simple and easy to bully. If he is an experienced old monster, he will not

It will be so easy.

After killing the gestating nightmare, Owen not only gained a lot of soul power, but also had a trophy: the origin of dreams. Since he was optimistic about the potential of this source, Owen did not hesitate. After leaving a trace of spiritual power in the outside world,

The soul plunged into the origin and entered a state of sleep, cooperating with the baptism of the power of the plane, waiting for the day of conception and birth.

I don't know how many years passed, but Owen's consciousness finally came to his senses. He used the mental power left in the outside world to look around, and he saw the blue sky, the vibrant jungle, the lush grassland, and the people running around.

Unknown beast... everything is so natural and harmonious.

Owen's body is lying in the middle of a small forest, and has been gestated. The whole body is constantly changing, and there seems to be no fixed shape. There seem to be countless lines looming on it, which conforms to the law of dreams and possesses some mysterious power.


Owen's soul has been completely integrated with this body, and he is naturally able to completely control this body. As soon as his consciousness entered the body, he naturally woke up. With a slight touch, he experienced an unprecedented sense of comfort.

"That body in my previous life was so weak!"

After taking control of this body, Owen also obtained the inheritance of the main material plane contained in the body. This includes some basic information about the body, as well as some simple information about the surroundings.

"This is the body of an innate god? It's so extraordinary!"

As a nightmare born from the origin of dreams, Owen's body is born with all the abilities of a nightmare. Moreover, he is also born with small magical powers such as avoiding water, dust, and fire.

In addition, Owen also learned some simple information about the continent's general terrain, river distribution, dangerous areas, etc. from the information inherited from the plane.

The main material plane, like other planes in this crystal wall system, has just been opened up from chaos, and everything is in its initial state. This continent is naturally a land of no one, and it is natural that it does not have a name. As for the inheritance information,

There is no information about other living beings... Innate gods are all in the process of being conceived, and the status of the innate gods is noble, and the will of the plane will not be revealed. There are acquired souls, but are they qualified to enter the inheritance information of the innate gods?

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