Having said this, Long Tou hummed, threw out a stack of information on the table, and said angrily: "Look at it, here are the information of more than a hundred soldiers, each of whom has served the country."
They have made great and small contributions. But now, these people can no longer serve the country. Do you know why? Because some people use their power for personal gain and mobilize military personnel to deal with outsiders, resulting in such heavy casualties.
General Wei, how do you think we should handle this matter?" After speaking, he turned the conversation to General Wei at the conference table.
After listening to the leader's words, the eyes of all the generals immediately focused on General Wei. Thinking of the leader's previous attitude and what he said now, they already knew clearly that the person who the leader mentioned was using his power for personal gain was General Wei.
For a moment, the faces of these generals showed surprise. They all knew the importance of the Tiger Force. It was not a small matter to have more than a hundred casualties. No wonder the leader was so angry about it. At this time,
I saw General Wei's face was gloomy. He had lowered his head since he came in. He raised his head only when he heard Longtou's question, moved his lips and said: "Longtou, I did something wrong in this matter. If the superior wants
If you punish me, I will be willing to accept the punishment." He was straightforward, knowing that this matter could not be avoided, so he might as well admit it directly.
"Punishment?" Longtou snorted coldly and said, "How do you think I should punish you? Generals, don't be dumb. How do you think this matter should be handled? More than a hundred troops were lost in vain.
It's a huge loss. Our military has never had such a big loss in the past few years. I think we should deal with it seriously to avoid similar situations in the future. What do you think?"
Hearing Longtou's question, the generals looked at me and I looked at you, but no one answered. They all knew that General Wei was from the Wei family, and the Wei family had considerable strength in the capital. Although they
He is also a general in the army, but he really doesn't dare to offend the Wei family too much. Therefore, at this time, no one is willing to be the leader. Seeing that everyone was silent, Longtou frowned, and then said: "
Since you don't say anything, fine. I have decided that from now on, General Wei will be suspended for investigation, and you will no longer be responsible for the duties of the Tiger Force. I will arrange for someone to take over."
As soon as Longtou's words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. This punishment of Longtou had taken away all the real power of General Wei and indirectly expelled him from the army. They didn't understand why Longtou's punishment was so severe.
After all, where is the status of the Wei family, what Longtou did was obviously not giving the Wei family face. In the capital, face is all that matters. And after General Wei heard this punishment, his pupils shrank. They
The Wei family had spent a lot of money to get him to his current position, but he just couldn't accept it when he was just stripped of power.
At this time, only one general was heard saying: "Longtou, is this punishment too severe? Although this matter is indeed very serious, General Wei has paid a lot for the army over the years. I think we should give him
An opportunity. How about suspending him for a month and letting him go back and reflect. What do you think about letting him come back and continue to lead the Tigers after a while?" As soon as he finished speaking, several generals immediately agreed.
Get up. When General Wei heard what these people said, he couldn't help but glance at them. He was secretly relieved. When he came here, he talked to his father on the phone. Mr. Wei said he would call someone for help. It seems that these few
Those who open their mouths to intercede are saying hello.