After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the tent. In less than an hour, hundreds of cultivators were ready. Without saying too much goodbye, after watching Hua Yun and the others leave, Leng Xuan turned to Yu Yan beside him and asked, "Old Yu, have you found a way to sneak into Zhongye City these days?" Yu Yan said slowly, "There is indeed a way, but it is more risky. Leng Xuan, in my opinion, it is better to give up. If you have a few shortcomings, I will not explain to my elder brother." Leng Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "Don't worry, I have never suffered any suffering over the years. Just this danger alone cannot hurt me. Let's go, we don't have much time, and we must enter Zhongye City before Yuan Hui and the others arrive."
Hearing this, Yu Yan sighed helplessly and said, "Come with me." After he finished speaking, he unfolded his body and rushed straight out of the forest. In this operation, only Leng Xuan and Yu Yan, and no other members of the Torrent Sect followed. When he came to Zhongye City, Leng Xuan looked around and saw that the guards on the city wall were more than twice as many as the previous few days, almost three steps per stop. Outside Zhongye City, there were several patrol soldiers walking back and forth, monitoring the movements around. After looking around for a few glances, Leng Xuan asked, "Old Yu, how can we get there?" Yu Yan looked up at the gradually dim sky
Se, said, "It's coming soon, wait a little longer." Two hours later, the night finally came, and the surroundings of Zhongye City became dim. At this time, Yu Yan took out his two clothes and said, "Switch this." Looking at the Chongyun Palace outfit in his hand, Leng Xuan said in surprise: "Is this a feasible method?" He used this method last time he entered Zhongye City. With the lessons of the past, Zhongye City must strengthen the inspection in this regard. Therefore, he did not think this method could work. Yu Yan said calmly: "If you want to change it, just change it. I have my own way to ask so many things."
Hearing this, Leng Xuan shrugged, and said no more, and honestly changed into his clothes. After more than ten minutes, the disciples of Chongyun Palace who were patrolling outside the city began to return to the city one by one, and the guards on the city wall also began to retreat one by one, as if they were about to change shifts. At this time, Yu Yan, who was staring at the city wall in front, suddenly spoke, "Go." After saying that, he suddenly expanded his figure and quickly rushed towards the city wall with the help of the night. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but be stunned. Could it be that Yu Yan didn't know that there was a special wave of true energy on the wall of Zhongye City.
The spiritual weapon? But he soon discovered that the spiritual weapon standing on the city wall had no reaction. "What's going on?" Although he was strange, he still suppressed his doubts and quickly activated his body, following closely behind Yu Yan. At this time, it was the time when the city wall guards changed shifts, and most of the guards retreated from the city wall. Not only that, the other guards all faced the inner city, and no one noticed their whereabouts. Soon, in just a few breaths, Leng Xuan and Yu Yan rushed to the bottom of the city wall. At the same time, Yu Yan jumped and rushed up along the city wall.
Leng Xuan did not dare to hesitate and immediately followed closely. For them, the city wall more than ten meters high, in the blink of an eye. As soon as they arrived on the city wall, they heard a cold voice coming: "You two go down and rest."