Leng Xuan asked: "What's wrong?" An Xiaole said: "When the company moved that day, Sister Yun held a banquet and invited many guests. Later, a group of gangsters came to make trouble and said they wanted to collect protection fees. Li
My sister's boyfriend tried to stop them, but he was beaten by them, and even the banquet was ruined by them. Just now, Sister Yun called and said that those gangsters were here again, and she wanted Uncle Cheng to come forward." Leng Xuan
He nodded and said: "Old Cheng, let's take a trip. After we solve Xiaoyun's problem, we'll go to Lin's house."
"You go ahead, I won't get involved in such a trivial matter." Long Lingzi said without interest.
After driving out of the manor, Leng Xuan sat in the back seat, borrowed Cheng Guodong's cell phone, and dialed a number.
At this time, downstairs where the signboard of Liyun Advertising Creative Co., Ltd. was hung, a group of people surrounded the door, holding iron rods and other instruments in their hands, shouting loudly.
However, because the rolling shutter door of the company was closed, those gangsters could not enter. In addition to cursing, they could only surround the company. In the lobby of the company, Xiaoyun and Zhou Li looked at the swinging rolling shutter door, frowning slightly.
Wrinkle. At this time, Zhao Zhuowen walked down the stairs quickly and said: "Xiao Li, don't worry, I have already called my friends in the bureau and they will be here soon." Xiao Yun said strangely: "We
Haven't we already paid the protection fee? Why are they still unwilling to let us go?" After saying this, she looked at Zhao Zhuowen and asked, "You haven't done anything to them, have you?" Among the three of them, she and Zhou
Li had never provoked those gangsters, and the only possible one was Zhao Zhuowen. The latter said: "Their behavior that day seriously violated the law, so I took them to court through the law firm." After hearing this,
, Xiaoyun said helplessly: "No wonder they will retaliate against us. Mr. Zhao, I know your good intentions, but they are gangsters, and your methods are of no use to them." Zhao Zhuowen shook his head and said: "I don't believe that the law can't punish us severely.
They." As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and the rolling shutter door at the entrance of the company actually cracked.
"Be careful!" As soon as Xiaoyun said this, she saw the front of a car crashing through the door and rushing directly into the lobby. The door opened and Hong Lei walked out quickly holding an iron rod with a ferocious look on his face.
He looked at Xiaoyun and the other three lewdly and cursed: "Damn it, you think I can't deal with you if you close the door, right?" Zhao Zhuowen plucked up his courage and said: "Mr. Hong, you destroy other people's property, I can totally do it."
"Yes, your sister!" Hong Lei yelled and yelled: "You are the bastard who dares to sue me. I will show you today. Brothers, come on and take care of this guy." After the words fell,
More than a dozen young people immediately rushed towards Zhao Zhuowen. The iron rod fell, and Zhao Zhuowen was hit in the head with a stick before he even had time to shout out, causing blood to flow out.
"Zhuo Wen!" Zhou Li's face changed, and she shouted with worry: "Stop, stop it." However, no one paid attention to her. Seeing this, Zhou Li gritted her teeth and rushed over quickly, wanting to protect her.
Zhao Zhuowen was beaten.
"Xiaoli, be careful." As soon as Xiaoyun shouted, a gangster raised the iron rod in his hand and hit Zhou Li hard.
However, at this moment, a hand that was not too big and even quite delicate suddenly stretched out from the crowd and grabbed the iron rod lightly. The gangster turned around and looked at the strange young man who appeared in front of him.